Taking Precedence (2 of 2)

As the duo stood before the glass doors of the towering Vizionary Zeal, they nodded. Not because of the building itself but because of how much it fitted into the scenery. The architects took the overly modern route with this building—the notion of privacy completely thrown to the winds.

Outfitted with polished, high-density glass the offices located on the 10th floor above could be seen through by a neighboring skyscraper. However, its irregular triangular prism design offered a unique feeling to its design, meeting the skyline beautifully.

"I must say, this building is quite innovative in its styling." compliment Kaiden as he tilted his head upwards.

The skyline was riddled with the peaks of luxurious skyscrapers; they looked astonishingly beautiful all together. The buildings attracted a lot of attention by incorporating many different cultures' structural ideas. In this era, like many others, different cultures adopted some views of their competition that left their mark. Not just on international relations, but also upon the city's identity—its aura, the comfortability.

Pressing his hand on the quartered revolving door, each space large enough to fit 2 overly sized people or 3 regular people, Kaiden and Rosana entered. Instantly they were embraced by the chilled atmosphere of the central cooling system. As it was September, outside still retained its slight humidity and warm temperatures.

"Oh that feels so good!" exclaimed Rosana as she pulled a pair of glasses from her blouse's chest pocket. Slim and elegant, while also rimless; these were her power accessory for her professional life—when they came out, she meant business.

Taking the lead, she approached the receptionist's desk at a slightly brisk pace—enforcing her frank demeanor.

"Hello, how may I help you?" courteously began the receptionist.

"Kaiden Smith and Rosana Foncesca, we have a 2 o'clock with the managerial staff." curtly replied Rosana.

"One moment please." tapping away at a slightly hurried pace, the receptionist's eyes trembled briefly. She was aware of this demon woman's reputation and she was slightly distraught about causing any discontent—as this woman was noticed to induce a state of chagrin if her mood changed on a whim.

Taking note of the slight change in atmosphere, Kaiden mentally chuckled. It seemed this woman's name ran deeper than he first assumed.

'Tsk tsk, a reputation that exceeds her. Oh my, perhaps even I should pray for those old fellows.'

"Ah! Found you. Head forward to the elevator behind. Proceed to the 32nd floor. As you approach the first turn following the exit of the elevator, turn right. The 3rd door on the left is your meeting room." instructed the receptionist

Nodding, Kaiden offered his thanks as they proceeded with the foolproof directions.

"Ho? Seems your reputation precedes you. You had that fairly young receptionist shaking in her boots." chuckled Kaiden as they waited for the elevator.

"It's an everyday thing, don't step on my toes and I won't bite you." shrugged Rosana.

Making a slightly amused gesture, Kaiden tilted his head as the elevator doors opened. It was a classic metallic setting only with highly polished with reflective properties. Within a short few moments, the pair was exiting the elevator, traversing a long hallway.

Making that first right, the hallway expanded but shortened. Walking forward a short distance, Kaiden and Rosana approached the only doorway with double doors on the floor.

Walking through those doors, Kaiden and Rosana were greeted by 8 individuals; 5 men and 3 females. However, unlike the other 7—that 8th person stood next to an older male with a file in his hand and a finger pushing up his glasses.

"Hello all, I am Kaiden Smith. The individual Sonic Star has recommended to come and establish a relationship with." said Kaiden as he pulled out a seat for Rosana to sit.

The problem was... When she sat, the atmosphere of the room turned cautious and slightly gloomy. They weren't under the impression she would be here. No, they were curious as to how this individual managed to get in touch with the Demon Goddess.

Silent, her eyes cascaded around the conference room falling on each individual person. Her gaze tortured them...as if she was boring into their souls.


"With your arrival, let the meeting begin." said the older male as his eyes scrutinized Kaiden. He failed to understand how such a young boy ventured his way into the corporate world.

"Okay, let's begin with introductions. How can we form a relationship without first knowing each other." chuckled Kaiden.

"I'll begin with my introduction then. I am the CEO of Vizionary Zeal, Alexander Peters." said the older looking middle-aged male.

