Sleep princess

The pain was unbearable I just wanted it to stop. Ky rushed to my side.

"Is this why you called me here?" I couldn't find the words to speak so all I did was nod. He picked me up bridal style and laid me on the bed.

"Ky I know this is hard but please take it away I'm begging you." Ky's face looked of pure worry but he soon gathered his thoughts and he gently leaned down on top of me.

"I will take the pain away the best way I can" he leaned down to kiss me and I instantly needed more so I pulled him down further to deepen the kiss. He sat me up to remove my top and his tongue began flicking my pebbled breast. I let out a soft moan I felt the pain die down in my belly but that just made me want even more. I arched my back allowing him more access. When he released my nipple he made his way down leaving butterfly kisses until he was right at my pants zipper. I lifted up my hips and he pulled off my pants and underwear and now I was completely naked in front of him.

"You are fucking beautiful Rose and he's and idiot." He nibbles the insides of my thighs and made he way to my clit. When his tongue touched my clit I was instantly ready to burst. His tongue began to move in a circular motion and he inserted a finger inside of me. My head fell back and I let out a moan.

"Fuck baby moan for me" Ky picked up the pace and inserted another finger in me and began thrusting harder. It wasn't long before a orgasm tore thru me. The pain was nearly gone but I needed more.

"I need you inside me Ky."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me clit again.

"This is the best I can give you for now. I don't need the Alpha kill me for fucking his mate." He went back to going down on me and I tried to tell him in between moans

"Veronica is his mate not me." He used his hands to cup my ass and squeeze.

"When he marks her and makes her Luna you will no longer be his mate and I will play out every fantasy I have had of you since you took your top off." Ky flipped me over and pulled my ass in the air so it was completely on display. I was soaked and ready for him but since he wasn't going to have sex with me this was the next best thing. He ran my juices up to my ass and began massaging it. At first I was startled but then my hips started rocking with his movements and I felt myself getting wetter. Before I knew what was happening he inserted a finger in my ass. I felt pain for a minute but it dulled you a light pressure. He moved slow until he saw I was enjoying it and began moving his finger faster. Before long another orgasms came crashing down.

Ky got me off multiple times over the next couple hours until my body was satisfied. I didn't know if I was distracted with my own heat or not but I haven't felt the pain of Veronica and Cole. Maybe he finally marked her. I laid back on my bed catching my breath next to Ky who also looked like he just ran a marathon.

"Thank you for being there for me Ky." I snuggled up to him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Down girl. I don't need you getting worked up again. My hands are going to get carpal tunnel. I might even have to take the week off work if You keep calling me this week to help you." All I could do was blush. He really did help me. I didn't even know I could survive that many orgasms.

"How about I treat you to dinner." I payed my head on his chest and let him play with my hair.

"Throw In dessert as well and I will consider it payment for my service." I smiled and climbed off of him and the bed and made my way to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

Once I was clean I grabbed a sundress and sandals.

"Okay let's go" Ky opened the door for me and we walked downstairs to find Cole sitting in the living room where everything was broken.

"What happened here?" I asked Cole who wouldn't look up and talk to me. Ky looked over me.

" I think you should talk to him. Rain check." He kissed my cheek and walked out the side door. Once I no longer saw Ky I shifted my focus back to Cole. I walked around and sat on what was left of the shredded couch.

"Cole what happened."

"I felt it." He whispered it. I scooted off the couch and moved closer to where I was sitting in front of him on my knees.

"Felt what Cole?"

"You" he looked up and I could tell he was crying.

"How I didn't have sex with him."

"I can feel when your body is tense. So I felt every time your body relaxed. I can smell every time you came and every time you became aroused again." He pushed the hair behind my ear and for the first time our eyes were up close and locked on each other. He leaned over and kissed me and I could feel my body start to burn again. He pulled me into his lap until I was straddling him and I could feel him cock getting harder.

I wanted him. I wanted to be loved by him. I wanted a life with him. But it disgusted me to want his love after everything. After all the obstacles I overcame there still some part of me that wanted to become like Veronica so maybe he would want me. What he wants is purely physical because of the bond but he doesn't want me. I understand he will never be mine and I just let myself break inside. I break the kiss.

"Cole I love you" he looked shocked for a moment. I knew that was not what he was expecting since I had been avoiding him so we barely talked ,but I had to know how he felt I was tired of being used and this on and off Veronica thing was killing me. I can't stand the thought of him calling her Luna but trying to kiss me every chance he got.

" I.... umm... I" he didn't have words and that was all I needed to know.

I wasn't the girl that got the guy. I was the girl that was there to pass the time.

I got off of him suddenly the thought of being by him Disgusted me.

"Rose wait"

"No you've said enough"

I felt humiliated I needed to get out of there. I let Lilly take over and run. I just sat and replayed all the events that have made up my life thinking of where I went wrong to deserve this.

I don't know if we have been running for hours or days but I felt Lilly had come to a stop and when she gave me back control I could tell exactly where we were. Lilly brought me back home to my Moms house. I was extremely tired but I shifted back into human form and walked inside. It was like I never left Morgan was cooking while Chloe was sitting on the table doing homework.

"Got room for another?" Morgan turned around and her and chloe both ran and hugged me.

"I thought I might never see you again."

"I know I'm fine, I missed you guys" I sat at the table and let them follow behind me. Chloe told me all about school and the boy in her class and Morgan let me know about all the town gossip. It was getting pretty late and Chloe went upstairs to get ready for bed. When she was out of site morgan opened up the bottle of wine.

"So what really happened?"

