Message in A Bottle from The Alter World

At the cafe in Xinkou Street.

Xu Nan and Zhang Yingluo sat together. This was the first time Zhang Yingluo elaborated about the [Thousand Awn Agency] to Xu Nan.

Because everyone ran to Lu Junyi's hospital site to partake in the liveliness, there was only an extremely bored staff in the cafe now. The two of them sat far from him, so they weren't afraid their conversation might be overheard.

According to Zhang Yingluo, the [Thousand Awn Agency] was just a group that was still in the preparation phase but had started its operations.

The rumors of the Alter World descending didn't suddenly appear. There was news about it a year ago.

In this case, the government's reaction speed was much faster than what Xu Nan had imagined.

A year ago, members of the special forces had infiltrated the Alter World and successfully obtained first-hand information. Ever since then, the upper echelons had started to prepare on how to deal with the descent of the Alter World.

In truth, a year ago, the representatives of various countries of the world had been meeting many times in secret. Due to this, the conflicts around various parts of the world had reduced by a lot.

Once they had confirmed that there was another world eyeing them like how a tiger eyed its prey, the leaders of the various countries naturally understood that it was a must to decrease the amount of internal power struggles.

Not only for China, but all the other countries also had the special teams that managed to infiltrate the Alter World through the occasional or existing spacetime gap.

Right now, the confirmed news was that the Alter World's ability to thwart enemy espionage was extremely low.

Naturally, all of this was based on the premise that the gods of the Alter World didn't interfere with things in the mortal world. In fact, they were hoping that those grand mages and seers also adopted an attitude of closing one eye.

If not, given how powerful the prophecy skill of the Puluo World was, they would surely discover that things were amiss seeing that there were so many agents infiltrating there.

And as for why these powerful individuals would close one eye, it was mainly due to contempt.

Back to the main topic.

Although they had lost many people in the process of exploring the Alter World, China had also successfully established an intelligence system targeted at the Alter World.

In this process, the Thousand Awn Agency would be an organization that hid in the dark. It also played an important role.

Recently, the upper echelons had decided that it was time to make things known to the masses, so they slowly moved the Thousand Awn Agency from backstage to the front.

This was a crisis that concerned everyone on earth; it wasn't a small-scale crisis that affected a certain area or race. Hence, all humans needed to work together with a common purpose before they could pass through this crisis safely.

At the very least, the various countries had reached a consensus on the surface.

As for whether some countries would break their words after the Alter World descended, it was still unknown. After all, this was a brand new world. The laws of Earth would undergo a heaven-shaking and earth-shattering change. The rules of the 'game' would be completely different, and it was very difficult to 'play' it.

According to Zhang Yingluo's current explanation, at the very least, the internal parts of China were still extremely united, so they should be able to work effectively together.

"As the two worlds fused, there would definitely be an increase in the number of job-holders."

"Currently, the upper echelons have two strategies with regard to the settling of the job-holders. Firstly, a register system. This strategy is under the Thousand Awn Agency's jurisdiction.

Zhang Yingluo continued in a low voice, "The vast majority of job-holders will be fine as long as they complete the most basic registration and fill up the relevant information at the Thousand Awn Agency. For example, the form I'm asking you to fill up now. We need to know your address, contact method, and some basic information like your job and abilities. But if the questions get more private, you can choose not to fill up anything. The Thousand Awn Agency is only responsible for recording all this information and supervising the job-holders among the common people.

"You can also choose to join the Thousand Awn Agency, but this requires a series of tests and an examination. In truth, I already came in contact with the agency half-a-year ago. But currently, I'm still only considered a part of the reserve team."

Xu Nan nodded. He still quite believed in Zhang Yingluo's words. The sensitivity of the governments would definitely far surpass that of the common people. It was very normal that they would be prepared in advance.

And, the other strategy was the military.

If the law of physics changed, it was unknown whether hot-weapons could be used to deal with guests from the Alter World or not. According to the information collected as of now, job-holders were the main pillars of war in the Alter World.

If job-holders were willing to join the military and abide by management, the head would give them extremely outstanding treatment and resource allocation.

After all, the majority of job-holders needed to be nurtured with a vast amount of resources before they could grow into super-strong experts.

The reason why Puluo World wanted to descend to Earth was also due to the fact that it was untainted by magic and divine power. Such a virgin land might have hidden many resources that were yet to be excavated.

In any case, there were two paths ahead of job-holders now, and they could choose one themselves. This was the current plan by the government.

Xu Nan naturally didn't want to join the army. He was a Ron Warlock that had to depend on doing shameless things to level up. How could he be able to do shameless things in the army?... Pui! Even if he could do so, his personality was undisciplined and unorganized. He wasn't the material to become a soldier!

"I'll fill up the form."

Xu Nan was clearly very straightforward.

Zhang Yingluo felt a little puzzled. Before she came, she prepared a series of arguments, wanting to convince Xu Nan into filling up this form. She didn't expect Xu Nan would agree so readily.

