Backlash of His Irrevocable Tenacity

'THUD!'... 'THUD!'

Within the empty area only inhabited by Kaiden and Kriishna; amid the currently mountainous pressure, two resounding noise echoed throughout.

With a tenacity that defied common sense, Kaiden firmly planted his left foot on the ground, followed by the right one. Standing, his bones creaked as they struggled to handle the strain. Nevertheless, he wouldn't yield now.

[System: Unusual energy emission levels spiking! ERROR!...ERROR!... Energy not found in the database.]

Lifting his head, Kaiden pupils are well as sclera became a deep ravaging color; his body emitted grey and red spiraling aura as his presence shifted towards that of a demon. Unable to gauge what was happening to Kaiden, the system assisted Kaiden within its calculations.

[System: The effects of Kriishna's Oppressive Field has been neutralized, bestowing free control once again.]

Standing ramrod straight, Kaiden posture held no signs of pressure bearing down on it and as a result Kriishna slightly trembled as he realized the control he had over Kaiden disappeared. In light of this, he misinterpreted what was happening.

"This...this little fellow can emit Destruction Energy? Impossible! His physique should be unable to handle that quality of that energy. Even I am only able to wield Earth Laws to the 3rd degree - Solidification."

However, that wasn't the Destruction Energy, for if it was...Kaiden would be ripped apart before it was presented the chance to formulate. Instead, this was weird, berserk energies, derivatives of Destruction; it was a concept of Death Energy, the Law of Desolation, and Devouring.

"Your... suppression shall no longer exist...I will walk to you unimpeded and nothing can stop me." as Kaiden spoke, his voice dripped with an insufferable pride, insinuating that no one could rebuke the words that he had just spoken.

With slow yet firm steps that reverberated throughout the surroundings, Kaiden advanced towards Kriishna and while doing so the Law of Desolation he was exuding constantly withered the aura that Kriishna exuded.

The concept of Desolation was just as the word entailed - within its presence, nothing shall exist. The aura exuded by this law caused anything other than the person/object emitting it to experience the decay. It embodied the principles of 2 ideas; the passage of time as well as the loneliness of death.

The circumference of the Desolation was the parameters of Kaiden's Omniscient Influence, although this was the subconscious manifestation of Kaiden's mentality; it still had its limitations - his sphere of influence.

The atmosphere Kaiden passed by became bleak possessing not an iota of activity; it became still, dead and not in the sense of Kriishna's aura. The difference between what was currently occurring and what Kriishna did was the type of Energy.

Kriishna used his Will and projected the Earth Energy residing in his body using the Solidification Law. As a result, the atmosphere surrounded Kaiden became heavy and suppressed, prohibiting his movement - you could interpret it as Kriishna forcefully increasing gravity.

In contrast, Kaiden's aura was decomposing and robbing the ambient Energy of its vitality, absorbing it for his individual use, resulting in the bleakness of the atmosphere.

[System: You have absorbed copious amounts of Energy. Congratulations, your Profession has increased to Stage 2.]

Notwithstanding the system alert, Kaiden remained ignorant to a blessing he received as he was hellbent on standing toe to toe with Kriishna; he would prove he was a worthy adversary.

70 meters, 60 meters, 50 meters... the distance between Kaiden and Kriishna's shortened with every additional step Kaiden took. His gait was leisurely as if taking a scenic stroll in a calming park, however, his countenance was firm and unforgiving as he eyed Kriishna never once removing his gaze.

Eventually, Kaiden stood toe to toe with Kriishna who had unfolded his arms and performed a solemn nod as his approval was now gained.

"Although you lack the refinement of a true swordsman, you possess an inherent unyielding tenacity that will not be broken. As a result, I deem you worthy of presenting yourself to my master."

[Hidden Task Complete! Qualifications of the Sword's Fiend Inheritor]

Assessment: SS

Information: Prove to the ancient personnel of the Psychotic Sword that you are qualified to inherit his lord's skills. Express your tenacity by withstanding the inexorable presence of Kriishna.


