Chapter 131: Capturing Qu Lingfeng Alive! (First update, requesting subscription, requesting monthly tickets)

I gambled correctly after all!

In reality, to deal with Qu Lingfeng, Ye Weiming initially had three potential strategies.

First, kidnap his daughter and force Qu Lingfeng to surrender without any resistance.

This method seems simple and efficient, maximizing the gains with a minimal cost.

But Ye Weiming felt it was unreliable.

If high-level bosses were so easy to deal with, then what's the point!

Moreover, if one placed themselves in Qu Lingfeng's shoes, surrendering would be the worst strategy.

In doing so, he would lose any potential threat to the players and forfeit any negotiation leverage

Thus, although this highlighted as the best option, It was most likely to backfire. There was even a chance of losing some "Hero Points" and getting wiped out by an enraged Qu Lingfeng.

Secondly, still involving the kidnapping of his daughter, but not excessively pressuring Qu Lingfeng. Instead, using his daughter as bait to lure Qu Lingfeng into a pre-set trap.