Do A Mock Test Then!

Zhang Yue's actions were very nimble. Not long later, he already completed the simple testing.

Everyone had a record that belonged to themselves in their hands. This was a data file auto-generated by the leaves of the world tree. Since it followed the law of the Puluo World, the room for error was exceedingly small.

Xu Nan felt a lingering fear. Luckily, before he joined the Thousand Awn Agency, he had stopped lying about his job.

Before the leaves of the world tree, all sort of jobs would be revealed. Things would be awkward if the result was different from what one had registered when they joined. 

A very good example was right now...

Zhang Yue frowned and stood at Song Xiaocheng's side as he questioned him.

"You are an incanter? Why does the job record state that you are a druid?"

Song Xiaocheng had an awkward expression.

He pondered and asked, "Is it possible for us to have two jobs? I do know a spell from the druid class. Why don't I turn into a mountain goat for you now?"

Xu Nan suppressed his laughter. This fellow had wanted to pretend to be a druid after stealing the initial-transformation spell from him. However, he didn't expect his lies to be seen through by the world tree's leaves.

Zhang Yue stared at him with contempt. "There will be no exceptions next time. The organization permits you all to have your own secrets, but this method of concealing is too stupid. Don't use it again as it is too embarrassing."

Clearly, he was also a wily old fox and could tell what Song Xiaocheng was intending with just a glance.

In the class, a few people had changed their registered job at the last moment. This caused Zhang Yue to be busy for a while.

It seemed like Xu Nan was not the only one who was wary against the Thousand Awn Agency. Out of the 30+ spellcasters here, at least 5% of them had lied during their registrations.

Zhang Yue called an assistant to help him with the edits.

After all the registration records were amended, at the very least, everyone's jobs were now public.

The entire class had 36 people: 26 were mages, 4 were bards, and 4 were druids. The remaining two were alone in their class - an incanter and a warlock.

"After this test, I don't care what thoughts you have about the Thousand Awn Agency. But at the very least, on the surface, you guys have chosen to join us. Since that's the case, you have to do things by our rules.

"Sign the confidentiality agreement and we will go into the main topic."

Zhang Yue worked with the force of thunder and speed of the wind, he didn't give anyone the time to breathe.

A girl weakly raised her hands and asked, "Can you let us read through the confidentiality agreement carefully or let us consider things for a while longer before we decide to sign it...?"

Zhang Yue coldly laughed. "Only considering things now? What were you doing earlier? I'm sorry, my training camp isn't something any tom, dick, or harry can enter and leave as they will. If you want to leave, sure you can. But as for the consequences...hehe."

The girl no longer dared to say anything.

The classroom was very quiet. Zhang Yue's assistant helped to distribute the confidentiality agreement.

Actually, everyone was very clear that even if they didn't wish to sign the confidentiality agreement, what could they do? Could they really choose to leave the training camp now? Leaving aside the fact that this training camp was what every official member of the Thousand Awn Agency has to go through, even if you changed your mind last minute and didn't want to join the agency anymore, you still have to consider the attitude the agency would have toward this.

This wasn't a company. This was a new half-militarization department, and it could be the future representative of the government's will with regards to violence mechanisms.

Naturally, since they had decided to join. They should be prepared to pay some price.

Xu Nan rapidly glanced through the confidentiality agreement. Actually, the content was very simple. This agreement wasn't the confidentiality agreement an official member of the Thousand Awn Agency had to sign. It was just to ensure everyone would leak nothing about the content of this training camp.

Basically, it was just a guarantee. If you leaked something, the upper-echelons would have a reason to pursue it. This agreement could also be considered as an alarm to everyone.

After signing the confidentiality agreement, it was the scheduled arrangement of the lessons.

Zhang Yue explained them simply.

The duration of the training camp was 40 days. The first 26 days were theory lessons, while the last 14 days were practice lessons.

The majority of theory classes would be about spellcasting, combat, and information about the Puluo World. As for the practice lessons, the content was temporarily not suitable to be leaked.

The schedule for theory classes was very full. In the next 26 days, no matter what job you had, you had to attend classes starting from 2 p.m. and stay there until 10 p.m..

