Partings and Reunions Are A Part of Life…

Through reading the magical text on the contract, Xu Nan knew that the name of this unstable teleportation gate was known as the 'Kaiser's Gate'.

The name sounded tyrannical. In truth, it was just the name of a little mage overlord in the Puluo World who created it and threw it into Earth.

The Kaiser's Door's effect was to allow humans on earth to directly enter Overlord Kaiser's territory.

The news about the Puluo World fusing with Earth didn't merely create a commotion on Earth. At the main plane of the Puluo World, there was a gathering storm too.

This mage named Kaiser was very intelligent. When many lifeforms in the Puluo World wanted to descend on Earth to plunder Earth's resources, he did the opposite and chose to get some Earth's humans first.

Unfortunately, when this teleportation gate arrived, it was affected by the spacetime storm and was no longer under Kaiser's control. It would teleport people to an unknown location.

However, Kaiser's Gate was not bad as magical material. It would activate once per month and each time, it could send a maximum of five people to the Puluo World.

Also, this gate had its own sentience.

Although Mage Zhao Wen became her owner due to chance, she actually looked down on Zhao Wen very much. After all, Zhao Wen's charm was too low.

Hence, the moment Xu Nan appeared, she took the initiative to pass him a contract. The speed at which she did so was so quick that Xu Nan was a little dumbstruck.

If it wasn't for him repeatedly checking for loopholes in the contract and confirming that there were no problems, he truly wouldn't dare to sign it.

After signing the contract, Xu Nan became the owner of Kaiser's Gate.

This naturally caused Zhao Wen to go crazy.

It wasn't easy for him to regain consciousness, yet the moment he woke up, he had to see this scene. Back then, he had done all he could to coax and pester the gate just to obtain her approval. In the end, only after almost all of his mageforce had been sucked dry did she finally relent and allow him to become the temporary owner. Thus, right now, the flames of fury were burning in Zhao Wen's heart. He found Xu Nan less and less pleasing to his eyes, and he even felt that he was wearing a huge green hat* the size of a savanna.

"You've truly angered me. I WANT TO KILL YOU!"

Zhao Wen struggled and sat up. He was trembling with rage and wanted to cast a spell, yet he had forgotten that he had barely survived from the backlash earlier. The entirety of mageforce in his body wasn't stable yet!

At the next instant, even before he recited anything, the spell he wanted to cast already failed.

A new round of backlash appeared once again, and the mageforce's temperature in his blood abruptly rose. His blood started to evaporate at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Ultimately, under the stunned gazes of the crowd, Zhao Wen's entire body spasmed. He fell onto the ground and all signs of life left him.

His eyes were still wide open. It seemed that he died of pure grievance.

"The mental strength of this person cannot make it. Did he actually get angered to death by Xu Nan?"

Qin Lele was puzzled. "Given his intellect, he could also become a mage?"

Zhang Yingluo also stared at Zhao Wen's seemingly charred body with pity. "So, he died."

"Now, what we are discussing isn't the problem of the teleportation gate, but all of your problems instead."

Zhang Yingluo once again glanced at the three job-holders. "Why do you guys want to flee Earth?"

The masked lady calmly spoke, "Firstly, I'm not fleeing. Going there is my freedom of choice. Secondly, I've never heard of the [Thousand Awn Agency], and I also don't feel that the government would allow a young lass like you to be responsible for job-holders in H City. Thirdly, I only wish to know one thing. Can this gate still be used?"

Her gaze was locked onto Xu Nan; a feeling of being stared at a hunter suddenly rose in his heart.

Xu Nan muttered, "It can."

"But…" His eyes spun to the side, and he suddenly wished to probe for more details. "In order to activate this teleportation gate, some price needs to be paid."

"I'm not a very powerful spellcaster, and Bards usually don't use mageforce at all. In order to make up for the price, how about this? Each of you can pass me three pieces of magical equipment!"

