
The students of the foreign languages society spread out four pieces of dining cloth on the ground, and everyone sat on them and started chatting happily. There were naturally a few people who were more introverted. They were either concentrating on eating or playing with their phones.

Xu Nan noticed that all the leaders of the foreign languages society had heavy-looking expressions. Zhang Yingluo was included within. They must have learned about some news regarding the lockdown.

However, things were different from what Senior Ah`Kun had said. From the start until the end, they didn't seem to be willing to discuss it with everyone.

The food prepared was sumptuous, as the foreign languages society was very wealthy. It was said that for every activity, there would always be sufficient funds provided by the society itself. The members only needed to pay for their own travel fees.

Even the tents were provided by the society. In their commerce university, joining the foreign languages society was something many people wanted. However, it wasn't so easy for people to get in.

From what Ah`Kun said, one had to be outstanding before they could join the foreign languages society.

For example Xu Nan, he was extremely handsome; that pumpkin girl, she was extremely plump; Chen Shasha, she was extremely good at playing the feelings of guys; for Ah`Kun himself...forget it let's not mention things that would prick his heart.

During the meal, there were also performances and activities.

Everyone performed their talents under the small-scale spotlight. This caused Xu Nan to have a heart-warming feel.

When night arrived, the unhappiness during the day had all vanished. Even those guys who were jealous of him seemed to have forgotten about the incident. They came over and were very friendly to him.

Everyone belonged to the same society after all, so it would be best if they were all happy. For an honest, handsome guy like Xu Nan, he would mix within very easily. However, he felt very bad when he saw the lonely figure of Ah`Kun. Hence, whenever he was invited, he would always pull Ah`Kun along.

After the meal, some activists started the group activities. There were games like exploring the maple forest, or sitting on the ground and playing werewolf-hunt (the mafia game).

Xu Nan had already gone for a walk with senior Ah`Kun earlier in the maple forest. As he didn't feel too interested to go for a walk in the dark, he chose to join the werewolf-hunt game.

The moderator of the game was the pumpkin-shirt girl; she was Chen Shasha's friend.

When she gave out the card to Xu Nan, he clearly felt something different.

During the two games, he seriously suspected that his role card was clearly pre-arranged for him.

For both games, he was part of the [deities] group. For the first game, he was the [witch], and during the second game, he was the [hunter]. Both roles were extremely powerful.

What was a pain in the ass was that during the process of the game, in order to detect how many job-holders were in the society, he cast an identification spell on the players.

Who knew that he didn't manage to find any job-holders at all. What he found was the 'bad guys' role in werewolf-hunt.

[Gao Jing/female/20 years old/werewolf]

[Chen Shasha/female/21 years old/werewolf]

[Qiao Zhigang/male/20 years old/werewolf]

[Ah`Kun/male/21 years old/werewolf]

Xu Nan: "..."

As expected, maybe only those who came in contact with Lu Junyi or had done surgery at his hospital before would become job-holders.

After knowing who the werewolves in the game were, this game that was supposed to get the players to ferret out the werewolves instantly became boring.

He couldn't be bothered to activate [Negotiation Expert] to convince everyone. When he was playing as the witch, he directly poisoned Chen Shasha during the night. And when he was the hunter, after he got killed, he directly fired a shot and brought down one of the werewolves in the second game, which was coincidentally also Chen Shasha.

Chen Shasha had a dumbfounded look on her face. (Why is it me again?)

Xu Nan shrugged. He had no choice too. The remaining players already ferreted out most of the werewolves. Only Chen Shasha's acting was too good, and the majority of players were hoodwinked by her. As a part of the [deity group] in the game, Xu Nan naturally had to eliminate this werewolf that was hiding among the good guys.

After the two games ended, many people still didn't understand the actions done by Xu Nan. After that, when everyone revealed their roles, all of them were completely convinced by Xu Nan's intelligence.

"A true expert, I really couldn't tell. Shasha was actually a werewolf for both games!"

"Carrying the whole team for two rounds, how is this being low-profile?"

"As expected of Student Xu Nan. He is handsome and has high intelligence. He can even play the werewolf-hunt so well."

Xu Nan felt bashful. Didn't he win by cheating?

With a cheating tool like the identification spell, the werewolf game became extremely boring. When everyone was in high spirits and wanted to play the third round, he casually found an excuse and left.

The restless mission box once again flashed, appearing in his vision---


[Ron Warlock Bloodline Awakening Optional Mission]

Mission name: Sanctimonious

Mission description: Cheat perfectly in the game under the circumstances that no one knows about it, leaving behind bedazzled players

Mission reward: 1 shameless point

Mission accomplishment: completed

Obtained 1 shameless point!


Xu Nan touched his chin. "Is it that just by successfully doing shameless things, I will be able to gain shameless points? These optional missions are usually hidden and wouldn't be refreshed in my mission list. But as long as I do something similar, I would be able to complete them without the bloodline prompting me to. Although 1 shameless point isn't much, the meat on a thin mosquito is still meat after all."

"Could it be that I really have to walk further and further on the path of shamelessness?"

Xu Nan glanced at that mission in his mission list where he had to snatch a five-colored lollipop from a brat. He immediately felt his balls aching, wondering when he would be able to complete this mission. If not, he wouldn't be able to refresh any non-hidden optional missions at all. In this case, he could only depend on himself to bumble about as he probed. However, the efficiency was just too low and there would easily be bad consequences.

