Backstory - Overwhelming Despair

Clenching his dual claymores, a stalwart and dignified figure stood before towering gates as he possessed eyes seeking to battle. Those gates carried with it stilled oppression that one who deemed unworthy would grovel before. However, not this person, his eyes blazed with a defiant tenacity. Unfortunately, behind those gates would be his hell—his neverending inferno of despair.

Donned with luxurious dark gold, spiked armor—this person's eyes were redder than blood. The crimson color of their eyes was both enthralling and frightening, Such a potent color or blood should only be found inside the presence of a crazed killer; yet here they were present on 'Xerakrid'—Kaiden's former IGN.

Moreover, the abyss black hair of this fellow hung magnificently down his back, finally ending at his tailbone. The state of his hair magnificently complemented the exterior of his armor. Given his tall physique, not much was needed to be said about how long his untamed hair was.

Looking at his hand, they were rough, as if they had been through years of weathering. Such hands—they were encompassing, the grip he held over his broadswords was like the irrevocable decree of a deity. One could picture the ease he brandished such huge blades with. Just looking at the relaxed state of his shoulders, they seemed to be weightless in his hands.

"On this quest, I alone am enough."

Taking a step forth, that stalwart person pressed his hands against towering gates—initiating the downward spiral of his previously eventful journeys. His expression filled with a dense pride that was burrowed in his soul due to his accomplishments. Nonetheless, this attitude was what marked this the day despair swallowed that 'Kaiden'.

As the door was opened, a lone entity sat behind those towering gates with a carefree expression. But within that carefree expression, was eyes that glinted with an indistinct pride. As if, he didn't have to energy to not put someone in his eyes and instead trivialize all matters by default.

"Do you believe your sole pitiful existence is enough to quell my tyranny? You have erred the moment you singularly walked in here. A mindless fellow is a nonexistent fellow."

Speaking his piece, the entity stood as he stared at 'Kaiden' in a lackadaisical manner. That posture—that demeanor—the thought process—it all said one thing, whoever this entity is...they didn't put 'Kaiden' in their sights one bit.

At that moment, the entity disappeared and reappeared right before 'Kaiden' wearing a black armor. The armor seemed to have originated from a material found in the Abyss as the no light reflected on this armor. Although sleek, it devoured the presence of light.

"As you walk through the you dream of light? As you walk into my kingdom...have you ever felt despair? Now, feel an evil like you've never felt before."

Raising his hand, the entity grasped 'Kaiden's' throat and raised him. Such a huge figure—delegated to nothing more than a helpless lamb in the hands of this entity.

As his grasp tightened, 'Kaiden's' eyes bulged as a rage consumed him. Gripping this entity's hand, he began trying to pry away the vice grip wrapped around his neck. Unfortunately, these attempts proved to be useless. No matter how much force he used—he was unable to free himself of this deadly grasp.

"Did you perhaps think you were strong? Was there a pride that swelled inside you, telling you—you are enough to confront me? Well, let me shatter your misconstrued reality. You are weak...this race is weak...and the Supremes' shall continue to weaken this vermin race."

Slowly raising his hand, a dark flame that radiated no heat, only the endless cycle of despair formed inside of this entity's hand—that flame flickered with a desolation only found in the void.

"You see, you confront me...yet you don't understand any of the principles of the Origin. How can you force your simple mind to believe you can stand before me? You're useless...Therefore, you should disappear...immediately."

"In light of this, I shall let you experience one of the more elementary aspects of the origin. You see this here? It's a simple thing—but this simple thing is also what we would call your bane. This flame—the Void Flame - Despair shall be your solace on your journey into nihility."

Raising his hand, the entity placed the Void Flame upon 'Kaiden's' head as his hand latched on. Moments later, a pained cry—No. It was a roar. A roar of indignance.



The screams grew intensity as the cold eyes with a carefree expression gazed at 'Kaiden'

"Do you feel the despair? Do you enjoy it's embrace? This will be your last forlorn lover. Savor this embrace. Now...disappear."

The odd thing was that this 'Kaiden' possessed over 20 million Health yet it seemed to be draining at the pace similar to the emptying contents of a bottle.

'No...NO...NOO!!!! Who is this?! This quest said nothing about such an entity. Unfair...This is unfair...Release me.'

With his throat clamped shut, 'Kaiden' was unable to formulate words and only roar indignantly inside her own head.

He tried—the alloy armor around his hands tried to pierce the skin of the entity. But yet again, his efforts proved to be inefficacious. He tried—he searched for a ray of light, but that light seemed to be dying. The once vibrant embers inside his eyes seemed to be fleeting.

[System: Health has dropped to 10%. Drastic damage from a domineering force is causing your defense to drop.]