1/1 - Stand before Kriishna as his aura restrains you.

Time Limit: No Limit.

Rewards: Entry to Psychotic Sword Fiend's Sarcophagus, Level +2, 300 Reputation.

Accomplishing his task, Kaiden's mind began to gradually regain clarity, unfortunately, it was not without consequences. A wave of extreme fatigue assaulted him; he staggered and began to feel faint almost dropping to his knees. However, before falling, Kriishna placed his hand on Kaiden's back providing support.

"Your eternal soul is weakened, while your will can be intensified momentarily, your output is far from stable, leaving you in this current state, not to mention that wasn't a natural state as your mind was far from sturdy. You require internal control practice. Perhaps, my lord technique is what you need."

[System: Kriishna's status has changed from Lord Rank Boss to Ancient NPC, Affinity increased to Respected.]

"You may now pass into my lord's imperious tomb.", stepping aside Kriishna presented the downward entrance. Looking inside, the passageway looked as if it connected to a crypt. Many styles of tomb construct harmonized together to make the Psychotic Sword Fiend's Tomb.

Be that as it may, despite the support Kriishna provided Kaiden was still alerted with a system message that continuously reverberated in his droning ears.

[System: Condition unstable, executing Force Log-Out sequence. Log out commencing in 3...2...1.]

"U-Ugh...I...prevailed.", following the last sound Kaiden's vision faded to black as he was forcefully logged out, leaving the solemn Kriishna with an astounded expression.

Back in reality...inside Kaiden's room...


The GRVIP located in Kaiden's room began the release process as it released the pressure inside the occupancy area, the lid sliding up. Opening his eyes, the darkness of his room entered Kaiden's bloodshot eyes; the only feeling at this moment was a dreariness that urged him to rest.

Moments later, Kaiden wanted to move his limbs, however, his brain wouldn't transmit signal further than his bust. Beginning from his neck downward, Kaiden could 'feel' his body, however, his brain neglected it. As a result, Kaiden began to panic as he feared he might have permanently damaged himself.

'I lost control again...something happened...Oh my goodness, is my brain function now impaired? Dammit! After I just swore that I would handle my temper...Once again... it brings nothing but trouble! HOW CAN I BE SO STUPID?'

Forced to lay in the stationary pod, Kaiden's mind trembled, hoping that his assumptions were just figments of his imagination and this harrowing feeling would soon pass.

Correct, it would soon pass, however, who knows how long that "soon" would take to arrive. Currently, Kaiden's brain was in a type of "protective" power-saving mode. It's neural output reduced to a level where it consumed no energy and as a result, Kaiden's body was unable to receive any signals.

Kaiden was experiencing his first sensation surrounding the backlash of a mental overdraft. This was a sequela that wouldn't disappear with the replenishment of its base energy-- a VitaShake, more specifically a Grade 5 or higher one.

The minutes passed which soon turned into hours, however, Kaiden was experiencing mental anguish. Why? Because the recovery mode to a base level where he could finally move had yet to come.

'No...What's going on? I still can't do anything!', his eyes shifted erratically, however his heartbeat was influenced, remaining steady which betrayed his current mindset.

The restorative process of his brain was akin to an old dial-up 2004 AOL service where you tried to use the internet while someone used the house phone, however, for the opposite reasons.

His brain wasn't obsolete but rather it was too complex, once damaged, the recovery process was meticulous. This was another sole reason HARDIC advised against skipping the grades of VitaShakes. You could end up in a situation of neural paralysis unable to complete even the simplest tasks.

Finally, after 3 hours passed, laying in what seemed like his makeshift coffin, Kaiden regained the ability to twitch his muscle, followed by the basic control of his body. Standing up, Kaiden's body trembled as the mental pain he felt reflected on his physique although there was no fatigue.

He felt as if an evolved mosquito had sucked every ounce of Celluar Energy residing in his body. This was another flaw existing during the evolution of your physique. If by chance you experience an abrupt consumption of your Celluar Energy, due to the lack of sustenance you are weakened-- the quality of your physique remains, however, you lose the ability to capitalize on it at that moment.

