Snake Charmer

In a hushed tone, Kaiden and Alexander spoke outside the conference room.

"May I inquire if you have created your guild already?" asked Kaiden.

"Not yet. Gathering the required funds is proving to be a slight hassle. The company's financial situation truly isn't as good as it seems. And the supply of in-game currency isn't as much as one would hope for." responded Alexander.

"Hmm, I see so you possess enough Reputation already then?"

"Correct. I have surpassed the Lord tier at this moment."

"I can support you in-game, however, you must sign a non-disclosure agreement with me. Additionally, become my subsidiary. I won't be limiting your scope of activity but I do need reliable allies. Are you willing?"

"That depends, who are you in the game? Are you completely reliable?" countered Alexander.

He wasn't willing to blindly follow someone he possessed no information about. There were certain limits to his goodwill. Just because Kaiden knew his way around negotiation with his words, didn't mean Alexander bestowed his complete trust in him.

"Hm, sign this NDA about that and I shall tell you." said Kaiden.

As he was currently close to powerless in reality, Kaiden wanted to take no chances of his identity leaking before he possessed suitable strength; whether financially, physically, or in connections.

Finding no fault in signing an NDA with no clauses or hidden agendas, Alexander did just that.

"Nice to meet you Alexander Peters, my name is Unsheathed." chuckled Kaiden.

However, for a moment, Alexander froze. This was completely out of his predictions. He thought the individual Unsheathed was the secret weapon one of the Monarch or higher guilds was nurturing for whatever reasons.

However, reality painted a completely different picture. This child—that's what he was to him when age came in to play—was an enigma. Not only did he possess no backing of ridiculous magnitudes; he was doing the footwork himself, developing relationships, and establishing his own circle.

"Interesting. This could certainly be a gamechanger. I am willing to become a subordinate to your guild. Let's hash out the details and such."

Nodding, Kaiden, and Alexander once again entered the room. Drawing up contracts, Rosana looked them over. However, her eyebrows raised even further when she realized just how devilishly meticulous these contracts were.

Sacrificing no financial sustenance—Kaiden entered this meeting with virtually nothing to do with this company. Yet, in this instance of signatures—he would be devouring 31.2% shares of Vizionary Zeal. There was but a piddling .4% share difference between him and Alexander.

Turning her head, Rosana looked at Kaiden in a new light. Not only was he physically capable, but his intellectual capacity also astonished her.

'Perhaps I was correct in joining this young cutie's guild. I look forward to seeing what other schemes he pulls out of that mind of his.'

As the final signing commenced, Kaiden passed Alexander their exclusive contract for in-game. Of course, once in the game, this process would be repeated again. However, it would be much easier as the Destiny System would record and handle it. Kaiden preferred the game's system when it came to matters pertaining to the game.

"With this, I believe our meeting is adjourned. And you two, I will have my eyes on you. One wrong move and that's the end of you. Alexander's word is my word and my words his." glared Kaiden.

There existed one sole reason he didn't terminate them this instant—he lacked the staff to fulfill their roles and the staff for the building was already thin. When the correct time presented itself, the ideas Kaiden had in mind would completely unravel.

Currently, he would patiently bide his time. A mistimed move could offset the fluid motions he had in mind. The key to his plans was patience—nothing could be rushed. Well the ball dropped, the surface it collided with would be crushed.

Exiting the building, Kaiden's stomach growled embarrassingly loud. Chuckling, he patted his stomach. This was the unstable stability of his body. Moreover, it was more prominent within his body than others.

"Do you perhaps want to grab a bite to eat?" asked Kaiden. He didn't feel like rushing home only to ingest a VitaShake. His body or rather his taste buds were craving the presence of fragrant flavors.

Freezing for a moment, Rosana's mind raced. This was the aftermath of a crazy woman, just like them—their thoughts were also wild.

'Is he asking me on a date? That would be my first date. Should I hold his hand? No no, he's not my boyfriend. He's just hungry. WAIT! Does he want to eat me? Oh my god. He is naughty. I only asked for kisses to feel a man's touch!'

As her mind raced, Rosana's expression blanked and then blushed. Much like her thoughts, her expression changed rapidly.

" that a no then? You don't have to accept. I can always grab something light."

However, his words snapped her out of her rambling stupor. Turning towards him, she nodded in a rather coquettish fashion. One could only be curious about what ran through her mind now.

"I'll accompany you. Where shall we eat? It's more so lunchtime."

"I could go for some pizza honestly." shrugged Kaiden.

"No no, if you want pizza then let's go Italian. I know a nice place. Come."

Grabbing Kaiden's arm, Rosana hooked it with his as she dragged him down the street. As her tight clothing accentuated her body, Kaiden felt a light plushy sensation enveloped his arm. Looking down he saw her two mounds pressed against his arm.

Relishing in the sensation, Kaiden dazedly walked down the street with Rosana. Waving her hand, she hailed a taxi.

"West 22nd St & 4 Ave, thank you."

Nodding, in the typical taxi fashion—the driver zoomed off.


Standing before the restaurant, Kaiden had a slightly pleased expression. The exterior was chic yet gave a homely feeling. It seemed as if the restaurant strived to promote a familiar environment as you indulged in their exquisite cuisine.

Entering the place, it was dimly lit but that added to the atmosphere of the restaurant. Although it was later than the typical lunch hours and slightly too early for dinner, the restaurant was relatively full. This was a staple of this community—a well-known attraction.

"Excuse me, may we have a table for 2 please?" asked Rosana. Her tone completely changed as she wasn't always in a business mode.

