A beautiful lady in his arms

He quietly observed the woman who was peacefully lying down.

Evelina had a glimpse of the tall, bulky silhouette; it was a silhouette that belonged to a man. Her eyes were half-open, still feeling slumberous after all the hardships she had been through— overcoming her Acrophobia. Her long eyelashes maintained its beauty and elegance; it caressed her cheeks whenever she closed her eyes. She was so beautiful, with her silver eyes that glimmered so bright that everything was crystal clear.

Suddenly, Evelina felt a threat that was coming near her; someone was staring at her, quietly looking at her like a predator waiting for its prey to awaken. She faced the person who was gawking at her. She felt her heart was beating so fast that she couldn't understand what she was feeling; it was a tinge of uneasiness and excitement at the same time. She was taken aback by the man before her. His beauty was unparalleled. He was so handsome that other men pale in comparison. No men in her kingdom was that handsome. His emerald green eyes were a swinging pocket watch that hypnotizes her to be addicted to him. His straight hair had a brunette color, that seemed so warm and clean. His wide titan shoulders and his abs were visible from his white long-sleeved shirt. She thought that the man before her was a supermodel. Her eyes never blinked a second because of the tantalizing beauty of the man. He was tall; Evelina guessed that his height was approximately 6'6. 'He's probably a model no doubt' she thought.

Alexander looked up to the woman lying down comfortably on the limb of the tree "Hello?" He asked as he waved his hand to the woman. Then added, "Are you alright?" he still got no response from the woman. He was worried, seeing the woman without blinking her eyes made him even more agitated.

It is said that when you don't blink your eyes, it may lead to vision loss even blindness. It is important to blink to keep the eyes moisturized. 'Oh no, I can't let the woman suffer she might lose her vision!'

"Hey, if you don't respond, I'll just take you to the hospital," he said in a loud yet gentle voice.

Then suddenly Evelina realized what was going on. It was an awkward situation. She felt extremely embarrassed that her face turned red instantly. She thought that the man had found out that she was ogling at his body. She couldn't deny that the man was indeed handsome.

He gave her a dashing smile that was like a rainbow after a thousand thunderstorms. His teeth were white, well-maintained, and groomed. The man seemed to be smart and flowing with elegance based on his demeanor. Evelina's eyes along her lips were smiling while her mind was thinking of a scheme of how to possess the man. 'Okay, you have to act cool, Evelina. Make him think that you're the best sea creature. There is plenty of fish in the sea; it's best to take action and take him down.' Evelina thought of how to win his heart.

The light bulb in her head lit up! She thought that playing the role of a damsel in distress would work. "I think I'm not feeling well at all," she said as she closed her eyes; she fell off the tree. Fortunately, she was caught by her 'prince charming' and her plan did work. 'What a success! Now continue the role' She landed on him like a lover who rescued her from an extreme tragedy. The man before her was a complete quintessence of an ideal man for any other lady. He was able to catch her without hearing any groan from him. If this was done by an ordinary man, he would surely groan from the pain. Evelina admitted that she was indeed heavy. She was taken aback of his strength and endurance.

She giggled without him noticing her. Her eyes might be closed; her young imagination had gone wild, sparkling in her world. She decided to press her breasts against his chest so that he could feel the burning sensation that aroused her. 'I better not let go of this man or else, some vicious shrimp might purloin him away from me.' Nevertheless, Evelina was still a naïve and innocent young lady. She was just straightforward of conveying her feelings for him. She had read it somewhere on the internet that the best way to gain your target's affection is to 'get a little closer' and 'don't forget physical love'. Evelina felt the urge to kiss and devour him but, she tried her best to give it a rest. 'He is so handsome. I can't believe it. Does he have a girlfriend? A wife? No, no I can't be a mistress destroying their marriage!' the thought of it, made Evelina more perturbed. Just like that, it made her look like a hopeless romantic. 'If he is single, I would never lose the chance' She would hold on to him.

Unexpectedly, she felt his bulge rub against her; it was somehow bothering her. 'Wait, how big is it his thing down there?' while her eyes were half-closed, she was about to take a glimpse at his bulge thingy however, she failed to do so. She couldn't do it because he might find her suspicious and would accuse her as a 'perverted space alien.' 'Oh my! How big is it? I wonder how his woman would feel. I really pity her. She might leave him if he was too reckless and aggressive!'

He grasped the woman in his arms. She put her hands around his neck. Alexander cradled her as she carried her. He was carrying her in the form of a lover's carry. He didn't notice her at all because he was too preoccupied with his duties and responsibilities—saving lives and taking care of the people. Although he was outside of his work, he still treated people in a kind and with care. He was a health-conscious person. He didn't want to see people suffering. He learned this from her mother. Her mother was a Brain surgeon. She was the head of the hospital.

One of his family businesses was hospitals. Alexander was also a surgeon. He was mentored by his mother himself. His mother had observed that he had the potential and the ability to become a surgeon like her. On the other hand, his mother knew that he had also other ambitions but, Alexander didn't hesitate to learn this kind of skill; he was willing as long as it would help him. He spent his elementary years learning medicine, math, history, science, foreign languages, and computer science. In his second year of schooling in elementary, his parents decided to let him be homeschooled. He was homeschooled up until his sixth grade. His mother always told him 'many are well-educated but only a few are well-mannered'. This was instilled in his mind up until he grew up, being successful in the field of business, military, science, and healthcare.

'I have to help this lady and treat her illness' he had long legs so, he was used to walking fast just like he was in the military. He walked fast until he arrived in the parking lot. He had a white Baymax sports car. The vehicle was one of his employees' inventions. It had a lighter weight, emission sensors, LED lights, hybrid engines, radar alerts, air-filtration systems, and inflatable rear safety belts. When they were in the Ruby, they felt apathy, seeing normal commoner vehicles wandering around the city. They felt agitated, missing their kingdom. In the kingdom of Diamond, it was beyond perfect on the contrary, the kingdom they were seeing now was somehow dull and gloomy; emanating the bad energy throughout the place. They decided to make a car that was the same as the one they had in their kingdom. Alexander opened the passenger seat and gently placed the lady on the seat.

He then closed the door and soon headed to the driver's seat. He didn't forget to fasten her seatbelt as well as his seatbelt. 'safety first'. He turned on the ignition and drove fast as he could.

Thirty minutes later, they arrived at the accommodation of Alexander along with his employees. The condominium had only 15 floors. The corridors of the facility were narrow and not that wide. It had a simple interior. Everything was painted in white. It was dull and apathetic as the Kingdom of Ruby. Fortunately, they were designated to a suite. A suite would occupy the whole floor. There were thirty employees with him living there. He scanned his card on the doorknob, it made a click sound as the door opened.

"Hey, do you think that it is possible to get out of this kingdom and go back to our country?" Albert asked. He was a newbie in the team; he still didn't know how to act rationally.

"No—"Unexpectedly, they heard large strides of footsteps coming. They immediately recognized it. It was none other than their boss. He might have a munificent side but, when it came to work, he would be authoritarian. He saw his employees were in the middle of discussion so, he didn't interfere with them.

"Albert, look! Boss is carrying a woman in his arms. The woman is a beauty! I can tell you! I've never been wrong! I have a photographic memory!"