Kairo's Teaching II Part 5

Kaiden's gaze was glued to Kairo for a moment. He tried to discern why he had this feeling but just couldn't. It had only been slightly over a day here. Meaning, he shouldn't be worried about the perishing of Kairo so early.

However, what he didn't know was that Kairo transferred ¼ of his Vital Essence to Latahhya which further accelerated the decomposition of his lifeforce. As stated before that injury he received millennia ago was no trifling matter.

That gift was more of a sacrifice—however, he categorized it as a sacrifice for the greater good of his pupil and also the world. Moreover, Latahhya was the one with the weakest potential among the bunch.

One had potential that couldn't be quantified at this moment, yet is already showing signs of unveiling. Another had potential that completely shadowed his predecessors. His future attainments are also unknown by the standards of his tribe. Leaving Latahhya, who carried a stronger than normal bloodline.

The difference between the 3 is that Kriishna's potential was partially untapped due to the apprehension towards his bloodline he held. Kaiden didn't originate from this world so what the NPC's translated as his future potential was partially stats to Kaiden. However, there existed a deeper unexplained meaning to his "potential" which lied within those shackles resting in his mind.

Leaving Latahhya as the sole one without an immeasurable future. The reason being that the extent of her bloodline was already unearthed. That was until now, sacrificing his Vital Essence, Kairo facilitated new possibilities for the future for her.

Not to mention, Kaiden also stood to contribute towards her future. As the effects of the Essence Link are further explored the reason for its name will be unveiled.

"Young lad, have you ever had any spontaneous ideas about using Energy?" questioned Kairo.

Nodding, Kaiden's eyes brightened. "I was curious about the extra uses of Energy. If it's a sentient existence that is autonomously consumed...wouldn't that mean there was a way to enhance and make this passive process a forefront use."

"Indeed there is a way. However, I want you to voice your opinions on the ways you could depict its extra uses first." instructed Kairo.

"Well, I would love to learn a practice that enables me to strengthen myself with Energy. I know I have my first Gate but I mean in a more protective manner.

"For example, armor is able to protect me but I would instead like to learn a method that would counteract situations where I'm unable to utilize my equipment." articulated Kaiden as he organized his thoughts.

"Hmm, so you want to learn Body Refinement. That falls under the technique I am about to teach you. It can be called Enhancement. But this specific practice as a whole is called Holy Trinity Tempering Augment." explained Kairo.

[System: Holy Trinity Cultivation Method is resonating with the words of Kairo.]

'This is related to the skill the System bestowed me.'

"You need to learn how to use Energy to augment and temper your mind, body, and soul. Now, one must know temper and augment are two completely different things.

"To temper is to permanently advance the state of your being. This is indisputable the tempering will stand along with your efforts. However, augmentation is the temporary explosive increase in your current state. But, this method always brings with it repercussions. Moreover, it exists in 2 forms.

"I advised you to use this part of the technique sparingly and only in adverse situations. We'll start with Tempering. To begin, draw your essence from your Energy Center and flow it through your Energy Channels."

This time, Kaiden was aware he required the entirety of his Concentration based on the explanation Kairo provided. Folding legs and sitting in a lotus position. Kaiden circulated his Energy around his channels.

"Hold it in place. Don't continue circulation—what we need to happen in this instance is the permeation of the Energy. Guide the Energy to pass through the walls of your Energy Channels.

"Focus the Energy into the aspects of your physique. What you are aiming for is the tempering of your Physique (Body) while concurrently causing your Mind (Concentration) to refine. Amid these refinements the Soul (Will) experiences constant liberation as it strengthens." further explained Kairo as he placed his index finger on Kaiden forehead.

With a warm gaze, Kairo spoke, "Proceed."

Wrapping his Energy in his Will, Kaiden consumed his Concentration as he dragged the Energy into his muscle structures followed by bones. Doing so caused an epiphany—albeit a brief one and completely unrelated to the advance of his state.

'This method...it's similar to what happens when you ingest a VitaShake...were those designed based on these practices? Or is it the reverse? And this practice was inspired by the benefits of the VitaShakes...So many questions.'

Within minutes, Kaiden's physique was perspiring relentlessly as two bulging veins appeared on his temple. Holding on to his Concentration, the pain began to encompass every inch of his body, he was just reaching the threshold to induce Refinement.

There were two ways to temper the physique and both incorporated one thing—Energy. The indirect way was to temper the state of the Energy and reach a higher plane with it which in turn cultivated the physique as a byproduct. The direct way was to do what Kaiden was currently doing.

Force copious amounts of Energy into the components of the physique until it reached saturation and began its tempering process. All tempering was—was the enduring of your capacity being continuously breached.

"Excellent first try. Rest. We must get your body acclimated to the procedure in a hastened manner. The intense part has yet to be surmounted." informed Kairo as he looked over to Kriishna and Latahhya.

Those two had successfully completed their own attempts at Inner Manipulation. As of now, they were slightly engrossed as they were previously listening intently to the explanation Kairo provided to Kaiden.

"You two, this process isn't difficult but it is tedious. You may begin to try at your leisure."

