Involuntary Omniscient Influence

Bathed in the golden radiance of a level up, Kaiden's Level increased to 31. An additional 9 attribute points added to his status bar.

A sigh of relief pervaded the atmosphere. The prolonged battles tested the extent of Kaiden's patience. However, he now felt the accolade of his patience was worth it. Standing in front of the mausoleum, Kaiden was unable to perceive the aura of anything - it felt empty as if nothing existed inside that place.

On the other hand, once Kaiden's foot planted on the step of the mausoleum's gateway it seemed as if the atmosphere began roiling. More specifically, it seemed as if the ambient Energy was under the influence of an indisputable presence.

The Energy currently altered from an unobstructed form into one that was oppressively sharp. Kaiden began feeling as if millions of minuscule, honed threads, sharper than any blade he previously encountered, were piercing his skin.

Additionally, as he secured a foothold, his body was enveloped by a torrential dragging force. Forcibly, Kaiden was dragged into the corridor of the mausoleum as the stone entrance door behind him slammed shut. The entrance was now sealed and this option to give up was rescinded.

[System: You have entered the Psychotic Sword Fiend's tomb.]

Standing in the eerie corridor, Kaiden's eyebrows began to furrow as his expression contorted.

'This...this environment is creating a vacuum. My senses are dulling by the second, however, it's not to the extent that leaves me in a similar condition as the Forgotten Anomaly Realm.'

Unable to shake the lingering feeling of piercing eyes scrutinizing his presence, Kaiden began examining the surroundings for clues. However, all he could determine was the structure of the edifice.

The supporting structure of the corridor was thick, ivory pillars with signs of decay due to weathering of time coupled with shallow strike marks. The stone flooring presented an even worse condition, throughout the pathway, large slabs of stone were absent. In addition, the corridor was littered with protruding rigid, lachrymiform boulders with sturdy bases.

As Kaiden proceeded, the feeling of piercing eyes scrutinizing his existence became increasingly faint, however, it wasn't due to the feeling disappearing; rather it was due to Kaiden's dulling perception. The absence of your perception is a dangerous situation.

Advancing, the scenery remained constant with a low whistling sound in the background as Kaiden constantly panned his view, inspecting all areas of the corridor's path. Perhaps there was something he was overlooking, as nothing particularly important attracted his attention.

Indeed he did, this pathway wasn't straight; it angled downward at a negligible slope leading underground. However, that changed soon enough as Kaiden continued down the pathway. The initial narrow corridor connected and expanded into an expansive room. The opening lacked supportive structures as it was just a naturally huge cavern, a pocket residing inside the earth.

Across the room, an entity remained in a respectful kneeling position with a bowed head. Resting on its knee was a huge broadsword, at least 2.5 meters in length. There were signs of time located on the entity, a thick layer of grime and debris from the ceiling overhead remained on its body.

Pausing, Kaiden didn't approach the kneeling entity. Although he wasn't in proximity to inspect the being, there was an apprehensive feeling lingering in Kaiden's conscience. Despite the absence of aura from the entity, Kaiden's instincts told him something was irregular about that thing. Moreover, Kaiden realized the influence of the ambient Energy was not originating from this being meaning it couldn't be the main objective of the tome.

'This must be the prelude, however, I need reassurance.'

Opening his character panel, Kaiden conditioned his attributes to provide himself confidence. He would need to overpower that pervading feeling of dread.

Strength: 538 -> 605 (362 + 122 + 121) | Attack Power: 1,501 -> 1,714

'Now, that's slightly better. Hopefully, it yields acceptable results.'

Entering the perception of the entity, Kaiden was assailed by what felt like increased gravity. However, that was only the pressure incited by the eyes of the entity opening. As it stood, slowly, as if the world would heed it's arrival; waiting for its magnitude to grace the earth. The spoke unhurriedly as its expression remained leisurely.

"Oh? Are you supposed to be this millennia's challenger? How many have challenged, yet how many have perished. Since times immemorial, the day my lord passed. A worthy successor has yet to be revealed."

