Hold Us, Don't Let Go [R-18]

Approaching Gentle Whisper, Kaiden tapped her elbow. The immediate response was a light sleepy moan. Looking up dazedly, she rubbed her eyes as her vision returned to normal.

"Mmn?...Key? What happened? You look different." as her vision cleared she stared into Kaiden's captivating eyes. For a moment, she became lost in them—she found them to be perfect.

"Your eyes…"

"I changed my race. I'm not a regular Human anymore. Why are you sleeping here?" asked Kaiden.

However, while he asked this, Latahhya inched closer whilst clinging to his arm. Tiptoeing she whispered into his ear. This action made Gentle Whisper glare at Latahhya with pure animosity.

If they were animals, at this moment she would have already bared her fangs. However, this wouldn't happen so to speak.

"Hmph, that thing is back again." Gentle Whisper rolled her eyes.

One had to admit, Latahhya was beautiful and even though she was an NPC, Gentle Whisper was slightly jealous.

Turning her head as she inspected Gentle Whisper, she clung to Kaiden's arm tighter as she turned back towards Kaiden with an inquisitive gaze. "Hun...who is she? I smell your scent on her."

"Mn, she is my lady." commented Kaiden as he rubbed his finger against Latahhya's nose, causing her to blush poutily.

"But I thought I was your lady...are we both your ladies then?" countered Latahhya. She didn't mind him having other partners. What she minded, was the possibility of being neglected.

Unable to answer for her, Kaiden ingeniously redirected the question towards Gentle Whisper. Turning towards her, Kaiden arched his eyebrows. "Bella?"

"Hmph, and what are you looking at me for? I don't have anything to say to you…" pouted Gentle Whisper as she turned her face away.

Reaching out his hand and caressing her cheeks and chin, Kaiden spoke in a gentle tone. "Don't be like that Bella, speak your mind."

"D-don't...don't do that..." whimpered Gentle Whispers as she shuddered. Kaiden's gentle touch always made her tremble—it was becoming her weakness. His hands were warm, they were rough yet he always seemed gentle.


"Are you...going to love me if you have someone else?" looking away, an abrupt shyness washed over Gentle Whisper. It was a question on her mind since she first saw him with Latthya.

"Of course, I wouldn't neglect you—my perfect lady." lifting her chin, Kaiden gave her a warm kiss on her forehead which made her melt.

"Mmn." Nodding, she became docile in that instant. This scene shocked Latahhya, any feelings of hostility she detected faded away with this kiss Kaiden imparted. Of course, it didn't serve to mitigate any feminine competition between Latahhya and Isabella.

Looking up at Kaiden with shaky eyes and then across at Latahhya, Gentle Whisper trembled before clinging to his left arm in the same fashion as Latahhya with an adorable pout. "Okay...but, I won't lose. And...if you find more women wanting you...I will always be the first. Hmph."

Chuckling, Kaiden found her pouting jealousy and executive possessiveness to be exceedingly cute. However, the atmosphere turned electric because of what Latahhya said next.

Squirming her thighs, making her hips fluctuate, Latahhya panted. "Hun...it..it-..itches."

Nodding, Kaiden looked down towards Gentle Whisper "Mmn...Bella, I have to go up to take care of some...issues."

Shaking her head, Gentle Whisper knew what he was implying as such he said a shocking sentence of her own. "T-..take...me with you...I want to join."

Surprised, Kaiden didn't ask again as he scooped both ladies up and made his way to the Master Room. If the other were here, they would be gawking at the scene—TWO!? This man was about to be in heaven…


Placing the two on the bed, in the usual fashion—Kaiden's armor vanished. Dressed in his creamy, white robes he looked at the supple bodies of both Isabella and Latahhya. The latter had a mature aura to her curvy body while the former had a budding radiance to her youthful charm.

Smiling, Kaiden basked in their individual beauty. He was excited by their presence. In moments, all 3 only wore basic body coverings. Latahhya in her skin tight blouse and Isabella in a draping, loose gown. Due to their thinness, the inner curves of each of their bodies could easily be made out.

