Treating People Warmly and with Passion

After talking for a short while, the people from Excellence Law Firm took swift, decisive actions and arranged to meet Xu Nan tomorrow to finish the procedures.

In truth, if it wasn't for this phone call, he had almost forgotten the matter about Song Ying.

He had used the teleportation gate and sent the three of them to the Alter World. Other than from Song Ying, he actually didn't receive any substantial benefits.

Chang Fengqi's peaked cap was one thing, but Chang Fengtuo, this sanctimonious fellow, actually gave him his QQ number. Xu Nan basically had no interest in it at all.

What contact methods for wealthy misses? Was it meaningful to the kind and righteous him?

He might as well have given some money so it would be more practical, right?

Luckily, there was still the tactful Song Yin.

Speaking of which, he had always been curious about the identity of the masked lady. It seemed like he would most probably get the answer tomorrow.

After putting the phone down, Xu Nan started to command the imps to rapidly build a wooden hut suitable for human inhabitation in the surroundings of the gnoll camp.

This wooden hut was much larger than the wooden hut used for his teleportation. In the future, this would be the core of the underground city. It would also be the legendary Great Hall of the City Lord.

He commanded the imps to use the materials in the gnoll camp to go ahead with some simple base construction. After that, he wasn't idle. He opened up his workstation and began to craft the little mechanical demon.

The alchemy ingredients needed to craft the little mechanical demon wasn't a lot. The main things were large amounts of metal and a smidgen of gold. Just so coincidentally, the materials in the gnoll base were sufficient. Hence, Xu Nan decided to craft it on the spot.

After spending 5 shameless points to learn the content of the blueprint. The methods to craft the two types of little mechanical demons flowed into Xu Nan's mind.

All the procedures were melded into his bloodline, and he became incomparably familiar with them.

After a night, he crafted two of the second type little mechanical demons.

These mechanical demons weren't smarter than the imps, but they were very durable and didn't need to eat. Their powers came from the blue crystals in their chests. Blue crystals from the Alter World contained intense radiation; thus, Xu Nan deduced that this should be another type of energy source.

Speaking of which, these two blue crystals were something Lord Exxon had given him.

After finishing these, it was already close to dawn.

Xu Nan prepared to go back home. Meanwhile, the city's law enforcement captain was still exploring the upper reaches of the river and hadn't come back. Xu Nan wasn't worried. He had already asked one of the imp leaders and knew that no monsters were appearing in the surroundings. Moreover, although Qin Lele seemed to be extremely casual when it came to doing things, she was actually very meticulous. Most probably, nothing would happen to her.

He thought about it and decided to temporarily arrange Soupy to be stationed in the underground city.

Soupy was immediately unhappy after hearing it. "You are exploiting your magical pet. I'm a national treasure, I need the sun! Have you seen a national treasure staying underground?"

Xu Nan stared at the opinion index of Soupy which dropped continuously and knew that his action of taking away all the equipment caused her to be extremely unhappy. He could only say this for the big picture:

"Xin`er's signed photo."

Soupy's eyes brightened. "Really?"

Xu Nan laughed. "How would I be someone who goes back on my word?!"

Soupy shouted happily at the imp leaders to work overtime and get started immediately.

Xu Nan quietly shared half of the authority of the little mechanical demons to Soupy. After that, he started his journey of returning home.

When he went back home, it was very close to dawn. Xu Nan hurriedly made breakfast and sent it up to Xin`er. After that, he went to catch up on sleep.

It was only until noon that he was woken up by the call from the law firm. He casually showered and went out after that.

When he arrived at the place, he hadn't even warmed his buttocks up by sitting for too long, and the people of the law firm already pulled him along and made him sign a pile of documents.

Once again, he witnessed the super-high efficiency of Song Ying's lawyer team.

According to what they said, Song Ying's car accident occurred two days ago. Yesterday, after confirming her death, all her immovable properties, shares, and creditor's rights were given to Xu Nan according to her will.

As for the money in her bank account, she chose to donate them to the impoverished regions. This was clearly not a small sum.

Xu Nan was already content.

In the afternoon, after he left the law firm, he suddenly transformed into a little wealthy tycoon of H City, the owner of 36 stores. There were still many shares of two profitable companies that had yet to be listed.

However, this sudden windfall didn't cause him to feel joy. He only felt empty and melancholic.

"Maybe, my ambition in this life doesn't lie here."

Xu Nan faintly pretended to be cool.

Sadly, when he was acting cool, no one was at the side to admire him. He only felt more lonely in his heart.

After rushing back from the city center, there was an 'introduction to Maoism' class tonight. Xu Nan originally wanted to skip it, but after gaining so much wealth today, he who wasn't able to calm down decided to change his mind and go for the class.

After all, he was 'cleansed' by the materialistic capitalist worldview for an entire afternoon. He had to elevate his understanding of socialism to balance things out a little.

During the evening, when he rushed to the school, he could see many couples with ruddy expressions entering and leaving in pairs. On the other side, the single dogs that looked malnourished from love and sickly in appearance could also be seen. The camps of both sides were such a contrast.

The indignant Xu Nan immediately decided to continue and try to break more couples up. In any case, there was no upper limit to the number of activity points he could accumulate per month.

However, at this moment, a large number of people gathered at the bottom of a certain school building.

Some of them were taking photos and sharing it to their Moments, some were on their phones, and some were running about and shouting, "Someone is going to jump off a building!"

Xu Nan was shocked. He rushed over and discovered that there was indeed a little handsome guy with exquisite features squatting at the edge of the school building in an incomparably lonely manner. He exuded a feeling like he had nothing to live for as he stared at the setting sun.

