Establishing Initial Dominance

'System: Over-Leveled Kill. Level Difference: 8. 305% Experience bonus applied. Lv.19 Lohti the Devouring Werewolf (Lord Rank Boss) slain. 203,130 Experience gained.'

'System: Congratulations, you have killed the first Lord Rank Boss alone, rewards raised 1 tier. Rewarding 2 Violet Gold Treasure Chest, 5 Gold, 50 Mastery Points & 100 Reputation points.

'System: Will you be broadcasting your name with your achievements? Y/N?'

As Kaiden's character raised to Lv.14 (3,500/105,000), he was exhausted and also bombarded with system alerts. Laying on the now dilapidated floor as a result of the previous boss battle, not that far from Latahhya, Kaiden answered.

"Yes, broadcast." An instant later, the system generated 3 quick announcements. The reaction to which was nothing but an uproar all over the Sanctoria World, as well as a spew of dark curses and utter fanaticism on the forum.

Pendragon Kingdom Area System Announcement:

Congratulations to user Unsheathed for solo killing the first Lord Rank Boss, Lv.19 Lohti the Devouring Werewolf. Rewarding Luck +1, Level +1, 2 Gold, and 50 Reputation.

Fraust Empire Area System Announcement:

Congratulations to user Unsheathed for solo killing the first Lord Rank Boss, Lv.19 Lohti the Devouring Werewolf. Rewarding Luck +3, 5 Gold, 25 Mastery Points, and 100 Reputation.

Sanctoria World System Announcement:

Congratulations to user Unsheathed for solo killing the first Lord Rank Boss, Lv.19 Lohti the Devouring Werewolf. Rewarding Luck +5, 10 Gold, Starfire Blade, and 200 Reputation.

Throughout the world, the notifications rang and echoed consistently creating events comparable to riots – conversations along the lines of "Who the hell put this guy in the game?" … "Can we stop seeing his damn name already! FUCK!" … "I swear he must be a developer's child; this is illogical!"

Meanwhile, Kaiden sat exhausted while having a dumbfounded expression plastered on his face, the notifications elevating him to Lv.15. He was unable to wrap his mind, around the baffling events taking place. Within seconds, he jumped 4 levels. That was simply insane!

Honestly, it was worth it though, as the amount of strain his body was under in that fight now rendered him unable to take that type of treatment for an extensive period of time.

At that moment, 2 extra system alerts went off.

Ding! Ding!

'System: You have 2 private messages; will you be answering them? Y/N?'


Immediately after the two voice recorded messages appeared.

Overbearing Hammer: "Yes, I'm interested! So long as my life changes for the better I am willing to even travel into deep recesses of your colon and dislodge any crap stuck in there."

Unable to process the stupidity spewing from this person, Kaiden chuckled as he already started to like this guy's personality.

Wine Soul: "I am interested, I leave the better part of my fate in your hands. J-Just don't abuse it!"

'Now that I notice it, Wine Soul might be a girl but why did she name herself Wine Soul if she's an Alchemist?', shrugging Kaiden replied to the messages.

"Okay, look these over and tell me if you accept.", replied Kaiden, issuing them the refurbished Destiny Sealing Contract for their position, afterward closing the message channel.

Ignoring the loot for a second, he looked at the new shimmering blade in his inventory as he drooled. It was a heaven send, one that caused his pure elation.

[Starfire Blade] (Violet Gold)

Lv.15 One-handed Sword

Attack Power 104 | Attack Speed: 2

Strength +28, Agility +22, Dexterity +21

Equipment Skill (Meteor Descent) – Delivers a powerful downward slash dealing 275% damage and 25% splash damage in a 3 x 3-meter area. Cooldown: 2 minutes.

Durability 70/70, Requirement: Warrior Class, 60 Strength

'Strong! At least for the current stage of this game that is.'

Equipping his new sword, Kaiden's attributes skyrocketed, causing him to lightly swing the sword until he was accustomed to the blade's shape and attribute boost.

Turning back towards the currently unconscious Latahhya, Kaiden really got a good look at her figure and facial features, only the details of her eyes eluded him.

