Senior Ah`Kun

The maple forest was quite remote. With only a single path there, the bus could barely manage to drive in.

After arriving there, everyone lugged the camp equipment out from the compartment area of the bus.

The majority of the senior school brothers and sisters had camping experience, and it was said that this was one of the traditional activities of the foreign languages society. However, Xu Nan still couldn't find the link between foreign languages and camping no matter how he thought about it.

The incident on the bus didn't influence the enthusiasm of everyone toward the camping activity.

At the start, everyone was split up into groups of two. They then began to choose their areas and set up their tents in order.

The maple forest actually wasn't a place suitable for camping. The grass here was too thick, and it was unknown if any snakes or insects were hiding there. Occasionally, a more experienced senior school sister would be walking by, reminding everyone to be careful.

The moment Xu Nan got down from the bus, he was thinking about proactively setting up his tent.

This was the first time he was camping, and he felt quite excited. It was just that the society had passed the tent to the other person in the group he was allocated to. Xu Nan wanted to help, but that senior student with ordinary looks simply waved his hand. He didn't say anything and began to set up the tent.

Not long later, a green tent impenetrable by the wind was set up.

"We will have a camping trip every year. I'm already used to it." The senior laughed. His attitude toward Xu Nan was gentle, which was rarely seen among guys.

Xu Nan felt a little surprised.

Ever since the confession incident, he could clearly sense a difference in the attitudes of the guys and girls toward him. The majority of the guys stared at him with contempt and envy. Even if he took the initiative to strike up a conversation, they wouldn't be willing to talk to him. As for girls, things were more complex. Other than Chen Shasha who had a look of bitter resentment, Zhang Yingluo who was expressionless, and Qin Lele who was running around blindly, the other girls were still very friendly toward him.

This proved that even after concealing the [Radiant-look] effect, his charm index was still sufficient to cause all the negative influence earlier to smooth out in their hearts.

It was different for males. Unless Xu Nan managed to obtain the [Supreme Charm] that was effective to both males and females, it wouldn't be so easy for guys to forget and forgive that.

However, this male senior who was placed in the same group as him was so friendly. It seemed like he wasn't anyone normal. Xu Nan thought for a little while. In his phone address book, this senior student with a high hairline seemed to be named Qi Kun.

"Senior Qi…" Before he completed his sentence, the senior already opened the tent's flap. "You can just call me Ah`Kun. Come on, let us enter the tent to test it out."

Xu Nan gladly agreed. It was a good thing that senior Ah`Kun in his group was so amicable. They had to spend the night together after all.

The two of them went in to test the tent. Senior Ah`Kun adjusted the tent's angle and enthusiastically guided Xu Nan on the technique.

Xu Nan felt that he was benefitting a lot.

After some time, he couldn't help but ask, "Senior Ah`Kun, why is your attitude toward much better compared to the other guy students?"

Senior Ah`Kun smiled. "Do you see my face?"

Xu Nan looked closely and discovered that Senior Ah`Kun not only had a high hairline, but his appearance was also nothing special, even a little ugly.

Xu Nan mumbled, "Senior, is your face special or something?"

Ah`Kun calmly spoke, "Especially ugly."

Xu Nan felt deep veneration for him. "Actually…"

Ah`Kun waved his hands. "You don't need to say anything to console me. Since the first day I entered this university, I already became the ugliest man around. The foreign languages society wanted me because my working capability is very high; I can do the work of five men.

"It's very normal that the other guys don't like you. Because you are too handsome, so handsome that they feel jealous.

"But I'm different, I'm not jealous of you at all."

Xu Nan was deeply moved. "Senior, your realm is high."

Ah`Kun laughed. "Why would there be any realm? It's because…"

"In any case, all of you guys are more handsome than me. More handsome by a bit or more handsome by a lot, it's the same thing to me."

Xu Nan: "..."

What heart-pricking words!

He wanted to say something. But when he saw the calm look on Senior Ah`Kun's face, he knew what he said would be superfluous. This senior had been living with this appearance ever since he was born, most probably, he had accepted this unpleasant fact.

"There's only a little bit of time before dinner. Come, let us take a break first."

Senior Ah`Kun brought Xu Nan deeper into the maple forest for a walk. In the meantime, they met a few groups of girls, but Xu Nan tactfully declined the invitations of others. 

Just with Senior Ah`Kun's attitude toward him, he would rather choose to accompany this senior.

Ah`Kun stared at the red maple leaves and a few famous couples of the foreign languages society that were unceasingly displaying affection, as well as a few senior school sisters who were frantically taking selfies. He sighed with a myriad of emotions as he patted Xu Nan on his shoulders.

Xu Nan started, feeling that Senior Ah`Kun's gaze was filled with complicated emotions. By patting his shoulder, this senior student must be going to tell him some astonishing things. He naturally wanted to listen with his utmost attention.

"Do you know DND?"

Xu Nan's body trembled. Could it be that this senior student was also a job-holder? Did he go to Lu Junyi's hospital before? Or was his identity exposed?

Just when he was bewildered, Ah`Kun secretly took out his phone and opened up a strange-looking browser.

A large wall of foreign language appeared on the screen.

"In the dark web, there's someone in North America self-proclaiming that he has already reached the second-order. I heard that his job is a bard."

"Have you seen the recently popular short videos? Those extraordinary personnels are merely job-holders in the DND world."

"According to my news, a strange fantasy world is currently fusing with Earth. Very soon, the world as we know it would be completely transformed.

Ah`Kun stared at Xu Nan. "Do you believe this?"

