Backstory - The Wounded Bunny [Light R-18]

8 years ago…

A radiant smile.

That was the thing plastered across her young face. Kassandra Blair, a young lady with lilac eyes and luxurious violet shoulder length curly hair. She was smiling. If known in the present—people would think they were being scammed. That was a person who never smiled.

What could cause a person who rarely smile? It was love. That mystical thing no one quite knew the answer to. However, everyone knew that at some point they would feel it.

She was a young woman in her prime—she was in love. Hopelessly in love. But she felt it was okay as she didn't need to raise her guard again. It was her mistake—a mistake that would change her at her core.

In that cafe… it all started...the build up to her downfall.

The once defensive Kassandra became vulnerable when approached by Sebastian Hunter, or better known as her future fiance. She didn't understand why she became vulnerable in his presence although she didn't know him.

"Are you alone?" asked Sebastian in a smooth tone, completely soothing to the ear.

"Yes…" replied as she inspected this charming fellow.

He had a chiseled jaw with long golden hair tied back in a simple ponytail. Although, he wasn't exceptionally tall. His slightly over average height of 5'11 possessed a welcoming physique. His shoulders were broad, able to easily support when needed. However, Kassandra was drawn in by his eyes. Those eyes were as blue as the clear seas. His soft gaze enveloped her and for that moment...she felt...comfortable.

"May I have the honor of sitting with you?" asked Sebastian in a gentlemanly manner.

Combing a lock of silky violet hair behind her ear with a slight smile, Kassandra glanced at Sebastian.


Taking a seat, they engaged in small talk. But that small talk soon deepened into pleasant conversation where they began to learn more about each other. In the end, when it was time to go their separate way, Sebastian confronted Kassandra—ultimately obtaining her number.

That was the beginning of pleasant experiences.

Just like many relationships in the budding stages, they spent the better part of days embroiled in sweet conversations. Even when she had office meetings to attend to as the Head Manager of a 'Genesis Electronics' branch—she delegated the presentation to others as she indulged in her new relationship.

She was lovestruck, falling head over heels for the first time in her life. She believed that this wasn't someone who lusted after her but someone who cared for her. As a result, her guards began crumbling one by one. Soon enough, she would completely surrender her heart to this guy.

When asked what he did, he informed her that he was a professional gamer. As this was a booming industry, she didn't mind much. She understood that there were opportunities in the game world now. So like an ideal girlfriend—she supported Sebastian's dreams all the while partly neglecting hers.

Of course, while in love she didn't realize what she was doing. With that being said, their relationship became her first and last. Sealing the deal, 2 years later they were engaged.

She had no complaints about their life. She continuously worked her way up the ladder of her company, becoming the right hand of the CEO. He refined his gaming skills and was ultimately recruited by a notable guild. You could say they didn't really experience any trying times or dark days of their relationship.

That was, until Sebastian attended his first official guild gathering. His mind was opened to the many women of the guild. No...the woman of the gaming world. With the guild he joined, he was immediately under the Titan's Grasp—and under the Titan's Grasp he fell.

His nights spent at home became shorter as Kassandra began to miss his presence. Moreover, when she did reach him—he would notify her that he was currently busy and should soon be home.

Deep down, Kassandra had this gnawing feeling that things would go awry. For some reason, she felt as if a wedge was being forced between her and Sebastian. She didn't like this feeling.

"Please come home soon…" pleaded Kassandra.

"I will, I promise my love." consoled Sebastian.

However, his actions betrayed his words. He wouldn't be home anytime soon. Why? Because he was currently busy...attending to another woman.

Inside a room of Sebastian's guild headquarters…

"You know I can never get enough of your supple body." chuckled Sebastian as he threw his cell phone to the side.

"Hmph oh yea? Then forget that silly fiance of yours and pleasure me better. Pound me."

Doing as she wished, Sebastian bent over this lady's seductive body and proceeded to pound away at her ham hocks. Within moments, the room was filled with lustful moans as the young woman gripped the couch.

As her ass rippled, Sebastian continuously thrust—piercing her loins and inducing copious amounts of pleasure.

"So good! Deeper! It's not enough…" moaned the seductive lady.

Biting his lip, Sebastian lifted her leg as he aimed to plunge deeper into her nether realm. And so he did…

As this took place, Kassandra sat their apartment where she missed the embrace of her fiance.

Hugging her favorite bunny rabbit plush, Kassandra tried to sleep but hours later, she experienced a nightmare or maybe you could call it a premonition.

In her sleep, he witnessed her fiance, with another woman causing extreme amounts of pleasure. Opening her eyes, her cheeks were wet as throughout the lonely nights her worries and sorrows deepened.


The door opened as Sebastian entered the apartment which alerted Kassandra. Like a puppy happy their owner was home. She sprang to life in bed as she wiped her cheeks.

"Sebastian you're home."

"Mn.." nodding, Sebastian undressed as he slid into bed. Wanting to cuddle, Kassandra approached him for his warmth. But, instead of that happening—Sebastian turned over.

"...Are you ok?" asked Kassandra in a hushed manner.

"Long day, just tired...let's get some rest."

Nodding, Kassandra clung to his back as they laid there.

