
I'm laying in a meadow by a pond. Everything smells like lavender when I hear whimpering. I stand up and head to the noise. The closer I reach the the pond I see Lily laying by the water. Blood coated her beautiful white fur. I reach for her.

"Lilly?" She still doesn't open her eyes to see me.

"She can't hear you right now. She's resting, regaining her strength." I turn to see who voice has joined us and was greeted by the most beautiful women. Ivory skin, long black hair and beautiful green eyes. I knew it had to be the Moon goddess.

"Why have you come to my dream moon goddess? I have so many questions. I thought you hated me." I began sobbing instantly.

"Oh my child, I know you have had a tough path but it was never my intention for it to go like this. I have never left you. Not for a minute I could only wait until you were ready to help yourself for me to come to you." The moon goddess came closer cupping my cheek.

"Why have you given me such a horrible father? A mate who does not love me, and a pack who does not care about me." I looked up and placed my head into the crook of her neck.

" my sweet child. I cannot anticipate how far a wolf will go once their mate is gone. You know this because he wasn't always this cruel to you was he? I gave you a mate that was strong and who would protect you but unfortunately sometimes power trumps love. I have given you a gift bestowed upon you straight from the stars. That is your gift of speed and another one you are not quite ready for but soon you will be. Master it and use it wisely no one will ever touch you again my child. Use is foolishly and it will become an enemy far worse than your family and mate." The moon goddess kisses my forehead.

"How will I know when I'm ready for the second gift?" I looked at her puzzled.

"When the darkness hits on the full moon and you don't have darkness in you heart. Only then will it be given to you." With that she starts to walk away.

"WAIT! Moon goddess how will I wake up? I called after her and she turned her back and peered at me.

"Go to Lilly and be by her side. She will tell you when it's time to go. Remember this Rose no one will ever be a more reliable savior than yourself. I have watched pray to me asking for someone to save you. The reason you got these gifts is because you finally realize you have to save yourself and stand for something."

I stood and pondered what she said. She was right. I sat and took the bulling hoping my mate would save me. When my mate rejected me I became rogue Hoping someone would take pity and help me. I knew that I did have people who I could rely on but I also now know that I have to be able save myself when it counts.

"Adapt" that word comes into my head sounding like Zeke. He must've knew that lesson was deeper than just unexpected surprises. He really was an amazing Beta. I wish the moon goddess would have paired me up with someone like him instead. I'm brought out of my daze when I hear Lilly call for me.


"Yes Lilly I'm right her sweet girl."

"Rose they are really worried about us. I will be able to bear it if you want to go back."

"Lilly take me to the hospital but no we don't have to go back just yet. Get some rest and we will go back when you are absolutely sure you're ok."

Lilly gave me a faint smile and the next thing I knew I was in the pack hospital listening to the people around me. Morgan and megs were there and Zeke was holding my hand. He looks like he hasn't slept in days. I was beginning to wonder how long has it been since the attack. For me it felt like hours ago and it was hard to guess because Zeke was still wearing the same clothes.

"Zeke I will look after her. Go home and get some rest." Morgan touches Zeke shoulder.

"Ok but I'm coming back in a little bit." Zeke kissed my hand and I felt a warm spot there. I look down at my spirit and I see my hand is glowing yellow and feels warm. That was weird. He stood up and Morgan replaced his spot.

For what seemed like hours Morgan sang to me. Chloe came in and out periodically to hang different drawings up. Morgan reaches down and whispered in my ear.

"Rose my sweet child I love you. Your are mine, and mommy needs you to wake up ok? You are a fighter Rose. I am a doctor so I rely on science and medicine but I will pray and do whatever I have to if you just meet me half way. I have taken care of you as far as medicine will allow. Your are physically healed but I know you don't want to wake up. I know you have had a hard life. I lost my mate too. He told me he loved me and had sex with me then left and never looked back. I found out I was pregnant with Chloe a few weeks later. To this dayChloe think her father died fighting a battle.I know it hurts. It hurts like hell but women like you and me we may burn like as a little bird but we will rise again like a Phoenix. Do you know what phoenixes do Rose? They burn it down. So come back to me and we will find out who did this and we will burn them down. For even thinking of touching my daughters."

