Taking Precedence (1 of 2)

"1...2...3… 40…"

Within a training gymnasium private room, the sounds of exertions echoed as Kaiden counted his movements. Holding a perfect, ramrod straight handstand—hands shoulder width apart, in rhythm; Kaiden performed handstand pushups.

Next to him, Ezekiel performed the same movements at a slightly faster speed. Surprisingly his Strength was on par with Kaiden's However, he had ingested a comparably larger amount of Grade 3 VitaShakes. He was currently ingesting Grade 4 VitaShakes daily. His foundation was sturdy. Not to mention, it seemed they had high potential when compared to that of a normal person.


[The preset 1 minute timer has elapsed.]

Flipping to his feet, Kaiden wiped the glistening sweat from his forehead.

"72 in 1 minute haha! Beat that." chuckled Kaiden.

"Try again, 81 fool. You can't overpower this daddy just yet!" rebutted Ezekiel.

Currently, the brothers were training their bodies while performing actions that required meticulous control of their muscles. Moreover, they continuously tracked their reaction speed. Kaiden was pleasantly surprised.

Priorly, over the course of 3 months, he managed to reduce his reaction speed from 0.21s to 0.12s. Although the difference seemed minuscule at best—a measly .09s—don't underestimate the difference. When the value became smaller, it became increasingly harder to hasten your reaction speed.

However, now his reaction speed was a whopping 0.04 seconds. This was his first test since his Cellular Phenomenon. The results baffled him. However, his change was more so to his physique. It could handle a lot more strain than before, this workout was already intense yet he additionally made it extensive.

Notably, the more unsettling thing was his brother's reaction speed. It was approaching an inhuman realm—0.027s. However, Ezekiel already explained that his Phenomenon was more of a metaphysical one. His change took place more in his brain than his body.

Cellular Phenomenons were not limited to upgrading the physical. Depending on your existing qualities—it could serve to amplify those abilities. Ezekiel was this type. He was always lauded as studious with an IQ near genius levels. As such the concentration of his energy resided in his overactive brain.

In light of this, his Cellular Phenomenon heightened his senses, thinking process, and reaction speed immediately. Of course, his physique was upgraded—just not at such an exaggerated increase.

Kaiden on the other hand stood outside the scope of physical and metaphysical Cellular Phenomenon. Due to the catalyst of his Cellular Phenomenon, he became a personage that encapsulated both sides. As a result, his body nor mind elevated to the extent a person would during the initial evolution process.

Nonetheless, this sacrifice was inconsequential at best. In exchange, for the slight decrease in potency on the physical and metaphysical level—he received uncharted potential. It had only yet to be transversed and remained an enigma to him.

"Tch...I'll catch up very soon. You're just my older brother, so of course you have to uphold your false image of superiority. Hahaha." chuckled Kaiden.

Shrugging Ezekiel grabbed his things, heading towards the showers they washed the sweaty filth of their bodies. Ingesting a Grade 5 VitaShake, Kaiden tossed one to Ezekiel.

"Since you had a Cellular Phenomenon, Grade 5 can't harm you any longer. However, brace yourself...it's terrible."


"How bad can it be- ACKK!" after chugging the VitaShake in one go, Ezekiel proceeded to comment but was forced to stop as his insides burned.

"TORTURE!!!" screamed Ezekiel.


Tapping his wristwatch, it was 11:57 AM. Slightly over two hours left before his meeting Kaiden. Standing at the High Speed Metro Station, waiting to board his train, he straightened his attire. He was currently outfitted with a dapper, slick, grey suit with a black tie. Additionally, his mother styled his hair into a slick ponytail.

Giving off a gentlemanly vibe, Kaiden muttered under his breath.

"These clothes are becoming a bit...insufficient."

The increase in height and muscle mass caused the material of his previous clothes to be stretched.

'Maybe I need a change of wardrobe and a drastic increase in wear. I won't always be in-game, situations do tend to happen.'

Dialing a number his holographic display presented a beautiful yet slightly mature looking woman.

"Hello Rosana, meet me at the Sonic Star Media Group at say, 1 PM okay? We'll leisurely make our way to the meeting."

"Mm, hello there handsome. I didn't know you looked even better in real life. Okay, I'll meet you there at 1:10 PM. Bye. I have to get ready."

As the call ended, Kaiden frowned slightly. Women and their need to take forever to get ready for any situation. Tch. However, New Metro and Minence City were cities of convenience. Depending on the popularity, a company's headquarters or branch was bound to be located in either of these cities if based in the United States.

Tapping rapidly, Kaiden informed Tyler through a message that he would be stopping by to pick up the compilation of data on the company 'Vizionary Zeal.' He needed to assess the route he would take in the meeting. It was best to prepare in advance to launch an all-out assault wherein he controlled the momentum.

He would command the meeting in such a way that his words and aura took precedence. Although he was walking into an experienced setting, as with Tyler; he wouldn't be losing out on any advances.

Within a few moments, the sleek designed speed train docked into the station. As the doors slid open, Kaiden boarded and sat in a window seat. Enjoying the view of speedily passing scenery was stimulating to him.


40 minutes later, exiting the train station, Kaiden walked steadily down the street. Multiple stores, skyscrapers, residence buildings passed in the background as he leisurely made his way down the avenue. Soon enough, standing before the modernized building.

