How to handle a Rose

Rose Pov:

I felt my stomach turning as I woke up. Today was the day that we were heading to my old pack. Nerves began stirring inside of me when as if on cue I felt a warm hand slide up my back and reach over to pull me closer. I rolled over to face him. he was smiling but had yet opened his eyes. I kissed his lips as light as a feather but just as I was about to pull away he tightens his grip on me and deepens the kiss. I manage to pull away giggling but he is still tracing me with butterfly kisses.

" Zeke we have to go" I try to say as I try my best to squirm out of his grip.

"I have a Better Idea. As your Beta I order you to lay in bed a little while longer and kiss me." I laugh as I Finally broke free.

" Well Beta the sooner we get there the sooner we can call it an early night." I winked at him and gave him one last kiss before heading to the shower to clean up. I turn the water and step in but before I reach for the soap I see Zeke standing outside taking his clothes off. I look over at him.

"Um What do you think your doing Rogers?" I gave him a slight grin.

" Well what does it look like. Im preserving water." He gave me that boyish grin trying to act innocent as he steps in the shower. Instantly I feel My Breasts become pebbled while he stand behind me and grabs the soap. He puts some in his palm and begins massaging it through his fingers. Once he has warmed it up he starts massaging it into my back. I thought he was going to work his way down but instead he takes a step closer and snakes his arm around me to cup my breasts. he then starts massaging my breasts making sure to put my nipple between his fingers as he lightly twists. A moan escaped my lips.

I leaned my head back on his should bracing myself as his moves became rougher. He took that time to nibble on my neck.

" When this is over Rose I will Make you offically mine and fuck you into Oblivion." With that I turned around and Kissed him like I have Never seen him before. He returned it with a moan and pushed me up against the wall. I was alread ready for him and he knew It. He lined his shaft up with my entrance and with one thrust he was inside.

I let out a growl and dug my claws Into his back. " Oh my God Zeke."

he was to in the moment to notice anything else as he began thrusting in and out of me with hard strokes. he snaked one leg up so he had better access and he watched as my head fell back onto the tile and the water washed down my body.

" You are so fucking beautiful Rose."

I quickly felt the feeling I have come TO know all to well. HEat was churning in my gut and I knew I was on the brink of coming.

"Rose Im So close I need you to come with me but not until I tell you to ok?" I couldnt really make out a fully sentence but I managed to yell the words "HURRY" as I wrapped my hands in his hair. I Instantly Felt his cock swell inside of me and knew he was close too.

"Baby Come for me" was all it took before the orgasm ripped threw me like a tital wave and I came back down from cloud nine. Zeke was right behind me and I felt him twitch until he finally released himself from me. He kissed my forehead and we both quickly got washed up.

" That was amazing" Zeke said as we both stepped out of the shower drying off.

"Well I did have a really good teacher." I winked at him before disappearing into my closet. Once I got dressed in a simple Maxi sun dress and head out to see Zeke wearing Khakis and a low cut Black fitted shirt. When we were both ready we headed to the pack house to meet the Alpha and Grant. We all loaded into the car and made our way to my old pack.


I was woken up to Grant tickling my nose. "My sweet flower we have arrived." It had taken us 7 Hours to get here and at some point I must've dosed off. Once we parked the car we headed up the stairs and all the old painful thoughts started to peer through. It looked like we were the last pack to arrive based on how full the house was. Once inside Alpha Mark Immediatly started introducing us to many other packs some I knew others I didn't. Grant was charming the pants off everyone. I didnt know if Grant knew how not to be the center of attention.

We were all Brought to silence when the scent of Rasberries and vanilla Hit my nose. I turned around to see Cole and the King standing on the stairs waiting to speak.

Cole spoke first. "" Everyone Im glad you all could make it. please find your seat and we will start our meal. Tomorrow the games will begin followed by celebration afterwards. Each catergory their will be team victors. Some of you should enjoy your feast tonight for there may not be another one. The current King and I are truly excited to see the talent each of your pack posses. With that let us eat."

