Kairo's Teachings 1

Enthralled by the 2 shimmering equipment's radiance, Kaiden released them from the sealed spatial dimension. An action that caused Kaiden to grin for an extended period of time.

'System: Melding the inventory functions and the independent spatial dimension together, establishing your unique Inventory. Please hold.'


'System: Completed, the layered spatial dimension now holds the same properties as your inventory!'

Following the same rules as the original Inventory, if Kaiden opening the spatial dimension using the ring or command, no one except him could see the spatial anomaly unless it was someone who was well versed in Spatial practices such as; a Saint or a Special Class.

In addition, because this anomaly was only a mirrored one that didn't actually exist on this plane and was only projected, items residing inside could only be removed and never dropped. Basically, Kaiden avoided HAVING to purchase a small storage warehouse and was now a mobile one.

Filled with indescribable elation by the items he pulled out of the dimension, an ear-shattering roar followed.

"HAHA! YES! These are perfect, I will take this server by storm and create the kingdom you wanted in which confronts everything!"

[Supreme Treasured Possession – Angurvadal] (Weakened, Spiritual)

One-Handed Sword, Growth Equipment

Current Rank: Violet Gold (Spiritual)

Current Level: 17

Attack Power 110

Attack Speed: 3

All Attributes +25

Additional Damage +15%, Ignore 5 Levels

Effect: Attacks have a 20% of causing a 2-second stun.

Passive Equipment Skill (Spiritual Aftershock): Attacks deal splash damage, dealing 25% of the original damage to every target it hits in a 10x10 meter area.

Active Equipment Skill 1 (Treasured Sword's Sharpness): Increases damage dealt by 40% for 25 seconds. Cooldown: 1 hour.

Active Equipment Skill 2 (Spiritual Outburst) – Increases Strength, Agility, Dexterity, and Vitality by 125% for 30 seconds by consuming 80% of your Inner Energy. Extreme Fatigue State for 30 minutes afterward. Cooldown: 12 hours.

[Locked until Epic Rank]

[Locked until Legendary Rank]

Description: Once Kairo's prized possession created with the imbuement of his Vital Spirit causing it to surpass the ranks of Divine equipment, however after being fatally damaged and searching the world for uncountable millennia it became the inheritance of whoever would become his successor. Damaged in the process of his final brutal fight, the Weapon Spirit is slumbering. It is now up to the holder to nourish it with their Spiritual Essence (Experience) and return it to its former glory.

Soulbound: unable to be dropped, sold, or traded. Absorbs 5% of the experience gained by the monsters this sword slays.

Next Rank: Absorb 2,000,000 Experience: Platinum (0/2,000,000)

[Nine Star Pendant – Heirloom] (Sealed Spiritual)

Growth Equipment, Necklace

Current Level: 17

Current Rank: Silver (Sealed)

All Attributes +15

Passive Equipment Skill (Cultivation Hastening) – Increases the profession absorption rate of experience from 2% > 5%.

Passive Equipment Skill (Kairo's Immortal Embrace) – When hit with a fatal blow, it provides 9 seconds of immortality while restoring 5% Health per second. Cooldown: 16 hours.

[Sealed until Stage 3]

[Sealed until Stage 5]

[Sealed until Stage 7]

[Sealed until Stage 9]

[Sealed until Stage 10]

[Sealed until Stage 11]

[Sealed until Stage 12]

Description: Item specifically made by Kairo for his successor. Leaving part of his soul inside, he will always be with his successor watching over after his physical is long gone. Soulbound: unable to be dropped, sold, or traded.

The inheritance items presented incredibly unique looks. Depending on the angle of light Angurvadal sometime shone with crystalline luster, a midnight sliver, or a faint cerulean blue. However, the Nine Star Pendant had a very distinct appearance.

The chain situated on the ends shined with a silver luster that exuberated properties of mithril or an even rarer metal. On the main piece of the pendant, now hanging between Kaiden's chest. A circular diagram situated with 9 distinct colors, inscribes with tiny mystical symbols: runes.

Around the sectioned outer ring, a variety of colors identical to the colors of the rainbow just more vibrant. On the inside, however, was a circle split in two, one side a pure milky white while the other side was darker than the unwelcoming abyss.

Looking over to Latahhya, Kairo nodded while rubbing his chin.

"Prime physique, bitten by a Crimson Wolf. My successor, do you want her as one of your battle aides?"

"Combat Aide?", taking a second look at Latahhya's physique, Kaiden realized that while her body was supple, her muscles were also well-defined hiding strength – something he picked up with his Firmament Piercing Eyes.

He was conflicted, "Do you want to be a Combat Aide?", rather than impose his will on her, he'd rather her determine her outcome with her own thoughts.

However, inspired by the combat loving Crimson Wolf bloodline, Latahhya was more than tempted to comply as a feeling told her, following this tall handsome fellow would result in fulfilling battles.

