
So she wanted a fight. well that was exactly what I am going to give her. She took my mate, my life and my child.

Asher wanted to know what happened but we didn't have time to explain. We had to change the plan. I needed to arrive before the rogues did so that Veronica wouldn't have a chance to escape. we walked to the center of the woods just on the edge of the field center to the pack house so that I had the perfect view of the balcony. Asher took out his phone and sent Morgan a text letting her know that we were in place and shortly after I saw Zeke greeting Megs and Morgan. he looked thinner like he hadn't been sleeping or eating. I assume probably had to do with being away from Lori so much was probably hard on him. then in that instant my heart stopped. I saw Cole wearing a pinstripe suit holding my baby boy it was the most beautiful site I had ever seen.

My happiness was short lived because moments following Veronica came snaking her arm around Cole and kissed Coltons forehead with her tacky red lipstick.

Asher pulled me from my thoughts when he nudged me.

" burner phone went off. The rogues are letting veronica know that they are about 10 minutes away if we are going to get a head start we need to do this." I had to make a choice. I was about to speak when Veronica gathered everyone's attention.

"Thank you all for coming. Cole and I met in highschool and knew we were destined to be together and I am so happy for him and the Love he shows me. I am thankful he accepted me as his mate and because of that we have a beautiful Son. I wouldn't want to carry anyone elses pup but yours. You are my everything and together we have built an empire. So please everyone raise a glass to the King and to my beautiful son and your Prince, Colton. Thank you for making me a mother and I hope I don't let either one of you down."

I could see the pained look on Ashers face.

"She really doesn't care about Liam." he looked down and I could see a tear fall from his face.

That was it for me I felt a rage I never knew was there. I began standing up from my hiding spot and Asher was staring at me.

"Rose what's happening?"

" Since she is so happy to be a mother I'm going to show her what it's like to have your child taken."

My body began burning, I felt my energy pulse through my entire body but this time I was prepared and I used some of the techniques I learned at Les Sols. I harnessed it and took control over it. A purple aura started radiating off of me and when the light dimmed I noticed I had changed. My hair was silver and I felt Like I was unstoppable. I Grabbed a cloak from my bag and put it on.

" Your eyes.." Everyone looked shocked and when he held up his phone so that I could see they had become a fierce purple.

'Wait for my signal I will head out first. It's time for my welcome home party." Asher and the warriors looked worried but nodded. I stepped out into the clearing and began walking towards the house. With every step I thought of my life up until NOw. I thought about every heartache I had and every time I felt pain. Then I thought about everytime I laughed and Felt loved. Each stepped passed and I got closer till I was only a few yards away. I still wasn't noticed. Figures?

"well let's make a grand entrance" I could feel Lilly in me she was ready to rip everyone who ever wronged us throats out.

" I agree lets." I stood still for a moment and closed my eyes to search for the center of my energy. Then with then with the flick of my wrist I lit a blue flame on one side of me. I turned my head and did the same on the other.

That got their attention. A few started to scream and I could see Cole step in front of Veronica And Colton. I ignored them for now. I made my was all the way to the house and up the stairs. Some of his warriors tried to stop me but I was able to easily take them down.

The rest of the pack cleared a path until I was standing in front of My family and Mate.

Cole tried to use his Alpha Voice. It was so Cute I missed his voice.

" Who the hell are you and what do you want."

I smirked under my cloak and responded simply.

" I only came for my Son your grace." the crowd erupted with whispers.

" Your son is not here. We cannot help you, because it is my sons party and I'm feeling kind I will give you 3 min to get off my land before I personally kill you. " I ignored him and walked towards the balcony so my back was facing him.

" I knew you were strong my King and I have heard you can kill a man barley lifting a finger, but answer me this my King. Have you ever killed a ghost?"

" A ghost, are you crazy there is no such thing."

" Oh but isn't there?"

I untied my cloak and let it drop to the floor. then once the crowd became so quiet you could hear a pin drop I turned around and looked at Veronica and only her.

" Did you miss me Roni?" Veronica had turned three shades white.

