Alpha are you alright?

Coles Pov:

I was sitting at my desk with my Beta Max and Gamma Asher. They were trying to help me decide what to do with a pack of rogues we caught stealing in our village. It was the night of the full moon and I knew that they would want to Join the others for a moonlight run so I wanted to wrap this up quickly.

" Why dont we just lock them up like the rest?" Asher piped in.

" The dungeon is almost at full capacity. we cant take many more in." Max was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Well what if we killed them and made an example out of them." Asher retorted.

" Go down and see what Rogues are willing to join the pack and find them a job and a room in the pack house. The rest kill off." Just as I was finishing this sentence an excruciating pain hit my chest. I felt like I was being set on fire and I couldnt breathe. My Beta ran towards me screeming whats wrong. It lasted for what seemed like forever until it finally died down.

Panting I finally caught my breath and looked up at my concerned Beta and Gamma. " some one please tell me what the fuck was that?"

Asher and Max both looked terrified before Asher spoke up. " Alpha have you found your mate?" he instantly bowed his head in fear that he over stepped his boundries.

" Why does that matter?" I didnt have time for this bullshit. I had to Plan for the Wolf Cup Where Alphas from all over. They would come and try to prove that they were stronger than the Clear Waters pack. Which was impossible, we were the Stongest pack on the east coast and as of late missions we have risen to become the strongest pack Ever. The king from the Royalty pack had lost his son in battle and his Beta and Gamma were too old to take over and since he is my Uncle he reached out and asked me to be his successor. My pack would be moving the day after the Wolf cup to merge into one.

Asher still afraid to speak he finally used a tone so soft I almost didnt hear him. " Sir your mate is having sex with someone else." Him and Max both took a step back worried about what my reaction would be.

"Leave me." I growled looking at them. niether one of them were going to wait for me to say it again.

I stood up and locked myself in my room. I didnt want Veronica or anyone else for that matter to disturb me. I went to the bathroom and drew some water and stepped into the shower. Before I could finish The pain started up again. This time I used my Alpha strength and was a little more prepared for it. I already knew it was going to be a long night.

I woke up to the same pain I felt all night . I hadnt realized what time it was but when my alarm went off I instantly threw it at the wall shattering it. My body ached. 13 Fucking times. 13 times she let that son of a bitch touch whats mine. 13 times she came for him and 13 times she let him enter her. I was ready to kill.

Mayhem chimed in for the first time in awhile. Ever since I rejected Rose he only talks to me when he has to. " It your fucking fault dumb ass."

Great. like I already didnt know that. I had to put My Alpha hat on and get up and start preparing for the arrival of the Aphas and their Betas and warriors. I took a deep breath before unlcoking the door. My only goal was to get threw the day without killing anyone.

I came down stairs and saw Max was already communicating with border patrol and checking people in.

" good Morning Alpha. half of the packs have already arrived. we are just waiting on 10 more." Max nods his head at me like he wasnt expecting a response. Not that I was complaing since I wasnt in the mood to be pleasent with anyone.

I head to the kitchen when I run into Veronica who I was purposefully trying to avoid. " Good morning Cole. I missed you last night. I tried to sneak up to your room but you were a naughty boy and locked the door." Veronica leans in to nibble my ear and at that moment I realized how much I was not in the mood to deal with anyone today. Then I began to wonder. If I felt Rose last night I wondered If she felt it everytime I was with other women. I quickly brushed that thought from my head as I didnt want to think about Rose any more and Veronica was going to become my luna soon. I headed back up to my office to finish some work. Hours passed by when finally Max had told me that we were just waiting for the White Tail Pack to arrive. I knew of the Alpha. I think his name was Mark or something. I also Knew more of his wife Megan than of him. I was pretty sure she was running the shots over there.

Once I got news the last pack arrived I headed towards the banquet hall where I could hear chatter and laughter. As I entered the room everyone became quiet as they looked at me. Word was moving fast that I was going to become King so everyone wanted to be in my good graces. I honestly couldnt stand the sucking up. It did nothing for me. I respected a man who could be upfront with his needs instead of trying to ask for favors.

" Everyone Im glad you all could make it. please find your seat and we will start our meal. Tomorrow the games will begin followed by celebration afterwards. Each catergory their will be team victors. Some of you should enjoy your feast tonight for there may not be another one. The current King and I are truly excited to see the talent each of your pack posses. With that let us eat."

I sit at the head table with my unlce, Alpha King Gabe next to me. Followed by my chosen warriors and Max. Of course Veronica was stroking her hand up and down my shaft which made me have to readjust my self on more than one occasion. food had arrived and everyone was enjoying their meal. I was in the middle of conversation with Gabe at the end of dinner when the familiar scent of pineapple and pine hit my nostrils. It couldnt be. Rose became Rouge why would she come back after almost a year. That was a risky move even for her. I mind link border patrol.

" have any rouges been spotted tonight?" I waited for a reply.

" No sir, not tonight." a warrior responded.

My mind must be playing tricks on me and I am imagining things because of last night.

As the dining room started to clear out I saw The alpha from the White tail Pack come over with his Beta.

" My King" Alpha Mark said playfully. I Didn't know they knew eachother.

" Oh come on Mark I thought when we were at Alpha school and you were pinning me down you swore you would never call me a King as long as you could keep me down." Gabe said chuckling and I was still in my seat chugging down my third glas of whiskey.

" This is true my old friend. I just came by to say hello." Mark smiles and gestures his hand.

" ahhh this must be your Beta Zeke. I heard We might have a wedding to attend soon." Gabe turns his attention the the red head.

" If The moon goddess has it in her heart than I sure do hope so." Zeke looks down at the ground before Mark chimes in. " She is a warrior fighting in the games tomorrow."

With that I look up at them and actually joined the conversation. Finally something intersting is going on.

" Well I would love to meet her and congratulate you both before its too late." Gabe gives a sympathetic nod.

Zeke Disappears and comes back moments later. I had retruned to staring at my drink when the scent of Pineapple and Pine his me again. before I could look up I heard Zeke say to Gabe.

"My King this is my chosen Mate Rosella Ana Blue." with that I spit out my drink and looked up. for the first time since the rejection I made eye contact with Rose, and what I saw resufaced the ideas of murdering the man who had his arms snaked around whats mine.

My Fucking Mate.

I knew she could feel me staring at her and she tried everything in her power not to look at me after that. instead she decided to bury herself in dickwads chest.which only made my wolf more pissed. I fought the urge to have my wolf take control. Before I did something I would regret I stormed out of the Dining room. With only one thought on my Brain.

No one will take whats mine.