Xu Nan was like a greedy lion opening his mouth.

Everyone had shocked looks on their faces. Wasn't this daylight robbery?

The youth with the peaked cap, Chang Fengqi, raged, "When you recited the poem earlier, I thought you were someone cultured. I didn't expect you to be more profane than Zhao Wen!"

"Three magical equipment? Most probably, only the Puluo World has such things, right? We only have eight pieces of ordinary equipment!"

"Pak!" A facial mask was forcefully worn over his mouth.

"Your asking price is too unreasonable." The tall and skinny youth coldly spoke, "Don't force us to attack."

Zhang Yingluo frowned. "Junior school brother…"

Xu Nan shook his head to indicate that there was no need to worry. Just when he was examining the teleportation gate, his mission card suddenly appeared before his vision.


[Ron Warlock Bloodline Awakening Optional Mission]

Mission name: Grab feathers from a flying goose (pragmatic)

Mission description: It's only right and proper to help others out. But no matter what, earning a little benefit on the side is a must, right? Song Ying, Chang Fengtuo, and Chang Fengqi are three job-holders wanting to head to the Puluo World. You can help them, but you must get them to leave an important item of theirs behind.

Mission reward: 1 shameless point


Xu Nan smiled. As expected, he had already grasped the system of the Ron Warlock bloodline mission. As long as he attempted to do something over-the-top, it was possible to directly trigger a mission.

Moreover, the reward for the mission had a connection with how over-the-top the matter was. For example, for this mission. From the perspective of the system, sending three job-holders to the Puluo World while asking them for high remuneration wasn't considered overly shameless. At best, it could only be considered as looting a burning house. Hence, the reward was merely 1 shameless point.

Before this, the shameless mission to stare at a heavily injured criminal truly surpassed the imaginations of ordinary people, belonging to the boundary of someone crazy. Hence, the rewards were so great—a total of 5 shameless points and the insta-cast specialty!

"As long as I understand the rules of the system, wouldn't it mean that I would be able to get it to send me whatever missions I want?"

Just when Xu Nan was basking in joy, a thick row of red words appeared again on his mission card.

[The character has shown symptoms of overdrafting his bloodline. Activating the bloodline restriction mechanism! The bloodline missions will have their schedules change to only once per day at max!]

Xu Nan's smile gradually stiffened. His heart felt like it was bleeding.

(The rules I found out earlier became trash just like this? What does overdrafting on bloodline mean? What is the bloodline restriction mechanism? Why is the system purposely making things difficult for me!?)

His thinking of wanting to get high-quality missions in the future became an extravagant hope. Now, he had to schedule his time properly before he could 'eat'.

"Forget it, let's settle the current matter first."

Xu Nan could sense that it wasn't too good to offend the masked lady. She was the only job-holder Xu Nan couldn't see through. He didn't even dare to use his identification spell on her, fearing that he might agitate her.

"Let's change the conditions then."

Xu Nan pretended to be in a difficult position. "The three of you just have to leave the most important thing on you behind. That will do."

The three of them exchanged mutual glances.

Zhang Yingluo frowned. "Junior brother Xu Nan, don't you feel that their behavior is akin to illegal immigration?"

Xu Nan felt his head aching a little. He could also tell that Zhang Yingluo wasn't as simple as she looked to be on the surface.

He had also heard that she was from the Thousand Awn Agency. Maybe, the upper echelons in the government had already formed some teams to deal with the descend of Puluo World, as well as the appearances of job-hunters.

However, he could confirm that Zhang Yingluo's actions weren't incited by the government.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have brought Qin Lele and people like him to interfere.

"Senior sister, I wish to ask if the upper echelons of the government expressly stipulated that they don't allow ordinary people to head to the other world?"

Xu Nan seriously asked.

Zhang Yingluo had a look of difficulty on her face, and she shook her head dejectedly.

