Cornered Bunny Rabbit

Standing at the window, Gentle Whisper placed a hand on the window as her other hand braced her waist with a sweet smile. Genuine feelings were bubbling inside her as she watched the scene between Kaiden and Practice take place.

"He cares for his people…" closing her eyes, Gentle Whisper let out an extended breath as her sweet smile deepened after.

Not much longer, Kaiden walked in the room covered in sweat as he pondered slightly. 'Is this game evolving before our eyes? Previously, we were unable to look at me, looks like I went for a swim.'

To his side, a dreamy voice sounded "Key…"

Turning towards the voice, Kaiden smiled. "Did we happen to wake you? I'm sorry."

Walking closer, with short but lithe steps, Gentle Whisper nodded, with a hint of blush "Mn...but rather than that… I saw you out there. It was a pleasant sight. The amount of attention you show your people is admirable."

Scratching his head, Kaiden chuckled as by no means did he intentionally wake her. "Thanks, for my brothers and sisters I will be their support. As for you…I'll be your protector."

As her smile deepened with affection, Gentle Whisper ran her fingers down Kaiden's chest before placing her cheek there. "If I keep falling, I don't think I'll return from the abyss...but it's comfortable here."

As the pair continued their sweet talk, Kaiden began feeling bouts of tiredness overcome him. He had kept his brain in a continuous highly active state. That earlier boon of Energy was just the peak before the crash.

"Key, come rest… you're tired. I can feel it."

Guiding Kaiden towards the bed, Gentle Whisper coerced him to fall asleep and get a good rest.


That rest was sublime until the blaring sound of the notification alert shocked Kaiden awake—his magnificent sleep cut short.

Or at least, he felt it was short when in actuality slightly over 8 hours had elapsed. Due to the neural disorientation, if you rested inside the game it would feel similar to a certain degree when compared with the real world.

With that being said, Kaiden groaned groggily as he sat up, holding his head.

[System: You are receiving a voice call from General Sonic.]

Answering, Kaiden's brusque morning voice sounded as he tried to regulate himself.

"Kaiden, Ms. Blair will be here in 15 minutes. I will have her wait in the conference room."

"Already? Ok, I'll be down shortly."

Ending the video call, Kaiden turned over and reluctantly sighed as he felt slightly cranky.

That was until his fairy blessed him with her touch which dispersed his fatigue.

"Up, up, sleepyhead, you have important things to do—sleep later."

"Haizz… okay, I'll get up an-" sighing and voicing his grievance, Kaiden was interrupted by an abrupt kiss.

"Don't sulk, you can sleep here later." said Gentle Whisper

Nodding with a content smile, Kaiden regulated himself as he equipped his armor and swords. If he was meeting someone, it was a given he upheld his image. In light of this, Kaiden left as he made his way down to the conference room.


10 minutes later, a crisp knock was heard as Kaiden sat before the large desk situated in the room. "Come in."

With his invitation, the door opened as the clicking sound of heels was heard.

As the figure entered the room, they removed their hood causing Kaiden to rub his eyes as he thought they were broken. He couldn't understand how such a cold face could be so beautiful. More importantly, why did she cloak?

"Hello." said Snow Bunny in a frigid and concise manner.

'Now I'm sure I know this voice…'

"Excuse me, can you wear your hood once more?"

Startled, Snow Bunny shook slightly as her gaze cooled further due to such an odd demand.


"Experiment purposes and curiosity?"

"Hmph..", raising her hood Snow Bunny continued to sit in the chair.

"I don't understand the meaning of this."

"Shh, turn so your face is at an angle hidden from my sight and say Hello again."

Trembling, a small pulling being appeared on Snow Bunny's left temple as she became slightly impatient.

" not shush me. Second, do not command me! And third, do you think I won't stab your eyes out?"

'DA FUQ?! Oh god….not another Rosana.'

Sighing, once again Kaiden coerced her to perform the aforementioned actions. Of course, once again he was met with a nasty glare before Snow Bunny complied.


