Hellish Situation

'Here's where my battle style begins to become distinct. It has to entirely complement my own temperament. Therefore, it must include 3 attributes. Explosiveness, Sharpness, and Fluidity.'

With one idea coming to mind for his initial playstyle, Kaiden resolutely exclaimed, "Therefore, I know exactly what I need to make!"

Gripping his sword, Kaiden didn't shy away from this battle as it was time to create skills. He had been through enough fights where he had to rely 98% of the time on his basic attacks; hence, now it was time to create connective skills to supplement his basic attack.

Dashing into the perception range of the Twilight Wolves, Kaiden lifted his blade to his chest holding it in an awkward position, almost as if it was a type of army salute. However, the movement that followed after created an obscure feeling – a feeling that no matter which direction you calculated, you would ultimately be pierced by this blade work.

While twisting his wrist, Kaiden explosively thrust his sword forward creating a gust of wind now that his Strength was over 100, however, the sword didn't seem to follow a straight trajectory, rather it seemed as if multiple trajectories were mixed in, making the skill capable of multiple variations while still only focusing on one point.

One of the Twilight Ash Wolves lunged forward, but its movement didn't interrupt Kaiden's motion. His sword was still focusing in on a vulnerable point of the Wolves body, the point located right between its eyebrows. Then it happened, taking an abrupt short step, for an imperceptible moment; Kaiden's body halted as if it were frozen in time.

Opposing the earth below, drawing the sword back into the salute position. Kaiden lowered his body, followed by the twitch of his posterior chain muscles and a low muffled explosive sound was heard as Kaiden accelerated at breakneck speed, denting the ground and thrusting his sword at the glabella located in between the Twilight Wolf's eyebrows.

-785! (Vital Critical)

However, it wasn't over. Producing another burst of force, Kaiden's posterior muscle chain contracted and fired at the same time, performing the second strike. 'TSCH'. A piercing noise was heard followed by a painful howl.


-4,808! (Execution Critical)

'This is the feeling, once the attributes breakthrough 100, battle flows so much smoother. I can capitalize on a majority of my body's movements and combat inspirations now...I need to make this a skill though it is consuming looking at his stamina. '320/455'

Rather than consuming Mana like its magic counterpart, in Liberation mode activating Skills or rather just any movement in general caused bodily fatigue resulting in the loss of Stamina. As for the stamina regeneration rate, in battle, it is half of the projected value on the character panel.

Exhaling, Kaiden picked up his forefoot and started to lean forward, descending, when his foot was just about to touch the ground, he stamped the ground shooting towards the wounded Twilight Ash Wolf. 'The others will soon group, therefore, I need to get rid of this wounded one immediately.'

Activating Fleeting Surge, Kaiden's agility once again rose as he raised his sword, abruptly chopped down with immense Strength, causing the air below the blade to lightly vibrate once again striking down on the wolf's head.

-781! (Vital Critical)

Drawing back his blade, Kaiden held his blade closed to his body rotating his torso, slashing horizontally, continuing the motion he shifted his feet closer together and propelled his body with his right foot, causing a second leftward acceleration and an even more abrupt slash along the same horizontal plane.

'Ding! Ding!'

'System: Please name your new Advanced Combat Technique.'

'System: You have created a new Skill, please name.'

"Second Drive - Burst and 2nd Tempest Style: Revolving Phantom."

[Second Drive – Burst] (Advanced Combat Technique) – Creates a successive abrupt force, generating a 2nd acceleration instantaneously. The strike following this technique increases the attack speed by 50% and damage by 20%. Piercing strikes experience a 60% piercing strength increase. Consumes Stamina and Concentration.

[2nd Tempest Style - Revolving Phantom] (Special Active) – Level 1/10. Using the already built up revolving motion perform a horizontal strike, then apply extra force creating centripetal acceleration, following the same sword path deliver an even stronger accelerated blow. The first strike deals 120% of Attack Power, the second strike deals 175% of Attack Power, and 50% increased chance of critical.

Cooldown: 55 seconds. Skill Proficiency: (0/1,000). Requirement: Sword Weapon, 50 Dexterity.

'Yes, continue…what's another attack method that should be on the cusp of creating a skill? Ah, that's right."

Dropping his stance, focusing his weight on the tip of his toes, Kaiden poured strength into his blade-wielding shoulder, leaning forward Kaiden stamped, hurling forward powerfully deliver a triple-slash combo, each slash successively increasing in tempo. Following this systematic action, Kaiden repeated the movement repeatedly on the wolves in his vicinity.

Finally, a while later when only 2 Twilights Wolves remained with less than 50% of their health remaining, Kaiden received the notification he was training for.

'System: New skill has been created, please name.'