"Rose?" she tried to hold onto Colton tighter.

" I'll Tell you what I will give you the same deal the King gave time with a twist. Give me my son in 3 seconds or I will personally rip your throat out. "

Coles Pov:

I was going through the motions of the Party. Many people were greeting me and blessing my son for a life of luck and fortune. I let Veronica Make the speech because I knew how much she lived for being the center of attention.

"Thank you all for coming. Cole and I met in highschool and knew we were destined to be together and I am so happy for him and the Love he shows me. I am thankful he accepted me as his mate and because of that we have a beautiful Son. I wouldn't want to carry anyone elses pup but yours. You are my everything and together we have built an empire. So please everyone raise a glass to the King and to my beautiful son and your Prince, Colton. Thank you for making me a mother and I hope I don't let either one of you down."

I wish I could take back every moment I made with her and replace them with Rose. and what is this about being a great mother? Veronica and I haven't talked much since our fight about Colton being taken care of my the maids.

In the corner of my eye I saw a Blue Aisle being made out of flames. I tried to catch the scent of the person coming towards us but I couldn't. They Must be masking their scent. some wolves started to notice and panic but I remained calm after all there was something different here. they were walking slow like they weren't worried. I had to see what they came here for because there wasn't enough time to evacuate everyone.

My warriors tried to take them down but they destroyed them as if they weren't even a threat.

" Who the hell are you and what do you want." I tried to use my Alpha Tone but they acted as if they were unfazed. Then a woman's voice spoke. Where have I heard that voice before?

" I only came for my Son your grace." What on earth was she talking about. I mindlinked my warriors asking if we had any children in the cellar and they replied no.

" Your son is not here. We cannot help you, because it is my sons party and I'm feeling kind I will give you 3 min to get off my land before I personally kill you. " this had to end. there was nothing left for this woman here.

" I knew you were strong my King and I have heard you can kill a man barley lifting a finger, but answer me this my King. Have you ever killed a ghost?"

" A ghost, are you crazy there is no such thing." this woman was really starting to piss me off.

" Oh but isn't there?"

she untied her cloak to reveal her identity and at first all I was was long beautiful Silver hair that glowed in the moonlight. She turned her body around to face my pack and my heart stopped.


I wanted to ask a thousand questions but she acted as if I didn't exist and didn't even look at me.

without me having to ask Veronica piped up " Rose?"

other than her hair something was different.

" I'll Tell you what I will give you the same deal the King gave time with a twist. Give me my son in 3 seconds or I will personally rip your throat out. "

What the hell was going on?

" Cole do something. Clearly she has suffered for something and is imaging our family is hers." Could that be what was happening.

" Rose listen to me please don't hurt my son." I didn't want to hurt her and if she was suffering I wanted to help her. I would protect her this time and not let her go.

" Cole move. I am taking my son back."

She turned her focus back to Veronica who had become closed in by Morgan and Megs. Why am I the only one who is stunned to see Rose here?

"Veronica if you want to be a mother how about I go grab your Mate and Liam."

Veronica truly looked like she saw a ghost.

" Ok someone explain Now." I needed answers but I guess we didn't have time my warriors announced that Someone let the rogues in the barrier and are making their way to the house.

" Rogues are coming everyone needs to move inside."

"NO" I turned my attention towards Rose who just turned and calmly made her way to the field. she waited a few moments when I saw about 7 figures stand behind her in wolf form.

she waited and everyone was silent and I could feel many shaking in fear.

It started off with a few and then hundreds. It looked like the same attack we had at my old home.

I couldn't lose Rose again. I jumped down to try to get in her way but all she did was touch my face and smile.

She waited until They were all in the clearing and were close to lift her hands towards the moon and in that instant a fire erupted. The rogues were screaming and the familiar stench of burning flesh was filling the air.

I stood by my rose and let her do her magic. It was like nothing I had ever seen before and when every last rogue hit the ground only one remained.

focusing into the field I knew that look anywhere It was John laughing like a mad man and he was walking straight towards us.