Breaking up Couples

Xu Nan glanced over. Damn, a small head appeared at one of the windows of the lecture theater.

It was none other than Qin Lele!

The flat-chested thief's words were shocking. All the senior school sisters berated, "So young but so shameless. As expected of someone having familial ties with that bitc*h Zhang Yingluo!"

"This is the lecture theater for accounting. No one from the foreign languages society should think of acting impudent here!"

"Old Hai, I want to report someone disturbing the lesson!"

The cleanly bald middle-aged man on the platform smiled gently; he didn't really mind. There were still five minutes before the class officially started. He had taught for so many years, and all his sharpness was long since polished into dullness by time. The squabbling of young people was quite adorable, and he had never interfered in them before. However, the commotion caused by Xu Nan today truly did frighten him.

Usually, for the basic accounting class, the capacity would never be full. But today, because of Xu Nan's presence, there were many female students from other faculties preparing to take up basic accounting too. They even stated that they only wanted to attend the basic accounting lessons he taught.

Now that he thought carefully about this, the charm of his personality after having taught for so many years couldn't be compared to a little guy student with a face mask. How melancholic.

Thinking until here, Old Hai shook his head silently. He took out his old thermos flask and drank a sip of water. He couldn't be bothered to care about the slightly chaotic atmosphere.


Qin Lele was considered a familiar face in Commerce University. She was studying in a foreign language middle school nearby. But because of her relationship with Zhang Yingluo, she would run over to Commerce University whenever she was free. In addition, people had a favorable impression of her. Many of the old professors like her a lot.

The various staff members also wouldn't obstruct her from entering.

Qin Lele completely ignored this group of fierce women. Her eyes were staring straight at Xu Nan. "Xu Nan, I'm asking you a question!"

Xu Nan drew in a deep breath. Was she pouring oil on fire? Was she addicted to using him to gain experience in her thief skills?

Now that it came to this, he might as well go all the way. He coldly laughed. "I didn't wear any underwear today!"

After speaking, he stared complacently at Qin Lele. (Now, I want to see what you can do.)

However, after he said this sentence, the entire lecture theater instantly fell silent.

All the senior school sisters were incomparably shocked as they stared at Xu Nan. Even for the male students, all of them had looks of indescribable amazement.

Xu Nan's face turned red. Everyone didn't say anything, but Xu Nan's WeChat received a flood of messages…

[Brother, awesome! Daring to admit your fetish of not liking to wear underwear before so many people. Even my granny is impressed!] From a certain degenerate lecture mate.

[Junior brother Xu Nan, it's better to be more profile during lessons. Although Old Hai is very open-minded, with you saying this, he might feel provoked.] From a certain kind senior school sister.

[Junior brother, junior brother! You don't like to wear underwear? I also don't like the feeling of being restrained! Next time, shall we interact properly and discuss this issue?] From a certain bold and unconstrained senior school sister.

[Junior brother Xu Nan, I won't mind your strange fetish. Please go out together with me!] From a blushing senior school sister from the school of finance, currently on the left-hand side.

Xu Nan was expressionless. In truth, with him wearing a face mask, no one could tell what he was thinking.

At this moment, the mission card that had no reactions for some time finally showed some fluctuations. However, the fluctuations it radiated this time seemed to be pretty large!


[Ron Warlock Bloodline Awakening Optional Mission]

Mission name: I ardently love nature (1)

Mission: In the public's eyes, declare some of the fetishes unique to you. Bravely welcome the looks from the crowd!

Mission reward: 6 shameless points. [I ardently love nature] mission chain shall be unlocked

Mission progress: Already completed!

You gained 6 shameless points!

You gained a clue to a standalone mission - I ardently love nature!


Xu Nan had a dumbstruck look on his face. What was the connection between not wearing underwear and ardently loving nature? He suddenly had a feeling of unease.

[I ardently love nature: Super-scale independent probing mission chain]

[Explanation: All your nature-loving actions will trigger the next mission. The mission chain consists of a total of 36 missions. After completing them all, there will be ample rewards (you can gain a part of the supernatural abilities of the druids)]

Xu Nan felt a little suffocated.

He was a proper warlock all and all. Why would the missions suddenly want him to develop in the direction of a druid? But after thinking carefully, this occupation, 'warlock', was truly full of wonders. His powers were granted by the awakening of his bloodline, so it wasn't strange for his bloodline to develop in random directions.

The only good news was that this mission chain was an independent one, so it wouldn't affect the missions listed in his mission card.

Xu Nan sighed a little. Although 6 shameless points didn't seem to be bad, the current Xu Nan wanted more.

Just as he was thinking about this, a heaven-shaking and earth-shattering transformation happened again on the mission card~

[Due to you completing bloodline awakening optional missions without the system having to prompt you, the mission system has been upgraded!]

