
The last couple days I have been avoiding Cole. I didn't want him to think that we would be together after I had let my emotions get the best of me. I snuck out my window and went to go over and see Taly. The walk was short. I walked straight up to her room and and plopped down on her bed she wasn't home yet but I would wait for her. I must have fallen asleep because Taly was standing over me.

"wake up sleepy head. No show, No call?" I rubbed my eyes and looked at my phone, I had been sleeping for 2 hours.

" Im sorry just with everything going on I couldn't deal."

her face dropped to a face of pity. That was the exact reason I had been ignoring Morgans calls as well. I'm tired of everyone asking if im ok. They know the answer. I lost my soul mate to a slut and then lost my love to the sluts sister. Oh and lets not forget that I lost one of my best friends to my brother. I wish no one would ever ask me how I was again.

One thing I have loved about Taly is I swear she could read minds because she never pushed it after that she just dove right into all the town gossip.

" Rosie look at what I bought today." she leaped off the bed and pulled out a shopping bag holding up a tiny pink tutu.

" that looks adorable Taly but a little small for you don't you think?" I knew she loved teasing Chase but there was no way she was getting away with that.

" maybe it's small for me but it might be just right for my daughter. No?" she held it to her hips and was twirling it.

" Hold up the phone are you saying what I think you're saying."

she gave me a devious grin but Confirmed what I was asking.

" Congratulations Auntie"

I knew even though I felt awful I had to be the friend she has always been for me. I was truly happy for her even if I couldn't be at that moment. my mind wandered at what mine and Cole's baby would look like. I wonder if he would have his dimples or maybe my eyes. the thought sucked me further down my dark hole.

" Earth to Rose! Did you hear me?" I shook the thought off my mind and stood up and hugged her tightly.

" You're going to be the best mom Taly" I whispered into her ear and kissed her forehead.

her and I both started to cry in the embrace if only it was both tears of happiness.

" let's go out and celebrate" I finally pulled apart and she wiped away her tears and turned to the closest mirror to fix her makeup.


"Milkshakes." we both giggled and I opened the door for her to lead the way but as we came down the stairs I saw Cole standing in the doorway with Asher, Chase, and two other boys I remembered from High School. I think their names were Tyler and Danny. My face went pale. I was just about to back away before they noticed I was here since as far as Cole knows I was still locked away in my room. It was too late though because just as I was about to turn around Taly was in Chases mouth.

" Rosie and I are going for Milkshakes." she pulled away from Chase to see his nod for approval when Cole piped up.

" Good luck getting her to leave her room or the pack house for that matter."

Taly scrunched her face. " well maybe if there was someone she wanted to be around she would come out."

I heard Cole growl and slam his glass of water on the table. " Chase get your girl before I do. Taly seemed to forgot who she was talking to."

I saw Chase look at Taly with worry but Taly wasn't backing off.

" I think I know exactly who I was talking to Alpha. If you would prefer ,I could call you what I actually think of you."

The glass broke in Cole's hand

" Asher please show Taly what happens to people who go against the Alpha." Cole turned his back and made eye contact with Chase the entire time to let him know not to interfere.

Asher was about to go for Taly's throat but I used my speed and pushed her out of the way. Before Asher could even see who it was he had me pinned up against the wall and began digging his claws into me. He looked shocked for a second but he didn't stop? in fact he grabbed me harder. Not a single person was paying attention to me or Taly. They were bowing at the Alpha waiting for what he might say next.

" This is a warning Taly I do not care who you are or what your role is in this pack. You will not go against your Alpha ever again. Do I make myself clear?"

I turned my body and brought my elbow to Ashers elbow and thrusted down as hard as I could and used the rest of my strength to kick him as hard as I possibly could. Asher flew across the room and Everyone broke their eye contact with Cole and looked at Asher who was on the ground holding his stomach.

" Yes Alpha." I walked over and grabbed Taly's hand and helped her up from the ground. The men had lifted their heads first and looked mortified before Cole turned around.

" I'll grab the first aid kit." Taly rushed past Cole and grabbed the kit that was under the sink. I made my way over to the stool and sat on it. Cole hadn't broke contact with me but this time I could see the color has left his face. he leaned in to touch me but I smacked his hand away.

" Rose what the hell? what did you do?"

" you thought I was going to let you touch my friend especially one that is with child?" I had looked at Taly who was still quiet.

" your pregnant?" I turned my focus to Chase who was the shocked one now.

" Uhmmm Surprise." she kind of nervously laughed but Chase rushed over to her and picked her up spinning her around.

I let them have their moment and I picked up the aid kit grabbing the stuff I needed and began bandaging the wounds on my neck.

" Rose i'm sorry I didn't know you were here."

I still hadn't looked at cole " Is this how you treat my friends or any others in the pack when i'm not here. glad to see you haven't changed since high school. Your ego gets a little bruised and you lead by force instead of respect."

