
"Senior Ah`Kun, I didn't expect that you would have such a determined side to you."

Xu Nan sighed while closing the teleportation gate. Once the Kaiser's Gate closed, it automatically transformed into a sphere-like object and could be easily stuffed into Xu Nan's bag.

If he wished to activate it again, it would have to be a month later.

Xu Nan noticed that Mage Zhao Wen had thought things through properly before he chose the location to open it. The mageforce aura of this ravine was especially concentrated. This meant that this region and Puluo World had achieved quite a high degree of fusion. Hence, it was easier for the teleportation to be successfully activated.

In the future, if he wanted to open the door again, he should follow these rules and choose a suitable location as well.

"It was my mistake, I didn't manage to stop him."

Zhang Yingluo shook her head and sighed. "Ah`Kun usually remains low-profile and doesn't talk much. I didn't expect he would have such grand aspirations in his heart.

"He isn't a job-holder, but he decisively rushed into the Alter World to risk it. He truly is going all out."

Xu Nan nodded. "Maybe, behind every ordinary person, there's a side of them which no one knows."

Zhang Yingluo had a strange look on her face. "Junior brother Xu Nan, do you have some misunderstanding about the words 'ordinary person'?"

Xu Nan was astonished. "Could it be that Senior Ah`Kun isn't an ordinary person?"

"Ah`Kun naturally isn't." Zhang Yingluo spoke as though it was a matter of course, "If not, why do you think he could enter the foreign languages society despite looking like a physical laborer?"

Xu Nan pondered over it. "Because he has great strength?"

Zhang Yingluo rolled her eyes. "There are plenty of people with great strength, alright? Ah`Kun could join the foreign languages society because he indeed does have something that surpasses others.

"Although Ah`Kun's looks are ordinary, when he first entered the school, he was already the top expert of the entire computer department. When the others were still hugging their c-programming language textbook, he could already connect to the dark web and talk cheerfully and wittily to foreign and local hackers."

"Last year, that large-scale computer virus erupted. The majority of our country's school's networks were damaged. However, only our Commerce University was fine, and we didn't even lose a single thesis or information. Do you really think that it was due to luck?!"

Xu Nan was dumbstruck when he heard this.

He himself was a computer idiot. Hence, he would always feel indescribable respect toward a computer expert.

According to what his senior school sister said, it was senior Ah`Kun who had protected their valuable school web?

Wasn't this too godly?

"Senior Ah`Kun is clearly so awesome, yet he remains so humble. Although he is only a normal human, he had the courage to risk it all by heading to the Puluo World.

"I must learn from him, becoming a man as reliable as him!"

For a time, Xu Nan felt deeply moved.

"I thought the relationship between you two was pretty good. Don't you know about this?" Zhang Yingluo also felt somewhat depressed.

Xu Nan shook his head and thought about something. "Dark web...could it be the name of a website?"


Xu Nan suddenly felt something was wrong. He quickly used his phone and searched for the term 'dark web' and discovered that this really wasn't the name of a website.

When he turned his head over again, the gazes of the two girls when they looked at him were as though they were looking at a retard.

Xu Nan felt a little ashamed. He wasn't that interested to know more about the internet.

He coughed and changed the topic, "In that case, the departure of Senior Ah`Kun is a big loss to our school, right? Senior sister, you shook your head and sighed earlier. Was it because of this?"

Zhang Yingluo continued in a sad voice.

"I guess, I'm having a very bad headache. Earlier, my reactions were truly too slow, which was why I failed to stop him.

"In the future, when the computers of the sisters of our society are spoiled, who should we look for to repair them?

"Before this, with Ah`Kun around, I needn't worry about this problem.

"Junior Xu Nan, do you know how to repair computers?"

Xu Nan weakly spoked, "Does knowing how to restart them count?"

Zhang Yingluo coughed. "In that case, I might as well do it myself. At the very least, I know how to re-assemble them."


No matter what, the departure of Ah`Kun was fixed. As one of the leaders of the foreign languages society, Zhang Yingluo still had to think of a way to explain this matter.

Xu Nan and Qin Lele were much more relaxed in comparison. The two of them ran to Mage Zhao Wen's corpse and started to discuss.

"We have to handle this corpse well. If not, the remnant mageforce from his body might be the trigger for some strange things to happen."

Xu Nan solemnly spoke.

Qin Lele nodded. "We indeed have to handle it well. Before this, that baldy was a wanted criminal and it wasn't convenient for us to act. But this fellow isn't one and he wasn't killed by us. He died because of anger."

"We have to properly handle the items he left behind."

Xu Nan: "..." (Just say it if your thieving nature comes out, there's no need to pretend to be innocent with such a straight face!)

Actually, he was really worried that Zhao Wen's corpse wouldn't be handled properly and it might lead to trouble. It wasn't that there was no precedent for cases like this in the Puluo World.

Mageforce's rampant spread due to loss of control would easily trigger calamities. Many mages died in their mage towers, and their corpses and the magical items they created would easily mutate into terrifying monsters.

Zhao Wen's body might rot, and it might be infected by his mageforce and turn into a monster or zombie. Naturally, there was also a degree of chance that nothing would happen. However, Xu Nan couldn't simply sit there and ignore it.

Staring at Qin Lele's excited manner, Xu Nan stepped aside. "You do it then."

"I've already checked. He only has a small bag with him. This bag should contain reinforced magical items. All his belongings should be in it.

"However, there's a rune lock sealing the bag. It's up to you now!" Xu Nan spoke

Qin Lele excitedly rushed over. "Watch me!"


White-colored electrical currents ran through Qin Lele's body. Her hair immediately stood at their end like porcupine quills!

