Fourth Princess


From the relevant information being told by Kaiser's Gate, Xu Nan had a certain understanding of this mage from the extremely far away Alter World.

However, he didn't expect the other party to actually toss a message bottle to him on his own accord. Was it through accident or design? Or did he just coincidentally pick it up?

He didn't think too much and opened it for a read. He discovered that Kaiser truly had some real skills.

There was a letter written on the sheepskin parchment. It was written in the common language of the Puluo World. Kaiser was expressing his gratitude toward Xu Nan.

Kaiser told him that the destination through Kaiser's Gate was his territory. For this point, even though there was a spacetime storm, that still didn't change.

The four people Xu Nan sent over had safely reached his territory.

According to what Kaiser said, he would give them sufficient respect and freedom. He naturally wanted to understand everything about Earth, but he would neither force them nor do things that went against his own principles.

For example, the only ordinary human among the four. Kaiser said that he was most impressed by him. Ah`Kun indicated his ambition and dreams to Kaiser; hence, Kaiser agreed to help him. He sent Ah`Kun to a martial monk cultivation ground near his territory - the Ten Commandments Cultivation Academy.

As for the other three, under the suggestion of Kaiser, they decided to temporarily stay in Kaiser's territory to develop themselves.

Kaiser tactfully suggested that he hoped Xu Nan would use the teleportation gate's greatest ability and send more earthlings to his territory.

He would also provide some remuneration. Naturally, Xu Nan could also list out some requests, and he would do his best to satisfy Xu Nan.

The entire letter was clean-looking; the word font and writing style was smooth. Most probably, even for the most critical reviewer in the Alter World, they wouldn't be able to find anything unsatisfactory.

"In that case, through a series of unexpected events, Senior Ah`Kun and the rest actually managed to reach Kaiser's territory."

Xu Nan mumbled. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a few words before stuffing the paper into the bottle. After that, he tossed the bottle back through the teleportation gate.

The little sphere, which the teleportation gate transformed into, shone with blue light. The bottle then vanished without a trace.

After finishing all of these, Xu Nan once again started his work. While he was working, he was also waiting for the bottled reply!

Sadly, it was unknown why Kaiser's second message still didn't appear. It caused him to be extremely disappointed.

On the aspect of alchemy, although he no longer had the basic materials needed to craft a ring, the batch of materials he ordered online had already arrived.

The majority of these materials were woodwork, metal hardware, and a few small items. Right now, Xu Nan didn't have sufficient books and materials. But through his processing of these small items, it was also possible for him to level up his alchemy level.

It was just that the progress would be slower.

However, Xu Nan had always been patient. His advancement was purely dependent on the heavens, so it was better for him to be more practical.

After all, good preparation was the key to success.

He used a night's worth of time and increased ⅙ of his alchemy experience bar. This speed was much slower compared to the time where he crafted the ring. But even so, he enjoyed it and wasn't tired of it.


In the Puluo World, in a castle on a snowy mountain in Icewind Territory.

Outside, on the city walls, a girl with a determined look on her face had a letter in her hand. Her gaze stared far ahead at the restless monsters in the black forest.

Not long later, a tall and skinny youth appeared.

"Respectable city lord, I heard you needed to find me?"

Although he only came to the Alter World for a day, Chang Fengtuo still managed to adjust to life here very well. The job-holder system also allowed him to inherit the common language of this world.

The girl helplessly passed the letter in her hand over. "Seems like the spellcaster that sent you guys here is still very concerned about your safety."

Chang Fengtuo received the letter in surprise. He instantly understood what the city lord meant.

Xu Nan used chinese in his reply.

This meant that Kaiser from the Alter World would surely not be able to understand it. She would need at least one of the four to translate it. Through this matter, it could be considered that Xu Nan was using the highest-degree of probing to try and see if this Kaiser had truly treated the earthlings kindly.

Chang Fengtuo smiled as he pondered. This Xu Nan...his judgment was off about him. Although they had clearly met by chance, Xu Nan was really a kind-hearted guy.

In the past, he had indeed had some misunderstanding toward Xu Nan.

Xu Nan's reply was very simple. [How many gold coins for one person? (mithril, adamantine works as well)]

After Chang Fengtuo finished translating, the girl fell into a daze.

She didn't expect the other party would directly request for gold coins of the Puluo World and other valuable metals to judge the value of earthlings.

After she conversed with Chang Fengtuo and the others, she did get substantial benefits. If she could get more job-holders from Earth who had far visions and forward-thinking, she believed that she could lead her own subjects through the severe winter of the Icewind Territory.

In return, this would prove to those who were living in the warm capital that she was qualified to inherit this kingdom that was besieged by danger all around.

As one of the four inheritors of the kingdom, she was always looked down upon because she only had pitiful amounts of funding. If it wasn't for the financial aid from her teacher, she wouldn't even be able to stand stably in this Icewind Territory.