Crawling forward and taking initiative, Latahhya stripped Kaiden's robes presenting his bare upper body. Freezing for a moment, Latahhya lasciviously admired Kaiden's body as she bit her lip. The race change worked wonders for the outline of his physique. Rather than caramel, his skin tone was now a purplish amber or—bronze.

His chest was shapely, his torso was completely outlined with chiseled abs and obliques. Moreover, his body has the infamous accentuated V-cut. Bending down, Latahhya licked his lower abs. This was such a turn on for her, seeing a manly body on her mate incited her.

Biting her finger, Isabella had no intention of losing out. Crawling forward, she took action on his upper body. Licking his chest, Isabella focused on delivering pleasure of her own. Placing her hands on the bed for support, her back arched.

Looking down at them, Kaiden caressed Isabella's chin drawing her face to him. Leaning down, he delivered a passionate kiss. This time, he was much more adept and understood the concept of a kiss. Lightly biting her lip, Kaiden sent a jolt through Isabella that made her gaze haze over.

Wrapping her arms around his sturdy neck, Isabella became engrossed in the kiss. Lolling out her tongue, they rubbed against each other as saliva dripped down the corner of their mouths. Tightening her grasp, the intertwining of their tongues intensified.

Looking up Latahhya became hungry for more. "Hngg..M-me...Do me too."

Shifting his gaze to the corner of his eyes, he saw Lattahhya's pleading unsatisfied gaze. Breaking the kiss, he switched to Latahhya. Her kiss was a bit rougher as her lust was deeper than Isabella. However, it also felt slightly better as her tongue had a better shape.

Suckling and pressing her finger on her tongue, Isabella eyed Kaiden's lower robe. Without asking, she removed them. As a result, his fine member hung in the midst. No matter how many times she saw it, Isabella eye's would always gleam with desire.

Sticking out her tongue, her warm saliva met the tip. Guiding his magnificent rod, she welcomed him into her mouth. In its soft form, it was quite easy to maneuver. However, that couldn't be said for long. As the loud suckling noises and drool left her mouth, his divine rod was empowered back to its penultimate magnificence.

"N-nummy." Ogling as his dick, Isabella licked her lips. Latching back on, her hand gripped the base and gently twisted as her head bobbed back and forth seeking to bestow copious amounts of pleasure. This action caused a decent amount of fine nectar to stick to her lower garments.

Looking down, Kaiden was immersed in pleasure. One couldn't get enough of his mouth while the other remained mesmerized by his rod of pleasure. Removing her blouse, Latahhya soft boobs bounced. Cupping them, she pressed them against Kaiden's lips. Loving him some chocolate—Kaiden instantly indulged.

As the lewd and loud suckling noises came from Isabella tending to his powerful tool of pleasure. Kaiden's ravenously devoured Latahhya's delectable nipples. Delivering the occasional nipple and slightly strong bite, Latahhya's body trembled.

"D-don't...DO...N-ngh...that.." in reaction, a light, sticky fluid oozed from Latahhya's juice box. Chuckling in his mind, Kaiden knew her mouth was denying what she wanted. Each bite-suck-nibble combination sent varying chills down her spine, deteriorating her rationality.


On the other hand, Isabella popped his tool out of her mouth, eyeing it lovingly; she gazed at it planting a small kiss, before smacking it on her lips. "I want...chu...Haah."

Reaching her hand down and touching herself, Isabella turned around and arched her back. The entrance to her canal of pleasure was already as wet as a slip n slide. Shifting her panties to the side, her lower lips pressed against her sweet opening.

"N-ngh…" She wouldn't lose today. Pressing her hips back, wet squishy noise sounded as her pussy was spread wide open by Kaiden's thick dick. Leaning her face against the bed, her gaze became watery. She was more turned on than usual. Someone else being present slightly excited her.


Helping her out, Kaiden thrusted his hips in a quick motion.

"H-hyeee!...Mngh…" Gentle Whistle gripped the bed sheet. She gasped and moaned as she was filled up. Rocking her hips of her own accord, her supple butt cheeks rippled. It was an enthralling sight. Isabella's luscious moans intensified as she moistened Kaiden's dick. The beguiling noises of pleasure excited Latahhya's lust further—she wanted that same feeling.