" Dammit i'm not that guy anymore." just as he finished Veronica's name popped up on his phone. I chuckled and stood up.

" you're right. I totally see the difference." I stood up and began to walk out the door. I left Taly there because I knew she should share this happy moment with her mate. I would call her later. I took a walk down into town and took a look at some of the shops. I tried a few candy shops and then came across a tattoo shop. My heart was in alot of pain lately and I thought some physical pain might keep my mind off Zeke. I walked in and took a seat looking at their portfolios.

I was sitting there for about 15 min when Taly called me. " Hey honey sorry about the milkshakes rain check ok?"

"Of course no worries I completely understand."

" bright side I will get to see you more because Cole offered Chase the position of Gamma so we will be moving into the mansion with you guys and Asher this afternoon."

My heart was truly excited. Finally some good news.

" I think that is the best news I have heard all day Taly. I have to go I'll see you later." We said our goodbyes and after I hung up the phone I looked up to a man standing there smiling at me. he was completely covered in sleeves and had these gorgeous blue eyes. he was wearing a white T-shirt that was tight fitted so you could make out his figure pretty well. I felt like my eyes pop out of my head and common sense leave my body.

" Hi im Ky and you are."

" beautiful" was all the words I seemed to be able to form.

" I mean I'm rose and You are beautiful." I felt the facepalm coming. why couldn't I just talk. I rolled my eyes and tired again.

" I am so sorry that all came out like a jumbled mess and sounded like a crazy person which I am not by the way." Ky still hadn't said anything but after a few minutes of me babbling he started to laugh.

"You are cute when you are nervous. what brings you in." I finally remembered why I came in here and held up the picture I wanted.

" Oh no one else is going to be giving you this except me." I figured it was because he was the best so I shrugged it off and walked back to his room and sat as he got everything ready.

" You want it just like this picture?" he asked me and I just nodded.

" i'm going to need you to take your shirt off." I couldn't let him see me freaking out so I took a deep breath and took it off trying to cover my chest. I was happy that I went with a cute lacy red bra. I saw he took a big swallow as well. I must've gotten to him as well.

"OK I need you to lie back and take a deep breath. make sure you don't move." I layed back and let him go to work. I think I was there for maybe 3 hours when he said we were done.

" Take a look" I stood up and walked to the mirror and turned to my side. It was 5 roses. 4 of them wilted but the one in the middle was beautiful orange.

" Beautiful" I said to myself but Ky must of heard me.

" Are you talking about me again or my work." I blushed and looked back at the mirror.

" Both?" I saw his cheeks turn red and he went back to cleaning up.

I gathered my things and got ready to go.

" Rose if you need anything just come back I will do any touch ups you need." I nodded my head and headed back to the pack house.

Coles Pov:

I was in my office with Asher thinking about earlier.

" Alpha Im sorry one second it was Taly and then the next it was Rose. I let go as soon as I saw." Asher didn't know about Rose's speed and I was going to let her secret be hers.

" be more careful next time. I am trying to make amends with rose today did not help anything."

Asher nodded his head but before leaving my office he spoke " Cole may I suggest something."

It's been so long since he called me Cole I wasn't used to it but I kind of liked it.

I nodded and he came back to sit. " You don't know where you stand with Rose correct?" I sighed and nodded again.

" She acts like she hates me then flips a switch then goes right back."

" Might I suggest making her jealous?" I looked at Asher. He wasn't the brightest but I was running out of options.

" Im listening."

"Ok hear me out. If she truly has feeling for you by making her jealous will force those feelings to come to the surface." what he was saying made sense. If I couldn't convince her by words and she wouldn't give me the time of day to convince her by actions. I knew for a fact I couldn't command her by force maybe jealousy wasn't such a bad idea.

" I'll give it a shot." with that Asher left me to myself to think of how I could possible make Rose jealous.

Rose Pov:

it looks like everyone has already eaten dinner so I just went to the fridge to make something quick. I made a sandwich and grabbed some chips. I brought everything to the table and sat down. I began eating my sandwich when I heard Cole and veronica Heading this way.

" Baby You have barely paid attention to me. I want you to remember why you love me" I could tell she was dragging Cole with her. when they came in the kitchen they made eye contact with me. Cole looked worried for a second like he had been caught by me but then snaked Veronicas waist.

"Just grab it." Veronica was licking her lips and glaring at me. She knew she had won. She opened up the fridge and grabbed a can of whip cream.

" let's go back to OUR room" she kissed him on his neck in the spot where she will soon one day mark him. I sat there emotionless but secretly digging my claws into the chair.

I was tired of being treated as if my feeling didn't mean anything. I gave my love to this Man once upon a time and he threw it away and laughed at it. This mate bond has caused me nothing but trouble. It was time for him to feel some type of way and not be able to do anything about it. If he wants to play this game and try to have me in secret but still walk around with that slut then I hope he is ready for what's to come.