
Falling asleep, restoring his fatigued mind from training, Kaiden's eyes trembled as he awakened. Holding his head, the imperious feeling he previously felt disappeared. His Will had strengthened but it returned to similar qualities as before.

That previous imposing feeling to him was not rightfully his—it was the residual effect of the Will Seed he had swallowed. Correct, the condensed orb of aura that he swallowed in his mind space was called a Will Seed—a crystallization of pure Will which served the purpose of temporarily bolstering the quality of your Will.

Looking at the soundly sleeping pair of women, Kaiden clenched his hands. His body felt full of strength—beyond what he previously felt. However, the feeling wasn't originating from his body but instead his Energy. It felt as if it was ready to condense into a liquid state. The potency was alarming. But yet and still, he also felt there was a barrier preventing that process.

'That's right...I'm in the Core Origination Realm. Kairo said each Realm consists of varying amounts of stages."

The 'Foundation Forging Realm' consisted of both, Stage 1 and 2 of Kaiden's profession. In this stage, Kairo made such efforts to push his energy capacity to the limits.

The 'Core Origination Realm' embodied the 3rd, 4th and 5th Stages of his profession. Each tier consists of different qualities. The 3rd was about condensation of his Inner Energy. However, that was a slow process. The 4th stage was solidification which was the basic creation of your Energy Core which had another name. The 5th Stage was refinement, however, it was a special refinement.

The 'Internal Genesis Realm' was the 6th and 7th Stages. Both of which focused on creation and liberation.

The 'Elemental Assimilation Realm' was the 8th and 9th state. This was a fundamentally altering stage that would change the potency of Kaiden.

The 'Origin Flame Fabrication Realm' was known as the 10th stage. This could be considered the realm where one "created" themselves. In order words, one would be a "Saint".

The 'Pinnacle Transformation' was the 11th stage. However, not much information was known about this stage of the practice. Although, it was hinted that one would be able to surpass a Saint in this realm.

The 'Divine Extremity Realm' was the 12th stage and theoretically, the last stage of cultivation. However, much is left unknown with the current state of the world. This is the realm Kairo sat at the peak of.

Standing, Kaiden caresses the cheeks of Isabella and Latahhya causing cute coos to sound as they snuggled their pillows causing Kaiden to chuckle.

'They're one and the same.'

Exiting, as Kaiden walked through the door, his armor reequipped however, not before a random guild member down the hall caught wind of his body causing her to blush.

Turning, Kaiden smiled as he waved before tapping his foot, jumping over the staircase and landing on the lobby three floors down. What a quick way to bypass stairs.

Exiting the guild residence, the guild member slapped her head. She had come to relay a message from the members in the training area but became sidetracked.

"Oof...oh well, he'll see them at some point. But that figure sure is nice hehe." shrugged FoxyEyes.

Bringing the guild menu, Kaiden inspected the state of the guild affairs.

「Guild Name: Ethereal Conviction

Guild Level: 3 (39,934/75,000) | Guild Reputation: 4,528

Guild Popularity: 100

Guild Leader: Unsheathed

Member Capacity: 986/1,000

Allocated Funds: 10,613 Gold, 83 Silver, 44 Bronze.

Vice-Guild Leaders: 0

Administrator: General Sonic

Commanders: o

Captains: 8 (DespoticShadow, MagicsSlave, Practice, HollowStance, GentleWhisper, Intact, SymbolicSoul, FlashLight)


Main: (200/200)

Core: (300/300)

Basic: (461/500)

Territories: None

Properties: Lunar Essence Mansion (Guild Residence)

Affiliations: Rising Comet Trading Firm (Lv.1 Union) Faithful Valkyries (Lv.1 Guild)」

'Everything is developing well. We need to focus on our economic sustenance now.'

Closing the guild menu, Kaiden withdrew the Gold that was donated from the members to further the guild. It was time he got things together and continued with his plans. As a result, he headed towards the Rising Comet Workshop.

The Workshop or Shop didn't appear under the guild as Kaiden held sole ownership of these establishments. Moreover, the Shop was in a closed state at the moment. He didn't officially open it. The player base was increasing drastically with each passing day, as such Kaiden instructed General Sonic to focus on stock.


Inspecting the working atmosphere of the Rising Comet Workshop, Kaiden nodded contentedly. The atmosphere hadn't changed one bit since his first visit, it remained just as attentive as before.

Knocking on EnchantingThread's door, Kaiden waited for an answer. After a short while of fumbling heard inside, the door opened.

"What? Oh...Look who has finally come. What is it?... Eh, you look...different?" questioned EnchantingThreads.

Stepping inside and closing the door, Kaiden inspected the room. Layers upon layers of clothes and leather pieces laid among the room. Waving his arm he held out a paper to EnchantingThreads.

"This is for you."

As she read the paper her eyes lit up. It was the design for a complete leather armor!

[Wavering Night Set Design] (Violet Gold)

Requirement: Intermediate Tailor

Lv.50 Leather Equipment Set

Top, Bottom, Belt, Shoulders, Shoes.


Solid Leather x80

Shadow Thread x6

Moonstones x54

Carbon Fiber x12

Mana Debris x32

"Oh yes! Thank you! Hehe. Come get your kiss, you neglectful fellow." Planting a kiss on Kaiden's cheek, she patted the paper as she learned it.