The voice caused Kaiden to be shocked, how could a voice that addressed another entity as lord sound so archaic? It should be deemed blasphemous to have such majestic aplomb while addressing someone as "lord". They in their own right possess the qualifications to be called 'Lord'.

This a bearing now ingrained in its being, it was presented without any effort.

'Milennia? Why is it, every person in this game has a backstory that stretches across an unreasonable amount of time?'

"Which category shall you fall under? Will your trek fall short at my demise? OR WILL YOU SUPERCEDE ME AND PREVAIL FOR MY LORD!", towards the end of their monologue, the voice projected in a booming fashion - the surroundings rumbled, groveling at the command of this majestic presence while it impaled its greatsword into the flooring.

[System: You have entered Kriishna's Oppression field. Physique insufficient, your movement has been stifled.]

Despite his raised Strength, Kaiden realized he was unable to even twitch his hand. He was a statue at this point reminiscent of Kriishna's previous gesture.

'What...what is this!' Under immense strain, Kaiden inspected Kriishna's information - his expression soured and his countenance paled. He was presented with a deplorable situation and his mind writhed.

Lv.41 [Kriishna - Psychotic Sword Fiend's General] (Imperial Rank Boss)

Health: 1,140,000/1,140,000 (100%)

'What...WHO...HOW?!...Ridiculous, who made this disgusting monster! Matter fact, why is this Kriishna crap in the game. This can't be Level 20 content!!'

A harrowing sensation instantly assaulted Kaiden's thought, he was suffering through pure indignance, unable to extrapolate the reason for having to go against such a calamitous existence.

"Your presence drips with fear, what type of piddling resolve do you foster if you're unable to transverse adversity. Your mindset is inferior and as a result, you are inferior. Underserving - you are repulsive. Paltry being."

Kriishna's tone turned disdainful and his expression shifted to one of utter disgust, a frown fueled by repulsion.

'NO! You will not criticize me! You shall not denigrate me! I AM NO TRIVIAL EXISTENCE TO BE TRIFLED WITH!', a tyrannical defiance birthed by this disparaging situation sprouted from within Kaiden, his thoughts became maligned. Being belittled, treated as nothing but a triviality irked Kaiden. Feeling condemned to mediocrity, he was overwhelmed by resentment.

Straining his oppressed body, the tendons in Kaiden's neck flared disturbingly as he overexerted himself; an attempt to counteract the encompassing pressure of Kriishna. Striving to prove his worth, indignance eclipsed his reasoning; his pale golden eyes transposed with a captivating yet alarming crimson color.

[System: Moving under your current condition will deplete Inner Energy at 10 times the usual rate.]

"A-Arggghh! You...shall...take...back... those putrid words! I will convince! You will will reigns supreme!" his teeth creaked from the immense pressure as the grip on his sword rattled.

"Oh? Do you have resolve after all? Then take up your sword, confront me with your resolve. Only when you reach me shall I absolve my oppression and deem you worthy to commence the trial." scoffed Kriisha as his arms folded before his chest.

'Move...MOVE...Will you forever be transfixed by this crippled system? MOVE DAMMIT! Who can contain your ascent? IMPOSE!'

Showcasing extreme tunnel vision, the only thing remaining in his objectives was reaching Kriishna; all he saw was Kriishna's silhouette in the distance, 76 meters away. Consuming a mountainous amount of Concentration, Kaiden lifted his foot moving it 1 foot ahead.

Raising his eyebrows, Kriishna lifted his left index finger and tapped it on his left bicep. At that moment, a tangible field expanded with him as the focal point, once again assaulting Kaiden.

[System: Kriishna's Oppression field has increased in intensity by 10%.]

Affected, Kaiden fell to one knee, creating an imprint in the stone below. However, with the absence of reasoning, Kaiden's reception of pain became dull; the only reaction that occurred was a glare with a dangerous glint.

Once again faced with immense strife Kaiden assayed to stand, multiple muscles contracted as the veins in Kaiden's left forearm writhed from gripping Angurvadal. Within Kaiden's eyes, a madness filled with an unyielding glint unearthed; he would continue until he succeeded.

