
I woke up in my bed I hadn't been woken up by any pain last night so Cole and Veronica didn't have sex. Which was weird with how he was acting last night.

I went down stairs where I saw Cole with Veronica sitting on his lap as she was feeding him. I guess he got bored of trying with me and went back to his old ways. That's fine if he wants to act like I don't exist I will show him Im better at it.

I walked back up to my room and changed my clothes. I grabbed a white crop top that was tiny and tight and also short enough to see my new tattoo which was already healed up because of my wolf. I paired it with a light pair of Purple shorts. I left my hair down a fluffed it and played with it until I got the best sexy waves I could muster. I slid on some gladiator sandals, put on some makeup along with some perfume and walked back out of my room.

as I made my way downstairs I still could see Cole and Veronica sitting there although his face didn't look like he was happy to have her sitting there. Of course that could have been in my head since the second I walked in the kitchen he suddenly looked like a lovesick puppy.

Taly was sitting with Chase eating breakfast so I decided to make myself food and join them.

as I came to the table I felt Coles eyes burning on my skin. I chose to ignore it. I would not let him get to me.

" Nice ink Rose." Chase smiled at me and I felt Coles face intensify.

" Thank You Chase."

" I didn't know you were planning to get a tattoo. Veronica's brother owns the one in town I could have called him. he's a good friend of mine. In Fact Cole and I plus some of the boys are going there later today" Chase was rubbing Talys belly when she chimed in.

" I don't think Rose was either but she had to think of some reason to take her top off." I thought it was funny but Cole began choking on his food. which in some way made me laugh more.

Rose 1

Cole 0

" You did what?" Cole was looking at me. I finally made eye contact. " what? like you haven't undressed for someone hot before. besides he nice hands so it didn't hurt."

I stood up but I could feel through the bond that Cole was fuming. I had become used to him and Veronica so if he was going to make me jealous he was going to have to try harder than simply eating together.

I walked back down to the town and say the tattoo god standing there in the flesh.

" well if isn't my beautiful Rosella" he used my full name. No one uses my full name. I almost forgot what it sounded like to hear.

" how did you know my name."

he shrugged " I always ask about the pretty girls"

I began to blush I didn't know why my belly was turning hot. It was faint but soon the feeling left so I ignored it

" Now did you come to tell me I am beautiful again and ask me out which I will gladly say yes or is there something I can do for you."

" free for a walk?" he smiled and without question grabbed his sweatshirt and leaned in to my ear.

" let me tell some people I am stepping out. Here put this on as fucking hot as you are I don't want others looking at you as well." I did it hoping Cole would say something about it but he didn't. I was touched that he said something. I put on the sweatshirt while he disappeared to tell them he was leaving.

When he came back I let him lead the way. He showed me all around town and told me stories of him growing up. I let him do most of the talking chiming in from time to time but I knew talking about myself would ruin whatever this was. It was nice to talk to someone who didn't know who I was and treated me like a normal person. after an hour of walking we ended back at the shop before we walked in he kissed my cheek.

" This was definitely needed today." I smiled at him and agreed. before I bit my lip and asked him a question I didn't think I was brave enough to ask.

" Do you think I would look good getting my nipples pierced?" He swallowed before answering.

" I think you would look hot as hell. Most girls are to afraid though so its not common for us to do them." I stood up straighter and looked straight into his eyes.

" Think someone can do mine?"

he smiled at me " If anyone is going to see you it's going to be me. Come one I can do it now."

I nodded and let him open the door so we could go in and when we walked in I saw Cole's posse all sitting in the waiting room.

One of his coworkers looked at Ky and said " welcome back just in time these boys said they talked to you about getting matching Crescent Tattoos." Ky nodded but still hadn't let go of my hand which made me lean into his chest. I felt Cole Glaring at me again. If looks could kill.

" Yea Why don't you start and I will help in about 15 min. I have a nipple piercing to squeeze in." he leaned down and winked at me.

" YOU'RE GETTING WHAT NOW??" Cole was standing huffing as if he was seconds away from attacking Ky.

" where's the Luna Alpha?" Cole turned towards me but before he could say anything else I pulled Ky into his office and locked the door. I knew KY was going to question what happened so before he could I took off my shirt and sat on his table. when he turned around he just stared at me.

" You don't mess around do you Rose." I stayed quiet and laid back and let him finish getting everything ready. As he sat in the stool and brought the needle up to my breast. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain but when he pierced my nipple I felt a sensation go straight to my core. I wasn't an expert at piercings but I don't think it was supposed to be pleasurable. when he went for the second on I let out a soft moan. My eyes widened and turned red from embarrassment.

" I am so sorry" I blurted out.

he smiled and looked away " It's okay I was always wondering what that would sound like." my heart started racing. He was too cute for his own good. I stood and went to put my crop top back on but when I looked at my reflection I regretted wearing something so tight. You could perfectly see my nippled pebbled and the impression of the bar. I was hoping no one would notice and I walked out to the waiting room. Cole was still sitting there with Chase. I made eye contact with Cole when Ky came up from behind me and grabbed my waist.

