Third times the charm

Rose Pov:

I can't believe I let him get to me. I needed to focus. Grant had told me he would come today and ride back home with me. I refused to ride in the car with Zeke and his new lover. I was trying to distract my mind in a workout and began my warm ups when my hair stood up. I really was begining to fucking hate this. I turned around to see Cole standing there watching me. why does this man never wear a shirt?

"Are you really complaining right now?" lilly was licking her lips in my head. that made me want to punch him harder. I tried to pretend he wasn't there and began my jabbing routine.

"wanna give the air a break and punch a body?" I heard him pipe up behind me.

"Thats ok You don't have to."

I was hoping he would get the hint that I wanted to be left alone of course he didn't.

" Its ok honey I know If I were you I probably Couldnt handle fighting against me Either."

That does it why the hell is he messing with me. Is Veronica busy shopping or something? thats fine he wants a fight I will give him one he won't forget. I turned my body to him and walked up to him as calm as I could possibly could. Once I got close I saw he was smirking because he thought he had won and got to me. I took that as my advantaqge and hooked my leg around his and took him to the ground be fore I wispered. " Trust me I can handle you Alpha."

It was his turn to be shocked as I could tell he didn't know if he wanted to continue to fight in the yard or the bedroom. I was waiting for a response but all he said was " Don't call me Alpha." I chuckled at that because I wasn't going to stop calling him Alpha. Not just because it was proper ranking but because I knew it pissed him off.

He flipped me on my back so he was the one on top. he was taunting me. " has anyone ever told you what great thights you have Rose?" I wanted to be mad but my nipple instantly perked up. He noticed to because he bent down to get closer.

I kneed him in the chest and regained my footing as he was catching his breathe. " Maybe once or twice? has anyone ever told you that you're a whore?" he lunged towards me and spun me around so my ass was pressed up against him. " Maybe once or twice? but I must say Having it Come from someone who has never been my lover makes it a first." I could feel his erection. all he ever thought about was sex.

I twisted his arm so it was behind his back. he broke it and came for me again. I dodged it and hit his ribs. I could tell he was getting frustrated. " whats wrong Alpha do you need a break?"

" Oh honey were just getting started."

once he came towards be again I realized It was faster and with more force. he really was toying with me earlier. His first jab hit me in the chest and made me take a couple steps back but I took a deep breath and I summoned my speed to block the next. his hand moved to me so slow that before it could even potentialy connect with me I was already behind him kicking him in the back so he fell to his knees. He looked up at me shocked.

" Rose what just happened?"

"I believe you just got beat Alpha. don't worry it will be our secret" I smiled on the inside knowing that I needed to take my frustrations out and he really did help me.

"Thanks for letting me punch something else." I kissed his cheeck and was about to walk away when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back so hard I crashed into the hard wall of his abs.

"I don't want you showing this much skin." he wispered it like he wasn't sure he should say anything. he traced his fingers up and down my shoulders. I smiled at him and leaned up and wispered. " As soon as I find my mate I will stop dressing like this."

I stepped back and walked back to the house as quickly as possible because when I pulled back to look at his face I saw he was hurt but then I saw his eyes were turning black. I shut the door and walked into the kitchen where I see Zeke, Veronica, Grant and Lori.

" My beautiful flower Are you ready to go?" Grant came and stood behind me.

Zeke looked up from Lori.

"where are you guys going?" I tried to get Grants attention but it was too late.

" Im taking Rose back home. I didn't want her driving alone and it's too far for her to run." I don't know why Zeke was upset but I could hear his anger in his tone.

" You could have rode with us."

" Yea I couldn't figure out any reason why that would be a bad idea."

before he could say something back we all heard the back door fly off the hinges.


I looked over and saw Cole breathing heavy barely holding on by a thread.

his eyes were already turning black. I didn't think, I just wanted them all to shut up so I did something that I never thought I would do.

I turned around Kissed Grant.

I mind linked him " Please help me out."

He broke Just for a second and nodded befroe returning the kiss. It wasn't a sweet innocent one either. It was a fuck me on the counter right now type of kiss like we both had been starving. I was shocked by how well he was playing his part. he grabbed my thighs and picked me up so that I was straddling his waist. when he moved down to my neck I left out a slight moan. I guess I was getting into the part as well. I just wanted everyone to know that I didn't need them.

I heard three Loud growls behind me. yes three I was shocked too. I pulled away to match the faces with the growls and saw Zeke, Cole and Max standing there.


" Mine"

was all he said before he lunged for me.

Grant had put me down and I felt a poke and at the time I barley felt it but when I looked down I saw a puddle of blood forming. saw he had carved deep into my back and Neck. suddenly It became hard to breathe. I fell to the ground gasping. my eyes still locked on Grant who left my side and was holding Max back.

"How could you do this thats you're sister."

" You're MINE Grant and no one will haven lay a hand on your lips again."Max really thought he was right. he felt nothing about what he had done.

" leave." Grant couldn't use his Gamma Voice because Max was a Beta but I could see Max was broken.

everything was becoming hazy.

" Max we will talk about your status as my Beta. Cole had come by my side and was trying to help me breathe.

I heard snickering and when I tried to lift my head from my lap it became extremley heavy and I heard Veronicas say " I guess what they say is true,Third times the charm."

" Don't ever speak to her again." He snarled at her but I couldn't focus on anything they were doing any more.

I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me and just like that I blacked out.