"3rd Tempest Style: Triple Assault"

[3rd Tempest Style - Triple Assault] (Special Active) – Level 1/10. Embodying the fierceness of the violent wind, bombard your target with 3 powerful strikes where each successive strike compounds on the previous one. The first strike deals 140% of Attack Power, the second strike deals 200% of Attack Power, and the final strike deals 260% attack power.

Cooldown: 65 seconds. Skill Proficiency: (0/1,000). Requirement: Sword Weapon, 50 Agility, and Dexterity.

'Haah...haah'… 'Stamina 69/455'

"This is…so taxing yet rewarding.", muttered Kaiden steeling himself to deal with the remaining 2 wolves.

"Young adventurer you are an absolute godsend, none of my merchandise is experiencing damage! Ahaha.", jubilantly exclaimed Penni.

'Tch, you need to eat more.'

When Penni laughed, the protruding cheekbones became prominent as you could see the facial bones shifting during the laughter. 'Disgusting, he's like a walking dead at this point.'

Engaging the wolves, with his dangerously low Stamina Kaiden resorted to using the attack pattern he used in the beginning. Holding the sword in a salute position, Kaiden sprinted forward in motion, stabbing out his sword in a fluid fencing motion, piercing the neck of a Twilight Ash Wolf.

-767! (Vital Critical)

After this motion, Kaiden's Concertation which was drastically improved just that he was currently unaware, started to bottom out. It was a feeling – one he hadn't felt in a couple of hours, a faint headache was building. The amount of stress he was putting on his brain was enormous considering that he was still Lv.11 with a basic class performing ridiculous movements. He was pushing his stats to the utmost effect.

Continuously, Kaiden stabbed out alternating between the two Twilight Wolf's potential vital spots. However, because of his reducing Stamina and thinning Concentration, Kaiden's evasive movements sometimes fell short, albeit minimally. As a result, he was still damaged.

-142 appeared over Kaiden's head, vanquishing 1/10 of his health.

'Faster…Faster…I to kill them faster!'

Gritting his teeth, down to 13% Health, Kaiden performed Second Drive multiple times, creating 2 tier stab attacks, but his mind began droning and the last wolf monster had 3% Health left.


Activating Second Drive – Burst one last time, Kaiden accelerated piercing his blade through the open mouth of the last Twilight Ash Wolf, 2 system notifications sounding.

'System: Over-Leveled Kill. Level Difference: 6. 155% Experience bonus applied. Lv.17 Twilight Ash Wolf (Special Elite) slain. 1330 Experience gained.'

'System: You have created a new skill, please name it.'

"…1st Tempest Style: Origin Piercing Light.", huffed Kaiden as he dropped to the floor completely devoid of stamina. The aftereffects of the previous battles built-up fatigue finally presented itself as it rushed at him like a tidal wave, a dizzy spell ensuing.

[1st Tempest Style - Origin Piercing Light] (Special Active) – Level 1/10. A violent thrust that homes the user's intended target, for who shall stop it when all they see is a piercing light encompassing all variations? Deals 400 fixed piercing damage + 150% of Attack Damage. Value triples if Vital Critical is dealt by using this skill.

Cooldown: 45 seconds. Skill Proficiency: (0/1,000). Requirement: Sword Weapon

"Penni, 30 minutes and we move out again. I will be unable to protect your merchandise if we move from this area at this moment.", informed Kaiden.

Not to mention, being that this a quest, the quest boss would inevitably show up no matter what if they crossed a certain point, therefore, Kaiden would rather not be stuck in a situation where his chances were already destroyed.

"Ok, we can spare 30 minutes, anything for the value of my precious loot! Nothing else matters more than my magnificent loot!", agreed Penni.

In light of Kaiden exhausting the entire contents of his Stamina in combination with his actual Concentration, rather than just needing a brief 2 minutes to recover his Stamina, the additional time he requested was meant for his brain to recuperate, resolving the strain it had undergone.

35 minutes later, Kaiden ended up in a state suitable for more guarding duties, picking up his Tempest Blade and traveling a step behind the caravan. When a few ringing noises were heard.

'Ding! Ding! Ding!'

Kaiden received 3 messages from other users, 1 was Gentle Whisper while the other 2 users who were reacting to his post on the forums.

Gentle Whisper: "Hey Key, we're past Level 10 now and have situated ourselves in Crescent Wake Town, are you in town? If not, I and the others will pick up some quests and form a 4-man leveling party."

"I'm not in town Bella, I told Arty to relay my message to you guys that I would be doing some solo leveling as well as preparing to create stable foundations for our guild. Tch, silly Hollow. I'll see you guys sometime soon though.", replied Kaiden closing her message channel.

As for the other messages it was from an Apprentice Alchemist and Blacksmith.