" Let me know if you need help taking care of anything." he kissed my cheek. and walked around me to Chase. Cole never took his eyes off of me and his eyes followed me all the way to the door.

I walked back to the house and headed up to my room I was exhausted. I crawled into the covers and told myself I was going to take a power nap. Unfortunately I woke Up to a horrible pain. I haven't felt this in awhile and It felt like someone was gutting me alive. I mind linked Taly to come to my room and luckly she was still awake. when she got to my room I was already crawling to the bathroom to draw a bath.

" What is going on." Taly came up behind me and took over getting the bath ready.

"Cole and Veronica must be done with their break." I crawled into the bath with my clothes still on. Letting the water burn my skin. It dulled the pain a little bit but I still felt the raw pain. Taly sat with me all night and kept refreshing the water because eventually I became too weak to move. I have felt them before but never for this long. they really must be making up for lost time.

It had seemed like I was in there for hours but Morning finally came and Taly hadn't left my side. Chase knocked on the door.

" Come in" Chase came into the bathroom to see what was going on.

" I just came to check on you guys. what's going on in here?"

" Everything is fine dear. You better run along. Don't you have Gamma duties." She looked at him I knew she was trying to get him out of the room.

" Nope, not today. Veronica went into heat last night so he will be taking the week off and staying with her. Today Asher is in charge and he had to leave the house for a trip unexpectedly last night. so technically I guess that leave me in charge for the week."

Veronicas in heat? that can only happen if you find your mate or if your are marked. Cole hasn't marked her yet which mean Veronica found her Mate months ago. She still took Cole from me even though she had one of her own. She was after power.

I felt My insides turn to fire once again. It was a different pain than before.

" Oh shit" Chase took a step back and looked at Taly.

" I think Rose started her heat as well. This isn't good for an unmated wolf to go into heat. Not many people can last the full week without having sex with someone. The smell isn't as strong for me since I have a mate but I definitely smell something strong which means that it will be like a drug for all the wolves around. Especially you and Veronica both being in heat this house is going to be Chaos soon. I need to go and set up perimeters for your safety."

The burning hadn't gone away and I knew I needed Cole to take this pain away. I went looking for his scent and Came to his office. I was about to bust it open when I heard Veronica's voice.

" Just one more time baby. It wont go away until you mark me. Please baby."

" Honey we agreed we would wait until the Luna ball. I will help you this week any way I can." I turned on my heel and ran to my room to grab my phone. Clearly Cole wasn't going to be help to me. I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Ky.

R:[ Remember when you said to call you if I needed help healing.]

K:[ Yes of course how can I be of service.]

R:[ Come over to the pack house. NOW!]

K:[ Be there in 15]

I took a deep breath and grabbed my stomach. It seemed that the feeling was only getting stronger. I waited about 10 min before making my way downstairs and see Veronica sitting on the counter having a tongue war with Cole. When they break away I can see he lifts his head u[p and sniffs the air. He is looking around the room and makes eye contact with me. His eyes widened and I know that he has picked up on my scent. He lets go of Veronica and runs towards me pulling me down the hall into the nearest bathroom.

" When the Fuck did you go into heat."

I looked down at the ground but he took a step towards me. I was still wearing the wet clothes from last night so there wasn't much to the imagination and my body was craving him.

" This morning." I whispered it and he began running his hands threw my hair and licking the sweet spot on my neck. I let out a moan.

" Why didn't you tell me." he was making his was down my shirt.

" I tried but you were busy with Veronica" he looked at me confused

" you forgot I can feel everytime you stick your dick in her." His expression went from confusion to pure shock. he did forget.

" You need to lock yourself in your room for the week or else." he began Rubbing my breast and my body was reacting.

" You don't get to tell me what to do." he let out a growl and cupped my ass hard.

" lock yourself in your room unless that is your way of giving me an open invitation to fuck my mate. I promise I won't be gentle"

I wanted him and needed him at that moment but the thought that he was just touching Veronica moments ago I pushed him off of me and stepped out. I saw Ky standing in the Kitchen talking to Veronica.

" Ky"

" Hey Rose How can I help." he paused for a moment and I saw his eyes were switching to lust. He caught my scent as well.

Veronica went passed me and grabbed Cole. " Cole my brother agreed to have dinner with us isn't that right Ky?"

Before Ky could answer I looked at both Cole and Veronica. I didn't know that Ky was her brother but that was going to make things even more interesting.

" Sorry Ky can't he already will be eating something else for dinner. Ky come on my room is upstairs." I felt the feeling in my stomach again but before it go to strong I ran and kissed Ky. he instantly deepend the kiss and Could hear Cole Growling. I had to keep telling myself he cared more about Veronicas heat than mine and that was all the answers I needed about if his feelings for me were true or not. I walked right past Cole and his slut and brought Ky to my room and locked the door behind me.

I turn around to face Ky who was looking at me.

"Cole is your mate isn't he?" My feet were frozen in place. No one else from this pack other than Veronica and Taly knew. I knew I couldn't lie to him.

" Yes" and at that moment another heat wave hit me and brought me to my knees.