Song Xiaocheng’s Diary

After tactfully declining senior sister Jiang Yuanci's request to add him, Xu Nan finally managed to leave unscathed.

The time for the Thousand Awn Agency's training camp was about to arrive. Xu Nan casually ate some food in the school and then ran to the targeted location.

According to the information in the text, the location of the training camp had suddenly changed. It was originally at the Commerce University's science building, but it had moved to the test building of the Foreign Language Middle School nearby.

The reason for the change wasn't clear, but Xu Nan felt that it had something to do with Jiang Yuanci's actions today.

The training this time was originally planned to be conducted in a low-profile manner. However, the magic trick performed by Jiang Yuanci had been posted onto the web as a video, inducing a bit of anger from the Commerce University. Despite the fast actions taken by the school and restricting outsiders from entering, it was already too late.

In such circumstances, it was only normal to change the location of the training camp.

Jiang Yuanci was also a unique existence. For ordinary people, they wouldn't have dared to cast a magic spell so openly.

All registered job-holders had to sign a confidentiality agreement and a statement with regard to their usage of powers. The former one was to protect the job-holders. For the latter, it was to restrict them from using their superpowers.

Naturally, this was only the beginning. Many laws and rules were still being made. In the future, any behavior like this would definitely cause points to be deducted or fines to be imposed. It was roughly the same as the rules of a driving license.


In the test building of the Foreign Languages Middle School.

Through the corridors, exaggerated posters were put up. In the level above, there was an empty institution, and the content being taught was the Swahili language according to the posters.

According to what Qin Lele said, their school's test building had always been lent out to education companies for the sake of providing training courses to the ordinary people. Usually, the members of the school would remain at a respectful distance and wouldn't bother with this place.

This was all thanks to the elaborated facade that was carefully prepared by the Thousand Awn Society.

When he was heading up, Xu Nan listlessly matched the secret signal with the guy giving out the flyers. After ascertaining Xu Nan's identity, the guy whispered, "305".

Xu Nan nodded and headed up.

Many classrooms in the test building had been emptied out. This batch of people participating in the training camp wasn't low, and it was roughly about 200 people.

The ratio of spellcasters had always been very low, including those of the bard profession. There were only a total of 30+ of them.

Xu Nan waited in the #305 classroom for ten minutes plus; everyone had almost arrived by now.

Xu Nan didn't really understand the situation in the classroom before this, but it was really...hard to describe in a few words. He didn't know if it was because all spellcasters had cold and arrogant natures, or if they were on their guard against everyone else. The majority of people were extremely cold and sat very far away from each other.

More than 30 people were scattered in various parts of the classroom. The quietness here was like the atmosphere of a forest during the crack of dawn.

Xu Nan suddenly felt a toothache.

What was going on? All of them were not passionate at all.

After all, Xu Nan had intended to garner a huge number of activity points through this training camp. The people here were all job-holders, and the number of points awarded would be doubled...

He decided to step out and eased the heavy atmosphere.

At this moment, a familiar voice rang out. "Miss, with just a single glance at you, I feel that you resembled my real-life elder sister who has unfortunately passed away. Boohoo...I really miss her a lot.

"You are so good-looking and we are both spellcasters of the same class. Can I take you as my elder sister?"

Xu Nan turned over with a look of joy on his face.

Wasn't this the despicable Song Xiaocheng? He was currently surveying a beautiful girl who was wearing a western suit, and he seemed very adamant about wanting to take her as his elder sister.

It was clearly the same tactic as when he had used the [Bloodline Link] on Xu Nan.

Most probably, it was the first time this girl had met someone who came rushing forward wanting to take her as an elder sister. Also, Song Xiaocheng was quite handsome, and his acting skills were lifelike. For a time, she found it hard to reject him.

Xu Nan smiled and called out, "My good son."

Song Xiaocheng subconsciously replied, "Dad...Eh..pah! The residual effects of the bloodline link!"

"Xu Nan! Why are you here?! Are you not a druid? Can druids be considered spellcasters?"

There were slight incoming activity points, but the amount wasn't high. It seemed like in the depths of Song Xiaocheng's heart, he wasn't against acknowledging Xu Nan to be his father.

Xu Nan wasn't convinced. "Why can't druids be considered spellcasters? The transformation spell is also a magic spell!"

[Activity points +500, from Song Xiaocheng]

He seemed to recall the unhappy experience he had when he had transformed into a mountain goat. Song Xiaocheng finally revealed an expression as though he had met something unexpected.

"Alright alright, go and be busy with your stuff. In any case, I'm actually not that close with you. Can you not interrupt me and this elder sister from acknowledging each other?"

Song Xiaocheng cast a seamless glance at Xu Nan, indicating that he didn't want Xu Nan to spoil his good plans.

Xu Nan glanced at the girl with interest. People who were targeted by Song Xiaocheng would definitely have their outstanding points. Sadly, everyone in this particular classroom was a spellcaster, so Xu Nan didn't dare to casually use the identification spell. Such behavior would be treated as a provocation by others.

At the very least, it could be considered that there was finally a hint of vitality in the classroom.

Just so coincidentally at this moment, a tall middle-aged man was carrying a large wicker basket as he walked in.

"Have everyone arrived?" He swept his gaze at everyone before revealing a look of satisfaction.

"Quiet." This was superfluous as the classroom was already very quiet.