Nodding, Kriishna, and Latahhya first regulated their states. There was no use continuing if they were unable to capitalize on the gains. Therefore, it was best to recuperate back to their optimal states—as Kaiden was doing.

Shortly after, once again a session of Trinity Tempering ensued but this time, both Kriishna and Latahhya joined in. As this was taking place, system messages also chimed in Kaiden's ear. However, he was intent on not breaking his focus; as a result, they were currently ignored.

"Correct. Now...here comes what you need to brace yourself for."

Around Kaiden, space began warping as an orb of the discoloration came into appearance. From a light orange to reddish, the color of the orb continuously changed. At the same time, as the colors changed the heat generated became potent.

However, the oddity about it was that it didn't touch Kaiden's skin; rather it floated approximately 1 cm away. Additionally, its heat continuously increased. Comparing the accolades of indirect and direct physique refinement there was no comparison.

If the orb of heat generated by direct refinement was comparable to the sun, then the indirect way was comparable to lava. Although both were completely unbearable to humans—in actuality there was little to no comparison.

"Young lad you must hold onto your perseverance. These Mystical Flames of Refinement are quite the tyrant. Prepare yourself." warned Kairo as the fingers of his left hand moved obscurely in twisting and minute grabbing motions.

Gritting his teeth, Kaiden's expression became solemn. Heeding this warning, Kaiden prepared his mind to the utmost level. Yet, even then—the flames looked overbearing. At this point, the flames turned a milky white but the gentle appearance was nothing but a facade.

Those were devilish flames; in the center, Kaiden could now feel the stinging sensation yet the flames didn't move from its position. However, that didn't hold true for long. As if coerced by his Energy, the Mystical Flames of Refinement latched onto his physique.

In turn, Kaiden trembled; this pain surpassed the ingestion of that fruit! It felt as if his atoms themselves were boiling. This flame was invading his core. But, this was not without benefits—as the flames invaded, impurities were expelled.

On the other hand, this technique wasn't like the others that relied on his Concentration heavily. This one depended on the threshold of his body—how long could he last before his health depleted?

Moreover, Kairo wasn't in the state to help, nor would he. This practice wasn't for Kaiden to completely take the next step into his physique but instead understand the way to achieve it. Therefore, Kairo let nature take its course with the young lad.

Initially, unlike when he refined his Energy as lost 10 Health per second, this immediately started by him losing 60 Heath per second—six times the other method! Of course, you couldn't continuously refine energy to upgraded your physique.

It would become obsolete when the Energy reached perfect purity—at that point, you would have to revert to this method—the "proper" one—or rather—the way that was created for this purpose.

Regardless, both presented pain no matter how you looked at it. Moreover, the damage values increased by 10% with each passion couple of seconds.

Notwithstanding, the opening of his 2nd Gate served as a means to help him but slowly but surely those notions were being overpowered. His healing factor at this point was upwards of 150 Health per second, but the damage was closing in quickly.


Unlike before, there were no screams of pain or anything of like. In contrast, Kaiden gritted his teeth and steeled through the pain; however, he could only last for so long.

As if the system didn't allow death in this fashion, the practice was forcefully dismissed when his health fell to 1% as one more tick of damage would have killed Kaiden.

"Haah...Haaah...Haaah" loud pants escaped Kaiden as his hair ash grey hair dripped with perspiration. What's more, is the white robes he wore was singed—adding to the realistic feeling.

As his chest heaved, his back muscles rippled—seeming to be slightly more defined.

"Soon enough, you'll last long enough to endure the first step of awakening a new physique—beyond this insufficient one you currently hold—but that is a long road you must travel."

Nodding was an overly consuming movement at this point, yet Kaiden still did it.

"We don't need to repeat that. Now, what we need to do in a moment is to teach you the technique of Augmentation."

Laying on his back with his arms extended, Kaiden looked at the crimson sky—at this moment, it seemed as if the sky was tainted by blood and that was how it received its color.



If Kaiden was here he would see a sight to behold—it was a spar between Practice and FlashLight taking place in the training area. Moreover, all the Captain level main members—Gentle Whisper, Hollow Stance, DespoticShadow, etc., was here to witness.

The fighting style every physical player of this stature used had a semblance of Kaiden's movements integrated within. But, these two were two of the most heavily influenced of the bunch.

Because FlashLight experienced a Cellular Phenomenon he could control his body better than a few others. However, Practice had immense talent and drive, rivaling Hollow Stance. As such, this battle was thrilling, to say the least.

Sweeping his lance, FlashLight fluidly swung it around his body—using both the butt and blade of the lance to attack. His movements were moving far away from mechanical.

"Haha, this is fun! FlashLight again!" roared Practice as he picked up his sword once again. Nodding, FlashLight chuckled.

"With pleasure Lance, this is benefitting us both."

"LET ME JOIN, LET ME JOIN FOOLS!" yelled Hollow Stance, but the others scoffed. Who wanted to spar with this mountain of Defense.

"Come lad, let us complete your training." said Kairo as he walked slightly into the distance, his gaze fixated on the expansive nothingness.

'I shall return to you soon.'