'Oh hooo~ it's you indeed huh? Congratulations. You're a bunny in a hunter's trap. What an odd twist of fate.'

Sir, you mean plot armor? Try again.

"Never mind. Let's get back to the topic at hand. Explain your situation to me."

"First, sign a non-disclosure agree-" Kaiden abruptly cut her off by placing a contract of his own and sliding across the table in Snow Bunny's direction.

"Sign it and proceed to talk." said Kaiden as his demeanor changed completely.

"I...I don't like your attitude, I don't know who you are but I believe that tone should be lowered." glared Snow Bunny as she signed the paper.

"Oh?" Leaning closer, Kaiden's eyes dropped another huge degree.

"Would Ms.Blair care to tell me what she takes me for? Would you remain this stoic in a meeting with a Titan or even a Monarch-grade guild for that matter? Do you not place me in your eyes?"

"Intimidation will not work on me. It is pointless. You are you, so don't ask me about damned Titans or anyone else."

"Intimidation? I think you have misunderstood. I'm simply asking for your opinion of me."

Glaring at Kaiden, Snow Bunny crossed her arms "Honestly, no. While you currently hold momentum. What do you have to show for yourself? That ego of yours will be your downfall."


Frozen for a moment, Kaiden's eyes spasmed. At that moment, vague, unfamiliar memories began flickering at a mind-boggling pace. The spasms of Kaiden shocked Snow Bunny as she was unsure about what was taking place.

Recovering, Kaiden panted heavily as he gripped his forehead with his left hand.

'The hell?'

Looking up, Kaiden's frosty gaze met Snow Bunny's frigid one

"So that's your opinion of me. Then for what reason did you meet me?"

"A reliable source said you were dependable. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to doubt them."

Laying back in the chair, Kaiden looked at the ceiling. His words were a trap that was ensnaring her and she didn't even realize it.

"Do you doubt that Guild Creation Scroll you previously used?"

"How do you…-"

"Quiet. You seem to not doubt that, so why do you doubt me?"

"That is the last time for you to talk to me in such a manner." glared Snow Bunny.

"My question wasn't answered." completely sidestepping her threat, Kaiden glared at her with eyes full of crazed murderous intent.

Although numb to intimidation, Snow Bunny couldn't shake that glare. How could one's eyes look that dead?

" an asshole. I have done nothing wrong."

(What type of fucking negotiation is this?!)

"Nothing wrong you say? How can you approach a potential business partner in such a cold manner? At least become friendly, establish some type of connection to increase the possibility of cooperation.

'Although these don't apply to us as I'm not really here to just become partners.'

Looking away, Snow Bunny knew her faults. However, being headstrong she wouldn't back down.

"No, it was you who began this with weird requests!" glared Snow Bunny as she slightly raised her voice.

"Think carefully, were they really weird."

'Indeed she is one of those types. Control the momentum and in essence, you control her. Exactly how that company swept them under the rug.'

Thinking for a moment, Snow Bunny's cold inquisitive posture seemed enrapturing.

"You were at the Auction and heard me talk."

"Correct. And your identity needed verification. Now, who do you think the supplier was?"

"...! No way. If you were the owner why sell i-... You possessed more than one?"


"Your new project..what was it called? Or right… NeXus Energy right?"

Although Snow Bunny seemed indifferent on the surface, under the table, her palms clenched as they perspired.

"How did you get hold of that information? Only I and 2 others know about it. Who was it?"

"Relax, no one betrayed you...yet. I'm simply well learned in the business world. Tell me the premise of this project."

Shifting her eyes toward the paper she signed and then back up at Kaiden, she conveyed the idea of the project.

"It's a form of energy created when solar energy is processed. It is 17 times more potent and doesn't harm the environment. However, to produce it is ridiculously expensive. Secondly, with the current research, it is extremely unstable when it comes to production. Until the formula is completed...the costs will be incalculable."

"Tell me about its properties."

"In short, think of it as life energy but used as a power source instead of being used on life."

"Was that so hard?"