"Today is the day to report for the training camp. Since everyone has chosen to join this class, I hope you guys can smoothly graduate from this camp. Firstly, let me introduce myself. I'm your chief instructor for this training camp, my name is Zhang Yue. I'm responsible for guiding you all through this period. Also, I've visited the Puluo World before. Currently, I'm a level 10 mage.

"You people are the last batch of official members to join the Thousand Awn Agency before the agency goes public. The agency has high expectations of you. In the future, they will also give you all some heavy responsibilities. I believe that everyone has made their preparations, and I won't waste time by talking any more nonsense. For today, we need to do three things."

Zhang Yue's voice was low and powerful. "Firstly, a simple test to confirm the jobs of the camp members, their basic attributes, and development direction."

"Secondly, the schedule arrangement. You all will know what you need to do in the remaining 40 days of the training camp."

"Thirdly, distribution of teaching materials."

He pointed to his basket of books and spoke, "Let's do the most simple thing first. Help me distribute these teaching materials."

"Who is willing to help me?"

The classroom was quiet. Xu Nan took the initiative to step up; a muscular guy wearing a thick gold chain also came forth to help.

Zhang Yue split the books into two piles for Xu Nan and the gold chain guy.

Xu Nan then honestly began to give out the materials.

The gold chain guy chortled. All of a sudden, he chanted in a low voice, and a few small fairies with zero combat power materialized in the air. They carried the books and flew toward each student.

Everyone revealed a shocked expression.

With the help of the fairies, the gold chain guy basically didn't need to move at all. An instant later, the distribution was done. The act of distributing the materials was extremely fast, and his efficiency far exceeded Xu Nan.

The gold chain guy complacently requested for recognition. "Instructor Zhang, the distribution is done. Hehe, I know that on the surface, you are asking for our help, but you are trying to silently find out our proficiency in magic, right? What do you think of my skill?"

Everyone silently cursed at how cunning the gold chain guy was.

At the next second, Zhang Yue launched a slap over, smacking the gold chain guy silly.

"Why are you thinking so much? If I told you to distribute the books, just distribute them honestly. What are you acting cool for?

"Have you not read the training camp's handbook? Don't you know that during theory classes, you are not allowed to use magic?

"Take back all the books now and re-distribute them again!"

The gold chain guy was completely stupefied.

Everyone then lowered their heads and flipped through the handbook. There were indeed clear instructions stating that magic was prohibited in theory classes.

On the other side, after Xu Nan honestly distributed everything, he asked Zhang Yue if there were any further instructions and went back to his seat after Zhang Yue signaled him to head back.

The gold chain guy was still giving out the books, but his face was a little red. He was no longer young, but such an embarrassing thing just happened and he didn't know how to extricate himself gracefully from this situation. From his appearance, this person seemed to be someone who bullied the weak and feared the strong. He didn't dare to bear a grudge against Zhang Yue, but his gaze when directed at Xu Nan was a little venomous.

Xu Nan found this bewildering.

(You were the one who wanted to posture, and now when things didn't turn out your way, you are actually blaming me for stealing your limelight by honestly distributing the books?)

He didn't even wish to bother with such a person. 

After everyone got the teaching materials, they flipped through it and soon revealed looks of astonishment.

They couldn't understand anything at all.

"Instructor Zhang, what language is this? Is this a language from the divine kingdom or hell?"

A girl raised her hand and asked.

"The language should be of the Bantu language system." Zhang Yue thought for a while.

Bantu language system? Everyone had blank looks on their faces.

Didn't the people in the Puluo World's main plane use the common language?

Zhang Yue waved his hand. "That is the Swahili language of Africa. We announced to the public that this place is a training institute for students who want to learn the Swahili language. In order to keep up the act, you guys have to learn a few phrases after you go back.

Everyone: "..."

This thick booklet had nothing to do with the training camp!


After the gold chain guy distributed the books, he also went back to his seat.

Zhang Yue commanded everyone to shift their seats and to break up into groups of six as they inspected each other.

Coincidentally, Xu Nan and Song Xiaocheng were assigned to the same table.

Upon seeing Xu Nan, Song Xiaocheng felt a little unhappy.

Yet, Xu Nan was smiling when he saw Song Xiaocheng.

"Next, there will be a simple test. All of you just need to be seated and wait for me to come to you." Zhang Yue spoke.

Xu Nan felt a little bored. He prodded Song Xiaocheng and tried to find a topic to chat about.

"How's your girlfriend recently?"

Song Xiaocheng answered unhappily, "What has my girlfriend got to do with you? Do you know her? Do you even know her name?"

Xu Nan glanced at the activity points record and spoke, "Qi Zijun."

Song Xiaocheng: "???"

"How did you know my girlfriend's name?"

Xu Nan revealed a meaningful smile.

[Activity points +1,000, from Song Xiaocheng]

Song Xiaocheng was instantly perturbed.

When he thought about having to be in the same group as Xu Nan for the rest of the training camp, he suddenly felt a sense of unease.


[Song Xiaocheng's diary]

[December 3rd, the weather is clear and my mood is very good. The training camp is about to start. As an Incanter, which is one of the hidden jobs, I would definitely be able to display my brilliance. Hehe, Xu Nan will be there as well. In any case, the bloodline link was terminated, so there's no need for me to continue acknowledging him as my father. I'm really happy about that. However, this person is quite annoying, he actually knows Zijun's name. Could it be that he has some bad intentions toward her?]

[December 4th. The instructor told us to learn our books by heart. Everything is good except for Xu Nan. Damn, I have to find a chance to take revenge against him. I will take action tomorrow!]

[December 5th. Mom, I became austitic.]