Naturally, if you could complete the lesson's content, you could leave in advance.

Everyone glanced at the schedule as their expressions changed.

There were only two types of content in theory lessons - self-revision and lecture given by experts. And comparing the two, the number of lectures was very very little. The vast majority of the time was self-revision.

Everyone was startled.

"I know you guys feel somewhat depressed. It's fine, just bask in the depression first. You guys will understand in the future."

Zhang Yue casually asked, "With regards to the content of the training camp, everyone should have understood them roughly, right?"

Everyone was thinking in their hearts, "We didn't understand a single thing from the start. How could we have known that the theory lessons meant self-revising frantically?"

But then, they still nodded their heads.

"Since today is the first day, I think I'll let you guys do self-revision."

Zhang Yue thought about it. "In any case, there's nothing to do…"

"How about doing a mock test? This can be considered as seeing your limits. We will soon know whether your theory knowledge is deep or shallow."

The assistant with the crew cut carried a thick stack of papers and entered again.

The students were all stunned when they saw all the papers.

"Is there something wrong? The test paper seems extremely thick," Song Xiaocheng muttered in a low voice.

Xu Nan casually replied, "It's fine, it just looks thick."

"Maybe after you took it, you will realize's actually thicker than how it looks."

[Activity points +100, from Song Xiaocheng]

Xu Nan felt a little depressed. Ordinary words like this weren't able to hurt Song Xiaocheng and his black heart by much.

After getting the mock test, Xu Nan was badly frightened.

Song Xiaocheng grumbled, "Is your tongue poisonous? It is actually thicker than it looks…"

There were a total of six sheets bound inside this mock test. Moreover, both the front and the back were filled with questions.

The majority of the questions were 'fill-in the blanks' and multiple-choice questions. Essay questions were considered fewer.

After Xu Nan got the paper, he immediately started to do it.

The rustling sounds of writing could be heard in the classroom.

The whole set of papers was about the content in Puluo World. It was to test their degree of understanding of the Puluo World as a whole.

Many of the questions were considered easy knowledge. If it was someone from the Puluo World answering, even a 7-8-year-old kid would get full marks.

However, this place was the Earth. The majority of people here had completely no knowledge about the Puluo World.

Many people were stumped the moment they took up their pens. They blindly guessed the answers to the multiple choices; they chose the shortest answers out of the four choices if there were three long and one short… If all were equally long, they resorted to tossing a dice; and if they still had no way to solve it, they would pick option 'c'...

However, what should they do about the 'fill-in the blanks' questions? Moreover, some of the questions truly made people speechless.

[Question: What relationship does the goddess of love and girls have with the god/goddess of love? (heavenly divine empire question)]

[Choices: 'A'-father and son, 'B'-father and daughter, 'C'-mother and son, 'D'-mother and daughter, 'E'-others]

For such questions, they could only guess blindly.

The majority of the students were incomparably miserable.

Out of this bunch of people suffering in misery, a different 'species' emerged.

This was naturally none other than Xu Nan who was doing the questions at a record-breaking speed.

"The goddess of love and girls is the daughter of the goddess of love. Before the gods were sealed, the goddess of love had relationships with a few male gods. She can't possibly be a guy, right? Their relationship is naturally that of mother and daughter, I will choose 'D'."

Xu Nan rapidly analyzed. Next question.

There were no solutions to this. This was the outstanding point of the Ron Warlock bloodline.

The majority of students were completely ignorant about the Puluo World. But as for Xu Nan, he had fused the knowledge about the Puluo World from his bloodline into his mind.

Toward these unfamiliar questions, he only needed to think about them and the energy in his bloodline would float up. The answers to the questions would naturally appear in his mind.

Xu Nan did the questions so seriously to an extent that he had somewhat forgotten where he was and forgotten about the fact that he merely wanted to showcase an average performance.

Half an hour later, he heaved a sigh of relief and answered the last question easily…

[Question: If the Alter World has the intention to invade Earth, how should we handle this?"

Xu Nan replied, "F*ck all their girls."