Maybe it was because she now had a wolf bloodline in her or perhaps her physique was naturally like this, but the suppleness and thickness of her lower half barely matched the top half. Her chest left much to be desired, if they were compared to normal standards, they would be at the cusp of B cups.

Her waist while not overly thin, was curvaceous – possessing the optimal circumference for a person who would want to embrace her, and boy would that be the masses. Her hips were the definition of childbearing hips in excess, but at least it wasn't a disheartening situation where the hips were wide, but the derriere was a plateau. In other words, FLAT!

Her butt was ample, in fact not only was it ample, but it was perky. It had roundness that made you just want to squeeze and perhaps never let go. As for the sensation, it seemed to exude the feeling of having a softness teetering on the brink of impossibility. The actual sensation, Kaiden was unaware of due to him not wanting to touch an unconscious person.

As for her face, well her feature possessed a sort of wild charm, this was definitely an additive of her foreign bloodline. Her eyebrows were sharp, yet thick. The bridge of her nose smooth, yet a tinge wide. However, it blended in perfectly with her smooth shapely face creating a sublime picture. Adding in her luscious pink with a hint of cream lips, she was a step of above a world-class beauty.

Now – if only her eyes were open; to complete that compelling scene.

Stripping his gaze away from the alluring figure of Latahhya, Kaiden finally organized the loot, there was an abundance of copper coins and a few silver. 5 equipment pieces and a skill book. Luckily, he found a 3rd piece of the Flowing Assaulter set.

[Flowing Assaulter Waist Guard] (Violet Gold)

Lv.10 Light Armor Equipment Set

Defense +40

Strength +14, Agility +12, Dexterity +11, Endurance +7

Set Effect:

3/5 – Increases Strength by 25, Damage by 10%

4/5 – Increases Agility by 20, Dexterity by 18

5/5 – Increases Health by 500, Strength, Agility, Dexterity by 20. Increases damage by 15%

Durability 50/50, Requirement: Lv.10, 41 Strength

[Genesis Breath] (Unique Active) – Lv1/10. Heals the party in the area of 5x5 meter by 450 Health + 40% of Spirit Attribute. Consumes 125 Mana. Cooldown: 2 minutes. Skill Proficiency: (0/2,000)

Finally, being able to switch his inadequate belt, Kaiden equipped the Flowing Assaulter Waist Guard – enabling the 3-piece set effect.

Preparing to embark on the rest of the journey Kaiden remembers to check the state of his title.

[The Path You Tread Is Sacred] (Epic Title) - +25% All Attributes including Hidden ones, +3 Free Attribute per level and Skill proficiency gained upon skill usage increased to a minimum, 3. Growth Title, Affinity with NPCs start at Friendly. Next Rank: 0/10 World System Announcements.

'!! My goodness, just wait until this reaches the Legendary level, though it now takes 10 World Announcements…'

The whole server unaffiliated with Kaiden would only someday cross the borders of hating to depths of wanting nothing but to extinguish his existence.

Leaving the helpless maiden where she laid, Kaiden reconvened with Penni, continuing the journey after a slight rest, knowing that an extensive one wouldn't completely solve his dreariness. With any upcoming battles, he would be using pure skills over movements, for he was scared of being logged out before completely capitalizing on his advantages.

The end of the journey actually took longer than the distance implied for the rest of the road wasn't a straight line, rather the forest path began wrapping around certain trees that couldn't be uprooted as they held symbolic meanings in the forest.

The remaining kilometer was stretched to 2.5 kilometers which in turn extended the trip slightly. However, Kaiden was heaving a sigh of relief that his quest only entailed forest guarding.

Eventually, 25 minutes later Kaiden and Penni in tow with the merchandise caravan made it out of the forest, only facing 1 extra bout with simple Crescent Mark Wolves, which Kaiden easily dispatched with his newfound combat power.

"Thank you, young adventurer for protecting my merchandise, for if anything was damaged, I fear I would lose my crap, and suffer an embolism. So, I thank you again! However, BYE I MUST MAKE MY MONEY haha!", whipping the reigns before Kaiden could even reply the horse pulled caravan accelerated off into the distance.

Chuckling, all Kaiden could do was shake his head as he doubled back, retracing the step of their journey.

25 minutes later, arriving back at the same spot he slew Lohti.

