How It all Began

I have never seen my dad like this before. He truly looks like he had snapped. John hadn't stopped laughing.

I started walking towards him when Cole grabbed my wrist.

" Rose I can't lose you again."

I gave him a genuine smile it was nice to feel his fingers on me but this was not the time to feel the sparks that I have been dreaming about every night since the night I was taken in the woods. Just looking into his green eyes have my heart start.

"It's ok my love I am here now and I will explain everything soon."

I made my way thru the flames and towards my father. As I neared him I imagined all the times he would wipe away my tears and when he used to give me piggy back rides. I just couldn't believe that this is where we ended up.

" Hello Princess I missed you." his teeth were rotted and he looked like a hollow man that once held my father.

" Hello John I wish I could say the same." I was standing just feet away from him.

I could take him down without any effort but I felt that he deserved something more even after everything he still was once my father.

" How do you want to do this John?" he smirked at me. He knew that this was the inevitable Outcome.

"How about the same way It began." He pulled out The knife that he used to Carve UNLOVED into my legs. Everything was coming full circle. He wasn't even going to put up a fight?

Maybe this Choice was the only ounce of sanity he had left in him. I took the knife from from him and guided him to his knees.

we looked up at the moon and smiled.

" Make it count Sweetheart I have owed a beautiful woman a dance for a long time coming."

Tears ran down my face as I finally realized how much pain he must have gone through losing my mom. That kind of love literally drove him to his own death.

He has been waiting to die but just too scared to do it himself.

I got down on his level and Looked at him and wondered what kind of man he would have been if my Mom never had died that night.

" Say Hi to Daisy for me dad." he pulled his look away from the moon and looked and me and gave me a sincere smile.

I held onto that look and drove the knife into him. I made sure that it would be over with quickly even though he put me through hell the time for suffering was over.

He bled out in my arms and I laid him gently to rest.

He finally looked at peace.

I mindlinked One of my warriors " Take his body to the Ice chamber I want to give him a proper burial."

I wanted to cry but I wasn't finished there was still someone else who needed my attention. I mIndlinked Morgan to tell Ashley to come out of hiding who was hiding just on the outskirts with Violet and Liam then I stood and walked back to the house and up to the balcony. Cole was talking to his warriors and figuring out how to do clean up and up security. when I got closer I could tell he felt my presence because he turned around.

"Rose my Love im so sorry I couldn't save you and I wasn't there."

"Cole where is my son?" he looked at me confused. He almost forgot about why I had originally came.

" Rose that's not your son. I know I shouldnt of but that is mine and Veronicas son. I'm sorry I thought you were dead." he broke down crying until I picked up his chin and made eye contact with me.

" Do you trust me?" he smiled and kissed the inside of my hand.

"Of course."

he took a step aside giving me clear access to Veronica who was still holding my Son.

" Your game is over Veronica."

she was still trying to play her part.

" I am the Queen and this is my son. I don't know what they did to you but I'm sorry you missed out and I became a mother."

I smiled and stepped towards her.

" YOu are right you did become a mother just not to that baby." she looked over at Cole.

" Do you hear how crazy she sounds? How can I be a mother and this not be my child?" people began whispering.

" If you want I can bring Liam here and you can be a mother to him but give me my son."

" Liam? Ha! what nonsense are you talking about."

before I could say anything cole stepped in. " Wait the other day when I was yelling at you about not watching Colton you said Liam would be fine. If she is crazy how does she know the same name as you."

Just then Asher stepped in holding Liam rocking him back and forth.

" Ashe what a surprise what are you doing here?"

" Taking care of my son since you decided to leave him for dead." he took another step towards her and leaned over.

" And for the record I Asher Mathews accept your rejection." Veronica bent over gripping her chest dropping Colton. I used my speed and picked him up just before he touched the floor.

Holding colton in my arms felt like nothing else mattered. It was the first time I held my son since he was born.

" Mon Papillon" I whispered and his eyes opened and for the first time I was able to stare into his beautiful blue eyes.

" He has my eyes." I continued to rock him when Cole came over to me.

" But I don't Understand."

I Looked at him and kissed his cheek while I handed him Our Son.

I walked over to the podium and grabbed the microphone.

" Everyone thank you for coming. This has been an eventful night and I want to offer my gratitude I hope that you will join us for another party very shortly where I can meet the member of the royal pack and you Can also meet the Princess. Thank you."

I mindlinked my warriors and told them to take Veronica to the cellar and look for Lori. Before I exited the stage I felt a pull.

" Mate?" Lilly Whispered but the pull wasn't towards Cole. When I looked up In the Crowd I saw Zeke standing there with a look On his face that I hadn't seen since we were back home.

I Exited the stage and told Cole to follow me to his office with Asher. when we reached the door Zeke was already standing there waiting.

" You Too. follow me."

Once we got to the office I closed the door and took a deep breath. What was happening?

I explained everything to Cole From the very beginning and everything about asher. Ashley even stopped by and gave me Violet to which I finally was able to Introduce her to her Father.

" She looks just like you." he held her so lightly that if he blinked she might blow away like a puff of smoke.

Zeke was still staring at me " why is my wolf saying we are mates?"

It felt like Coles jaw hit the floor. " Im Sorry hes your fucking what?" Cole then turned to Zeke

"MINE" Zeke stood up and began growling just as loud as Cole.

" Boys stop I don't know how any of this happened."

" I might have answers. Come see me my child." a beautiful voice rang in my ear.

Moon Goddess?

I hushed the boys up and took a seat on Coles couch and laid my head back then closed my eyes and thought of the meadow.

Everything was restored. This was the first time I had visited the meadow since Lilly had come back and the butterflies had returned along with the sun and flowers.

" I told you that you had a destiny."