Deeming his struggle to be futile, his arm dropped as he resigned himself to fate. He was powerless to try anything.

"Has the harmless fish stopped struggling in the waters of a shark? Good you have learned your place now completely disappear from my sight."

Squeezing his hand, 'Kaiden's' health bare emptied as system messages continuously bombarded. This death was different from any deaths he experienced previously—he felt mentai pain from this one.

[System: You have died while at the crux of the Divine Main Quest - Desolate History of the Ancients. The consequences will now be upheld.]

[System: W A R N I N G! Mental pain will be inflicted upon you during this process—it is inevitable.]

[W A R N I N G!! Brace yourself.]

[SYSTEM W A R N I N G!!! : Due to your quest being deemed a failure, now enforcing the failure consequences. Character items are now deleted and commencing the character deletion sequence. Registered brain wave signatures now classified as BANNED! Now ejecting your presence from the game, Godspeed user.]

'Banned…? No...this is all a dream. Close my eyes and this will all be over.

Unfortunately, this pain that jolted through his brain reminded 'Kaiden' this was completely real. This was his reality he would have to face.

Swallowing by a feeling of turbulence, the Virtual Immersion Pod 'Kaiden' laid in open of its own accord. However, his eyes didn't open his eyes. He was hoping this was all just a painful dream.

It was unknown how long he laid there but when he finally opened his eyes—he clicked the immersion button on the lid to once again close it.

Trying to commence the login procedure, 'Kaiden' was presented by a message from the internal system.

[Brain waves unable to connect to this server. Your person has been listed as banned.]


Once denial, 'Kaiden' tried the login process again.

[Brain waves unable to connect to this server. Your person has been listed as banned.]

"...This...this can't be…"

Standing before his Virtual Immersion Pod, 'Kaiden' fell to his knees as he was unable to process what just took place. His progress...his fulfillment...his life sustenance. It had all been robbed from him.

Bowing his head in regret and despair, 'Kaiden' crawled and placed his back against the pod. Quietly sitting in a dark room, he looked at the ceiling in a lifeless dazed manner.

"This...can't be true right...It can't..."

Inside this oceanic despair, nothing else mattered to 'Kaiden'. He completely ignored the basic necessities. However, the state of his physique was strong enough to cope with the lack of sleep or nutrition for a while.

Unfortunately, he didn't reach the state of balance due to having ingested Grade 10 VitaShakes for a prolonged degree. It was to be known that the timeframe for a "normal body" to advance a level with VitaShakes is months to years. Once again, this is a normal specimen.

With that being said, this was the period of 'Kaiden's' turmoil. Even his previous girlfriend was neglected by him when she came to comfort him. They met inside the game and further built a relationship outside.

However, seeing her face reminded him of the game. As a result, he shunned her. In turn, this created her own despair. Drowned in despair...he created despair. But that's just what it was, even if unintentional...misery loves company.

Only one his body reached the point of breakdown did he proceed to consume normal food. Letting his body slowly regress to a normal human standard—Kaiden completely neglected VitaShakes.

He lived without a purpose until he remembered a company that had slight ties to the game. Perhaps, he thought this would be his scion of light. That by some off chance he would receive the opportunity to once again dive back in the game.

However, he would soon realize that the truth was irreversible at that point and he simply catapulted himself into a life he truly didn't hold any attraction towards…


Opening his eyes, Kaiden sighed with melancholy. An urge to rest overwhelmed him. Reliving those memories exhausted him although he didn't partake in any actions.

"I messed up...she is most like experiencing something similar to this…"

Returning to the Master Suite, Kaiden silently laid on the bed as he held his forearm over his forehead.

"Key...what's wrong?"

Sitting behind Kaiden was Gentle Whisper as she let him rest his head on her lap as promised.

"I messed up…" muttered Kaiden. He wasn't some type of vicious villain. He had his humanity and morals. He understood not to overstep boundaries as he too could be inflicted with pain. Moreover, possessing the memories he did—he understood pain. He understood despair.

Placing her hands over Kaiden's eyes in a gentle manner—Gentle Whisper leaned over.

"We all make mistakes, we're human. If you are sorry about something, then try hard to fix it. Put in the extra effort. I'm sure you'll be forgiven in due time."

"Yeah.." turning over, Kaiden fell into his own rest again, his mood was not ideal for leveling at this moment or...maybe it was.

Patting his head, Gentle Whisper sighed as she was slightly worried about his mental state.

Additionally, at the same time...

In a luxury condominium, located in Minence City a GRVIP opened presenting Kassandra Blair in a slightly distraught state.

Exiting the GRVIP she walked towards her queen-sized bed as he opened the covers curling into a ball. It had been years since was in the state—the bunny had been wounded.