"Hello, I've just read through your post on the forum. My name is Overbearing Hammer, are you perhaps in need of a Blacksmith? I'm a Dwarven Blacksmith, currently, an Advanced Blacksmith Apprentice, not sure how good my progress is but I don't believe I'm too lacking at all."

"My name is Wine Soul, an Alchemist Apprentice, an Intermediate one in fact, on the cusp of Advanced. Do you need an Alchemist? I'll be more than happy to provide my services."

'The bait has caught some fish.', smiled Kaiden.

Responding to both recipients with the same message Kaiden said,

"Yes, I'm in need of you, your qualifications are well more than enough. I have an offer here. Would you be interested in signing an exclusive deal with me that will in the future forever change your lives?"

Closing the message system, Kaiden refocused on the mission.

Looking through the lush forest, filled with a generous number of trees which created a very comforting smell of nature, Kaiden and the caravan surprisingly traveled quite a distance without being further confronted by any straggling wolfs or any other types of monsters.

However, Kaiden didn't perceive this as a good sign but rather his perception and keen intuition translated this into a foreboding omen, where nothing but a perilous situation was bound to come.

The premise behind Kaiden's assumption was logical. In an area of multiple predators, when does the activity of a majority of the predators cease? When the apex predator, the top of the food chain is on its own patrol in its territory.

Being driven to confirm his assumption, Kaiden uttered. "Halt, and don't make any noise."

Closing his eyes, Kaiden using nothing but the sole sense of hearing, Kaiden began attempting to pinpoint the sounds of the forest. Factoring out the rustle of foliage, he was looking for more distinct noises such as heavy breathing produced by huge lung capacity. After 10 seconds, his ears twitched slightly as a breathing noise similar to the Twilight Ash Wolfs but at least 10 times denser was picked up resulting in Kaiden gripping his blade.

"An inevitable battle is upcoming. Something ahead that is absolutely overpowering resides up ahead. I'm not sure exactly how far or what it is but by the absence of any other's monster presence it will be something strong."

Switching positions, Kaiden now stood in front of the caravan as the upcoming battle may unfold at any time, not to mention with the unknown status of the target, Kaiden was unable to take any chances at the risk of failing the quest.

Calming any remaining anxiety, Kaiden's tense nerves became lax as he took it upon himself to restart the trudge down the forest path, only a brief 20% of the path remained. And in this 20% was a problematic existence.

Reaching the remaining 10% of the tread, Kaiden paused for there was an ominous feeling being discharged 50 meters ahead.

"Don't proceed any further! Heed my warning!", warned Kaiden dashing forth deeper in the forest. Now located a short distance away from Kaiden, the origin of the ominous presence was located… as it was shockingly terrifying.

Standing before Kaiden, yes, standing on two developed hind legs was a humongous wolf – a bipedally evolved Wolf, 4.5 meters tall. Its physique reminiscent of a human just much more muscularly endowed. Its maw was the length of Kaiden's entire arm length. And its reach…its reach simply said one thing. Getting up close without sufficient Agility was an impending death sentence.

Gripping his blade, Kaiden observed the information of the entity standing before him.

Lv.19 Lohti the Devouring Werewolf (Lord Rank Boss)

Health: 62,000/62,000 (100%)

"!!, This is much more demanding than I even imagined.", looking down at his blade Kaiden frowned. 'This thing is so obsolete for me now even if it's a Gold Rank weapon, it just no longer suffices. But it will HAVE to do.'

'Okay so, 8 levels higher than me… that's a 40% suppression already. I'll have to battle under the assumption that I deal no more than 40% of my original damage.'

Sprinting into the clutches of uncertainty, Kaiden smirked with his blade in hand as he was experiencing a heartfelt thrill of the unknown, which he began the fight by activating Tempest Endowment and Fleeting Surge in accordance before launching Charge.

However, to his regret, Lohti expressed a horrifying smile, one that would send chills down your spine as teeth size of daggers were on display. The human-like smirk unsettled Kaiden but he was unable to react as he was closing in on the boss.

Unfortunately, it was at this moment, Kaiden knew…. He fucked up!

Lohti disappeared into a phantom image as Kaiden's shoulder collided with and dispersed a translucent afterimage. Appearing behind Kaiden, Lohti raised its right claw sending a powerful upward slash at Kaiden's back.

Despite his attempts to block the blow by turning and guarding with his sword, Kaiden was launched through at a speed on par with a comet in the starry night sky.


A loud resounding thud was heard as Kaiden's body was implanted into a tree located high above his previous position.

"Augh…ugh…", coughing and gasping from one blow, Kaiden was disoriented unable to recover in a brief moment.

Groaning in extreme pain, Kaiden grumbled, "F-FUCK...who designed…this boss? Ugh..."