Removing her panties, Latahhya laid back next to Isabella spreading her legs as she reached down. Splitting open her plump lowers lips, a trickle of love juices flowed. Guiding Kaiden's hand she wanted his touch. However, Kaiden had other plans for her.

Hooking her thigh, Kaiden pulled her close. Picking her up with ease, her legs rested on his shoulders as his hands were devoured by her thick buttocks. Sticking out his tongue, which was slightly elongated by his race change—he lapped her juices.

Directly after, he traced the outline of her garden of nectar. Finally, he flicked her pleasure bean with purpose causing her to shiver, arch her back, and curl her toes. With him teasing her throbbing loins in such a manner—the amount of pleasure she received assaulted her rationality.

All the while, Isabella laid on the bed already drowned in pleasure as a creamy white substance graced the top of his dick. Pounding her hips strongly, her body rippled. Reaching back, she held her butt for deeper penetration even though he was already tapping her deepest recesses.

"Haahn...Hyeuk!.." Grabbing at Kaiden's hair, Latahhya was going crazy. Her pants became heavier as her stomach was collapsing. The stimulation was strong with this one. Grinding her hips, in his hands and on his face—Latahhya completely submitted to the embrace of lust.

"Aahhnn!!..." Screaming out in pleasure, Isabella also submitted to pleasure as she wet the bed with a substantial amount of pleasure juice.

Tightening his hips, Kaiden also reached his limit as he filled her to the brim with his seed of life. Sighing in deep pleasure, Isabella slid down his member.


With a popping noise, Isabella laid on the bed as she gripped the sheets panting heavy. But, Kaiden wasn't completely satisfied—there was a feast before him. Chuckling, Kaiden dropped Latahhya on the plush bed. Loving the roughness, she opened her legs, holding her thighs as she looked up Kaiden. Her leer reached the epitome of seductions as she anticipated her penetration.

"Come in...hyaaaa!! Mnngh…" before she finished, Kaiden pounced on her, impaling her rough with his imperial member. Thrusting vigorously, his motions were fluid which drove her utterly mad.

Crawling over, Isabella stared at Latahhya who stared back. Both their eyes were glazed over in pleasure as they became watery.

"Go ahead and bond, you two will become pleasure sisters after all." chuckled Kaiden as his hips trusted vigorously causing thunderous slapping noises to saturate the atmosphere.

Nodding docilely, the two kissed. It became lewd as they played with each other's tongues. The scene served as Kaiden's excitement as he swelled inside Latahhya.

Breaking the kiss, Latahhya gasped. "H-haahn...Bwig...Ish so big…".

Nodding, Isabella agreed as she turned Latahhya's face back towards her giving her another sloppy kiss. Latahhya's mind was slightly overwhelmed. On one hand, she had a thick rod piercing in and out of her. Then, on the other end, she had a pleasurable sloppy kiss being delivered in an almost deprived manner.

As a result, grabbing Isabella's breasts—Latahhya played with them, causing Isabella to moan. Twisting Isabella's nipples slightly, she looked out the corner of her eyes. She saw a content smile across Kaiden's face which made the pleasure she felt magnify to new levels.

Within a good amount of minutes, after pounding Latahhya's insides into subservience Kaiden emptied his seed into her with one last powerful thrust. In light of that last thrust, she made a mess of her own as she cried out loudly in pleasure while her legs trembled and her back arched demonically.

And so, this was how an hour passed with the trio as a multitude of positions took place on this fine evening.


Laying in bed, devoid of clothes. Both Latahhya and Isabella had satisfied looks on their faces as they stared at Kaiden ardently.

"Key, hold us...Don't let go." said Isabella lovingly as her eyes closed slowly. That session drained her—Kaiden was more of a beast than usual.

"Yeah Hun...hold me too." said Latahhya as she clung to Kaiden's opposite side, wrapping her leg around his.

Nodding, Kaiden wrapped both his arms around their waist as he enjoyed this fine moment.


Later as the two others fell asleep, Kaiden stared at the ceiling as he thought to himself with a slightly faltering gaze.

'I promise; I won't let go!'

This had more meaning than one.