The scenery was the same, however, it also wasn't the same as the once prone Latahhya was now sitting up, quizzically examining the surroundings she was in.

Startled, Kaiden stopped a distance away from Latahhya, unsure how he was supposed to approach her or even if he should approach her. Simply he was apprehensive that she would still possess memories of their prior battle and harbor negative feelings.

However, Kaiden remembered the new addition to his [The Path You Tread Is Sacred] title and approached her, "Hi."

Startled by his presence as she was too absorbed in examining to notice him, she jumped as she replied, "Oh! H-Hi."

"How are you, I'm Unsheathed. Do you know where you are?"

"Yes, I'm in the Forest of Adenundrum.", curtly answered Latahhya as if she were sure her response was irrefutable.

"The what? Jigglypuff this is Crescent Forest; I don't know where you were before, but you ended up here…through a situation unknown.", replied Kaiden, pausing in the middle and rearranging his thought to try to remain as a stranger lest something untoward him happens.

"Jiggly…puff? I'm Latahhya, Unsheathed if that's what you meant.", corrected Latahhya as she examined his figure and features.

"Ahem oh yes.", slightly blushed Kaiden, thanking the heavens she wasn't a human to understand that reference.

Commencing in a trivial talk, Kaiden went on to find out that her memories were sort of a blur following the incident when she was bitten in the Forest of Adenundrum, offering her the chance to travel back to town with him.

To which she responded by nodding as she felt Kaiden was easy to get along with as she was under the influence of his title. Standing, Latahhya dusted off her skintight amber bodysuit similar to the one Hunters wore, the scene that followed was heavenly.

Two seat cushions of divine proportions jiggled for what seemed like an eternity which caused Kaiden to be encased by stupor, only a loud audible gulp being heard as Kaiden watched Latahhya with hawk eyes.


Unfortunately, unlike many typical games that introduced Return Scrolls early on in the game, to regulate the timetable for leveling speed at the low levels, didn't have Return Scrolls on sale in town. Meaning, for map travel at this point, it was all manual labor.

Reaching the gates of Crescent Wake Town, Kaiden and Latahhya headed in the direction Kaiden lead – the alley he first met Kairo in.

Surprisingly Kairo's presence wasn't there. However, as Kaiden stood there 3 seconds later a rift open and Kairo's began forming from obscurity.

"Huh…you have already completed your task?", waving his hand Kairo sent intangible energy that pierced through Kaiden unbeknownst to him. Kairo began nodding in pride, jubilant over the experiences he extracted from Kaiden.

"Excellent, the existence you have slain was indeed leagues above you, however, you didn't shy away. You have embodied a shred of the tenacity I will be instilling in you.", praised Kairo.

[Quest Complete!]

You have completed the quest Inheritance – Destiny Alteration 2/3 (Spiritual).

Assessment: SSS

Clear Time: 5:47:58

Rewards: Level +2, 1000 Gold, [8 Divine Gates Celestial Body Constitution] Training Scroll.

Receiving his rewards, Kaiden was ecstatic as his body was engulfed another golden radiance, checking the contents of the new scroll in his inventory, his expression changed to one filled with horrific amazement.

[8 Divine Gates Celestial Body Constitution] (Spiritual Growth)

A special constitution consisting of 8 components that must be trained in a unique way. Unlike other constitutions just trained by extracting experience from your skills. You must actively train yourself, tempering all aspects of yourself in environments rich in energy to open a Gate, only then can you extract experience to nurture the Gates. The Gates are divided into 2 features: Auxillary and Dynamic. Available Gate to open:

1. [Gate of Physical Exaltation] – Located between your pectorals:

Early Stage (1-25%): Strength +100 | Middle Stage (26-68%): Strength +250 | Late Stage (69-99%): Strength +500 | Perfection (100%): Strength +1000

Requirement: Unsealed Constitution, Cultivator

Unable to utter anything, silently standing Kaiden. Kaiden smirks knowing the feelings that are currently coursing through Kaiden's mind, therefore taking lead.

"You have shown exemplary performance, now all that lays before beginning the rite of passage is for you to mold your heart in one direction – your growth. Always stay loyal to your growth, for you take precedence.", commanded Kairo in a tone which sparked Kaiden's inner pride.

