Kairo's Teaching II Part 4

"Wow, oh wow...really? We have to take care of that later now don't we?" chuckled Kaiden as he patted Latahhta head who had a slight pang of blush grace her cheeks. The reddish tint on her caramel complexion created a beguiling scene.

"Ahem young lad, I believe you should be resting instead of having those types of thoughts. This training will be extensive and continuous.

"So cut the slack to a minimum and focus on recovery." chimed Kairo as he waved his index finger.

Clearing his throat, Kaiden nodded as he practiced the Art of 16 Quintessential Harmonic Cycles. Incrementally, the small hairs stood on end in stimulation as minuscule amounts of attributeless Energy congealed inside his Energy Center.

The nourishing feeling in turn soothed the fatigue caused by Concentration depletion at a slow rate. However, it was still many times faster than the original rate of autonomous recovery. As Kaiden became more proficient with this technique, he realized the technique could serve to nourish his mind.

This notion once again leads to deep questions about this game world.

'Is there something about this game besides economic advances that boomed society? If so...I can't remember. I should have a recollection of real-world occurrences but I'm drawing a blank.'

Those questions couldn't be answered at the moment as they stood outside the scope of present knowledge. Just the fact that humans were able to advance beyond the preconceived notions of their limitations served as proof the possibilities were immense.



Slamming against the training dummy, Hollow Stance's body rebounded; as a result, he frowned slightly.

"This isn't the feeling from that battle. Exactly what am I missing here?" muttered Hollow Stance as he once again slammed into the training dummy once again.

His body was overly tense when he did this causing his body to contract in the wrong way. If Kaiden was here to observe he would realize Hollow Stance was trying to accomplish two techniques—Force Dispersion and Rebound Press.

These were two techniques used to enhance the body's capabilities momentarily. Force Dispersion served to mitigate incoming damage or force inflicted on the body by channeling it through the surface below. In contrast, Rebound Press absorbed and redirected that same force back to its dealer. As a result, the counterattack was increased in both Strength and weight.

Slamming the Kribash Mountain Guard before his toes, Hollow Stance had a contemplative expression as he looked at the training dummy. He wasn't adept at using his own force to execute these techniques. His only successful use was against the boss's when pushed to his utter limits.

However, what he was striving for was not situational activation but rather an instinctual engraving. He wanted to wield these techniques as if they were second nature. Yet, this proved to be more difficult than expected. Since he first accomplished it through the imitation of Kaiden he had devoted time daily to honing this technique.

Not to mention, he hadn't even tried to execute movement techniques. He knew with his bulky in-game figure these types of techniques should take precedence. He was capitalizing on his strong points.

"I can't grasp the moment of Terminal Force. Kaiden said it all lies in the moment of Terminal Force. But that is easier said than done when there is no pressure." grunting, Hollow Stance loosened his stiff shoulders from all the slams.

The premise of the Rebound Press was to create two attacks using the force of one, so a 2 in 1 attack to name. One had to generate Force, execute that force, absorb the portion of counterforce that redirected towards themselves, and then combine that with an instantly generated force—all in one fluid motion.

So while it seemed like 1 move, in actuality it was 2 with the second being indistinct compression. However, the secret to execution was the slight stagnation one felt after a move. They needed to overcome and cancel that. But to locate that window or Terminal Force took a significant amount of control and Concentration.

Slightly frustrated, Hollow Stance exerted the full extent of his Strength. As a result, he was tossed back even further than usual—the counterforce immense.

"Bah! This daddy will overcome this. I shall not be left behind by Key. The dungeon monsters are already trivialities for him."

Once again, Kaiden served as a goal for many of his guild members. Although he was far from the best in terms of the game world. Like them, he was also a "newbie" relatively unknown with no reputation. If they could follow in his footsteps and create an indisputable legend they would be content.

Yet every time they looked, he took 5 steps ahead while they took 1. However, what they didn't know was the amount of anguish inflicted upon himself to get his benefits. A normal person wouldn't accept pain teetering on the edge of permanent mental damage or even death.

But low and behold, Kaiden did it and with tenacity he overcame it. That broad back and charismatic gaze served to incite his people. This was a kingdom they could partake in.

"No...I WILL CATCH UP." jumping to his feet, Hollow Stance stared at the training dummy with an intense gaze.

"Beside him, no one shall even think of outmatching my tenacity. When I can't prevail, I shall keep going!", gripping his shield so tightly the handle creaked, Hollow Stance dashed forth explosively.


"Alright lad, you have done the External Manipulation. Now you need to understand the Internal...

Rubbing his chin, Kairo paused for a moment, "This technique's limitation would more so be your Energy reserves. As this is your personal Energy it should be easier to command.

"I place emphasis on SHOULD! Why? Well because the Laws of Worldly Energy exist. Although you are unable to understand them—they will still act upon you; that is a given."

"However, there is a way to counteract its influence—Will. This is why we serve to strengthen our will—to overcome the world and establish our own reality. Once you reach the point you will come to understand what that means.

"Tell me...how do you think you should use your Will to counteract the Laws of the Worldly Energy?"

