Displaying Public Affection, So Quickly?

"Do you remember the alley where we first met?"

Qin Lele's tone became strangely gentle.

Xu Nan suddenly felt frightened. He surveyed Qin Lele, what was wrong with her tone of voice?

"Do you remember the large banyan tree I fell from?"

Qin Lele continued.

Xu Nan swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Was Qin Lele trying to use an underground city as the pretext to say something she wanted to do to him which he couldn't accept?

This wasn't too suitable, right? He cast a glance at Qin Lele's chest. Given the standard of a 15 year-old-girl, she could be considered someone with relatively slow puberty. (Ehhhh~ What are you thinking about Xu Nan, she is only 15! Her age is the same as Xin`er!)

"I forgot!"

He decisively shook his head.

Qin Lele spoke in an annoyed tone, "That's Grandpa Zhong's house."

"I would frequently go to his house because other than training my [Breaking in to steal] skill, there's also a secret hidden in his backyard."

Xu Nan's heart stirred. That day, Qin Lele's behavior had clearly been out of the normal, but he hadn't thought too much about it. He had only felt it was because young girls were a little more silly but amusing.

He didn't expect under her cute exterior, there was another side of her which no one knew about.

Just from her skill of stealing his underwear earlier, she must have intentionally put on an act when he first knew her.

According to what Qin Lele said, Grandpa Zhong's backyard had a dried-up ancient well. Qin Lele would occasionally hear sounds of quarreling from within. Hence, she snuck into it many times and discovered that there was a newly built underground city in there!

Maybe, the term 'underground city' was inappropriate. It could only be described as a large underground space in its embryonic form.

From her investigation results, it seemed that a group of gnolls and imps had appeared in the underground space.

They should have just arrived on Earth, and they were building their camp along the side of an underground river. After their camp was constructed, they might then issue a probing attack on the surface world.

Naturally, all this wasn't that important.

The most important thing was the photo Qin Lele passed to Xu Nan.

It was not very clear because it was taken in the darkness of the underground space. However, Xu Nan could still see clearly. This was the camp of the gnolls, and they were using tarpaulins to cover a large number of supplies!

"How about it? Are you interested in looting them with me?"

Qin Lele asked, "I didn't even tell this to my cousin and came to you first instead. If I told Zhang Yingluo, the people from the Thousand Awn Agency would definitely interfere. At that time, instead of a 'full meal', we won't even get enough to drink the soup. These gnolls definitely didn't enter Earth by chance. We can tell by simply looking at the sufficient supplies. Are you not a spellcaster? I'm sure you lack materials from the Alter World, right?"

Xu Nan was puzzled. "Where did you get this photo from?"

Qin Lele calmly replied, "A drone."

Xu Nan thought about it. "When do you plan to loot them?"

"As soon as possible. Firstly, I'm concerned about Grandpa Zhong's safety. Although I've already convinced him to temporarily move away, there's a possibility that these monsters might rush out. So, how about 8 pm tonight? As for the spoils, we will split it 50-50, alright? After all, I'm the one who found the underground city."

Regarding this, the extraordinary calm that Qin Lele displayed caused Xu Nan to feel that women were truly frightening.

"Sure. But I want to pull one more member along." Xu Nan muttered.

"That person won't snatch the spoils from me, right?" Qin Lele warily spoke. "Are you sure this person can be trusted?"

"Absolutely. The one I'm talking about is someone guaranteed by the country."

Xu Nan patted his chest. "Also, both of us belong to jobs that are weak in defense. It is too dangerous. The fellow I'll be bringing can fight, act cute, and have immense strength."

Qin Lele turned her worry into joy. "8 p.m. tonight then. I'll see you there. Ah, I'll treat these two pairs of underwear as my souvenirs!"

After speaking, her hand moved like a phantom. The two pieces of underwear vanished again.

Xu Nan felt a chill in his heart. He was thinking that if he met this lass in the future, he had to wear 1,000 pieces of underwear before he could defend against her devilish little hand!


After bidding farewell to Qin Lele, Xu Nan walked a circle around the Campus and then silently returned to the lecture theater.

This time, he changed his face-mask model and before he entered, he activated his skill [Stealth]. After finding an empty seat, he even activated his [Concealment].

During the lesson, no one discovered Xu Nan's movements.

Xu Nan heaved a sigh of relief. Now, he could finally have a proper lesson.

However, soon after, he fell into a daze again. If what he saw was real and those monsters would descend, many different races would also invade them. Wouldn't that mean that the law of the world would change greatly? So what was the use of him learning all of this now?

In the lecture, the majority of people were still seriously listening. Only a few of them were secretly playing with their phones, and the content of their chat was most probably news heard through the grapevine about job-holders.

"Gnolls and imps?"

From the knowledge granted by his bloodline, the gnolls and imps in the main plane of Puluo World were considered lowest-grade cannon fodder. Unless a mutation class appeared, their combat level would just be at 1. That meant, their combat strength was slightly stronger than ordinary humans, but they couldn't be compared to job-holders. Naturally, that had to depend on their equipment too.

Although Xu Nan's bloodline was very strong, if he didn't go through combat to temper himself, no matter how powerful his bloodline and spells were, they would just be some kind of decoration. Hence, he didn't reject Qin Lele's invitation.

Also, he was indeed lacking in alchemical materials, and he might be able to gain a good harvest from this trip to the underground city.

(Let's not think about these for now. The activity of this month does seem to have ample rewards. Since I've chosen my camp, I have to do something!)

