A Friend from Afar

The camp built by the gnolls and imps already had its embryonic form. If they had half-a-year more, this place would become a small-scale underground city with high defense value.

Sadly, their current defensive measures in the surroundings were thoroughly smashed. The short railings completely couldn't block Soupy.

Xu Nan and Qin Lele discussed, and the two of them split the work. Xu Nan was responsible for interrogation, while Qin Lele was responsible to continue searching through the camp's materials.

One couldn't help but say that Soupy's way of handling things saved plenty of trouble for Xu Nan.

The two subterranean races, which snuck over, consisted of gnolls and imps. The personalities of the gnolls were savage and cruel. They were undisciplined and wouldn't farm crops contently; they only knew how to plunder.

It was completely impossible to tame these creatures, there was also no need to do so.

Hence, the vast majority of gnolls died underneath Soupy's buttocks.

Only two shivering gnolls survived, and they were providing information for Xu Nan.

Imps were different. Although imps were also a subterranean creature, their intelligence was low. Although their ability to be molded was very low, they would obediently follow orders as long as you suppressed them with violence.

If you fed them, they would give it their all to work for you.

In the underground cities of the Puluo World, imps were one of the most welcomed slaves.

The gnolls had brought the imps along to this world. Most probably, they had wanted to use the imps as slaves. When it was necessary, the rapacious gnolls might even treat the imps as a source of food.

Xu Nan temporarily ignored the imps, which were easy to deal with. He placed all his attention on the two gnolls.

He used [Animate Rope] to tie them up and he began to interrogate them.

At the start, the two gnolls feigned to be frightened and weaved some unreliable lies.

However, after Xu Nan used [Lowering Intellect Touch] and patted their heads lightly, their consciousness became muddy. They answered whatever Xu Nan asked them honestly.

Half an hour later, Xu Nan learned everything he wanted to know.

"Soupy, handle them, alright?"

Xu Nan had a heavy expression as he walked out of the tiny room.

The giant panda jumped up with familiar ease. Before the two gnolls could react, her huge buttocks squashed them to death.

From the mouths of these two gnolls, Xu Nan obtained many pieces of information that were of use.

At the very least, he knew that these two subterranean races didn't enter Earth by chance. They were following the command of a powerful demon named Inoya.

They originally stayed in the underground world of the Puluo World. After that, because they had no paths left, they turned to Inoya for help. Inoya led them to a spacetime gap and allowed them to successfully infiltrate into Earth.

Naturally, these spacetime gaps weren't only unstable, they had serious restrictions on the individual's power level.

If not, the enemies Xu Nan would face now, wouldn't be gnolls but something like a black dragon army.

According to what they said, Inoya already treated Earth as something in his pocket. After the Puluo World descended, this place would be its springboard.

The gnolls were merely the vanguard. Very soon, other subterranean creatures would arrive.

Bugbears, grey dwarves, dark elves, heart-devouring devils, black dragons…

As the fusion rate between Earth and Puluo World increased, the monsters crossing over would be increasingly powerful.

However, Xu Nan didn't feel fear. He had to face all of these sooner or later.

After conducting a simple interrogation on the imp leader, he made a bold decision.

"I want to build an underground city here in this location!"

Qin Lele, who had returned dejected after searching through the camp, couldn't help being extremely shocked.

"Are you sure? Earlier, I heard that this place is already targeted by a baddie!"

Xu Nan waved his hands to indicate that he felt no fear.

"I also got this idea at the last minute. Since they can construct an underground city here, why can't we?"

"Who knows what the world will become in the future? The underground world, compared to the world above ground, would definitely draw less attention. At the very least, if a magical world is to descend, I feel that we will need a headquarters."

Qin Lele was waiting anxiously. She looked at him. "In that case, you will become the underground city lord in the future. How about giving me an official position?"

Xu Nan waved his hand, acting extremely magnanimous. "In the future, after the underground city is built, you will be the captain of the city law enforcement team.

Qin Lele clapped her hands. "Interesting. However, let's keep this matter a secret from my cousin and the rest first. After all, by doing this stealthily underground, this is considered against the building rules. If it were to be discovered, it might be forcefully dismantled."

Xu Nan nodded.

"As for that great demon, I've also made all sorts of preparations. Actually, because we still cannot be sure if the other party is an enemy or a friend, we can take peaceful measures before using force. Who knows, maybe the two sides could reach some cooperative arrangements. There's a saying that states, 'A friend from afar…'"

Qin Lele raised her hand. "I know this, I know this!"

Xu Nan was astonished. "You understand the Analects of Confucius? Why don't you say it then."

Qin Lele thought about it for a while before speaking with cadence/

"A friend from afar, although he might be far, we absolutely have to slay him!"

Xu Nan berated in rage, "Wrong! I will give you one more chance."

Qin Lele was shocked. "What? Is it wrong? Let me think for a while longer… I've got it!"

