New Threat

"ooomf" Zeke and Grant wern't kidding when they said they would give me all they got. The last few months have been intense and I was loving every second of it. My body has become the most fit I have ever seen it and with the help of the boys sculpting my speed I can almost win a fight before they can lay a finger on me. still when Zeke gets a hit he sure does make it count. "SMACK"

I land on my ass for the second time today. Zeke has been practicing the element of suprise. He wants me to be ready for every scenerio or situation. Zeke approaches me with a hand and as grabbing it I hear Grant laughing at me from the side.

" My sweet little love. I dont know what pains me more the fact that you are in pain or the fact that the ground gets to tap your ass and I dont."

I roll my eyes looking at him " Wow Grant has anyone ever told you that you have a way with words. My own personal Romeo."

" Rose you are getting great we just need to practice being on alert without you being tense. makes sense right? "

" Ummm what if I were to say no?" I was looking at him as if he had lost his mind. How would that even make sense to a sane person.

" Ok Rose think, You need to be ready for any occasion without having your gaurd up at all times."Zeke still wasnt making sense and I think he knew I still wasnt following along as he tried to break it down further.

" Rose, you need to be able to react to suprise events and think quickly, but you also need to be able to enjoy and live your life without looking over your shoulder ever second."

" For the record if you would have just said I needed to practice adapting instead of giving me the whole you will be great when speech. we could have already been on our way to get some Donuts." with that last statment my stomach began growl.

" Ahhh a language I can understand. My sweet flower is hungry and a gentleman never leaves a woman hungry." Grant bows infront of me for dramatic effect.

" FINALLY! I think this is the first romantic thing you have said to me." Grant sneers his teeth and I give him a quick peck on his cheek which lightens his mood and I laughed as we went to get food.

Later that night I was sitting in the living room braiding Chloes hair when we heard a knock on the door. Chloe and I puzzled as to who would come to the house this late at night, we opened the door and saw a tube with a wic slowy buring at the front door. in that moment I shoved Chloe Behind me And braced for what came next. Smoke came from it and at first I was puzzled but than I was brought to the ground in excruciating pain . On the way Down I hit my head on the Front table and instantly fel the blood run down my neck. My eyes felt like they were on fire and my nose started bleeding. I felt like I was chocking as I slowly felt my lungs siezing and filling with this dreadful smoke. Chloe had put on her shoes and ran out the back door to grab her mother who was at the pack house visitng the Luna and Alpha.

Chloe bursted into the pack house screaming for anyone who could hear. Morgan was sitting in the Kitchen laughing with her sister when she heard the scream. Confused instantly turned to fright once she recongized who the scream belonged to.

Morgan and Meg both ran to chloe who was sobbing not making much sense. "Chloe whats wrong ? why are you here by yourself?"

Chloe grabbed her hand a tried to drag her out the door " No time Rose is dying we need to hurry."

With that statment they stopped trying to undestand the situation and began to run. on their way Meg started to Mind link some of the warriors and the Alpha. In no time Grant and Zeke were only a few steps behind them. When they arrived at the house Rose was breathing very light and we siezing on the floor. she was losingalot of blood and fading in and out of consciousness. Zeke and Grant rushed her to the pack hospital where Morgan began running an IV.

" Chloe sweet heart I know your scared and Auntie has got you, but I need you to tell me what happened?" Meg had gotten down to chloes level who was still in the corner crying.

" We heard a knock on the door and the next thing we knew there was smoke and when Rose realized what was happening she pushed me out of the way and gaurded me from it. the second the smoke touched her she started screaming. She told me to run and come get mommy so thats what I did."

Meg nodded and relayed the message to Morgan and told Zeke to alert everyone Including the Alpha of what just happened.

One of the warrors had brought the evidence to the pack hospital so that they could examine the residue and when they came forawrd they handed Megs a note that was attached to the bomb.

" Found You

-kisses Xoxo"

Megs read the note and instantly knew that this was an attack on Rose but what she didnt know was why?


Sneaking past patrol was a piece of cake. I had a picked up the stupid bitches scent the second I got into town. I came up to her house and saw she was sitting with a little girl in the living room. I took out a home made Wolfbanes smoke bomb and started it and knocked on the door. The second I saw her answer I waited for it to take effect. So when I saw her body hit the floor I instantly called my Beloved Mate.

" My sweet Love, I planted the bomb it wont be long before she is dead And we are officially one step closer to getting everything that you want."