Quiet for a moment, Kaiden recounted all his training trying to find the meaning of Will. He used it to command his energy to do his bidding. He used it to affect the tiny portion of outer Energy. Slightly rubbing his chin, he devised an answer he deemed suitable.

"Perhaps my Will should be used to isolate my Inner Energy from the Worldly Energy so there is no initial interaction. Without interaction, the counteraction becomes impertinent to my creations."

"Correct! Young lad, beautifully worded. Your Will exists as the barrier and also the key to utilizing yours and Energy in general properly.

"The easiest and most efficient way to utilize your Will at this point would be to encompass your Energy within. Transform your intangible Will into a svelte veil that cocoons the Energy." instructed Kairo.

Nodding, Kaiden placed his hands on top of each other with a 6-inch space in between as he closed his eyes. Focusing inwardly, Kaiden directed his Energy flow towards his hands.

Without the medium such as a skill like Sword Force, this process became more tedious to do manually. However, the difficulty wasn't obscenely high at this point. Incrementally, his hands began glowing with a faint silver luster.

Simultaneously, a thin translucent blue aura began forming around Kaiden. Thin was an understatement as the thickness around him was only 1 centimeter, it better to me called intangible.

This was his Aura or otherwise known as the manifestation of Will. Strengthening, the color shifted a few shades deeper as it turned from translucent to opaque. Similarly, the silver glow on his hands had an indistinct coating of light lapis lazuli color.

"Good. Your understanding of Will is bordering on the edge of reaching the Elementary level. Continue in this fashion." nodded Kairo as his eyebrow rose a notch.

'This lad's aura is slightly irregular. It doesn't hold a property yet even though he can materialize it. Perhaps...does it have to do with the fact he is an Otherworlder? Hmm...maybe. But if his aura travels down this road…'

A smile graced Kairo's face, he was genuinely proud of the pupil he picked. At first, it was speculation as he felt his soul was slightly abnormal—but now his beliefs were reinforced. This young fellow would be one of the leading forces in bringing about change.

Muttering to himself and he lifted his right arm, a tendril of Energy shot from Kairo's fingertip into Latahhya's stomach. "I believe in you lad, so I will instill my everything before I go."

Following that action, Kairo's already withering right arm spread further. Underneath his sleeve, from his fingertips up to his elbow looked lifeless; however, the expression upon his countenance didn't experience any changes.

Between Kaiden's hands, a circular disk of Energy appeared that was veiled in a light blueish gleam. The disk was completely flat with rigid edges, no larger than 2 feet in diameter. Additionally, this exhausted nearly 1,500 Inner Energy Points to construct.

Opening his eyes, Kaiden had a slightly proud look on his face—he was enthused that he was able to handle this creation. As such, Kairo made him launch it into the distance.

Drawing back his arm, the muscles in his shoulders tensed and his torso twisted. Using his hips, Kaiden generated force and launched the disk into the distance.

1 meter...2 meters...10 meters…

After traveling 15 meters forward the disk's stability became shaky. At the 20 meter point, it completely dispersed. This provided a benchmark of its current capabilities. Its maximum range was somewhere in the midst of 17-19 meters. Beyond that damage would become negligible.

"This move has potential but right now it's a simple Energy Technique. Continuing honing your familiarity with the elements. Soon enough you will be able to command them with ease.

"In fact, they will be welcoming your command. While we have time, continue practicing these two methods of Manipulation." instructed Kairo as he distanced himself.

Every 15 minutes, Kaiden would take a 30-minute break to refuel his mental stamina. As a result, steadily Kaiden's Concentration was being tempered. Moreover, it was for a reason because the next segment of training had a rather large requirement for Concentration.

When he didn't mentally exhaust himself with Manipulation, Kaiden divulged his understandings and intricacies he comprehended about Manipulation; both the inner and outer counterparts.

As a result, the trio entered a period of uninterrupted learning. Looking at this scene, Kairo was reminded of his heyday where he had comrades of his own who served to be each other's whetstones. Time was a harsh entity—you would be troubled to find a person that could escape its torment.

As a saying once said—"Time waits for no man." It was simply an impatient demon, robbing you of your presence and turning it into past memories. Even those beings who lauded themselves at Supreme weren't fully exempt from the assault of time.

Clenching his left fist, Kairo looked to the sky. It was a vacant sky only surrounded by a crimson tint. Yet Kairo's eyes looked as if they were looking beyond this border. He had his regrets but on the other hand, he also had his hopes.

Shifting his gaze back down to Kaiden, his hand loosened. 'Let this be the generation of the Chosen Ones once again.' The 'Chosen Ones'—this was an ancient term that was lost and overshadowed in the current era. The last 'Chosen One' stood before Kaiden yet even he—Kairo was powerless at this point.

"Young lad, have you prepared yourself for the next training session. This technique is slightly more direct than the others—it will be able to stay with you—your entire journey." inquired Kairo.

Standing from his prior seated position amongst Kriishna and Latahhya, Kaiden nodded expectantly. However, deep down Kaiden also experienced this wrenching, foreboding feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Moreover, it was growing steadily. Even though Kairo said he had 5 days, he couldn't shake this peculiar feeling he felt.

'I've had this feeling before…'