Police Comrade, I Want to Turn Myself in!

In the panda breeding base.

In a certain office.

The breeder was currently being interrogated and punished.

The leader didn't believe his words.

The breeder could only wave his hands in a resigned manner. "Smiley has always been like this. Ever since she was born, she didn't have much sense of existence. Even her parents would often forget about her, leaving her alone in the corner. Clearly, it was part of a pair of twins, but usually, we only seem to remember about her younger brother.

"In the past, cases similar to this occurred quite a few times. I would occasionally then remember, where is Smiley?

"After that, I would often find it in some strange places. But there's something strange today. Earlier, I checked the surveillance video. It went to a corner where the surveillance camera couldn't see and it suddenly vanished!"

The leader touched his head and fell silent for a moment. "Such a matter has to be handled appropriately."

"I have to inform...oh ya, you mentioned something about a giant panda that disappeared? What was its name?"

The breeder showed a blank expression. "I forgot…"

"Giant panda? Eh? A giant panda is missing? I'll go and check it again."

Ten minutes later.

"Leader, all the giant pandas seemed to be there." The breeder excitedly compared the list of giant pandas to the number of giant pandas.

The leader heaved a sigh of relief. "That's good then, that's good."

"A young man ultimately is still not that reliable when it comes to doing things. They get flustered easily. Truly annoying."

"How would a giant panda disappear for no reason?!"


In the garage.

Xu Nan was truly shocked.

Ever since he was young, he had only seen such a large carnivorous-looking animal in the zoo. This was an animal with bite force comparative to the brown bear. Its running speed at a height of 2,000 meters above sea level wasn't any inferior to Liu Xiang (athlete). It could also climb 20m to 30m when it came to tree-climbing, and easily swim in the ocean. Even if three to four wolves attacked it, it could still play along with them. It was a powerful animal with comprehensive martial strength that was simply off the charts!

However, due to its adorably dumb looks, its powerful combat strength had always been ignored by everyone.

In ancient times, giant pandas were thought to be metal-eating beasts by humans. Its attack power was extremely strong, and was definitely a match for humans.

Such an animal actually acted cute for a living. From this, one could see how genuine this world was with regard to appearances.

Earlier, when that giant panda had lunged over, Xu Nan had felt extremely nervous and directly used his insta-cast to cast mage armor on himself, preparing to defend against it head-on.

Who could have known that the giant panda was merely pretending? As it reached Xu Nan's side, it stumbled and rolled on the ground twice. It then cast a cute look and ran back hastily with jolting buttocks to chew on its bamboo.

Xu Nan felt that it must be himself who saw it wrongly. Hence, he closed the garage door. He breathed in deeply for ten seconds and opened it once more.

The giant panda, which was now chewing on a bamboo stick, glanced at him as it slowly spoke.

"Are you my magical pet?"

Xu Nan: "Huh?"

"Too weak. The current you is far from being qualified enough to be my magical pet." The giant panda chewed as it spoke, "You will start from the most basic servant position. This is the master and servant contract, you can read through it."

After speaking, a magical contract was passed over. Xu Nan read through it carefully, feeling disbelief.

With his Supreme Charm, the other party actually didn't bow down to worship him or hug his thigh while saying it wanted to be his subordinate? This was simply unscientific!

However, after careful consideration, the charm of a giant panda might not be any inferior to him. In fact, giant pandas even surpassed him in some aspects. No one could be sure whose charm value was higher!

Xu Nan contemplated. He then directly turned [Universal Attraction] and [Radiant-look] on.

Who knew that the giant panda actually tossed his bamboo stick away as it coldly laughed. "Are you trying to entice me? Do you think you are a peacock spreading its tail? The people I hate most are those with higher charm than me. As a magical pet, you don't understand the logic of acting as a foil to boost the glow of your master? On the contrary, you are trying to snatch the limelight away from me?

"You can leave, you will never be able to understand how to be a good pet in this lifetime."

Xu Nan's forehead throbbed, his veins popping out. "This is my house, this place is my garage!"

The giant panda rolled on the ground. "I don't care. From today onward, this will be my house. You have to be responsible for my food every day. Oh, by the way, the temperature in the garage is unbelievable. Later on, hurry up and fix an air-conditioner here…"

Xu Nan drew in a deep breath.

This giant panda was clearly mental. Could it be that the descent of the Puluo World would cause other creatures to mutate?

Or maybe, giant pandas originated from the Alter World?

The problem was that, in his Ron Warlock bloodline's memories, he hadn't seen any existences that resembled a great panda. Existences like pandarian warriors were characters of a completely different fantasy world, alright?

"Let us get the situation clear first."

Xu Nan calmed down, looking at that creature which was seemingly adorably stupid yet possessing immense killing power. "Why did you come to my house?"

The giant panda spoke with disdain, "I heard someone was summoning a magical pet; hence, I came over. After all, who doesn't want a free pet? However, I'm very disappointed in you as a magical pet. I want a refund."

Xu Nan was having a headache. "Do you have some misunderstanding about the summoning ritual of magical pets?"

He tried his best to speak gently, "From theory, you should be my magical pet instead."

The giant panda raged, "Can you win against me in a fight?"

Xu Nan pondered. "I'm not too sure."

Usually, giant pandas had impressive movements. Even with his current spells, unless he went for broke, he truly had no idea who would win. Also, this giant panda was clearly not any kind-hearted soul. It should have already cultivated to the state of having a spiritual consciousness.