At this moment, Qin Lele suddenly appeared. "Xu Nan, my elder sis and the others are looking for you!"

Xu Nan started. "What's the matter?"

"How would I know? My elder sister is on guard against me now." Qin Lele mumbled to herself. "They are having a meeting up ahead, quickly go over there. When you finish the meeting, don't forget to look for me. I still need to practice my thieving skills on you."

"You didn't wear the winnie-the-pooh underwear today, right?"

Xu Nan coldly laughed. "I wore leopard-print underwear today. Do you dare?"

Qin Lele covered her face and ran. "You are really a pervert!"


When Xu Nan arrived there, he discovered that all the heads of the foreign languages society were here. Everyone was someone big; only he himself was a small character. He couldn't help but feel some unease.

However, Zhang Yingluo, who was a vice president, had a sufficiently commanding aura. She said that Xu Nan was someone she asked to come over for help. The others didn't dare to say anything in objection.

To Xu Nan's surprise, he discovered that Senior Ah`Kun was among these people too.

"...The news is like this. In the park near the riverbend, an extremely dangerous criminal had appeared. Thus, my family told us to hurry up and leave the area."

Zhang Yingluo continued in a low voice, "But our camping activity wasn't so easily approved, so it wouldn't be good if we dampened everyone's mood by going back. I felt that because this place was still some distance away from the riverbend, our luck wouldn't be too bad and run into the criminal."

"Which criminal is that? I heard that even the military sent people out to be stationed at the riverbend." The president of the society was a plump girl. She looked gentle and weak, and her aura was many times weaker than Zhang Yingluo. It was unknown how she managed to get this position.

"No idea, I'm still asking my family to check on the news about the criminal." Zhang Yingluo's expression was somewhat heavy. "By rights, for everyone's safety, we should leave immediately. But the bus has already left. If we head back on foot, I'm afraid that the majority of people wouldn't be able to handle it. After all, there are more girls in our society compared to guys."

"I'll think of a solution. Let's increase the number of night guards. We can change the casual night duty to a real guarding exercise. The night guards have to ensure no strangers enter our camp at night. Does anyone have any opinions?"

Xu Nan discovered the upper echelons of the foreign languages society seemed to be dictated by Zhang Yingluo alone. No matter what she said, the others would simply agree.

"Is it some sort of intimidation skill? I can use the resistance of warlocks to negate it, but the others would only be able to sink inside her powerful aura and have no way to resist."

Xu Nan silently mused.

Everyone had no objections. Zhang Yingluo started to discuss the list of names for night guard duty.

She did things swiftly and decisively. Very soon, a name list of guards appeared, and Xu Nan glanced over. He was scheduled for guard duty after 2 a.m..

Senior Ah`Kun was arranged to be the guard during the first half of the night. It seemed like the two of them had no fate to chat through the night while sleeping in the same tent.

Xu Nan felt a little regretful as Ah`Kun was someone with his own unique way of thinking. However, Ah`Kun laughed carefreely and patted Xu Nan's shoulder, indicating that a real man didn't need to bother with the small details. The days were still long.

After confirming the arrangements for the night guards, everyone was dismissed, but Xu Nan was asked to remain behind by Zhang Yingluo.

The others didn't dare to stay any longer.

After everyone had departed, Zhang Yingluo fixed her stare at him.

"A Bard?"

Xu Nan trembled, he didn't know how to explain. As expected of his senior school sister, he was ultimately discovered. He didn't wish to lie to her, but he also didn't wish to reveal his secrets.

"Stop acting, I've checked. Only the job [Bard] has the [Confession] skill.

Zhang Yingluo looked at him with a smile that was not a smile. "Before this, you cast a charm-type spell on me and Lele, correct? My will is so determined, but I actually didn't manage to resist it. Your spell must be very powerful."

Xu Nan was completely covered in sweat. He wanted to explain, but Zhang Yingluo didn't seem to mind it as she casually patted his shoulder. "You immediately removed the spell after you finished training it. You still have some conscience.

"Since you are a job-holder, you should pay more attention tonight. That wanted criminal is most likely a job-holder!"

Xu Nan fell silent for a while. Since his senior school sister treated him as a bard, let it be so then.

After all, being a Ron Warlock was such a shameful job. He truly couldn't bear to say it!

"Senior sister...I have a question."

He stared at Zhang Yingluo. "Despite having some other reasons, you ultimately decided to continue camping because you wanted to meet that criminal, right? "

Zhang Yingluo smiled sweetly. "You are very intelligent. I'm a templar knight, and my ultimate advancement is a legendary valkyrie. As I'm already at level 3, I want to see if there's anyone in H City more powerful than me.

"Since you are a bard that's useless at the early development phase, if a battle breaks out later, remember to hide behind me. Just use your spells to buff me."

After speaking here, she suddenly felt puzzled. "If you are a bard, where's your main musical instrument? Why don't I see any instruments on you? (author note 1)"

Xu Nan was thinking. "Does whistling count?"

Zhang Yingluo glared at him.

Xu Nan whistled for a bit and guiltily said, "Well... I'll use my vocals then."