"In that case, heading into the other world considered their freedom, right? After all, this is a type of risk. Who knows what the other world will be like? They are willing to give up everything here on Earth to have a new beginning in a new world...Doing such a thing doesn't seem to be illegal."

Xu Nan's views about these people heading to the Puluo World was contrary to Zhang Yingluo's. After all, he had seen some blurry scenes of the future.

Numerous creatures from the Alter World would descend on Earth, causing chaos everywhere.

Therefore, he would take the initiative and send some people over in advance. This might change the Alter World's situation a little. In any case, he wouldn't be going, as he was someone who treasured his life.

"Alright...your words have logic to them. Actually, I'm not an official member of the Thousand Awn Agency, I'm only a temporary staff."

Zhang Yingluo sighed. "It's just that my boss told me if I could capture ten job-holders back and get them to complete their registration, I would be able to convert into a full-time staff."

Everyone: "..."

So, this was the reason why she wanted to find job-holders so earnestly!

Xu Nan also felt that he was powerless to ridicule her.

The masked female's reaction was the fastest. She took out her phone and dialed a number. She then asked for Xu Nan's name and some personal information before she hung up.

"Settled. A 'false accident' with me in it will be verified two days later at the latest. The property rights of the thirty-six shops and four office buildings I own will then be transferred to you.

"Now, can you send me to the Alter World?"

Xu Nan was dumbfounded. The system stated that ⅓ of the mission had been completed. Clearly, the words of this masked female weren't a lie.


Wealth came too suddenly, making it hard for him to accept it. However, the others here seemed to be very calm.

The masked female entered the teleportation rate, and Xu Nan quietly activated the teleportation spell. Under the help of Kaiser's Gate, the teleportation tunnel activated and her figure vanished gradually.

Chang Fengqi quietly walked over. He took down his peaked cap and passed it to Xu Nan, feeling some reluctance. "This is the most important thing for me."

Xu Nan nodded.

As for the tall and skinny youth, he had a gloomy look on his face. He grabbed hold of Xu Nan's hand and wrote out two rows of numbers and some english. "This is my QQ(chat app) number, and there are also the contact details of all the young ladies of wealthy families in the Jiangnan Region."

"I and Ah`Qi haven't eaten for a few days, and we don't have any other things on our bodies. This is one of the most valuable things I have. In any case, I have no use for this in the Alter World. Just use it whatever you see fit." 

Xu Nan speechlessly discovered that this actually satisfied the system's request.

The two of them entered the teleportation gate and vanished soon after.

The mission was completed. Xu Nan felt rueful and wanted to close the teleportation gate. But at this very moment, a human figure suddenly rushed into the gate!


Xu Nan called out in shock.

Ah`Kun was inside the teleportation gate. He smiled. "Once the teleportation tunnel is activated, there's no need for you to specially send us off, right?"

Xu Nan hurriedly shouted, "Senior, come out quickly!"

Ah`Kun shook his head. "You have no idea how envious I'm of you guys who have such heaven-defying opportunities and could become job-holders. Ever since I was young, I've always loved reading about fantasy worlds. Being able to adventure there is my dream. You guys could safely become job-holders on Earth, this is really too fortunate."

Xu Nan hurriedly spoke, "Senior…"

"Junior brother, you don't need to persuade me anymore." Ah`Kun smiled in a straight-forward manner. "I can finally do what I wish to do and head into the Puluo World to find a chance to become a true martial monk!"

"I know that both of us have a rare understanding of each other. But the road ahead is still long. In life, it's inevitable for there to be partings and reunions…"

"In any case, I'm going!"

"Hopefully, we will be able to meet again soon!"

Ah`Kun's figure gradually vanished in the teleportation tunnel.

Only now did Xu Nan have time to roar loudly, "No! I wanted to say that I know a doctor. If you go to his place for surgery, you might have a chance to become a job-holder!"

"There's no need for you to take the risk!"

Just as the sound of his voice faded, in the depths of the tunnel, that sturdy figure clearly trembled a little.