The giant panda coldly laughed. "Isn't that right? And you still want me to be your magical pet? With your puny strength, you should go and train more before talking. Before I find a new magical pet, you will be responsible for my food and lodgings. Understood?"

Xu Nan felt that something was wrong.

The giant panda clearly understood the rules of the contract. It was pretending to be crazy and wanted Xu Nan to accept its terms!

Although the current Xu Nan was also very wealthy, this was just too ridiculous. He refused to be a part of the panda's scheme.

"You, you, you...I don't care where you come from. Hurry up and return for me! Stop hindering me from summoning a magical pet!"

Xu Nan's attitude became tough and unyielding. "I just want a crow or a black cat!"

The giant panda raged, "Crows? Black cats? How could these foolish things be compared to me? Are they cuter than me? If you show any more disrespect toward your owner, you best be careful that I'll report you for stealing a national treasure."

"Do you know the penalty for stealing a national treasure?"

Xu Nan chortled. With a bang, he closed the garage door.

His hands trembled a little as he sent a WeChat message. The person he was sending the text to was actually Xin`er...

"Why don't you order takeout for your lunch today."

[Xin`er: Nope!]

"Don't make trouble, go and order takeout and get the delivery guy to place the food on the flight of steps. After he left, you can just go and take it. It's about to be winter, so you have to take care of yourself. I...might not be able to come back for a while."

[Xin`er: ???]

"I'm... going to turn myself in."

After that, Xu Nan directly headed out with lamentation in his heart. After some time…

"Hello, police comrade? I want to turn myself in!"

"You are saying you stole a giant panda? That panda is now behind you and it even knows human speech?"

The person responsible for accepting Xu Nan's surrender was an extremely gentle police sister. She looked very young and might have just started to work full-time not long ago.

Xu Nan nervously nodded as he quietly asked, "How long do I have to be imprisoned for? Actually, this giant panda wasn't stolen by me. It ran over to my courtyard on its own accord."

The police sister had a strange look on her face. She coughed. "But we didn't see any giant panda?"

Xu Nan started. He turned his head back and looked. That panda was clearly sitting in the corner of the interrogation room chewing on a bamboo stick. It even cast a charming smile at Xu Nan; the smile was so wide that Xu Nan felt his goosebumps appearing.

Only now did Xu Nan realize that on his way out, he led a panda over, yet no one was alarmed!

Could it be that the panda knew how to become invisible? Also, why did it seem that the bamboo stick in its paws would never be eaten completely?

"But there's really a giant panda…" Xu Nan didn't know how to describe such a situation.

The police sister gently nodded. She poured a glass of water for Xu Nan and consoled him by patting his shoulders. After that, her expression changed immediately when she walked out of the interrogation room. She reprimanded a few of her subordinates.

"Tell my dad that I won't be working this job anymore! He says apprehending murderers and cracking serious cases is too dangerous, so did he arrange me to come here to welcome crazy people?"

"Earlier, that brat said he stole a giant panda!"

"Do you guys see any giant pandas?"

Everyone shook their heads in unison.

The police sister sighed. "Prepare a car to send him to the mental hospital on Daqing Mountain. He looks quite handsome, but he lost his sanity at such a young age. If we send him there now, he could probably still be saved."

One of her subordinates weakly spoke, "Sister Ah`Qiao, you forgot to close the interrogation room's door."

She awkwardly turned her head only to see Xu Nan looking at her with an expression as heavy as water.

"Call the Research Base of Panda Breeding. Ask them if they have lost a national treasure recently.

The police sister thought for a while. After that, she decided to take responsibility all the way and made the call. The officer from the research base of breeding said everything was fine. They were shocked when they heard this incident about a giant panda being stolen. This was impossible to happen!

Because it was a hands-free phone, Xu Nan heard everything as well.

He fell silent. After that, he led the giant panda away from the police station, not saying anything. The police sister wanted to say something, but she didn't have enough time to do so.

A human and a panda bear went back to Xu Nan's house.

Xu Nan stared at it. "Speak, what sort of demonic spirit are you?"

The panda chewed on the bamboo stick and spoke in an unclear voice, "I'm Smiley."

"What sort of demonic spirit is a Smiley?" Xu Nan asked.

"Smiley is smiley." The giant panda acted in a superior manner and pushed the door open for Xu Nan. While it was opening the door, it still spoke complacently, "You won't be able to toss me away. Unless I was the one who tossed you…"

However, at this moment, its voice suddenly stopped.

Xu Nan was somewhat shocked when he discovered a delicate and tiny figure was hugging her knees. She was sitting there on the floor of the living room, staring at the door.

The figure's eyes brimmed with tears, emitting a poignant sense of beauty.

The moment Xin`er saw Xu Nan, she became agitated.


After so many years, this was the first time Xin`er had spoken face-to-face with him. This was also the first time she left her room.

Xu Nan was dumbfounded. He hurriedly took out his phone and discovered countless missed calls and Xin`er's texts!

Just when he wanted to explain, a voice like a powerful storm abruptly rang out.


"My master!"

"I'm willing to become your magical pet and serve you throughout your life!"

The panda named Smiley acted with lightning speed. It took out a contract and passed it over.

Xin`er was so frightened that her face turned completely pale.
