Despair in the Air

Circulating his energy in a meticulous fashion, Kaiden inwardly inspected the conditions of his circulation paths. He realized compared to when he tried this when Stage 1, the pathways seemed at least 10% sturdier and 5% thicker.

'I guess I can't surpass my limits with this body. No...wait!'

"Kairo, I have something. Can you tell me if you recognize this?"

Extracting Zarzaxin's Crystallized Bloodline from his spatial ring, he presented it to Kairo. Which caused the latter to raise his eyebrow as the crystal emitted a faint familiarity.

"It be the bloodline of one I knew in the past. What was his name….Akrelmos? No… He is an Archangel. It has to be Zarzaxin. This seems to be a demon bloodline who was formerly a human."

"Correct, this is Zarzaxin's bloodline but what I don't understand is how can a human become a demon?"

"Hm, the demons you're thinking of are piddling existences, nothing but the rubbish of demon societies. In actuality, a demon isn't much different from a human. And the higher tier demons were actually born from humans."

Interested, Kaiden asked more about the state of demons and humans.

"Well let's begin with no being is inherently good or bad. Much like our society—demon society also consists of the "good" "bad" and "neutral". Their personality is developed by their experiences and their upbringing. With that being said, humans who fell to any of the "Sins" are considered to be demons. Now the true demon would be the 'demon race'—the Kreshari's but you won't understand what they are."

"However, beware, they embody the true meaning of being a demon. More importantly, they exist in a hierarchy." Turning his head at a certain angle, Kairo glared before turning back towards Kaiden.

"A Demon and being of the demon race are 2 completely different things. Think of a Demon as an aberrant of our society—one who goes against the orthodox."

"Wait, then wouldn't you be considered a demon?"

"Ah smart lad, correct. I have a demon title. Unfortunately, I can't share a bloodline due to the curse of my body. Or I would've already upgraded your mortal bloodline. I mean how can't you possess a mighty bloodline when each of your knights does." uttered Kairo.

"However, I'm glad you brought this to me. You wouldn't be able to assimilate with it right now otherwise. The moment you reach Stage 3, we will assimilate this bloodline to you. As I remember, he was one possessed a meticulous control over the Pinnacle. If you reach his heights, you will easily surpass the Pinnacles."

'Stage 3...meaning that my current body can't even handle an Elementary bloodline? But I will become a Demon...satisfying.'

"Okay, so what are the sins?"

Contemplating, Kairo began weighing the options of imparting the information or not. 'This lad should know about them.'

"The Sins could be called counterparts to the Supremes'. Or rather, they are their equals in strength, however, they don't necessarily view themselves as Supremes'. They reached the peak of a singular desire. There are 8 of them.

"Are you saying the Supremes are split into 2 sides?" questioned Kaiden.

"No. The Sins aren't complete Supremes only in certain situations can they rival a Supreme but… they are outnumbered by the Supremes. Think of them as a rogue bunch of extremely powerful who don't agree with the views of the titled Supremes'."

Thinking, Kaiden began estimating certain events in his mind, a multitude of thoughts accelerating in his mind.

"Do they still exist?"

"Yes, won't find them. As they have completely separate realms with ironclad entrances. You'd need either equal strength, fortuitous encounter, or the random opportunity to arrive before them."

'Wait...supreme being…'

"What if I unintentionally gain notice of one?"

"Completely unlikely, they don't actively survey this realm."

'Is that true? Then why do I have this feeling...the system said a higher being was watching.'

"What is the premise of being a higher being." asked Kaiden.

"Higher being…in today's world. You need to reach the realm of Saints to become a higher being. As I told you before, their standard is now lower in this era."

'Is it really that simple? Then what is causing this feeling of encroaching despair? But the question is, what level is a Saint?'

"A Saint. I see."

Left with this information, Kaiden sat in a world of his own contemplating studiously. He was curious—very curious. He couldn't understand the objectives of the Supremes' if they had already reached their peaks. What was it that they were seeking? Or what was that they felt for them to act in these ways?

Power? Didn't they have enough? They were called Supremes' for a reason—what entity in the world could go against them? Perhaps...their strongest enemy was themselves.

As he contemplated oblivious to the world, engrossed in his thoughts—Latahhya tugged his sleeve as she knelt in front of him,

Awakening from his stupor, Kaiden was confronted by the extremely close face of Latahhya. Her fluttering eyelashes and caring eyes were mesmerizing.

"Are you ok? After your conversation, you seemed to be lost in thought with a struggling appearance. I could feel your thoughts in slight turmoil. I-I'm here for you also Hun."

'Ah, correct...why am I worrying so much? I have others. Together we will overcome anything.'

Placing a hand on her face, Kaiden released a gentle smile as he nodded, "You're right...I do."

"I think it's time we try Manifestation once."

There was something telling Kaiden to continue trying. As if, a voice was coercing him. As so, he complied and voiced his opinion.

"Latahhya, Kriishna. Listen, the premise behind Manipulation is 3 steps—Visualization, Resonance, and then Manifestation. You guys Energy Reserve is much broader than mine so with this knowledge you should understand."

Kaiden began breaking down the meanings behind these words individually. At this moment, the student seemed like a true master.

'Mm, my successor has the air of a true leader. He will do a fine job indeed.'

As Kaiden explained, Kriishna and Latahhya's eyes brightened with comprehension. They understood the concept behind Kaiden's words.

[System: Your Combat Aides Latahhya and Kriishna have opened the Comprehension trait.]

'Oh, just like me they can learn!'