Were all the women he experienced as beautiful as Kassandra? No. Did they possess the same or better figures than her? Not necessarily. Did he enjoy the other woman because he loved them? No. He was seeking excitement. He felt his life became dull with Kassandra. As a result, once his eyes were opened—he sought the thrill that the other woman provided.

It started off harmless—but how can cheating be called harmless. It was an event that could utterly humiliate your spouse. He felt it was harmless as it was unknown and he didn't harbor any feelings for these women.

On the other side, he didn't understand his feelings for Kassandra were slowly withering. Like the flickering camp that lost sustainable twigs.

Closing his eyes, he began reminiscing his experiences with other women. Surprisingly, there was no reaction from his little member. Like this, the hours passed as morning soon came.

This morning didn't feel like the previous ones. Even the sun in the sky didn't provide the warmth Kassandra was looking for. Moreover, the atmosphere was gloomy and foreboding. Coincidentally today was a big day for them both.

The successor to the CEO of the 'Genesis Electronics' would be announced and Kassandra was hopeful. As for Sebastian, it was the day he would receive his promotion to Vice Guild Leader of his guild—a position needed to even request the presence of the Titans.

There was an absence of exchange this morning—something had changed. They were aware that the other was awake, however, there were no words being exchanged. Until Kassandra broke the silence…

" a very big day for you."

"Yes it is. I'm excited for later."

While she said this, she prayed he would reciprocate and remember it was a big day for her but it didn't happen. Sebastian simply left the bed, heading for the bathroom.

Sulking, Kassandra felt feelings she didn't want to. She felt things were going wrong. She felt she was losing her solace. It felt as if things were drifting away from her.

At her corporate meeting, Kassandra was unable to gather her thoughts or feel a shred of happiness. It felt as if a leech was sucking the joy from her life—leaving it a dull grey.

In contrast, Sebastian was extremely hyper. He felt newfound joy that he was about to receive a promotion to the rank he had been dreaming about. On one side, you had a worrying damsel and the other, an oblivious, insolent fellow.

When they were awarded their titles and positions, one faked their smile for the pictures and atmosphere while the other was genuinely happy. Even more so, when he saw who granted him his position.

It was a silver-haired beauty with a slender face. Her true age was unable to be determined but that didn't diminish her sexy appearance and instead accentuated it. While she didn't possess thick hips, she was curvaceous with a plump bottom. Nonetheless, her true winning trait not to be trifled with—her bust was enormous. Additionally, she wore glasses even though unneeded, which added to her captivating appearance.

Dressed in a tight clinging red dress, Sebastian was dumbfounded by her body.

"Mm...fresh meat ogling my goodies? My dear would you like a taste? If you can satisfy me, perhaps this won't be the end of your ascent." said the lady, everything about her was just made to seduce.

"Yes please Lady Vivienne!" gulped Sebastian.

Indeed, the lecherous lady was Vivienne Hall, the Guild Leader of the 4th ranked Insurmountable Titan— Nepenthes Truncata.

It was a woman only guild, but dismiss or treat them lightly and you will understand the reason behind their name.


On that fateful night, Vivienne took Sebastian back to his place. This was once of her fetishes, to do men in the confines of their own home. And that was where Sebastian committed his first mistake.

While the two undress each other, Kassandra could no longer take the atmosphere of the gathering and slipped away. She just wanted to be home.

The second mistake of the night. But whose was it?


"Let's see just how skilled you are. I hope you're as tasty as you look. I wouldn't want to be let down." said Vivienne as she gripped Sebastian's dick by the head.

As she pleasured him, his member rose. Although it wasn't too big, it could hold its own.

"I guess you're okay in this department, how's it taste."

Without pause, lewd suckling noises sounded as Vivienne reached down touching her oasis. Her throat was like a whirlpool that was sucking Sebastian's soul.

He couldn't understand her technique. How could one make this feel so heavenly? He completely forgot about his fiance's amateurish ways and her constant avoidance of the complete act. He was being corrupted and turned into a play toy without even knowing it.

"Put it in here." said Vivienne as she spread her garden of nectar, which lewd juices dripped from.

Doing as he was instructed on the couch, he lowered her hips onto his dick. What followed was the loud cries of pleasure, so loud..the horrified Kassandra heard it outside…

"No...No...No! What is that...He's watching some naughty videos right? Yes, he is…" cupping her ears, Kassandra teared up.

Trembling, she picked up her dropped keys as she struggled to push them inside the lock.

"It's *HIC* not true...Right?"

Opening the door, Kassandra dropped her purse, and then she herself followed. On her knees, she saw the provocative smirk of Vivienne—it was if that smirk was saying thanks for the treats.

"Hey, sexy… who is that?"

Only now did Sebastian notice someone else was in the room, "My...fiance…"

"Oh? From today forward she isn''re mine. You're my slave." said Vivienne as her insides tightened.

"Yes… Lady Vivienne…" said Sebastian as he turned his head back towards her, giving her a lewd, obscene kiss.

It was then...that something inside Kassandra broke...the tears poured as she lost the light in her eyes. Her world broke…

That day forth, the world only knew a new Kassandra.

Back in the present…

"Asshole…. *HIC!* Why did you say that…"

The bunny was wounded and had nowhere to seek solace and so she sulked...alone.