"I need you tomorrow for lawyer purposes at Vizionary Zeal at 2 PM. Will you be available?" inquired Kaiden.

"Yes, I will be. Now shoo shoo. I have a new toy to aim for. OH! I uh...depleted my supply of material already. Can you be a dear and have someone deliver me more?" pleaded EnchantingThreads.

"Yes, I'll arrange for it. Don't forget about tomorrow. I will remind you." said Kaiden as he opened the door.


Tiptoeing as Kaiden turned, she planted a quick kiss on Kaiden's lips. Before twirling around to get back to her work. Closing the door, Kaiden exited.


Inside the usual Twilight Moon Inn, located in Crescent Wake Town...

In a large room adorned with typical Victorian-style furnishings…

A man stood berating WarCry as he shook his head in annoyance.

"WarCry!! Why is it—that you have not purchased a Residence for your 'Warhead Syndicate' yet?? You have retrieved a Promotion Order for god's sakes. That fool Unsheathed has had one for nearly a week now. How could you have the gall to fall behind this unknown fellow?"

"Tch...I don't know who did it...BUT ONLY THE MOST EXPENSIVE DEEDS REMAIN! FUCK!" tossing everything on the table in a fit of rage, WarCry chest heaved in fury.

Kaiden's prior plans of disrupting the market for residence acquisition was beginning to show fruits.

"Idiot! How is money a problem for you? Although the entirety of your guild isn't here now. You should be able to accumulate funds easily."

"It's not that easy! Without any benefits to offer currently, my members are lackadaisically accumulating funds." roared WarCry as his hands slammed on the table.

"Hmph, you are becoming a disgrace to the name of the Overlord grade...How about you impose your standing on your members. If they wish to quit they'd simply have to pay you the ridiculous sum and then take that sum and invest it in the game…

"How stupid can you actually be?" muttered BlatantSage as he smacked his forehead. Being in the presence of WarCry irritated him as he found him to be nothing except a fool.

"Ah! That is true...either they shape up and devote their money to the guild or quit. Either way, it is my win." darkly chuckled WarCry as devious ideas flooded his mind. He would be getting a residence by any means necessary, there was not much up grabs anyhow.

It was best to grab them while they were available. However, this was the disgusting mindsets of most established guilds—they paid no mind to their members. Only the extremely talented were treated favorably to incite them to remain in the guild.

Moreover, those talented members actually experienced heavier restrictions than the main members. One thing a guild watched out for was the poaching of their talented members. As a result, harsh punishments were imposed upon them lest they wanted to leave the confines of the guild.

'Tch it took me saying this for this idiot to understand the idea?' STUPID!'

Rolling his eyes, BlatantSage groaned. However, WarCry was instead pulling up his interface sending a message.

"PaleWind relay a message throughout the entirety of the guild including the ones who aren't currently able to fit inside the guild—By tomorrow you must mail/donate 10 gold to me or be deemed insubordinate—this is not the time for games." commanded WarCry.

"G-Guild Leader…that's pretty extreme...are you sure?" stuttered PaleWind. She didn't find this to be a smart move at all. However, she was a talent so he didn't fall under this category of mistreatment.

"Just do it! No questions!" snarled WarCry as he closed the interface. His foul mood didn't lighten one bit. Looking over, he felt like punching BlatantSage in the face—something about him irked him beyond belief.

"Fuck are you looking at? Do you want to fight or something?" swore BlatantSage. Leaving WarCry to look away grumbling. He saved himself the embarrassment as he knew he was no match for this guy just based on their Tyrant Ranking alone.

"That's what I thought. Tch." chided BlatantSage waving his hand.


Inside the branch of the Merchant Association, Horizon Break stood at the desk frowning. He was currently looking at the list of properties for both commercial and residential properties. However, his options were limited. Many of the options on the list were blacked out and that slightly upset him.

"Um excuse me, who holds ownership over these deeds?" inquired Horizon Break.

However the response offered not a shred of help, "Sorry, that information can't be divulged." replied the attendant.

'Agh...if I buy any of these deeds...it will almost completely exhaust the acquired funds. I'll have to settle for the cheapest one available... But even then, cheap is a relative term in this case.'

Due to the passage of a few days, the prices of the deeds experience slight inflations. If Kaiden saw the current prices he would laugh as he was shaping up to make out like a bandit.

"I'll take this one here for 16,543 Gold please." said Horizon Break.

But as he did, his heart was bleeding. This was just a regular residence and not even a Guild Residence. However, he wasn't aiming for one, to begin with. He understood when they were out of stock...a bloody battle would ensue to keep their residences.

As such, he settled for a normal residence to base his guild out of for now.

'Perhaps, I shouldn't have offended Unsheathed. That guy is an unspeakable talent. He holds the first Guild Residence. And he is days ahead of the other with the state of his guild.' sighed Horizon Break.

With his deed in hand, Horizon Break left. However, it was a baffling sight to see an Earth-grade guild acquire property before an Overlord one. But, this could be attributed to the fact he treated his members as people. He had a good relationship with his subordinates even if he used foul means toward the public.


Waving his hand, Kaiden pulled down the system interface as he proceeded with the logout process. His level was in a good state. Being Lv.46 kept him in the leaderboards but not at an overbearing spot.

There would be a process for his undertaking. It wasn't sporadic thinking like the beginning. There was a meticulously devised plan assembling itself within his mind. As such, Kaiden rushed to place things strategically.