To be honest, this little guy was quite handsome. He was at most, just a little inferior to Xu Nan.

"What's going on? Isn't that Song Xiaocheng from the computer science faculty?"

"I don't know why this famed playboy suddenly made such an action. I suddenly feel an itch to gossip. Was it because he broke up with his girlfriend?"

"What the hell do you know? Maybe, he only likes to admire the beauty of the setting sun from this angle?"

Everyone was discussing fervently.

Some people were calling the police, and someone also called the security of the school over.

Xu Nan stayed as a spectator for a while and soon felt bored of it. That little brother looked like he was about to jump, but he was not jumping at all. He was simply whetting everyone's appetite.

The students from the sports faculty lifted an air cushion over and placed it on the ground. A burly male student with tanned skin roared loudly with deep emotions.

"Song Xiaocheng! Don't easily give up your young and hot-blooded life! Even if Qi Zijun doesn't want you, you still have me!"

He roared ferociously. Not only those around him were shivering from his words, but even the little brother on the roof was.

Xu Nan only felt his scalp turning numb.

This voice, the power of it was really great. It was best for him not to meddle in this complicated male-and-female relationship...ah it was incorrect. This should be a male-male relationship instead.

Just when he was about to leave, the damnable daily mission refreshed~


[Ron Warlock Bloodline Awakening Daily Mission]

Mission name: Treating people warmly and with passion

Mission description: There would always be young people who don't know the preciousness of life. We, as righteous people, should correct their world ideology, worldview, and world outlook. Life is something to be treasured. Stop Song Xiaocheng from jumping down the building and completely vanquish the notion of suicide in his mind.]

Mission reward: 10 shameless points and the awakening of a bloodline ability


Xu Nan was greatly shocked!

Did the system change its personality? Why did it suddenly want him to be kind? Also, the rewards were so good that Xu Nan couldn't understand it.

This mission wasn't shameless at all! Xu Nan began to feel some suspicions in his heart.

He contemplated. There must be something strange going on, but since the rewards were so good, even if there was something strange, so be it.

He happily accepted the mission and quietly activated stealth as he moved away from the crowd. He took the chance where everyone was focused on Song Xiaocheng to sneak up the building.

There were already a few security guards and a teacher trying to persuade him. However, no matter what they said, Song Xiaocheng didn't turn his head. They also didn't dare to take any action that might provoke him.

Xu Nan's stealth level was very low. He was soon discovered by a muscular security guard. He stopped Xu Nan.

"Hey student, don't go over!"

Xu Nan spoke in a righteous manner, "This matter has a connection to me. Let me pass."

The middle-aged bald teacher at the side opened up his thermos flask and drank a gulp of wolfberry drink. He then waved his hand. "Let him head over, the matters of the young ones have to be settled by them. In any case, this building isn't high. Haven't the people from the sports faculty already placed an air cushion below?"

Old Hai!

Xu Nan started slightly, not expecting to meet Old Hai here. The security guard hesitated and Xu Nan pushed his way through them.

Xu Nan continued to advance, his footsteps as silent as a cat. Song Xiaocheng's attention was drawn by those below, and he didn't notice someone moving closer to him from the back.

"Go ahead and jump, I'll catch you!"

Below, the strong male student from the sports faculty opened his arms wide and roared. All the spectators were emotionally moved.

Song Xiaocheng's entire body trembled. He sat there stoically at the edge of the roof and stared at the setting sun in a daze.

"Brother, were you dumped by your girlfriend?"

Xu Nan appeared silently beside him. He was prepared to cast the magic [Animate Rope] anytime.

At the same time, he silently activated the two specialties he had concealed, [Radiant-look] and [Universal Attraction].

Song Xiaocheng glanced at him. Maybe, it was because he was affected by Xu Nan's high charm stat, he actually didn't do any impulsive action. He only spoke weakly.

"That's right, but that's only a small matter. In any case, both were willing parties and were just playing around."

Xu Nan was astonished. "What's going on then?"

His heart of gossip itched too. He first suppressed the impulse to bind Song Xiaocheng with a rope and was preparing to understand the situation.

After all, the mission said he had to completely squash all thoughts of suicide in Song Xiaocheng's mind.

Song Xiaocheng sighed. "My mother died."

Xu Nan choked upon hearing that.

Damn, it was not easy to console someone regarding this matter.

"Not only has my mother died, but she even left the family property to a little gigolo of unknown origins!"

The more he spoke, the more Song Xiaocheng felt indignant. "I'm not talking about money. In truth, I'm very sad that she got into a car accident...but what I cannot accept is that she has been supporting a gigolo secretly for so many years. I might still be able to accept the fact that she had a gigolo as my father died a long time ago. But what's going on with her will?"

"Am I still her real son or not?"

The more he spoke, the more wronged he felt. He suddenly hugged Xu Nan and began to cry.

The people below were stunned. The male student from the sports faculty was flushed red with either anger or excitement. He didn't know what was happening up there.

"Why did the two of them suddenly hug halfway during the chat?"

Someone mumbled.

"Ai, isn't that Xu Nan? The most handsome guy in the accounting faculty!"

"It is him indeed. I didn't expect him to have the hots for both males and females!"

"I can't take it anymore, my neck is sore from staring above. I can no longer catch up with the thinking of the youngsters…"

A semi-bald senior student who was holding his thesis was shaking his head and sighing.


At the roof, Xu Nan's expression was slightly awkward.

"May I ask what your mother's name is?"

Song Xiaocheng wiped away his tears; he had a strange look on his face. "Why are you asking this? My mother is Song Ying."

"That gigolo is named Xu Nan."

"If I see him, I'm going to tear him into a million pieces!"