'Quest Alert: Do you accept [Inheritance – Destiny Alteration 3/3 (Spiritual)? Y/N?'

[Inheritance – Destiny Alteration 3/3 (Spiritual)

Information: Appeased by the potential you possess and the qualities you have shown, Kairo is now more than content with you as his proper successor. Swear to the dying Kairo, that you will forever live by his practices, propelling them to new heights he couldn't previously reach. Ultimately surpassing him letting his legacy once again resound throughout the throes of time while setting your own legacy in stone.


Task 1/1 – Swear upon yourself, to always honor the actions Kairo took and never oppress your followers under you becoming like the beings he despises.

Rewards: Kairo's full inheritance including his belongings and skillset.


'Quest Accepted!'

Turning to Kairo, Kaiden's expression became solemn as this was one of the most serious expressions he had worn in his life. Bowing his head, Kaiden announced word by word in a resolute manner,

"Kairo, from this day forth I shall never dishonor your inheritance. For the ones who have blasphemed you and us, I will charge forth with my sword in tow, rampaging against any and all who stand in my way. Through the tenacity I build, I will bring about the change you seek!"

Exhaling, Kaiden's shoulders felt sturdier than they have ever been as he had also set a firm goal for himself as he lifted his head staring directly into Kairo's piercing eyes.

Smiling, a profound smile mixed with gratitude and a tinge of pride, Kairo nodded and placed his index finger on Kaiden's forehead.

"I accept you, with this, you shall be my sole successor more worthy than the heaven's and firmer than the Earth.", the aura surrounding the pair was first heavy until it shifted to being serene as Kairo bestowed upon Kaiden all the basis of his abilities, granted at a much, much lower tier as they stood of 2 complete different planes.

'Quest Completed!

Rewards: Profession – Ancient Spiritual Cultivator, Kairo's Layered Spiritual Ring, Kairo's Teaching.

'System: Congratulations you have been granted the Hidden Inheritance – Battle Profession: Ancient Spiritual Cultivator.'

You have been granted the following things:

-Stamina and Mana stat removed and interchanged for Inner Energy.

-All the Profession skills granted will be Growth Skills.

- [Ancient Spiritual Cultivator – Stage 1] (Battle Profession) – To increase its level, this Profession absorbs 2% of the experience from Monsters, or circulating your energy in private.

[Holy Trinity Cultivation Method] (Growth Passive) – Level 1/12. Trains the Mind, Body, and Soul to the pinnacle leaving you to breakthrough all secular boundaries starting your mystical journey. Increases All Attributes by 10. Fortitude and Concentration affected differently.

[Internal Property – Piercing Tenacity] (Growth Passive) – Level 1/10. In front of you, all Defenses will become worthless! Your body has condensed special energy. Attacks ignore 20% of Defense.

[Eidetic Memory – Enlightened Comprehension] (Growth Passive) – Level 1/10. Lowers the threshold of learning created skill from the hundreds to simply 10. It allows you to learn from certain NPCs. Enables you to learn Natural and Abstract concepts.

[Firmament Piercing Eyes] (Growth Passive) – Level 1/5. Grants the ability to identify unidentified items, (Up to Platinum Rank items currently.), see hidden player information, and increases eyesight range and intensity, adding effects.

[Auspicious Presence] (Growth Passive) – Level 1/5. Increases Luck by 25.

Slack-jawed, Kaiden was unable to think of the proper words to say as this profession was too godly in only its initial stage, he was unable to think of the immensity that this profession would contain at its peak!

Clenching his fist as the effects of the new skills ensued, and the foreign Inner Energy coursed through him, Kaiden muttered, "Amazing! Thank you."

[Kairo's Layered Spatial Ring] (Growth Inheritance Item)

Ring Equipment

Current Stage: 1/12

Inner Energy +400

Contains your inheritance dowry, the ring is internally separated into 12 distinct levels. The first level's seal is unlocked at Stage One and so on. It also serves as your personal storage bank. Nothing drops.

Current Availability: Up to the First level.

Soul bound to Unsheathed. Can't de dropped, traded, or sold.

Looking inside, what Kaiden saw absolutely baffled him, there were 2 shimmering items that looked pristine, amongst a small pile of gold.