My Relationship with Your Mother Is Pure and Innocent!

Xu Nan was trembling.

This world was so small!

Who would have thought that Song Ying's child was already this old!

Moreover, he was actually in the same university as him!

Xu Nan finally understood the evil intention of the system. If the other party knew of his identity...the consequences would be dire!

For such matters, Xu Nan felt that no matter how he explained, he wouldn't be able to convince this kid. He couldn't say that he had sent his mom to the Alter World, right?

This was too ridiculous.

He still had to accomplish the mission secretly no matter what.

After he calmed down, he drew in a deep breath. "Student, I feel sympathy for what you have encountered. But this isn't the reason why you should regard your life so lightly!" For humans to live in the world, they have to think carefully about what they are living for. A death could be as light as a feather or as heavy as a mountain!"

He got increasingly agitated as he spoke. Under the effect of [Radiant-look] and [Universal Attraction], his entire person seemed to be glowing. Song Xiaocheng was a little dazed as he looked at Xu Nan.

"Do you know how insignificant your death would be if you jumped down like this?"

Xu Nan lectured, speaking meaningful and heartfelt words.

Song Xiaocheng spoke in a daze, "I never thought of jumping…"

"Reply to me!" Xu Nan turned solemn. "If you suicide like this, are you a mountain or a feather?"

Song Xiaocheng weakly replied, "...feather."

"You are not even a feather!" Xu Nan was seemingly resentful toward this guy for failing to meet his expectations and was impatient to see improvement. "At the very least, a single feather wouldn't influence a public installation. If you jumped down like this, do you know how much trouble you would bring to the staff of the university? Do you know how many rice bowls would your actions inadvertently smash?"

Song Xiaocheng had a guilty look on his face.

"You only thought about yourself! Sometimes, you should elevate your thinking and be more aware!"

Xu Nan hollered in a stern voice, "By living on, one has to learn from history. How many of those who died in history have died deaths heavier than a mountain? I will count for you. Qu Yuan, Deng Shichang, etc… Which of these people died insignificant deaths as light as feathers? Zhao Gao, Wei Zhongxian, Qin Kuai, He Shen, Wang Jingwei! All of them were corrupted and were traitors!"

"If you die like this, what's the difference between you and people like them?!"

Song Xiaocheng's expression turned pale. Why would there be no differences between him and those figures whose names stank in history for tens of thousands of years?

He subconsciously wanted to rebut.

Xu Nan silently chanted [Lower Intellect Touch] before gently grabbing his hands.

Song Xiaocheng's body shuddered.

His gaze was filled with shame.

"I was wrong," he spoke.


Old Hai's thermos flask even fell onto the ground. The security guards and teachers watching from the side were all stunned. There were even people who felt extremely moved by Xu Nang's impassioned words.

"Why are you not coming down now?"

Xu Nan struck when the iron was hot. "No matter what happened, you have to smile and face life!"

"Come and recite together Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin's [If life deceives you] with me!"*

On the roof of the building, a voice reciting aloud with expression rang out.

"If life deceives you,

Do not mourn, do not be angry,

On the day of dismay, resign yourself:

Believe a day of merriment will come.

The heart lives in the future;

The present is dismal;

All things are momentary, all things will pass;

What will pass will be nice."


It was just the recitation of a poem, but everyone had tears in their eyes as they applauded. Song Xiaocheng cried and held Xu Nan's hands. "I will not attempt suicide again!"

All the spectators were at a loss. They only saw Song Xiaocheng being led away by Xu Nan.

Everyone was clicking their tongues in wonder.

However, that tanned-skin burly guy had red eyes as he roared in anger, "XU NAN!!!"


His voice was extremely loud; his words could even be heard on the roof.

Song Xiaocheng suddenly quivered as he shook free of Xu Nan's hands. "What did he call you?"

Xu Nan's heart trembled. He forcefully squeezed out a smile. "The wind on the roof is too powerful. You might have heard wrongly. In addition, my name isn't important, right?"

He lifted his right hand, which was still under the effect of the [Lower Intellect Touch]. He stretched it out toward Song Xiaocheng again.

No matter what, he had to 'pass' this 'trial' first before he said anything else!

However, who knew that this time around, Song Xiaocheng agilely leaped away, not allowing Xu Nan to touch him.

"Don't touch me with your hands, I feel very weird like my intelligence has lowered…"

Song Xiaocheng's gaze remained clear. "Tell me, what name did he shout when he called you earlier?"

Xu Nan was racking his brains to think of a solution.

Old Hai who was bending down to pick up his thermos flask opened the lid. He spoke with gratification in his heart.

"He called out Xu Nan. Look at you kid, you are so young but already hard of hearing. In the future when you grow older, wouldn't it be so much weaker? You should be like me and drink more wolfberry drinks, start to take care of your health earlier."

Xu Nan's expression was like dead ashes.