Stumbling, Kaiden's expression soured as his eyebrow furrowed and his hand gripped the maroon desk in front of his to receive support. Dreary, he eyed the internally cooled cases of VitaShakes in his room, as he shakily reached for one.

Ingesting a Grade 5 VitaShakes, Kaiden felt as if there was a whirlpool in his stomach-- the contents of his stomach disappeared. In a voracious state, Kaiden's brain cells commanded all additions of energies to be directed towards his brain.

As a result, Kaiden's body felt no difference when it came to the supply of energy. Turning on the light, Kaiden realized another thing. His color receptors in his eyes were disabled, right now he was only seeing dynamically-- black and white.

Ingesting Grade 5 VitaShakes as if they were water, the saturation of Kaiden's brain gradually reached an optimal state when he swallowed the 6th one. In accordance, his cells began to absorb the energy provided by the VitaShakes. Due to the emptiness of his cells, Kaiden's body produced no wastage of energy, absorbing 100% of the contents.

When Kaiden regain the stable control of himself, there was disharmony between his mind and body, he realized another portion of the injected reaction had assimilated with him, increasing the gap between his mental capacity and physical ability.

'Oh...that saying of growth only happens through adversity is true. In order to be built, something must be broken. However, that's only if I keep my body healthy or will end up collapsing on itself.'

Know he was being left behind in the game progression as over 6 hours had passed, Kaiden didn't have the luxury of exploring the new boundaries of his mind. Resupplying the emptied stock of Grade 5 VitaShakes in the supplement chamber, Kaiden laid back down in the GRVIP and initiated LOG-IN.

Coalescing inside the Psychotic Sword Realm, Kaiden's presence greeted Kriishna who was in his previous cross-armed meditative state.

"Oh? You have invoked your immortal soul and are back. Are you ready to step into the personal tomb? However, I must warn you. Brace yourself, for it hasn't been opened in millennia."

Moving aside once again Kriishna observed Kaiden, but Kaiden instead recapped the previous situation and the notification alerts.

[System: You have absorbed copious amounts of Energy. Congratulations, your Profession has increased to Stage 2.]

'Stage 2? Finally! E-EH?! WHAT IS THIS EXPERIENCE!? Lifestyle Profession's Rank 2 wouldn't require this much.'

[Ancient Spiritual Cultivator Stage 2 (4,340/9,000,000)

[Holy Trinity Cultivation Method] (Growth Passive) – Level 2/12. Trains the Mind, Body, and Soul to the pinnacle leaving you to breakthrough all secular boundaries starting your mystical journey. Increases All Basic Attributes by 25. Fortitude and Concentration must be actively trained.

[Internal Property – Piercing Tenacity] (Growth Passive) – Level 2/10. In front of you, all Defenses will become worthless! Your body has condensed special energy. Attacks ignore 30% of Defense.

[Eidetic Memory – Enlightened Comprehension] (Growth Passive) – Level 2/10. Lowers the threshold of learning created skill from the hundreds to simply 10. 2% chance to create a skill in one attempt. It allows you to learn from certain NPCs. Enables you to learn Natural and Abstract concepts.

[System: Base Energy now 1,000. 1 Strength, Intelligence, Vitality, Spirit = 5 Inner Energy]

Satisfied, Kaiden felt a slight boost in prowess as well as energy. He felt ready to brave the potential upcoming dangers and as a result, he initiated the journey down the narrow passageway.

Not before long, Kaiden was halted by a stone door with deep indents on it, looking as if someone used it for sword practice. Touching the scores, Kaiden was alerted by a message

[System: The profundity of these sword scars are monumental, unable to comprehend the origin.]

'Eh? Since when does a game system not have the information pertaining to the game? Odd.'

Pressing the stone door, a low rumbling sound as the door's opening made an indication on the floor. Moreover, opening the door Kaiden expression paled as his eyes opened in horror.