"City lord." Chang Fengtuo could see the difficult situation she was in. "Actually, Xu Nan doesn't really lack money. Maybe, he only wants an attitude. I came from Earth and know what earthlings want. Just like how people from the Puluo World are thirsting for the knowledge and information of Earth, earthlings also thirst for the knowledge of the Puluo World. This is especially so because he is a spellcaster while you, miss, are an extremely powerful mage."

The Fourth princess silently spoke, "You mean for me to use spell knowledge in place of gold coins?"

Chang Fengtuo smoothly continued, "I'm just suggesting a line of thought."

The fourth princess nodded and Chang Fengtuo tactfully retreated.

A figure then appeared from the shadows; a hoarse female voice rang out.

"Can we really trust them?"

The fourth princess shook her head. "I have no other choice. In truth, teacher doesn't think highly of me. They are my only chance… I will reply to that spellcaster. If he wants gold coins, I will do my best to gather it for him. If he wants spell knowledge, although by doing so is against the Lanta Covenant, I have to make a decision.

"After all, not everyone is as fortunate as me, picking up a semi-divine artifact that's a teleportation gate."

The hoarse female voice fell silent for a while before continuing, "The surname Kaiser is somewhat overly 'heavy' in the northern continent. Actually, you don't have to…"

The fourth princess waved her hands. "I don't want the spellcasters in the Alter World to think I cannot amount to anything just because I'm a woman. No matter which world it is, they would always be filled with prejudice against women.

"The wishing bottle could only be used once a day. I'll reply to that spellcaster tomorrow. Let's hope he has enough patience."

She looked into the distance and said, "This is my last chance."

During the next morning, after a short sleep, Xu Nan went to buy breakfast and placed his brother's portion on the cabinet outside his door. After that, Xu Nan knocked on the door lightly.

A delicate-sounding grunt drifted out from within, indicating that Xin`er heard it.

Xu Nan turned and leave. He then sent a text on WeChat in the passing. "I have school today and it will last until the afternoon. You can call for food-delivery for lunch or get the panda to take it for you… However, don't let the delivery guy see her. You have to be more careful at home, if there's anything strange, contact me immediately."

Xin`er didn't reply. She might still be dazed from sleep and didn't look at Xu Nan's text properly.

Xu Nan sighed and then went to the garage to check up on Smiley. This fellow's sleep posture was extremely unelegant. Although she looked adorable on the surface, when she was sleeping, the fact that she was a degenerate among national treasures was revealed.

However, if he changed his thinking, with the panda present, there was no need for him to worry too much about Xin`er's safety if he was not at home.

Although Smiley was not reliable, her combat strength was immeasurably deep, much stronger than ordinary magical pets. In addition, given her attitude toward Xin`er, there was no way she would harm Xin`er.

Through the magical pet contract, Xu Nan instructed her to protect Xin`er. After satisfying her mundane requests, he then went out.

Today was Monday, and Xu Nan's school schedule was fully packed.

Early in the morning, there was an English lesson and introduction to Maoism. In the afternoon, there was basic accounting, which was the main lesson, and it would be taught in the lecture theater.

Just in case of unexpected incidents, when Xu Nan went to school, he not only wore a face mask, but he also turned off the effects of [Radiant-look] and [Universal Attraction].

Even so, when a poodle on the road rushed over excitedly toward him, he couldn't help but panic.

He knew that there were many dogs reared by people in the school's surroundings. If something happened...the scene might be so beautiful that no one dared to look.


The morning lessons were still okay; they were both class-level lessons and were taught in classrooms. Xu Nan had never been a part of the mainstream group of students. Therefore, although he was handsome, the female students in first year still knew restraint, and the male students were also not too willing to be too close to him.

However, during the afternoon, the situation immediately changed.

Although he was wearing a face mask, people still recognized him.

A few female students, which were clearly not first-years, immediately came over. "Junior school brother Xu Nan, let's sit together!"

Xu Nan was immediately surrounded.

He was at a loss. "Senior sisters, are you guys not here to attend the lessons?"

The senior sisters all smiled like blooming flowers. "Naturally, we are here to attend the lessons. Our basic accounting marks are too low, and we just applied to re-study the subject, hoping to raise our scores."

"Also, it's not only a few of us. Old Hai's (the teacher) lesson's capacity is maxed out."

"Aiyaya...I've forgotten almost everything about basic accounting. Can junior brother guide me?"

Xu Nan glanced around. Indeed, the lecture theater's capacity of over a hundred pax was currently filled to the brim. There were even people walking through the door occasionally to peep.

"Xu Nan, you became popular!"

A lecture mate sent a text over, "During the weekends, the confession incident has been circulated to everyone through Moments. You have become completely popular. Right now, all the girls in our modules have decided to participate in an activity named [Don't let one's fertile water flow into other's field]. They definitely wouldn't let that bit*h Zhang Yingluo snatch away their lovable junior school brother that is you."

"Do you see all the senior school sisters here today? All of them are here for you!"

As they chatted, Xu Nan could sense envy, jealousy, and hatred.

He felt an incoming headache. 

However, at this moment, a familiar voice rang out from the window.

"Xu Nan!"

"What underwear are you wearing today? Is it tight enough?"