"A friend from afar, is either a traitor or a robber!"

Xu Nan sighed deeply. "You have one last chance. Even the captain of law enforcement teams has to be tested with a cultural exam!"

Qin Lele felt wronged. "A friend from afar, isn't anxious when doing things?"

Xu Nana clapped his hand to his forehead. "It is from the [Isn't that a joy?] (quote from Confucius)"

A flash of understanding appeared in Qin Lele's mind.

"So it is [A friend from afar, isn't anxious when doing things, isn't that a joy]!"

As the newly appointed captain of law enforcement, Qin Lele carried her small bag that had her drone in it as she began to explore the area at the lower river.

Xu Nan started to tame the imps, and this caused him to spend a little time. Naturally, it was only a little. After all, Soupy was beside him.

The original gnoll camp and imp burrows were reconstructed. Xu Nan planned to get in contact with a student studying construction to design an impregnable underground city for him.

What was worthy of mention was that the imp leader had reported that they had found a valuable mithril and gold mine in the surroundings.

In the river basin of the underground river, there was a possibility that many more mines were hidden.

Xu Nan contemplated. If this place had mines, it would have long since been discovered by others. Maybe, these mines only appeared after the two worlds began to fuse.

Now, he should secretly start to excavate them before others noticed the mines. He would definitely become rich, that was the true way of the king.

After settling the imps, ensuring that they were under his command, Xu Nan built a little wooden hut here. He set a magical alarm and metal lock at the door to prevent people from sneaking in.

After that, he carved a secret art imprint that belonged to himself in the wooden hut.

In the path of orthodox spellcasters, a short-distance spatial gate was a level 4 spell. Also, the distance it could transport someone to was only 50 meters. It was far from sufficient from meeting Xu Nan's current needs.

It was impossible for him to climb down the ancient well every time he wanted to come to the underground city, right?

Luckily, there was a level one secret art in Ron Warlock's bloodline that was similar to a spatial gate. The name was [Hagrid's Flicker]

It was the same as [Soundless Howl], in order to purchase [Hagrid's Flicker], he had to spend 8 shameless points. However, Xu Nan felt that it was worth it.

This spell would provide three secret arts imprints. Xu Nan could transport himself to the three locations where the imprints were carved as long as he did so within the imprints' duration of 72 hours. 

There were three flaws in this secret art. Firstly, the consumption of bloodline energy was too large. Although Xu Nan didn't try it before, the warning in the secret arts list was noted by him.

The second point was that the casting time was especially long.

It was the word 'flicker' in its name, but in truth, it was extremely slow. He needed to recite incantations for three minutes before he could teleport.

If it wasn't for these incantations directly flowing into his mind, Xu Nan even suspected whether he could memorize them all or not.

For the third point, a stage 1 Ron Warlock could only have 4 secret arts. Right now, unless Xu Nan improved his stage, ihe couldn't purchase any more secret arts. He felt a little pity the moment he thought of it.

As for the construction of the underground city.

He planned to get the imps to start working immediately, making them gather materials and minerals. The gnoll camp already possessed all the basic materials for constructing an underground city. After he got the blueprint, Xu Nan would procure things like reinforced concrete and send the materials over.

At that time, the underground city he constructed would not be the gruff and crude version like in the Alter World. It would be a luxurious and enhanced version of it!

"It's definitely not enough just to depend on the imps. I have to think of a way to get more laborers. For now, I can use the little mechanical demon. But I need to think of a solution for the long-term."

In a few short minutes, many plans already appeared in Xu Nan's mind. The moment he thought of having an underground city soon, he would feel excited.

Although he was excited, he didn't forget to talk to Soupy about lives and dreams.

"Where's the equipment from the gnoll camp?"

Soupy had a vacant look on her face. "What are you talking about? I don't understand?"

"Open up your private space, don't force me to use the magical pet command," Xu Nan gently spoke. "You are a giant panda, why do you want so much equipment and spoils of war?"

Soupy angrily started to fish out stuff from her private space.

Xu Nan's eyes brightened. There was a set of deep-rhino plate armor, two sets of smeltfire salamander leather armor, a two-handed sword, two giant axes...

Soupy pulled out more and more items. Not long later, over ten pieces of equipment of different quality were piled up in front of Xu Nan.


Xu Nan asked.

The giant panda coldly snorted. "Nothing more!"

Xu Nan smiled. "Xin`er's autograph is gone too."

Tears flowed out of Soupy's eyes as she pulled out the last few pieces of equipment.

They included a thick gold chain, a small gold watch, and an amethyst ring.

Xu Nan didn't have time to cast the identification spell on them. At this moment, his phone suddenly rang.

"What? I'm so deep underground, but there's still a signal?"

(This world has truly changed.) Xu Nan sighed while he picked up the call.

"Hello, is this Mister Xu Nan?"

We are from the Excellence Law Firm. We have to go through some procedures with you regarding Miss Song Ying's will."
