Maybe in another life

We were in the car on our way to Blue stone pack. I had fallen asleep half way through and My mind drifted off to the meadow. This time I wasn't alone. Colton And Violet were with me and their little wolves were snuggled up to Lilly.

" Why have you been gone for almost a year?"

Lilly snuggled closer to her pups and she looked at me. " You gave up Rose. we were finally making progress and the second things got hard you went back to that 17 year old little girl. you didn't even fight. I figured if you didn't want to be here that was fine I made my peace with it but you couldn't ask me to sit and watch it happen.

" I didn't want this to happen but my gifts stopped working."

" They stopped working because you stopped living. you stopped feeling like you had a purpose. once you decided our son was worth fighting for I knew It was time to return to help. As long as you are willing to fight and live then I am willing to stick by you."

I wanted to be mad but I knew I couldn't be. she was right I shouldn't have expected her to sit and take the pain with me after i ignored her everytime she tried to help me.

" I'm Sorry."

" It's all in the past let's focus on getting our family back."

I woke up to the sound of the car stopping.

Morgan put the car in park. " darling we are here." she was looking at me and not moving.

"Mom stop staring at me I'm ok."

She smiled. " I know its just i feel like i'm in a dream and if i wake up you wont be here." I gave her a hug and we just let the embrace linger.

when we released we stepped out of the car. The blue stone pack was much smaller but It was beautiful. there was a waterfall just in the backyard and a line of huts surrounding it. we saw kids swimming at the end of it. everyone was smiling and it was extremely lively. Ashley walked us into the Pack house and we were greeted by Ashleys mate MIke. She had briefed him on the phone so he already knew everything. he kissed ashley and took her in a warm embrace. It made me think if Cole and I would ever have that.

" My sister, Ashley has told me everything just know you have our full support to get my nephew back and save the king." I nodded in gratitude I wanted nothing more than to get my Son back.

" THe only thing I need right now is for you to show Asher and I where the training grounds are. Its time to get back to work." I looked over and gave Asher a smirk. I may not kill him but I certainly would have fun Kicking his ass a few dozen times.

Cole's Pov.

We announced the birth of our child about a weeks ago and the pack was thrilled. I left the party preparations to Veronica because I knew In 2 months packs around the country would be here to give their prince their blessing. I was walking back to my room when I heard a faint cry. I opened the door and saw no one in sight but a little bassinet. As I walked to it I was Colton. His eyes were open and he was sucking on his feet while smiling. Such a happy baby I thought.

I picked him up and sat in the rocking chair. I could get lost in his eyes. They were Ice blue but in the sun you could see flecks of green.


She would have made a beautiful mother. She would have been a beautiful wife and luna. I was a bastard as a child but when I finally grew up and knew the meaning of valuing things before they are lost it was to late. It was a lesson I had to learn the hard way. I took Rose for granted because of my selfish ways. At first she was too weak and All I wanted was power just like any other !8 year old. then I fell in love with her and I realized she needed a guy like Zeke who would love her the first time so I pushed her away. Im 22 now and all I want is my family and to see Rose smile one last time. I have made mistakes I know, and that is putting it nicely. I was just as bad as her father. I was supposed to love her and instead I did the opposite.

Colton reached his little fingers and just stared back into my teary eyes. like he was memorizing all of my feature. he was little but his look was full of concentration and love. I failed with Rose but I would not fail my son. I would be the man I wanted rose to see but never got the second chance to.

one of the maids came into the room with a bottle.

" Oh sorry Alpha Its time for his feeding."

Veronica had others feeding our son.

" Where is Veronica." the maid looked down and was quiet.

I repeated the question with my Alpha tone.

" I haven't seen the queen in here since the baby and her have arrived."

how can she just leave our son unattended for days. not even checking on him. What kind of mother was she?

" Not even once?" the maid hesitated but then shook her head.

" NO Alpha Im sorry." I was furious and I was going to get to the bottom of this.

I handed the baby off to the maid and went looking for Veronica. she was laying outside on the balcony in a skimpy bikini with her friends drinking Mia tias.

" So this is what you are doing instead of being a mother."

She looked at me shocked.

" Honey I was planning the party like you asked."

"And what part of party planning involved showing your whole body and getting drunk at noon."

" Honey it's been stressful the girls and I need a break beside Liam is perfectly fine with the maid."

" What did you just say?"

" I said I was wrapping up here and then I would go see Colton but he would be fine for now."

I didn't want to make a scene but I was fuming I needed to get out and run. I lt mayhem take control and he took us to our usual spot. once passed the willow trees I laid in the bed of flowers starring into the pond. It was our original spot but I laid the plants down and tried my best to recreate our secret spot only difference is The field was covered in Roses of all colors.

If I could Turn back time I would have done things differently.I would have saved he that day instead of turning my back like everyone else. Rose would be the one beside me not veronica and If I could I would have saved myself for Rose. Maybe in another life we will meet again and I will be able to spend everyday giving you new ways to fall in love with me. Maybe in another life I was the man you deserved and needed not just some dumb jock.

Maybe in another life.....

I laid there the rest of the day wallowing. I was the the King so not many were meant to see me cry. after enough time ghad passed my mind linked opened back up and people were asking where I was. I told them I was on my way back and stood up making my way to the pack house. before i left I looked back at my spot one last time.

" Until next time Rose."