Glaring dangerously, Snow Bunny sprang forth and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick at Kaiden's face.

Unfortunately, it went completely from what planned.


Her dainty ankle was caught in the hand before Kaiden's face. Tilting his head, Kaiden spoke slowly.

"It's not very nice to kick someone now, is it?

[System: You have been attacked but no damage is caused, will you be activating PK system?]

"No." said Kaiden as he gazed at Snow Bunny.

"Let go…" uttered Snow Bunny.

"It's not very nice to openly tease someone now, is it?" repeated Snow Bunny in the same tone.

"Heh, what an uptight woman. Let's see. Would you like to be business partners? I'm guessing you liquidized company assets to buy enough gold from the general masses to procure that Scroll. Therefore, your reserves should be thin.

"Get out of my head...mind your business and stick to the project." spat Snow Bunny

"But it is my business, you see...I want your company."

"Do you really think I would hand over this company?"

"Tsk, tsk don't be close-minded. I don't want your position. I want the company. You will still be in power. Inform me… besides you, who else holds shares? Based on reports, they have all been sold back to the company.

"I possess 87% of the shares…what can you offer me that I don't have?"

"What do you not have?" asked Kaiden.

"... Never mind. 10 billion."

"10 billion huh. To my knowledge, the company is worth $4 billion at this moment. However, I'll do you a favor. 60% shares for $3 billion, 30 installments of $100 million."

"...It seems you really understand the workings of a negotiation. You're factoring in the possible profit of the project...Deal. However, the first transfer must be completed within 3 days.

"If you sign now, we can make this official at this moment."

"Aren't you...a little too young to have that type of financial sway laying around?"

"Oh? Tyler didn't tell you?"


"The Fourth Head of the Sonic Star Media Group greets you, Ms. Blair."


Snatching the paper in a rather rude manner, Snow Bunny signed the paper. "With this...we are in agreement."

"I suggest you take care of the attitude of yours Ms. Blair. How would you find a spouse? Although beautiful...that attitude of yours would cause one to run away-"

Kaiden stopped because looking at this beauty, her eyes looked as if she was drowning in anguish as she trembled uncontrollably, tears pooling in her eyes.



"Y-you have no right! Take that back!"


"TAKE IT BACK!" frantically screamed Snow Bunny.

'What happened to her? I didn't say anything too harsh. Why is she reacting so violently?'

"No… *HIC* Take it back…. *HIC* Take it back…"

'This is!! Oh fuck… I stepped on a person's trauma!!'

"I'm sorry Ms. Blair, I didn't mean to…"

Unfortunately, Kaiden caused damage although unintentionally. Staring at the floor, Snow Bunny's eyes became lifeless and dull as the tears silently streamed.

'Asshole indeed…'

"Kassandra don't be consumed b-"

"Don't name."

'?... Those eyes... they're like Practice's. That trauma is deep-rooted.'

Standing, Kaiden began seeing himself out. "When you're may leave of your own accord."

As Kaiden closed the door, Snow Bunny curled up into a ball as she silently cried, having to forcefully relive her painful moments.

"You're…*HIC* an... *HIC* *HIC* asshole…"

Standing outside the door, Kaiden frowned. Everyone had their own past, he had intruded on hers and because of that he felt awful. This was a stranger. Not a guild member—he lacked any idea to mend this tear in the lady's soul.

Standing next to the door, he waited. Time passed silently and Snow Bunny still didn't move from her seat.

Finally, an hour later with a tear stricken face, Snow Bunny exited the room. Her gait seemed as if she had no destination.

Holding out his hand, Kaiden offered a cloth to wipe her face.

"Take it back...please...It hurts."

"I know, I'm sorry. I won't step there again… I know what despair feels like. If one day you need an ear to empty your sorrows onto, seek solace with my ear. I will atone for my blunder."

"...Bye. No...Maybe."

As she left, Kaiden felt as if a piece of his soul resonated with the poor girl.

"This is like that time…" closing his eyes, Kaiden also relived the trauma as a spectator.