Kaiden entered the Sonic Star Media Group headquarters. Greeted by the receptionist, Kaiden returned a courteous smile. However, not long after—Tyler personally received Kaiden. After acquainting themselves, Tyler now held Kaiden to a level identical to his own.

Holding his hand up, Tyler pointed Kaiden towards the executive elevator.

"Come up, I'm compiling the information as we speak. It should be ready fairly soon. I'll leave it up to you ingenious to find a way to manipulate this datum I will be handing over."

"Believe me, I will definitely be devising some type of grand scheme to ensnare these people. It's unfortunate—the turn of events they have experienced thus far." responded Kaiden.

Standing inside the executive elevator which was many times more exquisite than its generic counterpart, Kaiden nodded as he was hit with a feeling of deja vu. His memories detailed this elevator as it was the one he used daily.

Entering the office, Kaiden took a seat in the same chair as his last meeting whilst Tyler returned to his desk. Tapping away, the clacking of a mechanical keyboard could be heard as the holographic monitors changed at a rapid pace.

"If thirsty, help yourself. There is the minifridge, the coffeemaker or the lounge room down the hall with more of a selection.

'I'm aware.' inwardly chuckled Kaiden. He needed no directions in this department; he knew the layout of this building like the back of his hand.

"I'm comfortable for the moment. I'm waiting on someone." kindly refused Kaiden.

Tilting his head up as he continuously typed—the structure already etched into his brain; Tyler's eyebrow arched with interest. "Oh? Who is it?"

'It's time for a little payback.' playfully smirked Kaiden.

"Hah. Do you know who EnchantingThreads is?"

Thinking for a moment, Tyler shook his head drawing a blank.

"As in real identity? Hmm...I'm not sure. You handled her contracted so I never overlooked it. Also, they are not required to use their real names—their IGNs hold the same weight."

Leaning forward, Kaiden lightly chuckled "Yeah, because of that I had to deal with that headache of a woman. Her name is simple—Rosana Foncesca."

Silent for a moment, Tyler even stopped typing. "...No way! That demon woman?! How did you manage to draw her in...OH GOD! I hope you didn't strike a deal with her…

Sucking in a cold breath, Tyler continued. "If you did, that'd be the end of you lest she became angry over any insignificant thing."

Shrugging Kaiden rotated his head toward Tyler. "Nah, no deal was needed. She is just a...rather quirky woman I guess you could say. But, I get to experience her tactics firsthand so that's fun."

"Oh? May I know who is a headache and a quirky woman?"

A silky voice that held a tinge of haughtiness that was overall pleasant to the ear sounded from the doorway. However, that voice didn't sound so pleasant to Kaiden at this moment—he froze. Why couldn't he sense her presence entering? Moreover, his mouth perhaps got him in trouble—there was no telling with this woman. She was what you called a true femme fatale.

"Ahem..you must have misheard some words. Should we take you to the doctor to check if your ears are ok? I'm worried." awkwardly coughed Kaiden.

"Hmph, shameless." replied Rosana.

The hilarious part was out of the four other single office chairs, she chose to sit directly next to Kaiden—on the same two-seater couch. However, her getup was extremely enchanting. Even though she wore garments a female lawyer would she added her own flair.

Around her neck was a leather choker with a diamond embellishment hanging down. Instead of a suit, she wore mid-thigh length matte black skirt along with a white blouse. Her soft, yet deep black hair was in a high ponytail with bangs covering her petite forehead.

"Hmm, change of style Ms.Foncesca? I remember you favoring female suits." chuckled Tyler as the machine behind made a low humming noise. The compilation was finished and Tyler fabricated a hard copy.

"Mm, change of pace so to speak." curtly spoke Rosana.

Standing up, Kaiden received the folder from Tyler and waved it. "Well, now that this is acquired. I believe it's time we make way towards the verbose battlefield."

Nodding, Rosana followed behind Kaiden as he waved to Tyler.


*Clack* *Clack* *Clack*

The repeated rhythm of luxurious heels tapping against the concrete floor sounded. Her elegant yet seemingly seductive gait caused heads to turn as Rosana and Kaiden walked in tow. It was the time of day where the streets were active—there was much traffic to be halted by her stunning figure.

"Have you decided on your approach once you reach the meeting?" inquired Rosana. Now that it came to business, her whole demeanor changed. She became sharp and slightly candid. It was like she was a viper's fang.

"Currently devising an encompassing one." said Kaiden as his eyes remained glued to the company's data. Surprisingly, there were even records of under the table deals on here.

Inspecting his attentive gaze, Rosana performed a cursory glance of the report. With that small glimpse—devious and debilitating schemes formulated in her mind. However, she kept them to herself as she wanted to become privy to Kaiden's vocal maneuverability.

With the slow pace of their strides, Kaiden and Rosana sauntered as they reached the headquarters of Vizionary Zeal at 1:50 PM. Stowing the documents, Kaiden straightened his attire. Notwithstanding his efforts, Rosana stepped in front of him as she corrected his tie.

"There you go. Perfect. Let's wreak some havoc." giggled Rosana. However, although that giggle sounded cute, the intentions behind that beguiling chuckle were far from cute. Pray for her prey which was about to be preyed upon.