"Can't a girl just miss her mother." I tried to give my best innocent voice but she saw right thru it.

"Ok fine" I proceeded to tell her all about the heat and Ky and Cole and everything up until the last time I saw her.

" wow that's a lot to take in" after that she stopped pouring the glass and just started drinking from the bottle.

"Yea fun times. Anyways if it's ok I think I'm just going to spend the night and head back in the morning I'm sure they are all going to be worried about me. I just needed to see you." My mother wrapped her hands around me and it was the warm feeling I needed to tide me over to get through the bullshit the moon goddess dealt me.

"Run over time see meg with me quick before you leave she misses you terribly." I nodded and let her lead the way. I knew there was a very slim chance I could get by with only seeing Morgan. I followed her to the pack house and when she lead me inside I followed her to the living room and felt my stomach turn into knots. There sat Asher, Grant, Zeke and Max. They boys were laughing at the game they were playing until I entered the room and then everything got quiet.

Grant was the first one to speak to me.

"Hi Rose it's nice to see you." I just nodded I wasn't ready to face them.

"My my You just get more beautiful every time I see you." Meg appeared from around the corner and gave me a hug.

"Are you back to stay?" She let go of me and I shook my head.

"No I just needed to get some fresh air."

"1,500 miles away is what you call fresh air?" I looked over and saw Zeke staring at me. I saw his neck he still wasn't marked yet. I was about to say something back but the pain had come back and my stomach felt like it was burning again. It was flickering between fire and knives which meant I had a wave coming and Cole and Veronica were having sex.I grabbed the counter to steady myself.

In a blink of an eye Zeke was infront of me and I could see his eyes were filled with lust.

"You're in heat" I nodded hoping I would have to speak all I could do was focus on the pain until I heard a similar growl come from the couch but much lower. I looked up and saw Asher doing the same thing I was. That face I knew all too well. His mate was having sex with another.

At the pack though Asher is mateless. Based of the fear in his eyes all the pieces started falling in place. The Pack slut and future Luna was Ashers mate. Zeke pinned me on the counter and began licking my sweet spot. I felt his Caines come out and knew he was about to mark me by force. His wolf was taking over.

I couldn't let him mark me. I used my strength that I had and pushed him back. I ran down the hall and locked myself in the bathroom.

Coles pov:

I had been sitting in the living room fucking waiting for Rose to be done. I was going to break the fucking door down but no one knew she was my mate and I wanted to keep it that way.

My wolf kept taking over and breaking shit but after hours I felt her come down stairs. Unfortunately she still smells of him which was driving Mayhem crazy.

"What happened" her voice sounded like honey I couldn't face her. Hearing her voice made me break down I can't deal with all of this hot and cold shit. I just wanted her. She came infront of me and asked me again and I was honest about what I felt. I knew she wouldn't feel sympathy because of everything I have put her through but I just wanted Her to care for some reason. When I looked up I saw her beautiful ice blue eyes. I could get lost IN Them forever.

I couldn't hold back any longer and I leaned forward and kissed her. Her lips lasted like strawberries it was like a drug. I pulled into my lap and deepened the kiss nothing mattered at that moment it was just us. She broke the kiss which caught me off guard.

"Cole I love you." Those are the words I wanted to hear. At that moment I knew nothing else mattered but her.

"I..ummm...I" she started to back away. Fuck why didn't I just say it . I loved her too for fucks sake.

"Rose wait" I was trying to talk to her but she ran out the door. The border patrol alerted me as soon as she crossed and I told them to let her go. She needed time and I would give it to her. I went up to my bed and laid there for hours tossing and turning. The thought of Rose kept coming to my mind and I could feel my cock getting hard.

I began rubbing my shaft thinking about her when my hand was replaced with a warm mouth. I looked down and saw Veronica I didn't even notice she came in.

"Get off of me Veronica" but she didn't stop instead she climbed up on top and startled me plunging her pudding on my cock. The thought of fucking her made me disgusted. I just laid there as she began riding me trying to get a reaction but she wasn't getting on. I grabbed her waisted and hoisted her up pulling myself out of her.

"We're done Veronica. Get out"

"What you can't break up with me I'm the fucking Luna"

"Not anymore get your stuff and go" I used my alpha tone and she began crying but did as I commanded. When she left the room I called Rose.

R:[ what do you want Alpha]

C:[ I'm sorry Rose. I should have said it earlier I love you.]

R:[ did you figure this out before or after you fucked veronica]

C:[ fuck Rose it's not what you think please come back and I will explain everything and I will spend the rest of my days making it up to you. I promise I'm sorry I've been and idiot and I listened to Asher and he said I could win you over by making you jealous and I'm just sorry.]

R:[ I'm sorry Asher told you to do what?]

C:[ none of that matters I love you please come and talk to me.]

R:[ fine we will talk In the morning goodnight Cole ]


Yes finally things might be changing Rose would be coming back In the morning and we can have fresh start. I will give her all the love and gifts I have to offer and even then it won't make up for the shit I've done.

Rose pov:

I knew I needed to get back home to tell Cole about Veronica so once the pain died down I made my way out and said my goodbyes deliberately ignoring Zeke. I needed to get hoe. Before the next wave kicked in. I made it about an hour into the woods when I heard the tree branches start to break around me. I halted to see where the sound was coming from and I saw 6 pairs of glowing eyes.

"Did you miss me?" Made me freeze in my tracks I went to turn around but I felt something hit my stomach and made me collapse on the ground. I looked up to see the most disgusting smile that I thought I would only be seeing in my nightmare from now on.

My father reached down and touched my face.

"Sleep princess " and with that everything went black