Chapter 130: Lingfeng's Tears (3000 words, additional update for the first 1900 subscriptions, seeking subscriptions, seeking monthly tickets)

With a cold smile on his face, Qu Lingfeng leaned on his twin crutches, gradually approaching the three from the entrance of the underground passage step by step

"Clack! Clack!..."

The chilling clatter of his iron crutches against the bluestone floor tiles echoed like the knell of death, getting closer to the three with every step.

Qu Lingfeng, no longer hiding, exerted overwhelming pressure on the three gamers who were previously chatting and laughing, robbing them of their joviality before even making a move!

Seeing this, Ye Weiming stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Xiaoqiao, who was slightly nervous, instantly easing her tense mood. While Sanyue immediately fell back, with three hurling pebbles and five buddhapalm seeds in her hand.

Just as three players got into their battle positions, Qu Lingfeng already revealed himself from around the corridor's corner, his gaze frostily fixed on the three.