Xu Nan could only remain silent. He couldn't say that he had already inherited Ron Warlock's bloodline. right? Or that he was already the so-called job-holder Ah`Kun was talking about.

He wasn't a sweet, naive young woman like Qin Lele.

Ah`Kun self-mockingly laughed. "I knew you people wouldn't believe it. The powers they showed can be explained using special effects after all."

"But I have a premonition in my heart that the fantasy world is truly coming."

Xu Nan thought a little. "I know a bit about DND. If such a fantasy world like that truly arrived, what job does senior want?"

Ah`Kun smiled. "Have you seen my hair?"

Xu Nan's body trembled. It was a question similar to earlier again. This time, he had to think properly about it. He mumbled, "Senior's hair color is black, your deposition is mature, and you have the style of an artist. Earlier, you also mentioned a bard from North America. Could it be that you are interested in a job like the bard?"

"Wrong. I want to be a martial monk."

Ah`Kun sighed. "My hairline is continuously receding, and I'll go bald in a few years. I've always been contemplating whether to shave my head or not, but I didn't have a reason to do so."

"If I inherit the martial monk's job, I can then shave my head in a justifiable way that conforms to logic."

Xu Nan, "..."

(This senior is truly rustic!)


Xu Nan and Senior Ah`Kun walked a round in the maple forest. The scenery here really couldn't be considered bad.

The skies gradually darkened, and the department responsible for setting up the picnic quickly summoned everyone to come back and eat. Xu Nan and Ah`Kun responded as they headed over.

It was just that when they passed by a tent, Xu Nan heard a melodious voice singing a song.

Also, this voice sounded somewhat familiar.

"It's time to eat, Xiao Bai." Senior Ah`Kun pushed the flap of the tent open. In there, a male student with black-framed glasses could be seen.

He was holding an Ipad and was currently watching a live stream with delish.

The melodious singing voice came from within the Ipad.

"Xin`er?" Xu Nan felt a little astounded.

Xiao Bai's expression was filled with trepidation. "Student Xu Nan, someone tall, handsome, and rich like you also watches the live stream and wants to snatch Xin`er from our million-strong army?

"Although those females were mesmerized by your looks, my Xin`er isn't such a person!

"In any case, Xin`er has a very terrifying elder brother. I'm warning you not to have any ideas about her!"

Xu Nan felt a dull pain in his testicles.

He naturally knew Xin`er was live-streaming at home and he would also occasionally watch. However, he wouldn't pay too much attention to it.

It was just that all the guys in Xin`er's live stream treated him as an adorable flat-chested young girl.

Because his singing was very good, Xin`er was still quite popular online. Xu Nan already knew this when he represented him to sign the contract with the live-streaming company.

However, he didn't expect that there would be Xin`er's fans in the foreign languages society.

"Xin`er's elder brother? Does she mention her family a lot?" Xu Nan's heart stirred, trying to worm his way into getting more information. "Don't worry, I won't snatch Xin`er away from you."

Xiao Bai pushed up his glasses and shook his head. "Xin`er rarely mentions her family, but she would often speak of her elder brother.

"In fact, we even suspect that Xin`er might have 'brother-complex'. Hence, he, my wifey's older brother, has always been seen as our greatest enemy.

"However, I recently heard her saying that her elder brother might have gotten a girlfriend. The commenters on the bullet screen went wild with joy."

Xu Nan lowered his head. In the bullet screen, there were indeed people who posted things like [Celebrating day one where my wife's brother has gotten a girlfriend!]

"What?" Xu Nan mumbled. He had no interest in these, but it was good as long as Xin`er was happy.

"Let's go and eat." After listening to the livestream for a while, he called out to senior Ah`Kun.

At this moment, Xiao Bai suddenly pulled them back, speaking mysteriously, "Earlier, Xin`er said that after she finished singing this song, there will be an important secret that she will share with everyone!"

"Student Xu Nan, you don't have to pretend anymore. Since you know Xin`er, you are definitely a part of our bullet-screen army. I'm a magnanimous person, so let's watch the live stream together."

Coincidentally, at this moment, the singing voice gradually stopped. Xin`er cleared her throat and lowered her head to look at the bullet screen.

"Because the number of people watching has reached 3 million...I'll say the secret then. In any case, it isn't a big deal."

In front of the webcam, Xin`er could completely let go of himself. He was different from the Xin`er Xu Nan usually saw. Xin`er then spoke, "It's still a matter about my brother."

"He is pretty silly. Because my father cracked a joke with him and didn't have time to explain clearly, my elder brother still misunderstands."

"Even now, he is still in the dark!"

"As to what the joke is, I won't say it temporarily. I will wait for the number of viewers to reach 4 million before I say it."

Xin`er laughed mischievously. 

The bullet-screen army began to go wild as all sorts of speculations appeared.

Xu Nan started slightly. The number of comments flooding the screen caused his eyes to feel pain from reading them.

In his impression, his step-father was indeed someone very humorous. Even when they were still not that familiar with each other, he would often joke around with him. The Xu Nan at that time couldn't accept him.

However, the joke Xin`er talked about, which was it?

Xu Nan didn't have time to think clearly. At this moment, Xin`er suddenly went offline. Xiao Bai hugged his Ipad, wishing to continue watching. His anticipation was so high that he seemed about to lean in and lick the screen of the Ipad.

"Let's go and have our meal," Senior Ah`kun took out his phone and spoke.

He then continued, "It seems like the vice president and the others already went to check the matter regarding the riverbend. Later on, there will definitely be interesting news that they would share with us."

"Could it be that you guys are not curious why the police and military wanted to seal the riverbend?" 