Song Xiaocheng abruptly widened his eyes. "He said your name is Xu Nan! So, you are Xu Nan?! Don't tell me you shared the same name. Although there are cases of people sharing names, I won't believe it! Don't come over, don't touch me! Are you Xu Nan or not? Are you that person who inherited my mother's inheritance?"

Xu Nan awkwardly spoke.

"Don't misunderstand. I'm Xu Nan, but my relationship with your mother is pure and innocent…"

Before he finished speaking, Song Xiaocheng already knelt down at the side.



Old Hai, who was drinking his wolfberry drink, spat out the drink all over as he coughed madly.

The surrounding spectators were also dumbstruck. They silently mused that this child must have been scarred emotionally. If not why would he suddenly call a fellow student 'dad'?

Xu Nan was stupefied.

There, there was still such a development?

His mind was completely blank.

Song Xiaocheng slowly climbed up. "Since you have inherited my mother's fortune, and although you guys hid your relationship very well, it's a fact that you are my step-father! From now onward, you will be my dad! You have to care about me!"

Xu Nan suddenly regained his senses. He stared at the anxious eyes of Song Xiaocheng as he spoke warily, "What do you want to do?"

Song Xiaocheng replied, "I spent all my money, and my card's limit has been reached. So, do you understand now? Toss me $1 million or $800,000 for me to spend first, alright? In the future, the two of us have to live harmoniously. If that's the case, my mother's soul would definitely smile although she is in the nine springs (underworld in Chinese legends)."

Xu Nan almost coughed out a mouthful of blood!

There was such a shameless and cheap person? The moral principle of this person must have sunk so low that it sank into the eighteen levels of hell, right?

If it wasn't the fact that Ron Warlocks could sense one another due to their resonance, Xu Nan might even suspect that this guy had the same job as him!

This was damningly more shameless than Soupy by over a hundred times!

Staring at the clear eyes of Song Xiaocheng, Xu Nan understood. This fellow was truly scheming. Song Ying left without saying anything, but it was impossible for her to not have told her son anything.

"Do you know that your mom didn't die?" Xu Nan asked in a low voice.

Song Xiaocheng innocently spoke, "I don't know, I don't know anything. I only know that from today onward, you are my dad and I'm your son! You have to care for me!"

Xu Nan gave a hollow laugh. "I don't have $800,000 or $1 million. If you want to look for your dad, head to the mental hospital. There are many people there willing to accept you as a son."

After speaking, he simply turned and ran. Since all of these were a pretense by Song Xiaocheng, his mission should be considered accomplished, right?

He recalled that the people of the law firm seemed to have mentioned that Song Ying had a son. Song Ying truly didn't leave anything behind for her son. Xu Nan also had no idea what her intentions were.

"At least, help me to settle the bill at the hotel, alright? I got a room last night, but I don't have money to pay. My girlfriend has already run away."

Song Xiaocheng begged bitterly. "I really ran out of money. If not, I wouldn't have put on this act to look for you. In the future, I'll stay in school and eat in the canteen. I'll live frugally and study hard. I'll raise my awareness and make you proud of me!"

Xu Nan felt an incomparably huge headache.

Why did he have to meet someone more shameless than him after he gained the Ron Warlock bloodline?

Soupy and Song Xiaocheng, one was more shameless than the last.

He couldn't endure Song Xiaocheng's bitter pleading. In the end, he used Alipay and transferred $500 as pocket money to him. He would simply treat it as using money to complete the mission.

[You obtained 10 shameless points!]

[You obtained the bloodline ability - faking information (you can fake your own info. When other spellcasters cast their identification spells on you, it would show your fake personal info, including a fake job and a fake name, etc)]

As expected, Song Xiaocheng stopped making trouble after getting the money. He groveled and added Xu Nan's contact before leaving the scene.

If Xu Nan didn't use the identification spell to confirm that this fellow was Song Ying's son, he would even suspect whether this person was a swindler.

"Farewell, farewell!"

Before this event startled the upper echelons of the school and the police, Xu Nan cast [Expeditious Retreat] and set off.

Old Hai glanced at their two departing backs. He closed the lid of his thermos flask and shook his head.


After that farce, Xu Nan also no longer dared to attend the Introduction to Maoism lesson.

That guy from the sports faculty looked very familiar. He was the basketball team's captain, and people called him Little Zhang Fei. His constitution was like a wall of concrete. Now that he was targeted by this person, things might be dangerous.

However, when he was on the journey back home, he actually forgot to deactivate [Universal Attraction] and [Radiant-look].

When Xu Nan realized this, he discovered that a group of over ten males and females of all ages were following behind him. There were even two poodles rushing over while barking at him!

Xu Nan turned pale. As he deactivated his specialties, he was trying to think of a way to sneak off.

At this moment, a robust arm suddenly stretched out from an alley and pulled Xu Nan forcefully into it.

Xu Nan's mouth was covered!

He wanted to struggle, but a hoarse and magnetic voice rang out.


"Brother, I came back to remove the stitches for you."



The english translation of the poem was taken from, by Lyle Neff