Kairo's Teaching II Part 2

Waking up completely, Kaiden and Bella showered in the master bathroom together, as their bond deepened the walls between them were crumbling also. Moments later freshened up, they equipped their armors as they stood before the door.

Stretching her arms, Bella wrapped her arms around Kaiden's neck as he tiptoed giving him a loving him. She was falling harder for him and his tender actions reinforced that. Gently holding her waist, Kaiden returned the kiss.

"What do you have to do today Key? Need any help?"

"Actually yes… I need you to take care of a couple of things for me, do you mind Bella?"

Shaking her head quickly, Gentle Whisper held Kaiden's hand "What is it?"

Sending her the list of materials for the lifestyle designs, formulas and recipes they picked up, Kaiden sent Gentle Whisper 10,000 Gold to begin purchasing things in bulk.

"K-Key! Where do you always get so much money? The donations don't equal that much."

Tapping his ring, Kaiden told her only about this Spatial Ring he "found". For some odd reason, he felt he shouldn't tell others of Kairo's presence.

"You are so lucky!"

Patting Gentle Whispers butt, which made her yelp cutely, Kaiden opened the door.

"Mmnn...K-Key don't...you'll get me started again…"

'Oh? And she has a strong libido. She may very well be my favorite.'

Pinching her cute, blushing cheek, Kaiden nodded as he departed on his daily journey.


As Kaiden walked the streets of Crescent Wake Town, inside the Guild Residence MagicsSlave and Hollow Stance were antagonizing Gentle Whisper.

"Oh?! Aye Mag, don't you say Bella is radiating more than usual today? chuckled Hollow.

"Now that you mention it...HELL YEA! Aye Bella, what has you in such a bubbly mood today? Badgered MagicsSlave.

"Mmm, don't worry about it. Hehe. Don't you two have some training to partake in? Why don't you do that lest I let Key know about your slacking off." rebutted Gentle Whisper.

"A-AH!? SELL OUT!" screamed Hollow and MagicsSlave as they ran away. Leaving Gentle Whisper to chuckle as she checked her surroundings briefly touching her lower regions.

"Moe...Key...couldn't you have been a bit gentler? But mmngh…" still sensitive from earlier, Gentle Whisper blushed deeply as she scurried from the hallway to complete her given tasks.


Summoning Kriishna and Latahhya, Kaiden entered the Forgotten Anomaly Realm. However, before entering he picked up on Latahhya's feelings of dissatisfaction.

'What's wrong Lala?'

'You didn't answer my mental calls all night long…'

'I'm sorry I was exhausted.'

'I know...don't neglect me…'

Looking at Kaiden, her eyes became shaky as she felt she didn't receive enough attention.

'I'll make it up to you.'

Nodding, Latahhya looked away, still slightly grumpy.


Inside the Forgotten Anomaly Realm, in bare robes as usual, Kaiden sat in a lotus position as he circulated his Inner Energy before my Energy Manipulation. As Kaiden became more familiar with utilizing his own Inner Energy as Sword Force, he began picking up on a few minute things.

One—there were certain channels to circulate through in order to make the use of that energy more fluid. Secondly, the more he used his energy when it returned, He could subtly feel the increased "dominance" he had over it. Thirdly, his energy was wholly impure—as a result, he believed Kairo was teaching him things that didn't really originate from his current level.

"Kairo...I have a question. Is Energy Manipulation really a technique from the Foundation Forging Stage? It feels as if it isn't."

"Correct, young lad. The reason you find it so terribly consuming is that it doesn't belong to foundational training. Instead, by tempering your potential—I'm introducing this early. For the early you learn, perhaps it leaves more time for your future discoveries."

'Interesting, in essence, he wants me to delve deeper into what is already known about Energy? Ah...yes he's vetting me to be prepared to venture further beyond the "Origin" he talked about.

"Then, may I ask—what is the Origin?"

"Unfortunately lad, I'm unable to answer this question as I don't know. I have never truly come in contact with "the" Origin and only the residual energies. However, it is said that when one comes in contact—they will instantly know it."

"Today, we shall refine your energy once again but slightly different. I will refine it for you. Take it as a slight lesson for the future. Remove your upper robe."

Nodding, Kaiden exposed his bare upper body which caused Kairo to nod.

'His physique is good, almost reaching the peak of what this stage can contain.'

On the side, Latahhya opened an eye and released a heavy pant as she pressed her thighs together. Unknown to her, Kriishna was looking at her with a scrutinizing gaze as he crossed his arms with a silent snicker.

'This...horny lady mutt. How dare she objectify my lord like this.'

Turning, Latahhya glared at him as he forgot they share the same mental channel. Scoffing, Kriishna turned.

"Retract and focus all of your energy inside your Energy Center." instructed Kairo as he pulled down his sleeve.

Complying, Kaiden began reining in his Energy as a mass of slightly dense silvery gas rested in his Energy Center. While doing so, Kairo's index and middle finger began condensing threads of horrifying energy.

Shivering, Kaiden realized he felt no dangerous feeling emitted from the horrifying energy. It was tame—as if docile under its master's orders.

"This the pinnacle of Fire Energy—Extreme Solace and this is the pinnacle of Water Energy or rather the solid counterpart Ice Energy—Absolute Zero."

Kaiden became fascinated as the Energy flickered in blue pale and orangish amber gradients. Additionally, the energy began intertwining with one another as the color didn't change. Rather the colors found harmony and existed together in the absence of the other.

"This merging is called the Absolute Refinement - Extreme Duality Phases."

[System: You are experiencing things completely beyond your boundary. Opening the Comprehension character trait.]

[System: Comprehension trait has been set to a base value of 10. This is a special trait so points are unable to be invested nor earned by "All Attributes" of gear. To increase this trait you must actively seek the unknown or acquire titles/quest that reward it.]