"Right this way." lead the waitress. Leading them to a remote corner of the restaurant, she delivered them two menus as she bid her temporary farewell.

"What's good here? No, what's your favorite?" inquired Kaiden.

"Well I enjoy their carbonara, however, I'm not in the mood for that. I feel...I think I'm craving seafood. Shrimp Alfredo with baked garlic butter salmon it is.

"Sound delicious. Order for 2-...No perhaps 3." corrected Kaiden. His appetite grew larger as his physique grew more robust."

Waving her hand, she ordered 3 servings of the dish as well as the complimentary breadsticks along with sauteed asparagus. However, feeling they needed more vegetables, she also order steamed broccoli and spinach.

Inspecting the couples, Kaiden saw the charismatic aura that pervaded the atmosphere between couples. There were radiant smiles as well as bright eyes; perhaps these were fresh lovers. They seemed overly excited to interact.

"Kaiden." called Rosana.

Turning his head, Kaiden was slightly startled. "Hm?"

"Um, why did you create Ethereal Conviction?" asked Rosana.

Pausing for a moment, a small smile formed on Kaiden's lips. He found it pleasant that Rosana held a curiosity towards him.

"Well, at first I just wanted to build something to call my own and see it grow under my presence. But now, as I form relationships and look at my family—I also do it for them. I seek true bonds. I want to see those close to me also prosper and lead a carefree life. You know...not everyone gets the chance to live properly."

As Kaiden talked, Rosana became slightly mesmerized. Although he didn't have some heroic feel to him—he felt genuine. He cared deeply for those around him and would give his all for those people. However, Rosana knew these types—if they were crossed even hell was a nice place compared to their wrath.

"How about you? What made you play ?" asked Kaiden.

Looking down, Rosana drew circles on the table as she mumbled. "Fulfillment. I joined to find fulfillment. Although I was blessed enough to not worry about my next meal or struggle with daily life. I don't find any joy in my current lifestyle. That is what I seek."

"And your dreams?" asked Kaiden.

To this question, she blushed and remained quiet before muttering, "A secret."

Laughing lightly, Kaiden nodded as he respected her boundaries. At that moment, the tray of food came. Seeing as they were in a public setting, Kaiden's etiquette was rather refined. A complete opposite of his earlier family breakfast.

As the two ate, there were random moments where Rosana would blank with her fork in her mouth and take a quick peek at Kaiden. She enjoyed this experience—it was a nice change of pace as opposed to her rather lonely lifestyle.

"Thank you... for inviting me." mumbled Rosana. Her embarrassment resulted in her words being nearly inaudible. However, due to his increased senses, Kaiden heard it loud and clear—smiling in response.

"You're welcome pretty lady, this is rather nice. Next time let's have a home meal." teased Kaiden. Even in reality, he experienced little to no shyness, but he did administer the occasional tease here and there.

Frozen for a moment, Rosana was shocked by his words. As she processed them, her face turned red as she nodded shyly, liking the idea. "...Home...meal? I shall take that offer."

"Oh really? I didn't...Very well that's even better. Speaking of which, are you busy today? I want to head over to Minence City but… being alone is a bummer."

"Minence? What a coincidence. I live there, I'll accompany you there. What will you be doing there?"

"Overlooking the renovation of my building. Need to make sure the size is suitable for the number of people I'm looking to house." responded Kaiden.

Nodding, the two footed the bill and exited the premises. Hailing a cab once again, the pair traveled toward Minence City.


As he walked, a particular skyscraper caught his eye. Although the skyline was littered with skyscrapers of similar heights, this one had a different feeling to it. Unlike the others, this was completely unoccupied—the lights off.

This was the building he was bestowed by Sonic Star Media Group. It was much to Kaiden's liking; although it followed the same modern tendencies, it wasn't as invasive as other properties. The windows from the 20th floor up were one-way mirrors with a dark tint, allowing sight from the inside whilst retaining privacy. It gave the appearance that the building was monochromatic.

Entering the facility, Kaiden looked up. The lobby alone produced a grand feel with an 18' ceiling. However, the premises were rather empty—lacking equipment and proper renovations. It was simply a bare structure with good potential. Walking through, Kaiden noticed 3 elevators. Furthermore, these elevators were similar but not identical.

The main elevator went up to the 88th floor. While the other 2 stopped at the 78th floor. Moreover, the main elevator had a keypad and biometric securities.

"Hmm, this is perfect for the current state of the guild. All that's left is to completely outfit this building with the necessary training, living, and other types of equipment." determined Kaiden as he continuously toured the building.

"This building indeed has potential. Its location isn't overly crowded by neighboring buildings and the space inside is substantial." agreed Rosana.

Swiping up and tapping away on his holographic display, Kaiden witnessed the state of his bank account—$71.34 million. Contemplating, Kaiden researched the more notable construction/renovation companies.

Soon enough he found his pick. The convenient part was the company itself ordered equipment based on your demands and sent you the receipts. Meaning, the owner didn't have to needlessly discern their choice of items.

Sending the general overview of his design idea, Kaiden closed the display.

"That's taken care of. Alright, let's get out of here. The day is elapsing. We can't stay here forever."

As such, leaving Kaiden disabled the security system. If that was active, the renovators would be unable to access the top floors or enter the building for that matter.


"I appreciated your company. Thank you for today." smiled Kaiden as he waved his hands. However, instead of waving—Rosana stepped forward delivering a tight hug.

"Thank you too." smiled Rosana as she entered the building leaving Kaiden to lightly smile.