"Junior brother Xu Nan truly has a high-level of understanding. Back then, my father spent half-a-month to convince me before I thought things through." Zhang Yingluo felt rueful.

Little did she know that although Xu Nan looked expressionless when he filled up the form, he was sighing silently in his heart.

This form just conveyed the meaning of a transition.

On the form, he wrote he was a bard. For the musical instrument, he wasn't mindful and wrote [Piano]. Although this was a little preposterous, before his mother passed away, Xu Nan truly was fond of the piano. He had passed the tenth-grade exam since he was very young. It was just that his skills had gradually deteriorated as time passed.

A thing like the piano wasn't suitable for combat, and it was also easy to help him mask his identity.

Moreover, the Ron Warlock bloodline was special. The ordinary identification spells by spellcasters wouldn't be able to probe his job. Thus, he could continue to use the identity of a bard. This was something Xu Nan was very happy about.

After all, what would be coming next was troubled times or even the apocalypse.

All sorts of ruthless characters would appear in the world. He didn't wish to be targeted so early by any of them, so keeping a low profile was the most important.

Being fond of Zhang Yingluo was a matter, but protecting himself and his loved ones was more important to Xu Nan.

(The so-called Thousand Awn Agency doesn't exist in the future that I saw.)

(Hence, if what I saw was real. This organization will soon turn into scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.)

Xu Nan passed the form that he finished filling up to Zhang Yingluo. After that, he paid the bill and left.

He was recalling the prophetic scenes hidden in his bloodline.

In the prophecies, there was a mention of the [Ten days of Warning].

That was the ten fated days.

Each day, the Earth would have a heaven-shaking transformation. Xu Nan remembered that during the seventh day, the entire Earth would spread out, becoming pieces of floating continents. The universe Earth was in would change completely. At the very least, the solar system would be like this.

There would be no more auto-rotation; there would be no more satellites. Everything would be as though the world had returned to the primal chaos era.

At that time, China would undergo a great transformation. The towering mountains, the vast seas, the boundless forests, the majestic snowy plains would all rise steeply from level ground. The entire world would no longer look the same.

A large number of the Alter World's races would enter Earth. Or maybe, the two worlds would reach a state where they were infinitely close in merging.

On the tenth day, the gods of Puluo World would descend, and that would be the true start of the calamity. After all, for this descent, the Cenozoic Puluo Gods were the masterminds. The original multiverse had already no way to satisfy their needs of faith energy, and all their planes started to wither. The only way left was for them to seize other worlds and use powerful magic to change everything.

In the Ron Warlock bloodline memories, this wasn't the first time the gods of Puluo World had done such a thing. In the history of several tens of thousands of years ago, they had at the very least merged ten civilizations into their world. Although the civilizations struggled valiantly, they were ultimately unable to stand against the powerful invader.

But this time, things were different.

This was the first time they were trying to fuse with a world that had so much population. Hence, this was why they used their main plane for the fusion. A population of 7 billion was even more than all humans and gods in the Puluo World!

In addition, the humans on Earth were advanced in their technology and thinking.

Xu Nan felt that this time, the expedition by the Puluo World might not be as successful as their past experiences.

Maybe when the two worlds fused, the humans on Earth would suffer some disadvantages. But in the end, it was unknown whether victory would belong to those gods standing loftily above.

However, the prerequisite was that there were no mistakes in his memories!

"Let's wait and see then." Xu Nan selected a date on his phone's calendar and circled it.

"29 November 2019."

That was the first day of the ten days of warning. It was also the day where the Puluo World's gods sent the first batch of monsters to Earth.

There was still one week to it.

"There might be many people who died, but I will still spare no effort to become stronger and do my best to protect those that mean something to me."

After returning home, Xu Nan silently resolved as he looked at the light that was still on at the room on the second level.

He went to the garage to check on the giant panda's condition. This fellow truly was heartless. She was enjoying the air-conditioning and watching a large-screen television. When she saw Xu Nan had returned, she merely gave a nod in his direction.

After confirming that she was fine, Xu Nan turned and walked away. But at the next second, he abruptly turned back.

"Where did you get the air-conditioner and television from?" Xu Nan was shocked.

Smiley used a bamboo stick to pick at her teeth as she spoke, "From the shopping mall. I just simply waded in openly and took them out. No one stopped me. It cannot be considered theft, right? In any case, if a national treasure steals something, can that even be called stealing?"

Xu Nan opened his eyes wide.

It was unknown when but the magical pet dialog box suddenly appeared in his vision.

[Additional shameless point +1]

[Additional shameless point +1]

Xu Nan's lips twitched. "This fellow truly didn't disappoint me."

He asked for the address of the shopping mall and was pondering whether he should send the items back or not.

But at this moment, his bag suddenly trembled.

It was that teleportation gate.

Xu Nan took out the grey sphere, which was something the teleportation gate transformed into, and held it in his hands. All of a sudden, a clammy bottle leaped out from within the gate.

There was a sheepskin parchment inside the bottle.

"Huh? Message in a bottle?"

Xu Nan glanced at the bottle. There was still a label on it with the name, 'Kaiser'.