I barley registered the words he said. My eyes were fixated on the man I once thought I would spend my life with but laughed at the idea of me as a mate. hinking that i felt a pinch in my heart.

I was brought out of my daze when Zeke grabbed my hand and pulled me to our table. Everyone seemed to be having a good time laughing and catching up with old friends. I was startled when Grant Mind Links me.

"I have been scoping out the competition. meet me on the balcony at midnight when ever one goes to sleep." I nod in agreement without saying anything in return. The rest of the dinner was filled with a comfortable silence. After I finished my meal I was going to head back to my room when Zeke asks me to sit and wait for a second because our Alpha has someone he would like him to meet. I nod and he kisses me on the head as he makes his way over to The kings Table. I dont know what was being said but I feel the nerves coming back as Im hoping that Cole doesnt notice me. Before I could let that thought settle Zeke Comes and Grabs my hand.

" Rose Will you please come with me. The King himself wants to give us his blessing." Zeke was beeming so brightly how could I have told him no?

I reached for him and stood up following his lead as he brings me closer to the table. with each step my heart begins to pound harder. Will he even regonize me? I have changed alot since he last rejected me. I got my answer pretty quick as Zeke Introduced me to the King and I felt Cole stare so intense I thought It would burn me alive. I did everything in my power to ignore him and when I didnt know what else to do I leaned Into Zekes chest wispering into his ear.

" Zeke my love, Remeber the mate that rejected me? well Its Alpha Cole and I dont think I can be in the same room as him much longer." I looked up at him Hoping he would mis read what I said and take offense.

Just as Zeke was about to respond Cole Lets out a Loud growl startling the remaining people in the banquet hall before storming off. Everyone exchanged confused looks but I used it as my way to make a quick exit.

" King Gabe it was a pleasure meeting you and I hope I will have the honor of talking with you again tomorrow night." he nods and I grabbed Zekes hand and pulled him out of there as fast as I could.

When we get alone I close the door and fall back onto the bed and sigh.

" Rose?" I perched my body on my shoulders sitting up slightly to look at him.

" yes Zeke?" I looked at him turning my head slighlty as he was looking at the ground.

"Do you think that Cole still wants to be with you?"

I couldnt hold it in I busted out laughing which startled Zeke for a moment. " Zeke he rejected me. He said it himself he only wanted me to stay by his side till he properly mate his highschool girfriend and she gives him an heir. trust me he does not want me." I said this as I made strides until I was nose to nose with him.

" Now this may be our last night together and I am still quite hungry." I got down on my knees peering up at him innocently. He gave me a boyish grin which quickly turned to lust and I began the free his now hard cock from his Boxer prision.

Before he could protest I licked the tip of his Cock teasing him. he let out a grin and I knew the teasing was getting to him. I walked him over to the bed and threw him down. Tonight I was in charge. I slightly wrapped my mouth around the tip of his cok swirling my tounge before I lowered my head and tried to take as much of it as I could. Doing this motion I can hear Zeke Moan.

" FUCKKKKKK, Rose if you keep this up I wont last long." He throws is head back on the bed and takes a ball of hair into his hand and grips it tightly. I continue moving at the speed I was doing using my hands as well to stroke everything that I cant fit. HE quickly gets restless and begins thrusting his body himself making the pace faster. I am Glad to welcom this kind of pain as I cant tell he is close. He swells in my mouth before helts out a loud groan and I feel something salty fill my mouth. I wait until his dick stopped twitching and swallow the white substanc efilling my mouth. Before I relase him i give him a few extra licks and sucks and watch his whole body shake and shudder as I continue to attack his sensitive shaft. I pull away and lick my lips and smile at him.

" That was Fucking mind blowing. I think I need a second to recover." I smile knowing the fact that I actually tired him out. I got up to brush my teeth and Put on one of Zekes shirt. When I came back into the bedroom he was in nothing but his boxers staring at me.

I crawled in bed and kissed him good night. He didnt wrap his arm around me because he knew I was going to be meeting grant shortly before I actually went to bed but I knew I could atleast rest for and hour or two.