"Yes, I'm willing.", nodded Latahhya as swear turned toward Kaiden.

With a faint smirk, Kairo lifted both his arms performing a multitude of strange gestures while chanting an obscure scripture. Suddenly, a mystical chain coalesced from Kaiden's chest linking to Latahhya's.

'System: You are forcefully invoking a Combat Aide contract that has yet to be introduced in the game, changing the contents to a more suitable connection.'

Ding! 'System: You are now partnered with Latahhya, an Essence Linked Combat Aide Contract has been made.'

Swiping his arm, Kairo opened a Spatial Rift whose other side looked like nothing. "Step inside, both of you, I'll guard you with my energy."

Reaching the other side after who knows how long, Kaiden was disoriented when he landed and was also alerted by a notification.

'System: You have arrived in the Arrivdar - Forgotten Anomaly Realm, a spatial anomaly zone where time is warped flowing slower compared to the outside realm. 8 hours here is equivalent to 1 hour outside.'

Observing the area, it was nothing short of desolate. The sky was a dark red with the absence of sun or moon for that matter, all that resided in the sky was a sphere figure which was a deep black and crumbling. The environment was unsettling, breathing in the contents of the air made the lungs feel heavy like stone.

In addition, this setting also dulled the intensity of the senses. Kaiden could feel his physique was no better than a typical Lv.0 character. Looking at the towering disfigured mountains in the distance, Kaiden observed the conditions of the floor.

It was unstable, in some area red cracks flowed through the surface of the floor emitting noxious gases, however, serene energy covered the trio as they stood among the horrific environment.

"This will be your training environment - the Forgotten Anomaly Realm, as long as my life force is still lasting, I will be training you in the obscure ways. Tempering your experiences and broadening your prospects", informed Kairo as he began lifting the energy covering the duo.

'System: WARNING! The area is harmful to your physique! Stats reduced to starting value. Equipment unequipped."

Standing in bare robes, Kaiden's equipment receded into his Spatial Ring and his body felt sluggish, unable to move properly.

"In this state, until you can somewhat combat it – you will train here for 80 hours a day. First things first, we need you to study that scroll and unlock the corresponding Gate on your body. I never trained with that scroll as my Constitution was too advanced in its progress for me to abandon."[Quest Alert!]

'System: You have been presented with [Kairo's Teaching 1], do you accept? [Y/N]?'

[Kairo's Teaching 1- Energy] (Hidden Quest)

Information: Before Kairo perishes he will instill in you all the basics he deems essential. For now, follow his instruction until the day he deems you ready to embark on your journey as an existence who is headed down the correct path.


1/1 – Train with Kairo in this spatial anomaly zone, 80 hours a day (10 game hours) until you have learned the basics and began to perfect your constitution.

Reward: Energy Control, Energy Circulation, Gate Opening.

Time Limit: None, Duration determined by your learning progress.

"Y-…Yes!", exclaimed Kaiden strenuously as his lungs we similar to boulders at this point.

"Good now before we start, she's will need some remolding while her physique is good, it isn't suitable to bare your child or keep up with your potential."

Facing Latahhya, Kairo swiveled his hand as a violet fruit appeared in his hand as Kaiden was stunned by his words. 'Fucking babies?! This is an NPC!'

"This is a Bloodline Accentuating Fruit as well a Celestial Pathway Expunging Fruit, consume it and begin to remold yourself in this environment, it will be slower however it would be more meticulous as a result."

Frowning at fruit in Kairo's hand Kaiden slightly grimaced as Latahhya noticed the expression he was making through their connection. "Will…it hurt badly?"

Kairo chuckled turning into rambunctious laughter.

"HAHA! I'm sorry but badly is an understatement. Take childbirth pains increase it by a thousand-fold then slap yourself and maybe you will reach 10% of the sensation. You will want to kill yourself honestly, however, show us your resolve. Do you deserve my successor?"

Choking at Kairo's provocative words, all Kaiden could do was hold in a chuckle but Latahhya shot him a slight glare as she could subtly feel his emotions.

"H-Hmph, as if...I think you're bluffing…I will do it!", resolutely exclaimed Latahhya, as she held the fruit in her hand, staring at the palm-sized violet fruit for a moment. Steeling herself, she swallowed it Unfortunately, her firm willpower and reassurance weren't enough, a situation similar to Kaiden's ensued.

'A-Aggggh… mmmaggh!'

A girly, high-pitched, ear-piercing scream with painful groans mixed in resounded, however, snapping his fingers Kairo formed a thin cube-shaped veil over Latahhya which incased her sonorous sounds.

Clicking his tongue while sticking his pinky in his ear, Kairo muttered "Tch...annoying."

Focusing his entire attention and energy on Kaiden, Kairo lifting his arms controlling the atmosphere to avoid their presence for now as the verbal lesson was beginning.