Closing his eyes, Kaiden began trying to complete Energy Manifestation. But it proved to be exceedingly draining. However, his tenacity wasn't just for show. As a result, Kaiden stubbornly stuck with the concept until he wasn't in an incapacitated state.

However, this time he was able to materialize 80% of the Energy construct.

'Until I can get the energy to become docile and wholeheartedly submit, this process will always be draining. But the activity of my mind promotes real growth so this struggle is more than worth it.

With such an intense work ethic, when Kaiden couldn't manipulate energy to form anything—he meditated. In due time, he would focus on absorption and circulation. Like this, with different aspects of training—Kaiden spent an obscene amount of time in this realm.

In fact, it was to the point that the members were curious where the Guild Leader could be while still online but unreachable.


"Have you heard from Kaiden? I have some reports to deliver but I'm unable to connect." question General Sonic as he released a small sigh.

"No, Key usually disappears every day for a certain amount of time unable to be reached. But I guess it's an extended situation this time." informed Gentle Whisper as she morosely twirled her finger on the desk.

"Ah, then I shall just save them until he returns from his business."

Nodding, Gentle Whisper gazed out the window of the Guild Residence. As they recently returned from a dungeon run and field leveling—she felt this insistent boredom that wouldn't go away.

As a result, she buried her head into her folded arms and murmured to herself "When did I start falling so hard for him...Nothing else is on my mind."

Closing her eyes, she began indulging in her thoughts as her breathing relaxed seemingly falling into a slumber amid her reminiscent thoughts.


At that same moment, a horror stepped into town. Heading directly towards the inn WarCry used as his temporary meeting residence.

"Oi WarCry, why hasn't that insolent fellow been dealt with yet? I had to journey all the way from Aggravar Kingdom. Do you understand how much of a waste that was? My time is precious!"

Shocked and unsure of what to say, WarCry regained his composure "New orders from the top. Operation commences in 4 days."

"Ahhhh!? Then why the hell am I here… Bah. Fuck! You're leveling with me now then." growled the middle-aged man with a gory diagonal scar that spread from his jawline to the bridge of his nose.

The reason WarCry frowned is because this person could be called his "superior". He was the 24th ranked Expert on the Tyrant Expert List—BlatantSage.

The irony was, how can someone call themselves a sage with his demeanor. Additionally, how can you attach 'blatant' to sage—blasphemy.

"Bahhh! Okay." grumbled WarCry. There was a reason he hated being in this person's presence in games. Why? Because he was the type to take all the notable loot for himself—even the unusable ones.

Moreover, he was a lone warrior with no guild due to his behavior.


At the same time, many hours later after consistently operating in a cycle, Kaiden met the "bottleneck" Kairo mentioned earlier via the system.

[System: Inner Energy quantity has reached 9,999. Unable to expand any further as it is restricted by your Profession level.]

However, Kaiden informed Kairo he would be exiting for a bit as he needed to complete the basic checks on his guild.

Leaving the Forgotten Anomaly Realm, Kaiden was shocked by how much time he spent inside there. Usually, he spent no more than 12 or so hours in there but on the contrary, he spent 2 complete days there.

As he checked the leaderboards he saw the top person was now Lv.45 a complete 5 levels ahead of him.

"Seems they are still going strong to uphold their level. But in the future they will learn that it's a shallow notion to only chase levels."

At that moment, Kaiden frowned as the atmosphere felt heavy and his chest constricted. Struggling, Kaiden tried to shake this feeling but was unable to do so. It felt as if a giant beast had focused its gaze on him.'

'Why is this feeling growing! WHAT IS THIS!? I need answers.'

Despair pervaded the air as Kaiden's countenance became solemn, borderline unsettling.


Entering the Guild Residence, Kaiden attended to the multiple messages he received, until he witnessed the cutely napping Gentle Whisper at a lobby desk. Sitting down next to her, Kaiden messaged General Sonic.

"What did you need Tyler?"

"Ah! Finally! I was informing you of the meeting with Kassandra Blair—it's in 14 hours. Apparently, she's an early bird and wants to meet as soon as daybreaks. Have you prepared?" inquired General Sonic.

"No need, I know what I would like to say. Not much preparation needed. Anything else?"

"Not much, everything is moving along in an orderly fashion."

Nodding, Kaiden ended the voice call with General Sonic. Reaching out his hand, Kaiden touched Gentle Whisper's hand.

In a slow, gentle whisper, Kaiden leaned forward "Hey...Bella."

Rubbing her eyes, like a drowsy kitten, she opened them. "Key, you're back."


Nodding, Gentle Whisper continuously rubbed her eyes until Kaiden picked her up like a princess causing a tinge of blush to appear.

"You can sleep in my room then."

Becoming completely docile, Gentle Whisper nodded as she wrapped her arms around Kaiden's neck.

In the background, Hollow Stance and MagicsSlave snickered as they saw this scene.

"So this is why she's in such a good mood. She's become Key's woman haha."

"Wow, he sure knows how to pick them huh." nudged MagicsSlave in which Hollow just nodded wordlessly.

Of course, their presence didn't go unnoticed but Kaiden just let them be as he knew they were harmless.

Placing her on the bed, Kaiden delivered a quick kiss on her forehead as he soon turned. Leaving, he went outside to the training area. If he wasn't heading to the fields. Then he would simply use the training area.

One way or another, Kaiden would be getting in some exercise. The constant stationary cultivation became stale. He needed an abrupt change of pace. Additionally, he had a surplus of energy he needed to channel. Therefore, the training area would be his outlet.