The Correct Posture to Enter the Underground City

The entrance of the ancient well was exceptionally narrow.

Xu Nan and Qin Lele used all their strength and even some lubricating oil Qin Lele brought before they succeeded in squeezing Soupy, who had a plumb figure, down the well!

Luckily, the location below was much more spacious. After sliding past the rusty parts, the resistance force became much smaller.

With a plop, Xu Nan could hear the sound of Soupy falling into the water.

The two of them then climbed down using a rope. The ancient well wasn't that deep, and there was some accumulated water down below. Under the illumination of the torch, numerous bumpy alleys could be seen, leading to unknown places.

Soupy was lying on the ground in a daze.

Xu Nan consoled her. "It's fine, it's fine. We won't ridicule you because you are fat."

Soupy was staring at the well's entrance in a daze.

"I'm thinking, how should I get out later?"

Xu Nan and Qin Lele exchanged a mutual glance. The two of them had never considered this question before.

Although Qin Lele was very surprised at the start, after spending some time, she accepted the fact that Xu Nan's friend was a giant panda. Also, this panda was even capable of human speech.

She thought about it, "It's fine, I still have half a bottle of lubricating oil we can use."

Xu Nan suddenly asked, "Why would you have lubricating oil?"

Qin Lele immediately blushed.

Xu Nan also turned red, realizing that he shouldn't continue to ask. He could only sigh silently at how public morals were degenerating with each passing generation. How young was Qin Lele?

Yet, at the next second, Qin Lele replied bashfully.

"My lock-opening skills are not proficient yet. Occasionally, I would run into rusty locks and I might damage them. At that time, it would be easier if I have some lubrication oil."

Xu Nan's expression stiffened. So, he was the one thinking too much.

However, it was true, wasn't it very normal for thieves to carry around a bottle of lubrication oil with them?


Roar~ Howl~

From the depths of the underground space, howls resembling a wolf rang out, but the volume was very slight and they could only hear these sounds occasionally.

It seemed like the underground city the gnolls were building was a distance away from the well's entrance.

Qin Lele took out a set of battle plans. Her face was flushed. Evidently, she was extremely excited.

It seemed like this was also her first time.

"This is the attack plan which I came out with after meticulous planning. According to my drone investigations, there are over twenty individuals in the gnolls camp that are extremely good at fighting. The weaker ones are stationed as sentries at the outside world's entrance. It's best if we can sneak in…"

However, just before she finished speaking, Xu Nan waved his hands. "It's fine, we have a better way to gain entry."

Qin Lele asked in a depressed manner, "Uh-huh?"

Xu Nan waved his hands. "Soupy, go!"

No matter how reluctant Soupy felt, she still heaved her chest and rushed violently toward a spot in the darkness.

Not long later, fighting sounds rang out from ahead.

Qin Lele hurriedly asked, "Wouldn't this be alerting our enemies…?"

As she finished asking, her voice fell silent.

Because when she and Xu Nan arrived, they could already see two skinny gnolls lying paralyzed on the ground. They were knocked unconscious by a smack from Soupy.

"Alerting our enemies? I thought you did sufficient investigation?"

Xu Nan was filled with confidence. "All gnolls are useless cannon fodder. If there are no other monsters, we can simply be spectators. Oh, are you hungry, by the way? I've brought something to eat. Later on, we can just follow behind Soupy."

Qin Lele hesitated. "This isn't too good, right?"

Xu Nan: "Do you want potato chips?"

Qin Lele's eyes brightened. "Give me two packets!"

In the depths of the darkness ahead, Soupy's grieved howl of anger echoed out. After that, the terrified wails of the gnoll sentries followed!


The group of them soon traveled several hundreds of meters through the winding little pathways.

There was already some distance here to the ground's surface, and the air became more turbid. Luckily, the sound of the flowing underground river could be heard. The gnolls were preparing to construct an underground city here, so this proved that this place was suitable for residence.

On their way there, the gnoll sentries basically weren't Soupy's opponents.

She alone charged forth courageously, causing gnolls to fall in an awful condition with every smack.

At the start, Qin Lele still felt somewhat embarrassed. But later on, she gladly accepted this brand new method of passing through the underground tunnel.

Xu Nan was no exception.

After all, giant pandas were extremely strong creatures, and Soupy was a miraculous existence among giant pandas.

Even after she became his magical pet and her level was suppressed to the same as his, at level 2, her health was still as high as 200 points!

This number was extremely terrifying.

Even though Xu Nan couldn't see her stats, specialties, abilities, and spells, his instincts told him that this magical pet who hid many of her capabilities from her master was definitely not a simple creature.

For this underground expedition, Xu Nan had planned to come here alone with Qin Lele. However, he had changed his mind later because he wanted to probe Soupy's limits.

The facts had proven that such cannon fodders like gnolls couldn't probe the limit of a giant panda, a creature that was near the top of the food chain on Earth.

Soupy simply waded through everything, and she wasn't injured in the slightest.

However, what made Xu Nan feel strange was that after he commanded her to do this, she was unusually hardworking. He felt somewhat excited when watching this.