"You don't know how to break a magic lock?" Xu Nan turned pale with fright. He kicked Qin Lele away from Zhao Wen's corpse and saved her from her mildly-electrocuted state.

Qin Lele felt a spell of dizziness. "Ah? Magic lock? What is that?"

Xu Nan was flabbergasted. "You don't know how to open locks, you don't know how to steal properly, and you don't know how to fight. What happened to all your thief stat points?"

Qin Lele regained her senses and clutched her little red face. "I thought thieves should add all their stat points to the charm stat? I also want to be more beautiful!"

"What about your skills and specialties?!"

Xu Nan felt a headache coming.

"Lele is on the [King Spy] path. At the early stage, she is basically a cripple."

Zhang Yingluo smacked Qin Lele on the back of her head while controlling her usage of force. Only now did Qin Lele regain her clarity.

"Zhang Yingluo! Who are you calling a cripple!" Qin Lele raged.

"Zhao Wen's corpse will be handled by people from the Thousand Awn Agency. But as for this rune lock, it looked like it's about to automatically collapse. Hmm... I have a simple violent method that can open it. After that, each of us should have a chance to grab the things inside, and it depends on our fortune to see what good items we can get from the bag," said Zhang Yingluo

Completely ignoring Qin Lele's protest, she sliced out horizontally and vertically with her foldable saber, piercing the rune bag open!

The mageforce aura grew increasingly chaotic.

"Let me do it first!" Qin Lele stretched her hand out again. As she was doing so, to increase her success rate, she actually used [Pilfering]!


A spellbook appeared in her hands. This was Zhao Wen's spellbook. In it, there were records of all the spells he knew, including some unknown spells. To a spellcaster, this was an extremely valuable item.

"My luck has never been good. I've never won anything while drinking those bottles of drinks with rewards printed in their cap, sigh."

Zhang Yingluo was the next. She stretched her hand out and actually grabbed a box of tissues of the 'cool breeze' brand.

Zhang Yingluo shrugged, already used to not being lucky.

Qin Lele hugged her spellbook and started giggling.

Xu Nan also hurriedly tried to grab the things in the bag. The thing he managed to grab wasn't heavy. It was really light and gave off a comfortable feeling to touch.

"Dagger! A weapon for thieves. It's mine, mine!"

Qin Lele was about to lunge over. She was staring at Xu Nan. "How about I use the spellbook to exchange for it with you?"

Xu Nan glanced at the dagger in his hands and revealed an awkward smile. "This isn't the type of dagger used by thieves."

"This is the type of daggers used by mages."

[Ansuri's breakfast dagger]

[Grade: magic]

[Effect: It is especially smooth when it's used to cut bread]

[Enchantment: You must not use it to injure people (this is a kind dagger, it has never seen blood before)]

Qin Lele widened her eyes. "What is it based on? Why do mages need to use daggers?"

"I don't know. In any case, this knife should belong to some random, wealthy magelord who used it to cut bread for breakfast I guess."

Xu Nan held the dagger, which seemed to be forged from pure mithril, in his hand. He couldn't help but mock, "It's true. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try. This weapon basically cannot injure anyone."

"However, if we melt it down, we can use the material to forge more pieces of magical equipment."

Qin Lele didn't believe it. She grabbed the mithril dagger and attempted to slice her palm. Yet, there wasn't even the most basic trace of wounds at all!

She could only hang her head dispiritedly and passed the dagger back to Xu Nan.

Xu Nan could only sigh in admiration at his own luck. Who knew how Zhao Wen obtained this mithril dagger. However, he could be sure that this Ansuri person was definitely an extremely wealthy mage in the Alter World.

It was one thing to forge a weapon using mithril. Why did he make it so that this weapon wasn't able to injure others? Xu Nan, who was a warlock that just awakened his bloodline, could only reveal a smile of poverty. This indicated that his imagination was already restricted.

"Hmph, without the capability to injure someone, can it be more valuable than my spellbook?"

Qin Lele hugged her spellbook and coldly smiled.

After thinking about it carefully, Xu Nan gave a precise answer.

"If we can smelt this mithril dagger, the value of it would undoubtedly be worth an infinite number of level 1 spellbooks!"

Qin Lele directly felt faint-headed.

Xu Nan was somewhat gratified. This meant that although this child didn't seriously learn foreign languages, she did attend her mathematics class.

After handling Zhao Wen's bag, the group of three didn't stop here. They returned to the camping area.

Just so nicely, the time was already about 7 to 8 a.m.. Everyone was preparing to return.

Because Ah`Kun's aura was too low, no one discovered anything strange with his absence. The group of people from the society was chatting merrily as they returned home.

Xu Nan and Zhang Yingluo made an arrangement to look for Lu Junyi tonight to check things out. They wanted to verify if their conjecture was correct, about whether or not Lu Junyi had a connection with the appearance of many job-holders.

He then returned home after that.

The magical alarms weren't set off. This was very good.

Xu Nan routine-checked the second floor. Xin`er didn't have any strange reactions, so he had most probably slept very late last night and was still catching up on his sleep now.

At this moment, a strange noise drifted from the garage.

Xu Nan clapped his hand on his head. "I've almost forgotten about the matter of summoning the magical pet!"

He excitedly rushed over to open the garage, and a large carnivorous-looking beast whose color was a mingle of black and white abruptly lunged over. This caused Xu Nan to be dumbstruck as he looked at it.

"This is...this magical pet?"

At a certain base extremely far away...

A breeding staff shouted loudly, "Smiley has disappeared!"

"Someone has stolen a national treasure!"