From his perspective, this question was simply nonsensical. The other party was already here to invade you, what else could you do?

Naturally, it was to resist them by fair means or foul. There was no need to consider this at all. Regardless of considering from a philosophical standpoint or human nature, everyone simply wanted to survive.

"You finished it?" A somewhat puzzled voice rang out beside his ears.

Xu Nan subconsciously nodded only to discover Zhang Yue standing beside him.

"You can hand the paper up since you have finished it. You can go back now. I will create a group chat later tonight, and the points will be published there."

Zhang Yue mercilessly collected Xu Nan's paper, causing Song Xiaocheng who was beside him to feel a little depressed. He originally wanted to copy some answers from Xu Nan.

Xu Nan felt a little embarrassed. He seemed to have stood out from the crowd due to this.

Under the gazes of envy from the other members, Xu Nan calmly left the #305 classroom.

[Activity points +500, from Song Xiaocheng]

[Activity points +500, from Lu Qinghong]

[Activity points +500, from Zhang Huai]

A bunch of activity points appeared, and Xu Nan smiled happily. It seemed like being the one who stood out wasn't a disadvantage this time!

When he left, it was already 7.30 p.m..

At 8 p.m., Xu Nan suddenly received a message from Zhang Yue.

[You are a warlock, so your theory knowledge comes from your bloodline, right? Your foundation isn't bad. Do you have the interest to become my assistant during this training camp? If you agree, come to the chief instructor's office in the test building at noon tomorrow. For the final evaluation, I will make discretions and add points for you.]

Xu Nan pondered for a while and chose to accept.

In any case, his identity as a warlock was already exposed. Being able to get some evaluation points by being an assistant instructor wasn't too bad.


At 2 p.m. the next afternoon.

Under the stunned gazes of the students, Xu Nan carried a thick stack of reading materials as he entered the classroom. He then stood on the rostrum.

"Instructor Zhang arranged for a self-revision session, and today will be a day of memorization. I have with me all the information you need to memorize today. Actually, it's roughly about a part of yesterday's test.

"Oh, I've forgotten to say that I'm a newly appointed instructor assistant. In the future, if Instructor Zhang is busy, I will temporarily be responsible for the studies of this class.

"I hope everyone will take care of me."

Xu Nan started to give out the thick reading materials.

The amount of information they needed to memorize was a lot. It was mainly about the geography and knowledge about the Southern Continent of the Puluo World.

Although Zhang Yue didn't come, he still wrote a few texts in the group chat to cement Xu Nan's status.

The students were unwilling to learn, but they also understood that the theoretical knowledge was very valuable. Also, they could only memorize this in the training camp and weren't allowed to bring the information out, let alone revealing it to the outside world.

To cement Xu Nan's identity as an assistant instructor, Zhang Yue had revealed the scores of the mock test in the group chat yesterday night. There was nothing anyone could object to.

It was a test with a total score of 300.

In the group, the lowest scores were about 30-40, and the majority scored about 50-60 points. Xu Nan was the academic god who scored a total of 299. It was impossible for the other students to not be convinced.

It was even said that for that point, it was deducted, so no one could obtain a perfect score.

Everyone felt that Zhang Yue was too afraid that Xu Nan might be too proud. Hence, he didn't give Xu Nan full marks.

After Xu Nan gave out the materials, he became the arm-flinging shopkeeper. Whether these people wanted to memorize the information or not had nothing to do with him. He had his own book to read!

This self-revision lasted all the way until 8+p.m.. But almost none of them was memorizing the information. Some had even started playing with their phones.

Xu Nan calmly spoke.

"Everyone must be tired after memorizing for so long. In that case, it's about time to relax."

Some of them put the set of information down and heaved a sigh of relief. A girl revealed a look of gratitude to Xu Nan, and even Song Xiaocheng jumped up onto his table.

"Let's do a mock test then!"

After speaking, Xu Nan took out a stack of test papers from the drawers of the instructor's desk.

[Activity points +1,000, from Song Xiaocheng]

[Activity points +1,000, from Xu Bin]

[Activity points +1,000, from Tang Qianqian]
