Hey Junior Brother, Let’s Add Each Other on WeChat!

Jiang Yuanci was instantly popular.

As the first spellcaster to cast magic openly in the theater, she directly became the hottest topic in Commerce University.

The expectations of the senior sisters in the school had been achieved. After all, a single hand of Jiang Yuanci had suppressed the demonic air from all the job-holders in the outer court.

However, all of them felt quite embarrassed.

The majority of people might not be the ones creating the rumors, but they had all spread it around before. If not, how would there be so many different stories about why she stopped school and deferred her studies for a year?

Her banner-style magic not only announced the new era's arrival, but it also slapped the faces of those who were creating rumors about her.

Xu Nan's arrogant dorm mates and dorm leader lowered their heads and didn't say anything.

Usually, after slapping the faces of those who spoke ill of them, the slapper would leave. However, this senior school sister Jiang had quite a personality. As the first job-holder in the accounting faculty, she simply sat on the little stairway leading up to the theater's entrance and refused to leave!

She simply stared at the army of people queueing up. Many females felt a bone-chilling cold when they looked at her. Some of the girls were so frightened by her fearsome gaze that they immediately broke down into tears, causing slight chaos on the scene.

A slightly plump female student stormed over in anger. She criticized Jiang Yuanci, "Why do you keep looking at Xiaowei? She didn't say anything bad about you behind your back!"

Jiang Yuanci's hands hugged herself as she sat on the stairs. Her eyes were incomparably cold and detached as she stared at these mortals.

Her reaction was clearly a little slow. Only after a while did her gaze land on the body of the plump girl before her.

"You are talking to me?" This was the first time Xu Nan heard Jiang Yuanci speak. Her voice had a sticky quality to it and was quite pleasant to listen to. This type of voice would never utter tyrannical words like 'I, this old woman, etc'.

The plump girl frowned. "It's naturally you. She's so scared that she is crying. Do you think you can do whatever you want just because you know some magic? This place is the school…"

Jiang Yuanci waved her hands. "I didn't look at her."

The plump girl was a little enraged.

Jiang Yuanci rubbed her eyes. "My contacts fell out, and my nearsightedness is at negative 800 degrees."

Everyone: "..."

The plump girl could only storm off resentfully.

Xu Nan discovered to his shock that that senior school sister didn't seem to be an icy beauty. Her reactions were just a bit slower.

"It's our turn! Xu Nan, quickly go! You can flirt with the girls later!"

The dorm leader called Xu Nan to enter.


There were many rooms in the small theater, and some police were outside to help maintain the order. However, the people inside were basically staff of the Thousand Awn Agency.

Some of these people were not job-holders, but they were here to help out with the registration.

In the tens of rooms here, some cries of surprises could be heard. However, sighs were the most common.

Naturally, there were also cases like this…

"Release me! Release me! Check me again, this daddy scored 740 points in the college entrance exam. My intelligence and physical fitness are both outstanding. How is it possible that I can't even qualify to be a mage?"

"Hahaha! I'm a warrior specializing in long-range combat. Throughout all these years, I have not practiced my javelin throw in vain. Mortals, eat my spear!"

All the troublemakers were beaten and escorted away in stretchers.

Everyone stared at the young man who was responsible for knocking people out. He was wearing a peaked cap and was running around in the theater. All of them felt a chill in their hearts.

The young man chortled. The short rod in his hand was almost bent out of shape as he stared at everyone with malicious intent.

He only lacked saying the sentence, "Hey brother, want to have a taste of my rod?"

Xu Nan guessed that he might be a thief or a branch of the ranger class. The rod technique was unyielding, and he could easily control its force. It could cause people to faint but wouldn't really hurt them.

Compared to the salted-fish thief, Qin Lele, who only knew how to steal underwear, he was obviously much stronger!

The guys were assigned to a small room. With the intimidation from Brother 'Rod', those who wanted to create trouble became much fewer.

The students of the accounting faculty lived up to the public's expectations. Among the males, other than Xu Nan, there was another job-holder.

That person was then described as the sole scion of the accounting faculty. His job was a berserker.

In the small room.

Everyone was staring blankly at the tall figure with a good fashion sense. Five minutes ago, he had still been drawing his eyebrows and looking into a make-up mirror. Now, the stares from all the students caused the tall figure's face to tremble. His voice shook as he roared, "What are you all looking at?" Even his roar sounded like a light gasp.

"Is Ah`Wei really a berserker?" The dorm leader grumbled in a low voice. "Is our batch the worst of them all? The only scion here is a sissy?"

When Ah`Wei heard that, his gaze was filled with anger, but there were ten thousand flirtatious expressions on his face.

Everyone felt like they couldn't digest this and had to clutch the window as they puked. A person then asked puzzledly, "Oh yes, Xu Nan hasn't come out yet, right?"

Xu Nan stayed for a very long time in the testing room.

Usually, if one was a job-holder, they would directly be registered and would be able to get a yellow certificate that belonged solely to themselves. News of this item had been circulated through the net, and it was known as the 'little yellow book'.

As for those with potential, they could only get a black-covered certificate of qualification. Everyone termed this as 'little black book'.

Xu Nan was different. He already joined the Thousand Awn Agency in advance. According to the instruction from the Thousand Awn Agency, their batch of people should conceal their identities from the public.

In truth, the majority of the official members had done the necessary pretense. Xu Nan pondered and felt that this was a type of protection from the government toward them, the official members of the Thousand Awn Agency.

After all, the new era had arrived. It wouldn't be too over-the-top to be more careful no matter how cautious one was.