I turned around to see the Moon goddess holding a butterfly to her finger.

" I don't understand what Is happening."

" I gave the boys a test."

" what do you mean? "

" Mates are bound forever. Even if they reject their mates in this lifetime there is still a chance for them to be connected in another life. Unless I deem that it is necessary to give them a new mate. every lifetime I reincarnate you and each time Lilly gets stronger. when that happens in order for her to succeed she needs a strong Soul to bond with and needs stronger mates to compliment her.

You my dear are a White wolf. You are the only species that come directly from my bloodline therefore white wolves are the only ones that have direct access to me in the Moon Kingdom."

" But what does that have to do with me having two mates."

" Ahh yes White wolves Are so powerful they tend to have more than one mate. Every lifetime you have been bound to Mayhem and Zeke's wolf Zander. In the last time the boys failed to protect you in their own ways and order for you to take your spot as a leader on earth you need people you can trust. so I gave you the option to choose both,One or none of them. Power went to Coles head so In the last life time So Instead of you finding out later I showed his colors early on. Zeke and you have always had an on and off again relationship so this time I cut off your mate bond until you fully unlocked your powers. Zeke found his second chance mate but rejected her because he loved you not having and mate pull to guide him."

" what are you saying."

"Im saying its time to enjoy life rose. You have completed your mission and now it is time for you to protect the wolves of this lifetime. You are the White wolf everyone will look to you for guidance and love. When you first came to me you wanted to die. Now after everything this is you chance to Live. You have always been loved Rose it just took you sometime to see that And that mark means nothing"

She was right that mark really did mean nothing.

Tears were rolling down my face. She was right this was my time to live. I have not one but two beautiful mates and twins that I absolutely adore. I hugged the Moon Goddess.

" Thank you Moon Goddess." She laughed and rubbed my head.

" I will see you again my child and please call me Selene after all we are family." She kissed my forehead and left and the second she was no longer in sight I saw my surroundings begin to fade until I was back in Coles Office and was looking at two worried wolves.

" Rose where did you go?" Zeke leaned down to me.

" Im Fine I was talking to the Moon Goddess."

The boys looked at eachother. " And?"

I took a deep breath

" Cole is my mate." Cole was grinning from ear to ear but before he could say something smart I cut him off.

" And according to her Zeke is My mate as well." Zeke picked up his head and was also smiling.

" But why didn't you know that when you guys were together."

I smiled at Zeke " I think I always knew deep down. When i first passed out and eke refused to leave the hospital I saw my aura and every time he touched me my body got these tingles and turned yellow."

Zeke looked shocked.

" why didn't you tell me." I shrugged

" I thought it was just because I had a crush on you. I didn't begin to read more into it until I felt the same feeling only more intense with Cole.

COle and Zeke looked at eachother then nodded.

" Well If the Moon Goddess planned it I won't question it. I already lost you I will take you however you come." Zeke smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek.

I began blushing after the chain of events I was tired. I Let Cole carry the twins up the stairs and asked him to tuck them in so that I could have a minute alone with Zeke.

" It's not fair he gets to spend your first night back with you." I thought it was kinda cute him pouting. I planted a gentle kiss on his lips.

he still tasted of cinnamon.

" I tell you what he can sleep with me but you and I have already been intimate so half of the mating ritual is done." He looked at me puzzled so I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer So I could whisper into his ear.

" Mark me." he lets our a groan as I leaned my head so he had better access.

he licked my neck on my sensitive spot before I felt his canines press down. He quickly retracted them and began to lick the wound closer. It felt like a head rush and The mate bond that felt weak between us intensified and I could hear all of his thoughts and feel his heartbeat. I pulled away and saw his face was filled with nothing but Love.

Finally after 2 years I have finally been marked. I pulled him into a deep passionate kiss. I felt my insides burning. I needed him now. I was about to take him right there in the hallway but Cole came down the hallway and Coughed loudly.

Zeke and I Broke away in a heated mess. My lips still swollen from the makeout session we just had.

" I believe Shes mine for the night. you can spend time with her in the morning." Cole took my hand but let zeke give me one last peck good bye.

Cole took me down the hallway and into his bedroom. the entire time I have know Cole I had never been in his room. Not even at our old pack and now he was King.

I was admiring the room when I felt a hand snake up my shirt and cup my breast. cole towered over behind me.

"I Have missed your smell." I smiled at him and turned around to look him in the eyes.

" Take a shower with me." I have never seen Cole move so fast. He has never seen me completely naked before so I knew he wouldn't pass up this opportunity. He ran the water and undressed. His body has definitely gotten better since the last time I saw it but something was different this time. He has a large tattoo of a rose on his chest over his heart.

My heart was completely full and I didnt think I could get any happier. I followed suit stripping my clothes and stepped in the shower. At first Coles face looked surprised.

"Your mark is gone." I had looked down and he was right the Moon Goddess must have taken it away. I was admiring my leg when I looked up.

Coles face turned lustful and he pinned me against the shower. he began kissing me anywhere his mouth could fit. He glanced over the spot that Zeke had just marked not long ago.

" Tisk Tisk Little pup you shouldn't have let him mark you first. This is going to hurt a bit." I didn't know what he was talking about until I felt him bite down on my neck. Before I could come down from my high he thrusted into me.

" Fuck. This is how it should of happened all those years ago." he drowned out my moans by crashing his lips into me. I already felt an orgasm building up in me. I wasn't going to last much longer.

Cole gripped my hips tighter and kept raking over my mark. I wanted him to feel what I felt.

" I want to mark you." he never let go but he did crane his neck so that I had Access. I bit him and liked my spot then pulled away to admire my work. At the same time Cole and I came together. MY body had gone limp but he still had his grip and help me up against the wall.

" I Love you Rose."

I smiled back at him " I love you too."