Next, another middle-aged male albeit younger looking introduced himself.

"Steven Cho, Chief Operating Officer. Head of Internal Affairs."

Going around the room, curt replies were made.

"Sophia Crux, Chief Financial Officer. Head of Budget and Sales."

"Sandra Pippen, Chief Marketing Officer, Head of Market Department."

"Wayne Barron, Chief Development Officer, Head of Research and Development."

"Jeffrey Ellison, Chief Technology Officer, Head of Productions."

"Leticia Bland, President of Vizionary Zeal."

Turning his head, Kaiden inspected the last standing person.

"And you? Introduce yourself also."

"Allen Trust. Executive Assistant." curtly replied the standing male.

Everyone in the room was acquainted and as such, Kaiden began his incursion.

"Now, it's been brought to my attention, some of you...are rather new to your positions. Is this so Ms. Bland?"

"Correct, I am a substitute for the previous...corrupt President, Mr.Smith. And we have no Vice President currently." said Leticia.

"Hmm, so you mean to say...the condition of this company which on the exterior presents the idea of being stable is actually in tatters?" questioned Kaiden.

His abrupt and brusque question caused a few to clench their hands. However, there were a few with no response. And that was who Kaiden was prepared to drown in despair.

"I see you had no response Ms.Crux as with you Mr.Barron. Does this company not mean much to you?" subtly provoked Kaiden.

"Sorry, but your childish attack won't serve to rile my emotions. We're here for business, not trivial games." coldly remarked Ms.Crux.

"As she said. Proceed with business junctions if that is what you came for."

"Indeed, then inform me...How did the previous president get hold of research ideas? In this setting is the chain of command not from Research and Development to Chief Operating Officer to Chief Executive Officer? Then why is it that the President was involved? It's not essential for them to be privy to confidential projects." chided Kaiden.

The atmosphere was the room turned apprehensive. "No. The question is why are you privy to the fact of our internal affairs?" countered Ms.Crux.

Holding his hand up, Kaiden's countenance remained finished. "Halt. Do not interrupt me, I wasn't finished. Mind your manners, lest unwarranted things happen at a hastened pace.

"Are you threatening me?!" exclaimed Sophia as her hands slammed on the table.

Shrugging, Kaiden paid her reaction no mind, moving along. "Take it as you see fit."

"Mr.Peters, walk me through the reason for your venture into . Is it for capital gains to embark on projects, not in the works?" continued Kaiden.

Raising his eyebrows, Alexander was slightly taken aback by how well informed Kaiden was about his intentions.

"More or less correct. We have ventured into the game world of to correct some financial instabilities known to the public. With the partnership of all major worldwide financial institutions, there are many opportunities to grasp."

"I see. Then if you wish to advance on those ideologies. I think it's time we clear the leeches from this company or at least...forced them to submit. Don't you think?" countered Kaiden.

"Oh? What do you mean by that?" inquired Alexander.

Pulling a few of the papers out of the file he possessed, Kaiden spread them across the table. As he proceeded with such actions the pupils of Sophia, Wayne and Steven constricted. However, Steven's reaction was the gravest.

Focusing his gaze into the chilling glare, Alexander examined the documents. A rage was building within him once again but not directed at Kaiden. Traces of the previous coup d'etat he couldn't catch hold of remained in his hands.

On the table laid images, transaction receipts, messages, etc. The usefulness of Tyler's information gathering was notable. Or perhaps, he was always preying on the mistakes of other companies, focused on their mishaps.

"Ms.Bland and Mr.Barron care to explain what you're doing here in the office photo? I don't think this is suitable for work, now is it? This must be why Mr.Barron backs you up so vehemently. Also, what are these foreign transactions into bank accounts unrelated to the company?"

Now his true onslaught began.

"I-I...How…" Leticia stuttered, embarrassed and unable reply while Wayne remained silent with his countenance darkening. He swore he deleted all traces of the evidence located in the building.

"Unfortunately while you made efforts to erase the evidence. My source doesn't reside in this building—your efforts were ineffectual." chuckled Kaiden.