'Eh, a trait?! But it's disgustingly limited. It seems to be a trait needed for learning?'

"As these are two extremes, you will ultimately experience two extremes but it will only be directed towards the energy. If I let it leak to your physique so early, it will undoubtedly kill you."

Kaiden trembled at the idea...His first death? Oh dear god no. Although he wouldn't drop anything in his ring, he would still love a complete level. Moreover, he didn't want to experience another weakened state so quickly.

Nodding, Kaiden released a solemn breath as he rendered his Energy Center to Kairo's actions. Placing his fingers above the pit of Kaiden's stomach. A gentle and raging energy rotated in his Energy Center.

Moments later, the veins in Kaiden's body protruded as he clenched his teeth and the dirt below. "G-....Gahhh!!!"

A pained scream sounded, but looking down Kairo noticed the unyielding look in his eyes that said continue. He knew he was weak—he knew there was going to be a problem he couldn't overcome and this point—so he needed to get stronger.

As the energy invaded Kaiden's energy center, Kairo changed the property of the two energies to be reactive. As a result, Kaiden felt as if nuclear bombs were taking place within his energy center.

However as Kairo isolated the energy center, there was no damage being done to his body. But, the system did resound with a message.

[System: Inner Energy being refined. If continued, the Energy conversion ratio will increase.]

In this manner, Kairo refined Kaiden's Inner Energy for 3 hours until it was unable to be refined any further in its gaseous state.

"You have reached the threshold for your energy quality, however, you possess far from enough energy stored inside your energy center. Instead of Energy Manipulation, focus on Circulation and Absorption until full to the brim."

[System: New ratio of energy conversion is 1 Strength, 1 Intelligence, 1 Vitality, 1 Spirit = 8 Inner Energy Points. Inner Energy raised from 2,865-> 3,744]

'Only then will you reap the best benefits of Manipulation.'

"When your state has been recovered—continue."

Groaning, Kaiden sat up as his core felt like some world-class boxer used it as a meat tenderizer continuously. Sitting in a lotus position, Latahhya came and caressed his hand with sorrowful eyes.

"I know you want to be stronger, but don't push yourself so hard okay?"

Resting his forehead against hers, Kaiden nodded. Behind them, Kairo formed a gentle smile as he enjoyed their gentle embracing. 'She's a perfect compliment to him, he has luck in spousal choosing.'

'My Lord, your tenacity shall not be broken by such feeble Energy. Let this insignificant energy know... YOU SHALL REIGN SUPREME!'

'And you will reign unconquerable my General.'

'M-my Lord?'

'Correct, you will be my Celestial General from this moment forward.'

Unknown to Kaiden, that sentence would cause a change that this world would be partly unable to contain. A sleeping goliath had been awoken.


As the trio bonded, Kairo nodded. This young lad had a subtle charisma to him that even he was unaware of. His way with words caused one to wholeheartedly relinquish their future to him.

Closing his eyes, Kaiden executed the Art of 16 Quintessential Harmonic Cycles as he began trying to breathe energy. Unfortunately, his physique was far from accomplishing that. In response, his body began absorbing threads of energy that slowly circulated through his body.

[System: 50 Profession Experience has been gained.]

[System: 50 Profession Experience has been gained.]

[System: 50 Profession Experience has…]

[System: 50 Profession Experience…]

The notification window continuously appeared before Kaiden's face. But it went ignored as Kaiden became enraptured by the flow of the Energy. He felt as if he was slowly but surely becoming the Energy.

[System: Prolonged energy absorption circulation has increased the body's Spirit +2, Vitality +2, and Dexterity +2. Base Energy pool increased by 10.]

Cultivation consists of Absorption, Circulation, and Refinement. When one of these 3 aspects is completed Profession experience is always provided. However, each one results in its own auxiliary benefits. What's more, when all 3 is done in tandem—even better effects are unearthed.

With that being said, the benefit of circulation was the increase in Spirit, Vitality, and Dexterity. Of course, the magnitude of the increase was in accordance with his Profession level. In light of this, the benefit of absorption is the increase in the Energy Center's quantity.

As this was Kaiden's first time absorbing energy to store and not immediately use—it was the first time his Energy Center increased in quantity due to cultivation.

Every now and then the message appeared as Kaiden continuously focused on improving the quantity of his Energy.

The bright side was in addition to the repeated system notifications every hour, Kaiden also received 5,000 Profession experience ever 16 completed circulations. Of course, in this environment the speed wasn't too rapid— only appearing once every 2 hours.

Even then, at this stage of the game—any gains received aside from leveling were enormous. With that being said, Kaiden actually focused more time on his stats rather than level. What good is a high level if you can't overpower your peers. He wanted to take the tedious yet dominant route.

In regard to his Energy Center, it advanced a bit differently compared to an NPC. Because he was a user, he had a two-fold increase to his energy. An NPC would only increase through cultivation, however, Kaiden's increased through both attributes and cultivation.

This was a reason besides "infinite rebirths" for users being called heaven-blessed individuals or immortal adventurers.

160 hours later in this realm, Kaiden opened his eyes. His pale golden eyes deepened in color albeit slightly almost unnoticeable to the normal person.

Placing his hand on Kaiden's torso, Kairo determined the condition of his Energy Center.

"Ah, it seems you are closing in on the halfway point of the bottlecap of your quantity."

At this moment, Kaiden's energy increased from 3,744 to 4,944.

"Are you in the condition to continue or would you rather continue later?"

Contemplating, although Kaiden felt slight periods of boredom, it wasn't to the point of being unbearable. Therefore, he once again went through with cultivation—taking advantage of the stilled atmosphere.