[The upgrade of the mission system is now completed]

[Introduction of the new system functions--]

[1. Optional bloodline awakening missions will be issued at 00.00 every day. It will be refreshed during dawn, and if you missed out on doing it, the mission won't come again]

[2. Incidents that only provide slight stimulation to bloodline awakening and gain you shameless points will no longer be issued as separate missions. You have to explore yourself.]

[3. Newly added function, magical pets can do missions in your place. You can explore it autonomously.]

[4. Newly added bloodline awakening activity. There will be different activities issued each month, and there will be ample rewards. If you thirst for strength, do your best to implement the activities!]

Xu Nan was completely dumbfounded.


[This month's bloodline awakening mission is activated: The eternal war of single dogs (slang for someone single) against love!]

Mission description: On this vast land, single dogs suffer bombardment from the devilish public display of affection from couples. They are doing their best to resist and want to struggle. They really want to change but...they are doomed to failure! Couples monopolize all the dark corners in the campus unbridledly. They control the lifeline of the campus! Have you encountered such a scene before? During the night, you wanted to find a quiet lawn to admire the moonlight and memorize some notes from lectures. But you would always hear strange noises from within the bushes. When you slowly moved toward the direction of the noises with a red face and ears, didn't you only see miserable-looking rubber products? If so, you must have forgotten all the notes you memorized earlier, right?! Hence, ever since ancient times, single dogs have been in opposition to couples; the two cannot exist together. Next, please make your choice!

Choose your camp: Single dogs/Couples


Xu Nan had a headache. He clicked on the detailed explanation and discovered that although he was personally single, he could also join the couples camp. If he joined the couples camp, he had to choose a female companion and do his best to 'hurt' single dogs by showing public displays of affection every now and then.

Displaying public affection wouldn't enable him to directly get shameless points, but he could obtain activity points due to this activity. Such activity points would then be converted into shameless points when the activity concluded. Naturally, the activity points could also be used to exchange for ample rewards.

"I'm a single dog, how can I join the enemies so easily? I will naturally choose the single dog's camp!"

Xu Nan was still a very principled man!

After he chose the single dog's camp, the activity changed…


[This month's activity: A single dog's revenge]

Activity slogan: Breaking up couples!

Activity description: Target those couples who like to display their affection publicly. Start to act, our principle is to break a couple up if you can. Naturally, if you can break up two couples, don't stop at one. Just go for it all the way!

Activity points: 0


Xu Nan heaved a sigh. At this moment, the lesson bell rang. The disordered lecture theater finally regained some quietness.

Old Hai placed his thermos flask down and just when he wanted to start the lecture, he discovered that the number of people here had dwindled by a lot!

"Strange? Where are the students? Never mind, forget it! Next, I'll be talking about how to calculate and ascertain intangible assets…"

The number of people dwindled because Xu Nan sneaked away.

Qin Lele kept calling him from the window; she even spammed his WeChat. Since this was the case, there must be some reason why she was looking for him so urgently.

He found a chance and pretended to go to the toilet. After that, he cast [Expeditious Retreat] and ran outside the lecture theatre as he carried Qin Lele away.

The others weren't able to find Xu Nan, so they were naturally incomparably disappointed. Some of those senior school sisters simply walked out from the back-door openly. The tolerant Old Hai also wouldn't say anything.

"Speak, why are you looking for me?"

"Is it because senior sister Zhang is asking you to look for me?" 

Xu Nan asked.

Qin Lele spoke with disdain, "Now, my elder sis is on her guard against me, how would she ask me to look for you? I'm not the same kind of person as her. Actually, I have a secret I want to share with you."

Xu Nan was indifferent. "Oh?"

"I discovered an underground city."

Qin Lele stared into Xu Nan's eyes as she spoke in an incomparably serious manner, "I wish to invite you to explore there with me. If I went alone, I feel that my power might not be enough."

Xu Nan didn't believe this. "For such matters, isn't it better to get the Thousand Awn Agency to step in?"

Qin Lele didn't agree. "I already said that my thoughts are different from my elder sister's. She is on her guard against me, and I'm also on my guard against her. She has been brainwashed by those people and became a hot-blooded young girl. I'm different. Do you think that I'm really a thief that adds the wrong stats, brainless, and only knows how to play with a fruit knife?"

At the next instant, Xu Nan only felt his belt loosening before tightening again!

He leaped back while pointing at Qin Lele. "What are you doing?"

Qin Lele glanced at the two pairs of underwear in her hands with bewilderment. "You actually wore two pairs today? Well done, you are on your guard against me."

Xu Nan coldly laughed, "In truth, I wore three pairs."

Qin Lele: "..."

Xu Nan changed the topic.

"Speak, what's going on with the underground city?"