In the photo, Wayne and Sophia were seen fornicating on the premises. Moreover, it was on more than one occasion. Furthermore, there were multiple receipts belonging to transactions into foreign swiss accounts under their names.

"Not only are you infringing upon Human Resource policies, but you are also partaking in corporate embezzlement. Although the laws are loose…

Kaiden smiled devilishly as he released his aura for the first time in the real world. While it wasn't wide, it was potent. An aftereffect of Will Training.

"The laws are also loose on how we can deal with you. While I'm sure you ingested VitaShakes wantonly; I'm willing to bet you made no efforts to train yourselves. Am I right? So all you really possess is healthy bodies with no experience. Now two options remain."

"Mr. Peters what do you say?" inquired Kaiden.

"Deal with them as you must. On the other hand, you seem to be well versed in talking. I'm willing to bet that isn't all you're well versed in; let's strike a deal."

Standing, Kaiden walked behind Leticia and Wayne, placing his hands on their shoulders.

"You can either submit to me or I can deal with you 'loosely' under the pretenses of the law. As you know, I don't need leeches amongst my partners.

Lifting his head, Kaiden glared in the opposite direction. "As for you Mr.Cho—you're fired."

Springing to the feet, Steven seethed. "What?! You have no power over this company. How dare you come in here and fuckin-"


A loud resounding slap landed across his face.

"Watch how you talk. I'm 100% sure Mr.Peters is done with you." threatened Kaiden as his gaze chilled, becoming slightly murderous.

"Steven, as of this moment you are stripped of your position. Additionally, Clause 3.1 of your contract will be imposed upon you. Your shares will be returned to the company with no owner and your accounts stripped of the funds acquired through and from this company." solemnly stated Alexander.

"FUCK! SERVES YOU RIGHT!! THIS COMPANY WILL FAIL! I WILL WATCH IT BURN ASUNDER!" raged Steven as he stormed out of the office.

To this side, Rosana's eyes glistened. This youth's ways were even more devilish than hers. She took pleasure in this scene—she usually took bribes but Kaiden...he outright wrecked shit.

"Now, make a decision this instant." commanded Kaiden as he looked down at Sophia and Wayne.

"I-I'm sorry! Don't fire me! I'll submit...I'll return everything! I'll do it." yelped Leticia. Under the pressure, she wasn't able to remain stoic. Noticing this Wayne was conflicted, he was also on the chopping board.

"I will also submit…" sighed Wayne he decided he couldn't best this youth. Something about him felt off.

"Excellent!" sliding them contracts, Kaiden retracted his aura.

"Sign these, and don't whine. For it is your actions that brought this upon you. Mr. Peters, I wish to become your partner in executive decisions. If so, I will see to it you receive proper funding for Eclipse."

"!! You know its name?" guffawed Alexander.

'Heh, I know more than its name.'

"Correct, do you agree to the terms of being my partner?" inquired Kaiden which caused Alexander to enter a long bout of pondering. Furthermore, through that pondering he connected some dots.

"You're...not a regular worker of Sonic Star—you must have also outwitted them...I'm guessing you're a Head now also."

"Correct." curtly replied Kaiden.

Extending his hand, Alexander shook Kaiden's.

"Then there is not much to be said. Based on your actions, I can tell you won't be disclosing any information nor will you allow it to be disclosed."

The contracts he made Wayne and Leticia sign relinquished their shares of the company to him leaving them 2% each. And they were lucky he was being "nice". However, the real reason was he could control them easier. In a matter of seconds, he had acquired 15.3% of Vizionary Zeal.

"If that's the case, may I uptake the Chief Operating Officer role?" inquired Kaiden.

"No. If we're partners, your title will be changed. You will be the Chief Executive Operating Officer, however, you won't have to meticulously overlook the staff. I'll hire a figurehead. We'll sign the paperwork and transfer Steven's previous shares to you. With that, we should be in the same ballpark with shares ~31%."

"Okay, I have something to discuss with you privately, step outside me?" inquired Kaiden.