Les Sols

I woke up to the sound of the car door clicking. Mike had arranged access for us to stay at a small camp next to the royals. It would make for easy commute and since the border patrol pass each other it would make it easier to slide in. we had been in the car for three days and I was completely stiff from the car ride. we only stopped for gas and in between I would sit in the back and feed the little ones.

our group was greeted by a tall French man. he had broad shoulders and a clean cut mustache but his voice was warm and inviting.

" Greetings family welcome to Les Sols(the grounds). This place is a meditation retreat for wolves who have lost their way. sometimes they are widowed and sometimes they just feel alone. we provide them will love and safety and give them the tools that they need to cope and re enter the world."

If only I could have found this place sooner, I wondered what my life would have been like. I shook the thought from my head because I have come a long way from that 17 year old girl and all of my hardships forced me to meet the people I know today and taught me a valuable lesson.

Cole taught me if I want to be loved by someone I need to start with myself.

Morgan taught me that there is always another way I just have to look.

Grant taught me its ok to laugh at serious moments sometimes its better than tears.

Zeke taught me that love can can Leave just as fast as it came so enjoy every day instead of thinking you have tomorrow.

I even have my father to thank for showing me that family doesn't come from the blood in your bones but the bonds made from your heart. for once I had hope that my heart was going to full again. I was brought out of my thought when Asher came up to me.

" Rose we have a problem." the entire group stopped unpacking the car and formed a huddle around him.

"What kind of problem?" now was not the time for us to start having trouble we were so close.

" A text came through on the burner phone I have. I kept it in case there was nay chatter through the rouge pack or from Veronica."

" OK? Anddd?"

"Well apparently at the ball we wont be the only ones planning a sneak attack. I guess cole is questioning Colton and so Veronica is planning on having the rogues attack so she can kill Colton and then be free."

" But that doesn't make any sense why go through all of this to kill my son."

" But doesnt it? I mean think about it if the prince dies she can play the card that she is too heartbroken to have another child or better yet the stress has made her infertile. Cole won't be able to question it on top of gaining the sympathy from the entire pack. then her wicked behavior will be justified to her lashing out and not recovering from the tragedy. she will forever be able to play the victim card and have them in her pocket."

I didn't want to admit it but the plan did sound kind of perfect which lets this unsettling feeling in my stomach I needed to find my son before any harm could come to him.

Once we got settled we spent the rest of the night going over the plan figuring out how we were going to get to Colton before any harm could come. Once I was satisfied with the plan everyone turned in for the night. Once again I sat up staring at the moon. Things were peaceful I suppose that's the definition of calm before the storm.

"We will get him back Rose" it was nice to have Lilly keeping me company. She knew my thoughts with out me having to say a word. I knew we had a long day ahead of us tomorrow so I thought would be better to head to bed as well. When my head hit the pillow and I drifted off to sleep I dreamed of my Boys and the feeling of returning to their arms.


It was a long sleepless night I was tossing and turning and when I finally did fall asleep Violet would be waking up crying. Eventually I just gave up and started the day early. I walked down stairs with violet and decided I would cook breakfast for everyone. I made eggs,toast,bacon,and French toast. I also decided to cut up some fruit and set out some orange juice. Just as I was finished setting the table it was about noon when Asher came in.

"What is that amazing smell" Asher came home with Liam acting like this was the first time he's ever smelt anything. I giggled at how much Asher has changed he has become happier in some ways and I think that is because Liam gave him a purpose again.

"Have a seat I wanted to talk to you anyways before the rest of the gang got here." Asher looked at me a little worried about what I might need to say. Reluctantly he finally took a seat.

"Today is the day Veronica will be caught and punished for her crimes. I've never really asked how you were holding up or if you will be able to go through with this."

Asher was quiet for a moment but silently nodded he knew this conversation would be coming up. " I know the pain needs to end. I know she doesn't care about me or my son she was ready for him to die. I don't know if anyone is ever truly ready to say goodbye to a piece of themselves but to make up for the harm I have done to you I know that I must. I only ask that you will be there with me on the dark days ahead and agree to be Liams god mother and take him if the pain and sadness swallow me up."

I was shocked by his statement he wanted me to be a god mother? I already had niece that I have never even met or knew her name not to mention a son in the enemy. I wasn't having a good track record with the little pups around me but he was looking at me so desperately I couldn't refuse.

"Of course you're stuck with me for life" and I held out my pinky so that he could do the same and we shook on it.

Just at that time the rest of the gang piled in and instantly started devouring my cooking. It felt good to sit as one and have a room full of life. I tried to focus on that but the know in my stomach was still there. I don't think it would settle until my so was back with me.

Once everyone was done with breakfast Asher and I decided to clean up than go out to the yard to train. I needed to be at my best strength. We trained lightly for a few hours until the sun started to fall. It was time. Ashely took Liam and Violet inside and we began setting up.

Everyone had their role.

Morgan and Meg would be attending the party as guest and will make sure Veronica and Liam are at the balcony at the right moment.

Asher, I and the warriors we have will piggy back the rogues attack and cut them off. As long as everything goes as planned then we should make it out alive. I kissed violet goodbye one last time.

"Goodbye for now Mon papillon"

"It will be ok Rose everything will work out oh by the way take this vile is will help mask your scents" I took a deep breath and took the bottle. this is what I trained for this is what I endured my pain for. I needed to remain calm I was a leader.

No I was more than that.

I was a Luna.

I met Asher and the warriors we had outside it was time to head out.

"Morgan said the party officially started about an hour ago. It's about a 2 hour run so if we leave now we will be getting there in plenty of time.

I nodded and started stripping putting my clothes into a bag. It has been a long time coming for Lilly and I to shift and run.

I envisioned Lilly's fur and soon felt my bones begin to change. It only lasted a few moments and when I looked down I saw my paws still looked like the were dipped in blood but something was different. I had a blue half crescent moon on my chest. Where did that come from?

"You have finally unlocked your potential " Lilly was laughing. I did feel stronger and oddly more calm about the situation but we didn't have time to sit there. I picked up my bag in my mouth and began to run. I had to go half speed because I knew they couldn't keep up with me. They wouldn't even be able to see me if I wanted them too.

It felt amazing to feel the grass beneath my feet and dodging the trees or the woods. What I wouldn't give to hold onto this moment.

"Let me see please " I chuckled to myself

And gave Lilly control. While she had the lead I ran over the plan and before I knew it we had arrived. I gave everyone a sip from the bottle and We waited until shift change to cross the border. So far we got in undetected and I took a sigh of relief everything was coming together. I was about to take a step when my body froze and images began flashing in-front of me.

I was in a bassinet and I heard to voices.

"Put this in his bottled and when the maid goes to feed him he will sleep and never wake up. Then after the attack we will fran her for assisting the rogue and killing the prince. I already planted a burner phone in her room."

"Fine the sooner the better. You know I hate kids and I'm so tired of playing mommy."

Then as fast as the image came it felt like a title wave coming back.

"ROSE! ROSE! Are you ok? Your eyes just went white?"

I nodded at him still not sure myself what just happened.

"You were seeing the world through Coltons eyes." Lilly was getting angry.

I stood up straight and finished getting dressed.

"Yes we need to get my son."