Xu Nan stayed in the room for a while, mainly with the person in charge of the test.

"Can this toy really test and identify a person's job?" Xu Nan curiously glanced at the glowing leaves.

"These are the leaves of a world tree in the Puluo World. It can directly identify everyone's job. Don't look at me. In any case, you have to be tested sooner or later when you join the training camp. Don't waste the organization's resources."

Wu Sanpao lazily spoke, "Have you finished your preparations for the training camp tonight? Are you confident enough to smack the faces of those job-holders who look down on us?"

Xu Nan honestly replied, "No confidence, sir." How nonsensical. He already prepared to relax and slack through the whole thing. At most, he would only participate and keep a low-profile. It naturally wouldn't be good to smack the faces of others.

Wu Sanpao hated iron for not becoming steel and began to try and change Xu Nan's thinking, wanting to fill him with more confidence.

The two of them chatted for a while before Wu Sanpao spoke of the main topic, "The little lady at the door, is she from your faculty?"

The one he was referring to was naturally Jiang Yuanci.

"Yes," Xu Nan replied.

"Get her to disperse the fireworks, it's too excessive. I heard that the three floors in the inner and outer areas are all flooded by people. It's very disadvantageous for our work."

"I can't do it, I don't know her at all." Xu Nan felt a little guilty. After all, he had just heard his dorm mates gossiping about senior Jiang earlier.

"You are a warlock, what's the use of your job skills? Go and convince her," Wu Sanpao spoke concisely and comprehensively.

Xu Nan still hesitated. "My eloquence is average, I might not be able to convince her."

"Then, go and change her mind by sleeping with her."

Wu Sanpao didn't want to pass judgment until the end results appeared.

The secret mission of changing Jiang Yuanci's mind landed on Xu Nan's shoulders.


Xu Nan left the testing room, and after gathering with everyone, he temporarily hid the news that he was a job-holder.

Everyone sighed in pity and moved on.

In the span of a short one day, the arrival of the new era not only stirred the hearts of people, but it also carved an invisible gorge between job-holders and ordinary people.

Job-holders were lofty, and they were already worshiped by people online to be the rulers of tomorrow.

Those with potential weren't willing to lag behind. They formed their own circle and were discussing how they should bring out their true potential.

Those who felt the worst were the mortals. The liveliness of the new era was imminent, but all the joy belonged to others. The new era had nothing to do with them.

Life, aging, sickness, death, firewood, rice, oil, and salt. It was as though these eight words described their final destination. Life was full of twists and turns, but it led them back to their original starting point.

The fervent discussions online and the wild joy of job-holders seemed to be a matter from another world.

A barrier appeared between many friends.

A fickle and impatient atmosphere enveloped the entire school. It was like as long as one became a job-holder, they would have everything.

It wasn't easy for Xu Nan to find an excuse to shake off the lunch invitation from his dorm mates. He took a detour and ran to the front of the theater.

The people of the accounting faculty had already left. However, Jiang Yuanci was still hugging herself with her hands and sat there in desolation.

The fireworks produced by her magic were still flashing incessantly. Those who passed by were all discussing it.

Jiang Yuanci had a cold look on her face. It was as solemn as a statue of ice.

Xu Nan gritted his teeth and went over to greet her. "Hi senior sister, I'm a freshman and my name is Xu Nan…"


Jiang Yuanci caught hold of Xu Nan's wrist. Xu Nan was startled. "Senior sister Jiang?"

"Don't speak. Act more natural and bring me away." Jiang Yuanci's words were spoken very quickly and her voice was low. Even so, Xu Nan could hear her words clearly.

At the next second, a clear tactile sensation could be felt by Xu Nan. Jiang Yuanci held his right hand.

Under the gazes of everyone in the surroundings, Xu Nan gritted his teeth and led Jiang Yuanci out of the little theater. When they arrived at an uncrowded place, Xu Nan asked in trepidation.

"Senior sister, is there something you need?"

Jiang Yuanci cast a side glance at him. "Why do you ask this?"

Xu Nan pondered. "Earlier, you refused to leave and sat at the theater entrance. Was it because you wanted to teach those rumor-mongers a lesson? But although you can vent your anger by doing so, it would harm your relationship with others, right? In any case, why are you choosing to leave now?"

Jiang Yuanci was bewildered as she spoke, "Your imaginations are really fanciful.

"I've already said that my nearsightedness is at negative 800 degrees. I can barely see your face after squinting my eyes. Since my vision is so blurry, and I cannot see the road and surroundings, how can I leave?

"I just wanted to find someone to help me leave. You are the first person who came over to me."

Xu Nan fell silent.

"Let me bring you to a shop where you can get prescription glasses then." Xu Nan was still acting very kindly.

"No need." She took out a pair of glasses from her pocket. "I have a pair."

Xu Nan was astonished. "In that case, why didn't you wear them earlier?"

Jiang Yuanci replied, "I don't wear glasses when there are many people around. It's ugly."

Xu Nan once again fell into silence.

"Thanks for helping me out of that troublesome situation. If not, I probably have to wait for everyone to go before I can wear my glasses and leave the theater myself."

After Jiang Yuanci wore her glasses, her eyes turned spirited. It was like her entire person became more lively.

"Oh yes, earlier, what did you say your name was...Yu Nan (fish underbelly)?"

Xu Nan completely fell silent.

"My surname is Xu!" he emphasized.

"Oh, Xu...Yu..Nan...this name is quite awkward-sounding though," Jiang Yuanci thoughtfully spoke.

"Let's add each other on WeChat, junior brother Yu Nan!"