Coles Pov:

It took me forever to calm Mayhem down. I thought I could fuck Veronica to make him calm down so I called her into my office. She entered my office wearing a short skimpy dress and her signature red lipstick to match. She instantly knew what I wanted based off seeing how tense I was. She walked over to me and sat on my lap. She began kissing my ear and rubbing my dick. I tried to get into it but my mind kept wandering off to Rose. How much she has changed in this short time. All of a sudden I'm comparing her and Veronica. Veronica May put all her stuff on display but Rose had tight perky breast and killer hips. Her ass was natural but firm. It must have plumped you from her training. All he bruises healed up so you could see her beautiful freckles and amazing legs. He hair wasn't a matted mess either and her fucking scent. Just the thought of her made my dick twitch which Veronica smirked thinking that she finally was getting some where. I let her go down on me but I couldn't get off. Eventually I told her to stop and sent her back to our room to get sleep. I needed to be near Rose. I headed down the hall and was about to knock on the door when I could smell the arousal of my mate. All I wanted to do was taste her. I was about to open the door when I heard a moan.

"Fuckkk rose if you keep this up I won't last long." I figured it came from the fucking red head from earlier. Any efforts to calm my wolf down went down the fucking drain. My mate was aroused and it wasn't from my touch. I needed to go for a run to clear my head. I ran to the woods not caring about changing clothes. I shift In mid air letting mayhem take control. He ran until he didn't even know what direction he was in. Mayhem was all black and large being he had Alpha blood. After about two hours I head towards the pack house and see her kissed by the moonlight standing on the balcony. The balcony that I rejected her on. She looks at peace. I don't think I've ever seen her smile. I start to think about what would I need to do to get her to smile. I shake that ridiculous thought from my head but against my better judgment I was going to head towards her when I see another man approach. I quickly walk the the side of the house and make my way to my office which is right above the balcony so that I can hear everything.

"My sweet flower you look more beautiful ever time I see you" what kind of cheesy book was this guy quoting from?

"Oh my Romeo how I have missed you." Wait was she into that shit? And what about the red head. Rose darling you have been a busy girl.

" it looks like we are split into 20 teams, there are some categories where they have champions but for different skills. Not many packs have the guts to enter the one where you get killed. We will be facing 3 teams if we take it all the way. Now some teams are cocky but we have an advantage. Word has gotten around about your past so the will underestimate you. This is your time to show them and you ass hole of a mate how beautiful a rose is but what happens when you touch their thorns." I was taken back by this statement. I rejected Rose because she let herself get walked on and became a punching bag. I was quite curious to see how tomorrow events would play out. I could lose rose so I knew if she didn't win I would have to stop it before they killed her. She might be treated different but I didn't care I was not letting my mate die.

I knew I had heard enough and started making my way to my room. Tomorrow was going to be interesting.

Rose POV:

After meeting with Grant I knew I had to give it all I had tomorrow. He was right no one knew what I was capable of and he was relying on my to have his back. I knew I couldn't let him down. I started heading back to my room when I ran Into a brick wall with a face I knew the scent before I looked up.


I met his gaze and he gave me a cocky grin

"I knew it was only a matter of time before you begged me to reconsider."

I felt the anger bubble inside of me and I knew I needed to get away before I set his body on fire.

If isn't even bother giving him a response know silence would frustrate him more I side stepped him and continued walking.

"Rose" he called after me. " Rose, such a beautiful name and a beautiful flower. Not many people know how to properly take care of roses or know how to deal with the thorns. It's a good thing my mother made me Garden with her as a child. Oh and I hope you might speak with me tomorrow night at the celebration." He chuckled to himself before continuing walking in his direction.

What on earth did he mean by that? I didnt want to think of it much longer for I had Zeke waiting in bed for me. I tried to climb in bed and get some sleep but ended up tossing and turning thinking about what Cole had said he seemed so sure we would talk.

Was there something I didn't know? What are you up to?