Trying to stand, Kaiden's leg's tensed from the pressure but finally, once again, he stood. However, he was alerted by a message that made him grit his teeth.

[System: Inner Energy reaching dangerously low levels, 200/1,860. You will enter Energy Deprivation, afflicting the "Fatigue" status, if it falls under 10.]

Staring at Kriishna with a firm, resolute gaze; Kaiden then closed his eyes.

Raising his eyebrows, Kriishna was slightly impressed as his stance regained a hint of leisure, "Hoh? Perhaps you do possess the basic qualifications to truly take up the sword. However, do you truly have the resolve to carry through?"

'If I am running out of energy... this world will become my sustenance.'

At that moment, Kaiden touched upon one of the key principles of Kairo's breathing and circulation technique. Executing the 'Art of 16 Quintessential Harmonic Cycles', it became a battle of 2 wills.

However, at this moment, Kriishna stance relaxed and he was taken aback that Kaiden could utilize Energy and wasn't relying on Mana?

"An existence who hasn't touched upon the realms of the Saints can influence Energy? How so? Those practices should be lost! Perhaps this young fool is the candidate we've been waiting on all along. However, what is his standard?"

On one side you had Kriishna imposing his will on the atmosphere, halting all movement; while on the other side there was Kaiden, trying to pry Energy from the influence of Kriishna. Unfortunately, the magnitudes were disturbingly disproportionate, resulting in the strain of Kaiden's mind.

However, under immense duress, his mind seething with defiance. Kaiden's aura began to project on the surrounding areas around him, the influence Kriishna held on that immediate area was loosening.

Kaiden's mind began showing its resilience, 1 foot,1.8 feet, 2.3 feet,... subconsciously Kaiden's own sphere of influence was activating. Despite being another type of influence, Kaiden's Omniscient Influence didn't conflict with Kriishna's aura.

Within the small circumference, it began embracing the present influence transforming its properties. Now, instead of the Energy stilled into subservience, it was yielding to Kaiden's thoughts.

This was one of the base aspects of Omniscient Influence - perceive your surroundings and shift it to an environment that suits yourself. Unfortunately, due to the tiny area of effect and low output, it took egregious amounts of Concentration to completely influence this ambient Energy.

Chest rising and falling in tandem, Kaiden's Inner Energy rose and he opened his eyes. He felt different, although Kriishna's aura was present in vast amounts; he could discern what was actually happening to the atmosphere.

"Oh? Little fellow, you have been introduced to Will also albeit rudimentary at best. Still, for one who has yet to walk any true path - to establish Will, it's commendable. You have been deemed worthy of a different trial.

At that moment, Kriisha's expression became stern as his countenance steeled with his eyes glinting with solemnity. The original pressure paled in comparison to what he was emanating now, the accretion of his aura was baffling.

Kriishna spoke softly and at a leisure pace, "Gravitas Field - Stifle."

When the aura enveloped Kaiden, his body trembled as he felt even his innards cease function; his circulation was interrupted. Hence, he began violently gasping.

A frown crept upon Kriishna's face as he venomously spat, "Insufficient, you dare to exude Will in my presence when you are unable to upkeep it without breathing? Your will must come from your inner being, without that step you will never step beyond your mediocre control."

'Mediocre?! You can not suppress me.'

"Grovel", Kriishna spoke one word, however, it was like the decree of the gods as the ambient Energy became a boulder which pressed down on Kaiden's existence.


Kaiden palm and knees forcefully smashed the floor, against his will, Kaiden was forced into a groveling position.

[System: Kriishna's Oppressive Field intensity has increased by 300%. Concentration is being hindered. Fortitude is being tested.]

"You...shall...NOT...SPEAK...DOWN...ON...ME!!" the atmosphere around the kneeling Kaiden began trembling, the aura Kaiden was not emitting was in direct conflict with Kriishna's.

[System: Brain activity-- erratic, your brain waves are becoming increasingly berserk. Unusual energy is being emitted for your character.]