"Now tell me, what is your view on Energy?"

Startled by the lifted pressure, Kaiden began contemplating the question heavily before replying."Energy is the substance that provides us with fuel to keep going with daily life and what sustains the environment."

Nodding as he accepted Kaiden's view he began to enlighten him. "Good basic perspective, however, not wholly correct."

Touching his left thumb and index finger together, afterward separating them a rotating silver tendril was floating between Kairo's fingers.

"While Energy is energy, it's also our substructure. Within every animate thing or being resides a type of energy, whether Life Energy, Destructive Energy, Creative Energy. Energy is also the basic form that the current society calls 'Mana'. Following?"

As Kaiden nodded, Kairo continued – "However, unlike Mana which is actively controlled and is a byproduct of Energy, Energy just exists and doesn't need to be controlled. Nor can you try to actively destroy Energy. It can only be converted to another type. Cultivators, now limited to you and me; build on top of this existential Energy, expelling the Mana we were born with and begin absorbing energy in its purest form."

Looking studious, Kaiden was wholeheartedly listening to the teachings of Kairo.

"Now, before anything you need to understand you can also create your own Mana which is just molded and simplified Energy. But why use Mana when you can use Energy in its rawest form? There are levels to the energy, namely: the 4 Origin Energies, 4 Pinnacle Energies, 8 Elemental Energies."

Origin Energies – Void Energy, Chaos Energy, Creation Energy, Destruction Energy.

"You must remember this correlation amongst the Origin – From within the Void came Chaos and through Chaos, Creation ensued but without Creation, there can be no Destruction and you can only have Creation once everything has experienced Destruction. It explains the properties of these energies."

Committing this to memory Kaiden continuously nodded and a thrill was rising from the pit of his stomach, it was the thrill of the knowledge of the beyond.

"Next we have the 4 Pinnacle Energies derived from the Origin."

Pinnacle Energies – Spatial Energy, Time Energy, Life Energy, and Death Energy

Interrupted as he was confused slightly on one point. "Wait, isn't Void Energy and Spatial Energy the same thing?"

"Good question, however, no. DAMMIT! Are you listening?! I just said they are derivatives. Void Energy is the most elusive energy, one that is abysmal, embodying the meaning of nothingness. To remain in the void is to remain nowhere but everywhere. The idea of Spatial Energy is to influence the actual area around, for example. If I were to teleport, I would be binding space around me, ripping it open and displacing myself to somewhere of my choosing by understanding space. All Pinnacle Energies are birthed from Origin Energies, therefore carrying some properties, but are limited."

Slicing his arm down, Kairo created a rift that leads to nowhere, it was a black area devoid of light or any matter. "This is the Void, opened by a void rift, it has no destination, it's just there, understand?"

Enlightened Kaiden nodded, "Ah! So, Space is the intangible area around us however, the Void is nothing but also everything."

"Precisely, now up next we have the 8 Elemental Energies which are namely: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Wood, Metal, Thunder and Lightning. Our basic elements. Any energies outside of this are derivatives of the 16 named energies. They are present in varying amounts in our stable world. Unfortunately, the method to manipulate the Origin is being sealed. And you are nowhere near the threshold to manipulate those."

"Before any further lessons, it's time for you to undergo the physical work instead of purely listening to the theoretical. Begin by trying to circulate your inner energy. Sit in a lotus position and focus inwardly."

Following the instruction, Kaiden sat and tried to move his Inner Energy...however, to his avail all that happened was the vibration of the energy and just that tiny reaction was voraciously consuming his Concentration.


Within 3 minutes his Concentration was drained as his eyes became unfocused blurs. As for the progress, he was able to influence the energy to move 1/10,000 of a full circulation. Surprised Kaiden was even able to shift the energy at Kairo nodded.

"Your potential is much better than I thought, to do what you just did I took 3 days. Meaning your base potential is at least 1000 times better than mine. I can't even conclude your heights.", openly praised Kairo.

Raising his index finger, Kairo's finger was illuminated with a mellow silver glow as he touched it to Kaiden's forehead, whose eyes began to slowly focus and regain a clear gaze.

"This is a rendition of Creation Energy, recreating the physical and mental endurance you need to continue your self-torture… ahem, I mean training. Again!"

Regaining full focus, Kaiden once again regulated his breathing, sensing the presence of his Inner Energy - he tried to influence it once again. The time he lasted during this strenuous task lasted, 1 second longer and the vibration period was .01 seconds shorter.

"We will continue this for 80 hours a day until you reach the standard and open your First Gate. Only then can we move forward in training.", instructed Kairo as he repeated to rejuvenate Kaiden Concentration and Fortitude.

However, Kairo's words left Kaiden to do one thing, he inwardly screamed out 'OH…FUCK ME!'