Could it be that this giant panda's hobby was slaughtering?

"The gnoll camp is just ahead. What should we do? Do you need me to secretly set fire to lower their morale?"

After finishing two packets of potato chips, Qin Lele was eager to do something.

Although her plan was logical and was a tactic often used by adventurers in the Alter World, Xu Nan shook his head, disagreeing with Qin Lele's plan. 

"Gnoll sentries can't force out her real strength. Since that's the case, let the true gnoll warriors come!"

After inheriting Ron Warlock's bloodline, Xu Nan's personality also became gradually two-faced. Selling his magical pet out was done smoothly and easily.

He pulled Qin Lele to the side to sit. After that, he spread a picnic cloth out and took out many types of delicious food.

Then, he pointed to the gnoll camp on the other shore.

"Soupy, it's up to you now!"

Magical pet command!

The giant panda glared at Xu Nan in rage. However, she could only vent her angle on the gnoll warriors.

She roared as she waded across the moderately deep underground river, smashing apart the railings erected by the gnolls easily with one smack and causing a commotion in the gnoll camp.

Over twenty creatures started to gather. There were gnoll archers and imps axe-users among them!

Although Xu Nan was currently eating a roasted duck, he didn't forget to turn on his dark vision. He was paying close attention to Soupy's situation.

Soupy coldly laughed. "All of you kneel for this old lady!"

The gnolls mumbled in their language. One large gnoll with a long saber and shield in its hand attempted to communicate with her in the gnoll language.

Things would be awkward if both sides couldn't understand each other.

Soupy was frustrated. She didn't say anything and directly smacked her paw out.

Her strength was very terrifying. The skinny gnolls basically couldn't block her. Quite a few surrounded her but were sent flying by her paws.

At this moment, a cold arrow shot out from the dark and was embedded in her shoulders.

The incomparably courageous Soupy, which had been frenziedly smacking the heads of gnolls, now wailed as she sat on a gnoll, squashing it. "Boohoo, I'm injured!"

On the other shore, Xu Nan's chatting voice could be heard. He cast a [Protection from Arrows] followed by [Strong Recovery] and [Enlarge Person]!

The originally large giant panda instantly grew larger by two meters; it was extremely horrifying to look at her.

"You can do it!" After Xu Nan finished casting spells, he went back to eating his roast duck.

Soupy inclined her head and roared at the sky. Her heroic tears fell as she leaped again before grabbing a few more gnolls to serve as her seating, squashing those unlucky gnoll warriors to death!

The gnolls threw away their helmets and armors and began to flee. The imps fled as well. They were hiding in the corners and trembling with fear. They, who had short legs, understood that it was useless to flee. If they surrendered, they might still be able to leave. Hence, they all took a white flag and raised it.

"Wanting to flee? You guys have to first ask this old lady's buttocks!" Soupy's eyes were red as she pursued the gnolls, grabbing them randomly and proceeding to sit on them.

Her leaping strength was terrifying and her weight was also immense. The moment she sat down on a group of gnolls, quite a few of them would end up dying.

A short ten minutes later.

The gnoll camp was leveled flat. The majority of gnolls died miserably, and the scene was extremely bloody. It was so bloody that Qin Lele couldn't bear to look at it. She ran to the side and vomited for quite some time.

After all, she was a young girl who had never seen such a bloody scene before.

Xu Nan was much better in comparison. Although he also felt disgusted, maybe the power in his bloodline helped him soothe his current emotions.

The two of them found a spot in the river where the waters were shallower, they then waded through it.

When they reached the gnoll camp, Soupy had already calmed down. The surviving gnolls and imps were all squatting in their burrows, not daring to peep their heads out. There was a somber and desolate aura permeating the atmosphere.

"I want a pay increment. In my bedroom, the colored-tv must be changed to the largest one! Also, you have to buy a computer for me to go online."

Soupy sat on one of the gnoll's corpses as she spoke with bitter resentment, "If not, I will go on strike. Let me tell you, next time you want me to work so hard, you better prepare some rewards for me. Magical pets have emotions too. If I'm unwilling to do so and unhappy, the contract might lose its effect!"

Xu Nan glanced at the magical pet box, there was an impression option.

Before this, her impression of him was [Normal], but now it was [Resentment]. Once it reached [Hate], the contract might automatically lose its effect.

Xu Nan immediately consoled her, "The capable naturally have to do the most. Soupy, you are so awesome. Next time, I will get Xin`er's autograph for you."


Her impression of him immediately became [Friendly].

Xu Nan's lips twitched slightly. How pragmatic.

At this moment, Qin Lele had a puzzled look on her face as she searched through the materials in gnoll camp.

"Eh? Why are these gnolls so poor? They don't even have a complete set of adventurer's equipment?" questioned Qin Lele.

Xu Nan's gaze was locked onto the calm and composed Soupy.

The giant panda had her head high and chest out; her gaze looked magnanimous and honest.

Xu Nan contemplated, "Maybe...the gnolls are simply that poor. Is that right, Soupy?"
