
What was the point. I was sitting in my meadow and it was dark. I didn't want to go back. I have done nothing to deserve this. I felt like the Moon godess was making fun of me. Everyone was truly going to be happy without me. I was the girl they had before they find the one they were actually meant to be with.

" Please let us go back." lilly looked at me sad.

" Why no one even likes us. He will never be ours not Zeke and not Cole. why can't you see that. NO one will ever pick us because we are not an option. we are the girls that are picked because its convenient and no one else is around."

" You don't know that." Lilly was growling at me. I have never had her yell at me before.

" I Don't. What do you think will happen, We share Cole with fucking Veronica. Maybe if we're lucky we can have his pups together at the same time. Wouldn't that be great?"

Lilly was furious but she couldn't hurt me because it would hurt her. " who has been with you?" she whispered it.

"what did you say?"

" I said who has been with you? who was with you taking the beatings so it didn't hurt as much? who was there when you were alone? who healed you? who loved you when no one else did? We are one but it was a choice to love you. I could have easily joined in with everyone else but I didn't"

I was shocked by this. I didn't even think it was a question for her to stand by me. " I love you Lilly it's always been you and me."

" If you loved me so much why do you want me dead?' That felt like knife wound. Want her dead? I guess I never really realized how hard she fought to keep us alive.

" Im sorry." was all I could handle everyone else giving up on me but not Lilly. She was all I had left.

" lets go back." I stood up from the meadow and headed to the water. The deeper I got the darker everything became until I heard a beeping and people talking.

" Anything new?" I knew that voice belonged to Grant but he sounded different.

" If my mate dies yours does to." I knew it was Cole I could feel his clutch on my hand tighten.

" Everyone calm down." Zeke tried to step in but without any emotion I heard Cole speak again.

" I suggest you take that statment back and any other command you think you're going to give an Alpha unless you want your mate to die as well."

Cole was really about to kill everyone's mate. I knew I had to calm the air. I tried everything you move my fingers so he knew I was there. I felt like I was failing but I must've done something because I felt Cole lean in closer. " Rose baby please come back to me." I was ready to return and this time I wasn't going to let any one bully me or walk all over me again. My eyes felt heavy but with a lot of practice and what felt like a lot of patience my eyes opened. I tried to speak but nothing came out.

"you must be thirsty." Zeke handed me a glass of water which led Cole to let out a low Growl.

" All of you leave." I didn't make eye contact with any of them. When no one moved Cole tried to speak.

" Rose plea..."

" Any of you forget what language I speak. Get the fuck out!" they looked at eachother before leaving the room. Cole tried kissing my forehead but I leaned away. I heard him sigh.

" don't pull away Rose."

I looked at him with as much as a blank stare as I could muster.

" Yes Alpha."

He didn't say another word and stormed out of the room. The doctor came in and ran some more test.

" Rose you have been out for a week. Your back is mostly healed but I still recommend resting for a few more days until you are fully healed."

I just nodded I wanted to get up and look at my self in the bathroom mirror. I slowly tried to stand up and my legs almost gave out. I grabbed the bed and steadied myself. I made my way to the bathroom very slowly grabbing everything to keep me up right until my legs got the strength to stand. Once I made it in there I saw that a plain sundress and new underwear were in there waiting for me. I was to weak to stand so I drew myself a bath and stepped in. The heat felt amazing on my skin and tingled on my back. I knew it was because it was still sore.

once the water got cold I knew it was time to get out. I stood up without much of a problem and dried off and got dress. when I opened the door I saw Cole sitting on the bed.

" Do you really want to leave?" he was looking at the floor.

" Yes I want to go home."

" why can't this be your home?" he looked up at me and I saw he was about to cry.

" Once upon a time it was until I met my mate and he made it know that it wasn't." I wasn't going to lie to him. why spare his feeling when at one point he didn't care for mine. He wiped his face and stood up he told me all my bags were ready and asked if I would at least let him walk me to the door.

When we made it to the front of the house I saw Grant and zeke and their mates standing there packing the cars up.

" Whats going on?" I looked at Cole

" Max is suspended of Beta duties and so he will be going back with Lori and Zeke." I stood frozen In my tracks I couldn't go home and deal with all four of them.

" I change my mind. can I stay here?" I looked up at Cole who was looking at me as if I grew another head.

I rolled my eyes. " I don't want to be with you. I can't go back with all of them. My ex mate and two people who wish I was dead." Cole tried to hide his smile but I know he was excited I changed my mind. He walked down and spoke with the boys each of them passing glances at me before he grabbed my bags from the car and put them back in my room.

I followed him to the room as he set the bags on my bed. He turned around me and approached me and without asking he grabbed me and kissed me. My body longed for his touch and I new Lilly wanted more of him.

"You will be mine. You will be my mate." he leaned back down to kiss me and it was not soft. This kiss was so I knew who was in charge. I knew he wouldn't stop until I kissed him back so thats exactly what I did.

" Yes Alpha." he let out a growl and threw me on the bed before climbing on top of me.

" What did I tell you about calling me Alpha little pup." he began nibbling my sensitive spot on my neck which led me to let out a soft moan. It felt different with Cole than it had with Zeke. When Zeke did it I felt safe and loved it tingled. When Cole does it though I instantly want to go into a frenzy. It starts a fire in my belly that has me craving more. Cole hiked up my dress and ran his fingers down my body until he was at my core. he ran his finger up and down my clit. I could feel myself instantly getting wet.

" For someone who doesn't want me your body surely disagrees with you." he let out a chuckled as he contiuned playing with my clit. He slowly moved my panties to the side, still having one hand on my wrist so that I was pinned.

" you're soaked baby" he let out a moan before moved his mouth down and kissed the inside of my thigh. I let out a moan and He knew i liked it so he intesified it by biting Me and sucking leaving hickeys up and down my thighs. He let go of my hands and they instantly started running through his hair.

Just when I was finally getting into it there was a knock on the door. Cole tried to ignore it by burying his face deeper between my thighs but the knocking just got louder. He let out a growl and went to answer the door. IT was his Gamma Asher.

" Sorry to bother you Alpha but the Alpha from Roses Pack is on the phone."

I could see Cole was tense but he didn't say anything he just adjust his clothes and kissed my forehead. " Ill be back. Hold onto this feeling Rose." With that he left.

Coles Pov:

Rose agreed to stay with me. I knew she would once she realized everyone would be going back with her. When I took everything back to her room I could smell her scent and I could hold back anymore I needed to touch her. I knew I promised I wouldn't but I have been craving her. To my surprise she fucking let me touch her. I was finally tasting her and how sweet she tasted when Asher fucking interrupted me. I didn't want to take the phone call but I had been waiting for him to call. I left Rose and headed to my office. When I picked up the phone to talk to Alpha Mark he kept it short.

" Roses attack a few months came from your pack. You have a Mole." and he hung up the phone. someone in my pack is going against me and I had no idea where to start looking.

Unknown Pov:

So my first attempt wasn't a success but it wasn't a fail either. Poor sweet Rose lost the only thing she had and now she is broken. Im not going to lie toying with her before I kill her is kind of fun. I called John to come meet me.

" Tell everyone get ready." he creeped me out but he was loyal and in return I found him girls that looked like Rose that he could flll his void until he had her back.

" Its time for her to know no one will love her more than Daddy."

" we attack in a week."