Xu Nan turned his attention onto his mission card.

Ever since he had chosen the [single dogs] camp, Xu Nan discovered that as long as he turned his gaze onto someone, an indication of [single/in love] would appear.

Naturally, there were also some exceptions.

For example, the most famous public-display affectioners—Zhang Jun and Shen Miaomiao. Xu Nan didn't even need to look at them and could already sense the sour smell of affection from ten meters away.

What was interesting was that in the mission system every month, the more affection a couple displayed, the greater amount of activity points would he gain if he managed to break them up.

Xu Nan contemplated for a while. He used a few minutes and confirmed three couples.

These three couples would frequently show their public affection for each other in QQ, in WeChat's Moments, or in public.

For example Zhang Jun and Shen Miaomiao. Although they were seated in the front row and were seriously listening to the lecture, they would occasionally feed each other yogurt. Even Old Hai couldn't bear it and coughed quite a few times. The wolfberry drink in his thermos flask was almost fully drained, but it still wasn't able to block the impact of seeing the action of these devilish public-display affectioners.

"I'll use you two as my target to see if this activity is reliable or not!"

Xu Nan coldly laughed, who asked you guys to show public affection every day!

He took out his phone and rapidly searched for Zhang Jun's QQ's impression label. He then proceeded to immediately add an impression anonymously~

[I've already aborted the child, now I'm very content alone. It's just that every night before I sleep, I would remember the warmth of your chest and the song you wrote for me]

After that, he locked on to another couple. This time, his target was the female. He also used the same QQ impression method~

[Where are you? The child is crying, wanting its mother. I really have no solutions, I wasn't able to contact you]

As for the last couple, Xu Nan deliberated and decided to change his strategy. He directly sent an anonymous message to the guy.

[I'm pregnant]

Although Xu Nan didn't know any skill in reality, the system had a few magic tricks that could easily satisfy his request. If he wanted to achieve his aim by underhanded means, it was a piece of cake.

After unleashing the first move, it was time to wait for the results.

And as expected, after the three periods of basic accounting ended, Shen Miaomiao suddenly gave a slap to Zhang Jun. After that, she cried and ran out of the lecture theater.

Zhang Jun had a dumbfounded look on his face. The yogurt he was holding in his hands was still shaking.

Everyone could sense the smell of gossip.

And on the other side, another couple was quarreling, "Don't tell me this is a prank. I don't believe it. Two days ago, you told me that you and her had a very clean break. I must truly be blind!"

"Scram for me. Scram! SCRAM NOW!"

The last couple was more rational. The guy looked at the bewildered look of the girl. He then gently said, "It must be a prank. I trust you."

The girl fell silent for a long while. After that, she spoke in a half-crying manner, "I'm sorry...I really have a child…"

The guy's indulgent smile immediately stiffened. A large green hat suddenly appeared on his head.

Chaos erupted in the lecture theater!

Xu Nan then left the lecture theater with satisfaction.

In truth, for this mission, he didn't really need to break them up. As long as he did some retaliation actions, it was fine. For a couple truly in love, no one could break them up. Those he could break up were merely those who wanted to connect their bodies for warmth due to loneliness.

[Activity points +500, from Zhang Jun, Shen Miaomiao]

[Activity points +300, from Liao Mingfan, Tiantian]

[Activity points +100, from Gu Xiaohui, Ji Yuan]

[Activity points +1000, from Gu Xiaohui, Ji Yuan]

On the way home, Xu Nan received these notifications.

Out of the three couples, the first two suffered some 'damages', but they didn't break up and entered the 'quarreling' state.

Only the last couple Gu Xiaohui and Ji Yuan immediately chose to break up. From them, Xu Nan also obtained the most number of activity points. Comparatively to the other two, maybe at the start, Gu Xiaohui didn't believe his girlfriend had a child before. But when his girlfriend admitted it, he couldn't accept this and suffered an 'attack' of ten thousand tons. This was why Xu Nan could obtain so many activity points.

Today, many people's Moments were free of their public display of affection. Everyone felt refreshed and relaxed. Their waist and legs weren't aching and they wouldn't pant even if they had to climb five stories.

"With so many activity points, I wonder what good items I can exchange them for?"

Xu Nan looked at his 1,900 activity points and the monthly activity lottery wheel, feeling some anticipation.

One must know that this was merely his first movie.

Since he had joined the single dogs camp, he definitely had to do something for them. Xu Nan's retaliation had only just begun.

However, he wasn't in a hurry. After all, this was a mission that would last for a month. Today was only Monday, and many couples hadn't started their public display of affection yet. Xu Nan decided to quietly wait for an opportunity.

The most important thing now was the lottery, right?

Naturally not, it was to hurry and buy ingredients so he could cook meals for Xin`er.

However, when Xu Nan just returned home, he discovered joyful laughter echoing from within.

In the living room, a large number of dishes akin to the Manchu Han Imperial Feast were laid out. Xin`er was silently eating and drinking while laughing.

"Back then, I was in a base…"

"And then that breeder…"

"Oh, by the way, goddess, why do you have an elder brother whose temperament and personality are so inferior to yours? He doesn't seem like your kin at all..."

The giant panda probed in a drunken manner.

Xu Nan held his breath. He had his ears pressed to the door as he eavesdropped.


The sound of a plate shattering rang out.

In the living room, Xin`er expressionlessly slammed a pan of sour soup with beef on the panda's head. The giant panda was stupefied.

"If you say bad things about my elder bro again, you don't need to appear before me forever."
