Who's the lady?

Albert excitedly asked, "Wow, she's so gorgeous! Could it be that she is the 'savior'?" he was interested in knowing the identity of the woman.Tatiana sighed, "Well, I hope so. I wish she's from another kingdom so that we could be freed from all of this curse,"They all wished that she would be the one. They were dragged into all of this and they hoped that all of their sacrifices would not go in vain. They also wished their boss, Alexander, would find a woman that would love him for eternity. He deserved to have a happy life after all the hardships and hard work he had been through. Alexander was not that attached to women around him. The only woman in his life would be her mother. His parents were worried about this. They had suspicions about his sexual orientation. His parents thought that he was still They were thinking of letting him attend numerous matchmaking events but, Alexander erased this thought on getting a woman abruptly which is not in his plans yet. He strongly believed that he was not yet ready for matrimony. Instead, he first gave precedence to his work and plans so, he would be able to fend for his own family.Alexander's bedroomHe gently placed the lady on his bed. He first went to his study room to find his first aid kit and stethoscope. When he went back to his bedroom, he saw that there were clothes that belonged to the lady, scattered on the floor. Her underwear was also on the floor. 'What on earth happened?' then, he saw the lady standing in front of his bed with her back facing him without even wearing anything. She covering her front with the duvet. It was a beautiful sight. Her sexy back showed her fair, porcelain-skin. Her body was a perfectly voluptuous hourglass; her body was toned yet, showed curves that were at the right places. Even though it only revealed her back, it was a good sight. She was like a goddess in a painting. Her plump butt and her tender thighs complemented her long slender legs. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door."Sire-hahaha sorry.... please continue what you are doing" Albert felt embarrassed; he didn't mean to disturb the lovey-dovey couple in their sexy time.The door was closed. Alexander felt like he should be the one who should be embarrassed. He didn't want to tarnish his reputation just because of a woman he just saved. The woman is just a mere stranger. He was on the verge of strangling the woman. If she wasn't a woman, he would have probably done that in a long time. On the contrary, he had great respect for women because of his mother. His mother would always tell him 'always respect women'. In the end, he still held a soft spot for women.Alexander cleared his throat, "Miss, do you feel hot from the warm temperature? Should I prepare you a cold bath?" Although his face didn't show any signs of reddening, his ears did go crimson.The woman turned around and smiled at him. Her rosy lips were beautiful and seductive. Her silver eyes were like the endless glimmering stars. Her long straight jet-black hair was shiny; it was kept tidy. Her long eyelashes complemented her glimmering eyes; it was breathtaking, making the day special and it felt like all his problems were wept away. Alexander felt a special attraction to the woman. Out of all women he met, the woman in front of him was uniquely beautiful. She was so beautiful and enthralling. Her beauty was tantalizing. She didn't notice his hidden gaze."Um... Allow me to introduce myself. I am the daughter of Marquess Luis Stepanov of Kingdom of Sapphire, I'm Lady Evelina!She offered him a handshake. It was a long silence until she cleared her throat and Alexander then realized the situation. He was too preoccupied with her beauty."I'm the Head Doctor of Francis Medical Hospital, the Chairman of Science Institute City, the Executive Director of Francis Empire and the General of the Military Air force of Kingdom of Diamond," He was mesmerized with her beauty. he then added, "It's a pleasure meeting you," Alexander kissed the back of her hand.She was taken aback by his background. What was more he was from the Kingdom of Diamond! 'I knew it! He's from the Kingdom of Diamond!! I've never been wrong!' she tucked her hair behind her ears. Behind her smile, was a giggle within. She was about to explode anytime because of her intense reddening.She replied to his polite introduction, "It was nice meeting you too," she looked directly at his eyes. It felt like they have a deep connection within; they were like they knew each other yet somehow, never had a recollection of it. "Hi! So… I've been betrothed to you? Umm… I heard from Alexi that I'm going to marry someone from the Kingdom of Diamond...""So, you're her," his face turned dark instantly. It was obvious that he didn't like the woman. She was the one who destroyed his plan. He was supposed to be at their kingdom to finish their experiment and to save people from dying.Evelina knew what was going on from the look of his face. His handsome face implied a deep meaning behind it 'you are the reason why we've been trapped here'. He was deep inside blaming her. His cold aura that was a murderer was aShe looked glum. Her eyes were calling for help and sympathy. She was on the verge of crying. Her tears gradually fall from her beautiful eyes."Evelina... please don't cry... I apologize for my reckless behavior," he comforted her, afraid that he would build up her pain. He hugged her and patted her back gently.Soon after he comforted her, she felt more at ease and serene. Her tears were wiped away by his long gentle fingers."Hehehe… I'm getting more Diabetes because of you guys!" Alexi complained. He was not speaking from a mirror but in person. He just barged in the room.Alexander immediately covered Evelina's back and did not dare let this 'strange man' see her body. He might have been hiding his ulterior motives. He still didn't fully trust this mere acquaintance of him.!!!They realized a familiar voice. It was none other than Alexi. He was so cunning and mysterious yet still had a good side on him. Benevolent and charming. These were the first words that would come up in their minds when meeting him for the first time. He was a beautiful man with long hair."Are you guys just leaving me here like this??! Stop the lovey-dovey. It's torturing me!!" although it was still their first time meeting each other, they were already on the next level. How much more when they are husband and wife?!"Alexi?! How come you're out of the mirror?" her eyes widened in surprise. She thought that the man was stuck in the mirror for a long time and was also under the curse. He never expected that the imbecile person in the mirror would come out in person."So, are you guys aware of your mission?" he was dying to know if they were aware of it.Evelina answered, "Yes, I am. You already told me. It was to save the world from the curse and to regain its peace," she was well aware of it. Although she wasn't experienced in fighting, she still had a strong fighting spirit."We're asked to join this mission to help you, Evelina," he uttered his reply. He was asked by Alexi to train Evelina. He was willing to help as long as it would be regarding saving people's lives. He would set her a schedule for her training. He would ask his employees to assist her in her training.Evelina was touching her chin, contemplating what would happen in the future. She was still confused; she was culture-shock and still not get used to the new environment. She was trying her utmost best to adapt to the new environment. 'This kingdom is different from Sapphire. I need to learn more about this kingdom.' She still couldn't believe that the man in front of her was her fiancé. It was an indescribable feeling. He still didn't have any attachment for her but, time will come that he would gradually be in love with her. Her mind was thinking of numerous schemes to conquer the man. She was so glad that she would be able to see him every day. 'I'm so glad that he's my trainer. I'll be able to see him every day. I'll be able to use my seduction on him.' She was wondering when would her training start. She grinned even more. Alexander and Alexi didn't notice her grinning.She asked, "So, when do I start my training?" she was so enthusiastic about the amazing adventure that awaits her. She couldn't wait for tomorrow's training.