Morgan was crying but looking at the intensity in her eyes I could see her wolf flickering back and forth. She was right Lilly had told me it was time but I asked just a little bit longer I was tired of fighting. I wasn't thinking about the people around me. If they were going to war to find who did this to me and the pack then I better be front line. I went back to the meadow and walked to Lilly who looked healed and was drinking some water.

"I'm ready" with that Lilly walked toward me and nuzzled my cheek and with one lick to my face everything went dark. I slowly opened my eyes but closed them again immediately because of the bright light. I was extremely thirsty and I tried coughing out the words water but I felt like I failed until I heard chloe gasp.

"Water? I can get you some." With that she fled the room and went down the hallway to where megs, Morgan, Zeke, grant and some warriors were gathered. They didn't notice her right away because they were having a conversation on what to do next. Until Megs looked over and saw chloe pulling out a stool reaching for a cup.

"Chloe honey what are you doing? Let me help you." Megs stood up and got out a cup filled it with water and handed her a straw.

"There you go. Would you like a snack to go with your water?." Megs reaches out to pat Chloes head.

"No thanks, she just said she wanted water." Chloe peered down trying to put the straw in the cup.

Megs looked at the rest and got down on at her eye level. "Who needs water?"

Chloe giggles before replying "Rose silly. I need to go bring this to her quickly so she stops coughing." With that she skipped down the hallway with the rest of the group looking at each other. Once chloe come back to the room she hands Rose the water. Before she can take a second sip she sees everyone tripping over each other trying to squeeze through the door.

"My sweet baby is awake!" Morgan began running test and checking my vitals.

"I knew you weren't going to leave this life before confessing your undying love for me." Grant always knew how to lighten the mood.

Zeke peered off in the corner not really saying much just looking at the ground. Which hurt a little bit that he would even make eye contact with me.

Megs spoke up and say " it's good to have you back Rose and once you gain strength we will catch you up on everything that has been going on in the last month."

A month? I had really been out of it for a month I couldn't believe it. Everyone left including morgan who went to run some blood work to make sure she could take me home that day. Everyone except Zeke. I finally threw a pillow at him to get him out of his daze.

"Hi, hello? Did you miss me." I smirked at him when he looked at me like he was still taking everything in. What was with him?

He took a deep breath and walked toward the chair next to my bed. When he sat he grabbed my hand and kissed it again before looking at me. Then before I knew it he leaned forward and pressed he sweet thin lips to mine. He tasted of sweet cinnamon. It was a light gentle kiss full of love and safety. When he was done he leaned his forehead on mine and whispered.

"Next time you want to die, we die together." And peered up at me looking for my response. It took a second to process this moment. Not only was Zeke confessing feeling for me but I also just had my FIRST KISS!

I looked back at him and replied "next time I definitely will call you first to see if you want to come join. Just need to stop and ask the people trying to kill me to wait." I peered at him with a sarcastic grin before kissing him on the cheek to let him know the feelings were mutual.

With that he smiled and put his hands in his pockets as he stood up and walked to the door before turning back " I need you to heal up so I can take you on a proper date." He winked at me before leaving.

At that moment I was glad to be by myself because I could instantly feel my cheeks had turned red.


I finally make it back to my bedroom and I was drained from everything that happened today. Megs filled me in about everything including the note. I had no idea who it could be from since everyone in my pack wanted me gone I didn't know who would want to come find me. I went to the bathroom to draw me a nice hot bath. I sat in the tub until my finger became pruny. I was taking the next two days off before I went back to training against everyone's wishes but the wolf cup was only 2 weeks away and I needed to make up for lost time.

Having the knowledge that the moon goddess gave me I was more determined than ever to prove to everyone that when you mess with a Phoenix you will burn to ashes, and I knew whoever tried to kill me will be surprised to know that they failed when I walk into that arena.